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High in yonder realms of light

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #748 (1828) Meter: Irregular Topics: Eternity Happiness of the righteous Lyrics: 1 High, in yonder realms of light, Dwell the raptur'd saints above, Far beyond our feeble sight, Happy in Immanuel's love! 2 Pilgrims in this vale of tears, Once they knew, like us below, Gloomy doubts, distressing fears, Tor'ting pain, and heavy wo. 3 But these days of weeping o’er, Past this scene of toil and pain, They shall feel distress no more, Never--never weep again! 4 ‘Mid the chorus of the skies, ‘Mid th’angelic choir above, Hark--their songs melodious rise, Songs of praise to Jesus' love! 5 Happy Spirits! ye are fled, Where no grief can entrance find, Lull'd to rest the aching head, Sooth'd the anguish of the mind! 6 Ev'ry tear is wip'd away, Sighs no more shall heave the breast; Night is lost in endless day-- Sorrow--in eternal rest! Scripture: John 19:2
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For ever bless'd be GOD, the LORD

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CXLIV (1767) Topics: Description of Happiness of Man Lyrics: 1 For ever bless'd be GOD, the LORD, Who does his needful Aid impart, At once both Strength and Skill afford To wield my Arms with warlike Art; He is my Fort, my Tow'r and shield, And makes fierce Nations to me yield. 2 LORD, what's in Man that thou should'st love, Of him such tender Care to take? What in his Offspring could thee move, Such great Account of him to make? Man's Thoughts are vain, his Life doth fade, And passeth like a flying Shade. 3 In solemn State, O GOD, descend, Whilst Heav'n it's lofty Head inclines; The smoking Hills in sunder rend, Of thy Approach the awful Signs, With Lightnings fierce thy foes defeat, With Arrows make their Fall compleat. 4 Do thou, O LORD, from Heav'n engage Thy boundless Pow'r my Foes to quell; And snatch me from the stormy Rage Of threat'ning Waves that proudly swell; From Foes, whose Speeches all are vain, Whose right Hand Wickedness maintain. 5 So I to thee, O King of Kings, In new-made Hymns my Voice shall raise, And Instruments of various Strings Shall help me thus to sing thy Praise, "GOD does to Kings his Succour send, "His Servant David he'll defend." 6 Fight thou against my foreign Foes, Who utter Speeches false and vain; Who, though in solemn Leagues they close, Their sworn Engagements ne'er maintain; Our Sons shall then like Fruit-Trees grow, Our Daughters like fair Pillars show. 7 Our Garners fill'd with various Store, Shall us and ours with Plenty feed; Our Sheep, encreasing more and more, Shall Thousands and Ten thousands breed; Strong shall our lab'ring Oxen grow, Whilst we no War or Slav'ry know. 8 Our Wealth shall never feel Decay, No Sorrow in our Streets be found; Our Days in Peace shall glide away, Whilst we in ev'ry Good abound; Thrice happy is that Peoples Case, Whose various Blessing thus abound: Who GOD's true Worship still embrace. Scripture: Psalm 144 Languages: English Tune Title: [For ever bless'd be God, the Lord]
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How greatly will my soul rejoice!

Hymnal: Church Hymn Book #CCXXXIV (1816) Meter: Topics: Of Heaven and Future Happiness Lyrics: 1 How greatly will my soul rejoice! How happy will I be: When I shall hear my Saviour's voice, Say come ye unto me. 2 O come ye blessed and possess, Your kingdom is prepar'd: For all your troubles and distress, You have a great reward. 3 With joy I shall to Jesus go, My Saviour, Lord and Friend, And all my sorrows here below, For evermore shall end. 4 There I shall dwell at his right hand, And freed from ev'ry pain; Remov'd from danger I shall stand, And ne'er distress'd again. 5 There I shall eat that living bread, And shall for ever live; Drink of the fount and living head, Which Christ my Lord shall give. 6 I shall be blest in Jesus' blood; That blood which freely stream'd By which I have access to God, And know myself redeem'd. 7 My soul with joy is entertain'd, In Jesus' kingdom here; But greater treasures will be gain'd, When I shall enter there. Languages: English
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On Jordan's rugged banks I stand

Hymnal: Church Hymn Book #CCXXXIX (1816) Meter: Topics: Of Heaven and Future Happiness Lyrics: 1 On Jordan's rugged banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. 2 O the transporting, rapturous scene, That rises to my sight! Sweet fields array'd in living green, And rivers of delight! 3 There gen'rous fruit that never fails, On trees immortal grow: There rocks and hills, and brooks and vales, With milk and honey flow. 4 O'er all those wide extended plains Shines one eternal day; There God, the sun, forever reigns, And scatters night away. 5 No chilling winds, or poisonous breath Can reach that healthful shore: Sickness and sorrow, pain and death Are felt and fear'd no more. Languages: English
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O what shall I do my Saviour to praise

Author: C. Wesley, 1707-1788 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #113 (1917) Topics: Happiness Lyrics: 1 O what shall I do my Saviour to praise, So faithful and true, so plenteous in grace, So strong to deliver, so good to redeem, The weakest believer that hangs upon Him! 2 How happy the man whose heart is set free, The people that can be joyful in Thee! Their joy is to walk in the light of Thy face, And still they are talking of Jesu's grace. 3 For Thou art their boast, their glory and power; And I also trust to see the glad hour, My soul's new creation, a life from the dead, The day of salvation, that lifts up my head. 4 For Jesus, my Lord, is now my defence; I trust in His word, none plucks me from thence, Since I have found favour, He all things will do; My King and my Saviour shall make me anew. 5 Yes, Lord, I shall see the bliss of Thine own, Thy secret to me shall soon be made known; For sorrow and sadness I joy shall receive, And share in the gladness of all that believe. Languages: English Tune Title: HOUGHTON
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Bless'd are the humble souls, who see

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #209 (1828) Meter: Topics: Holy Spirit From the Happiness of the Christian in the Present and Future Life Lyrics: 1 Bless'd are the humble souls, who see Their ignorance and poverty; Treasures of grace to them are giv'n, And crowns of joy laid up in heav'n. 2 Bless'd are the men of broken heart, Who mourn for sin with inward smart For them divine compassion flows, A healing balm for all their woes. 3 Bless'd are the meek, who stand afar From rage and passion, noise and war: God will secure their happy state, And plead their cause against the great. 4 Bless'd are the souls, who thirst for grace, Hunger and long for righteousness: They shall be well supplied and fed With living streams and living bread. 5 Bless'd are the men whose hearts still move And melt with sympathy and love; They shall themselves from God obtain Like sympathy and love again. 6 Bless'd are the pure, whose hearts are clean From the defiling power of sin: With endless pleasure they shall see A God of spotless purity. 7 Bless'd are the men of peaceful life, Who quench the coals of growing strife: They shall be call'd the heirs of bliss, The sons of God, the God of peace. 8 Bless'd are the suff'rers who partake Of pain and shame for Jesus' sake: Their souls shall triumph in the Lord, Glory and joy are their reward.
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There is a glorious world on high

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #270 (1814) Meter: Topics: The Joy and Happiness of True Christians Lyrics: 1 There is a glorious world on high, Resplendent with eternal day; Faith views the blissful prospect nigh, While God's own word reveals the way. 2 There shall the fav'rites of the Lord With never-fading lustre shine. Surprising honour! vast reward! Conferr'd on man by love divine. 3 How blest are those, how truly wise, Who learn and keep the sacred road! Happy the men whom heav'n employs To turn rebellious hearts to God! 4 To win them from the fatal way, Where erring folly thoughtlessly roves; And that blest righteousness display, Which Jesus taught and God approves. 5 The shining firmament shall fade, And sparkling stars resign their light: But these shall know nor change nor shade, For ever fair, for ever bright. 6 On wings of faith and strong desire, O may our spirits daily rise; And reach at last the shining choir, In the bright mansions of the skies! Languages: English
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How blest is he, who ne'er consents

Hymnal: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship (6th ed.) #292 (1832) Meter: Topics: Safety and happiness of obediene and a good conscience; The Good happy, the Wicked miserable Scripture: Psalm 1 Languages: English
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How blest is he, who ne'er consents

Hymnal: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship (10th ed.) #292 (1833) Meter: Topics: Safety and happiness of obedience and a good conscience; The Good happy, the Wicked miserable Scripture: Psalm 1 Languages: English
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Indulgent God! to Thee I raise

Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #365 (1828) Meter: Topics: and the happiness of the christian; Happy in the Salvation of God Lyrics: 1 Indulgent God! to Thee I raise My spirit fraught with joy and praise: Grateful I bow before thy throne, My debt of mercy there to own. 2 Rivers descending, Lord! from Thee Perpetual glide to solace me: Their varied virtues to rehearse, Demands an everlasting verse. 3 And yet there is, beyond the rest, One stream--the widest and the best-- Salvation! Lo, the purple flood Rolls rich with my Redeemer's blood. 4 I taste--delight succeeds to wo; I bathe--no waters cleanse me so: Such joy and purity to share, I would remain enraptur'd there. 5 Till death shall give this soul to know The fulness sought in vain below;-- The fulness of that boundless sea Whence flow'd the river down to me. 6 My soul--with such a scene in view-- Bids mortals joys a glad adieu; Nor dreads a few chastising woes Sent with such love--so soon to close. Scripture: Psalm 46:4


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