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Scripture:Psalm 44

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O God, We Have Heard of Your Works

Hymnal: Psalms of Grace #44d (2022) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 44 First Line: O God, we have heard of Your works with our ears Languages: English Tune Title: FOUNDATION

God, Who Omniscient Art

Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Blue) #81 (1976) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 44 First Line: God, who omniscient art Topics: Deliverance From Enemies; Deliverance From Trouble; Mercy, God'S; Omniscience, God'S Languages: English Tune Title: CUTTING

Solo no estoy

Author: John W. Peterson; Leslie Thompson Hymnal: Celebremos Su Gloria #362 (1992) Scripture: Psalm 44:1-8 First Line: Solo no estoy, Jesús esta a mi lado Topics: Amor Cristiano; Christian Love; Andar Cristiano; Christian Walk; Cristo Su Amor; Christ His love; Gozo; Joy Languages: Spanish Tune Title: I'M NOT ALONE

God, Who Omniscient Art

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #2082 Meter: Scripture: Psalm 44 Languages: English Tune Title: CUTTING
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Our Fathers, LORD, repeatedly

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #XLIV (1767) Scripture: Psalm 44 Lyrics: 1 Our Fathers, LORD, repeatedly Have told in our attentive Ears, The mighty Wonders, thou hast done In Times more ancient far than theirs: How thou didst plant them by thy Hand, And drove the Heathen from the Land. 2 For not their Courage, nor their Sword, To them this great Possession gave; Nor Strength that from unequal Force, Their fainting Troops could ever save; But thy right Hand, which they implor'd, Thy Presence which they still ador'd. 3 As thee their GOD our Fathers own'd, So thou art now our sov'reign King; Oh therefore, as thou didst to them, To us thy kind Deliv'rance bring; For thro' thy Name, our Foes we quell, Whene'er against us they rebel. 4 I'll neither trust my Bow, nor Sword, When I in Battles fierce engage; But thee, who hast our Foes subdu'd, And put to shame their spiteful Rage: In GOD, from whom the Conquest came, We will rejoice and bless his Name. 5 But thou hast cast us off, and now Most shamefully we're forc'd to yield; For Thou no more vouchsaf'st to lead, Our vanquish'd Armies to the Field; To ev'ry Foe we turn in Fight, And with our Spoil they feast their Spite. 6 To Slaughter doom'd, we fall like Sheep Into their butch'ring Hands; Or what's more wretched yet, survive Dispers'd throughout the Heathen Lands; Thy People thou valu'd low, That their Disgrace may greater grow. 7 Reproach'd by all the Neighbours round, The Heathen's By-word we are grown, Whose Scorn of us, is both in Speech, And in provoking Gestures shewn: My Face in conscious Shame I hide, Whilst they blaspheme in haughty Pride. 8 On us this Heap of Woes is fall'n, All this Disgrace we have endur'd, Yet have not, LORD, renounc'd thy Name, Or Faith to thee, out GOD abjur'd; But in thy Paths have kept with Care; Tho' brought to Danger and Despair. 9 Could we, forgetting thy great Name, Oh LORD, on other GODs rely, And not the Searcher of all Hearts, The treach'rous Crime at once descry? For thee we daily Wrongs sustain, And are like Sheep doom'd to be slain. 10 Awake, arise, let seeming Sleep No longer thee, our GOD, detain; Nor let us, LORD, who sue for Aid, Forever sue to thee in vain; But hasten thou to our Relief, And let thy Presence banish Grief. 11 Oh wherefore hidest thou thy Face, From our afflicted ruin'd State? Whose Souls and Bodies sink to Earth, Beneath our Grief's oppressive WeightL Up, LORD, and us in Safety take! Oh help us for thy Mercie's Sake! Topics: Description of Confidence of Believers in Dangers; Prayers Of the Church for her Deliverance in Persecution Languages: English Tune Title: [Our Fathers, Lord, repeatedly]
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To the chief Musician, for the sons of Korah, Maschil.

Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament #PXLIV (1742) Scripture: Psalm 44 First Line: We with our ears have heard, O God Lyrics: 1 We with our ears have heard, O God, Our fathers have us told, What works thou wroughtest in their days, Ev'n in the times of old 2 How thy hand drave the heathen out, And planted them thou hast; How thou the people didst afflict, And out thy didst them cast. 3 For by their sword they did not get The land's possession. Nor was it their own arm that did Work their salvation; But thy right hand, thine arm also, Thy countenances light; Because that of thine own good will Thou didst in them delight. 4 Thou art my king, O mighty God, Thou dost the same endure; For Jacob by commandement Deliverance procure. 5 Thro' thee as with an horn we will Push down our enemies: We thro' thy name will tread them down That up against me rise. 6 Because it is not in my bow That I affiance have: Nor is it any sword of mine, That shall at all me save. 7 But thou hast from our foes us sav'd, And haters put to shame: 8 In God we all the day do boast, And praise for aye thy name. 9 But now thou hast forsaken us, And shame upon us cast: Nor with our military troops Gone forth to battel hast. 10 Back from before the enemy, Thou mak'st us to recoyl: They also that our haters be. Do from themselves us spoil. 11 Thou hast us given like as sheep, To slaughter that belong: Thou hast us also scattered The heathen folk among. 12 Thou dost thy people set to sale For that which is no gain: And by their prices no increase Of riches dost obtain. 13 Unto our neighbours a reproach Thou doest us expose: A scorn we are and mocking stock To them that us enclose. 14 Among the heathen people thou A by-word dost us make, Also among the nations, At us their head they shake. 15 Before mine eyes continually Abideth my disgrace: And likewise with comfounded shame O'er-covered is my face. 16 By reason of the enemy And self-revenging wight. 17 Though all of this be come on us, We have not thee forgot: Likewise against thy covenant Dealt falsly have we not. 18 Our hearts not turned back, nor have Our steps from thy way stray'd. 19 Tho' us thou break'st in dragon's place And hid'st us in death's shade. 20 Had we forgot God's name, or to A strange God stretch'd our hands: 21 Shall not God search it out? for he Hearts secrets understands. 22 Yea, we for thee are all day kill'd, Counted as sheep to slay: 23 Awake, why sleep'st thou, Lord, arise, Cast us not off for aye. 24 Thy countenance away from us O wherefore dost thou hide? Why dost thou mindless of our grief, And sore distress abide? 25 For down to dust our soul is bow'd; To th' earth our bellies cleave 26 O thou that art our help, arise, In mercy us relieve. Languages: English
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Thy glorious deeds, thy mercies, Lord, of old

Hymnal: New Version of the Psalms of David #XLIV (1756) Scripture: Psalm 44 Lyrics: 1 Thy glorious deeds, thy mercies, Lord, of old, Our fathers oft their progeny have told; Their sons with pious gratitude they've taught, What mighty wonders thou for them haft wrought. 2 How thou didst thy beneficence display, And drov'st the nations from their seats away; Didst the profaners of thy name destroy, And badst thy people their domains enjoy. 3 For not their strength the mighty work perform'd; Vainly without thy goodness they had arm'd; They owe the conquest, the success, to thee; Thy dread right-hand bestow'd the victory. 4 Justly thy tribes thy hallow'd courts attend; Propitious hear them, and assistance send. 5 By thee alone supported, we dismay The vaunting foe, and gain a glorious day; By thee supported, on their necks we'll tread, And spurn them to the regions of the dead. 6 In our own bows no confidence we have, Nor fondly hope, that our own swords can save; 7 But to thy conqu'ring arm our cause commit, And in thy might our deadly foes defeat. 8 Therefore, while lasts this earth, thy praise we'll sing, And make our boast of thee, all-pow'rful king. 9 But now thou'st cast us off; thou leav'st us now; No more the leader of our armies thou: 10 Now from the hostile bands we fly away, Basely we fly, and prove an easy prey; 11 Expos'd, like sheep devoted to be slain, We 'mid the nations rove for peace in vain. 12 Thou'st of thy people made a public sale, Nor the low price does to thy wealth avail. 13 A scorn unto our neighbours we are grown, Our griefs they laugh at, and they mock our moan. 14 A bye-word we're become--they shake the head-- 15 For this, confusion has my face o'er-spread; With shame I glow, to hear their blasphemies, To see, with what derision they despise. 17 All this is now our despicable lot; Yet we thy sacred cov'nant ne'er forgot; 18 Nay; in our paths whatever dangers lay, Our steady Feet have ne'er declin'd thy way; 19 Tho' sunk in deepest woe, disgrac'd, forlorn, By vilest foes insulted, tho' we mourn; Tho' we a life of abject slav'ry breathe, And tremble on the dreadful verge of death. 20 Had we, O Lord, thy sov'reign pow'r denied, And on the aid of other Gods relied; 21 Sure thou hadst known it, since to thee confest Stand forth the inmost secrets of the breast: 22 And yet for thee we all these griefs sustain, And like the fatlings of the fold are slain. 25 Why slumb'reft thou, O Lord? Awake, awake, And not for ever thy poor tribes forsake; 24 Why hid thy face? Why this severe neglect? Why our affliction wilt thou still forget? 25 With grief o'erburden'd, in the dust we lie, Our weaken'd limbs their wonted aid deny, 26 Awake, awake; redeem us from our foes, And let thy mercy dissipate our woes. Languages: English
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But thou hast cast us off; and now

Hymnal: The Whole Book of Psalms #XLIV.II (1793) Scripture: Psalm 44
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On us this heap of woes is fall'n

Hymnal: The Whole Book of Psalms #XLIV.III (1793) Scripture: Psalm 44
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Forsaken of all

Author: E. F. H. Hymnal: Freedom's Lyre #24 (1840) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 44 First Line: Why, Lord! dost thou our race despise Topics: Cries of the Slave to God Languages: English


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