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Tune Identifier:"^unser_herrscher_neander$"

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Showing 101 - 110 of 267Results Per Page: 102050

In the Bonds of Death He Lay

Author: Martin Luther; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #2730 Meter: Lyrics: 1. In the bonds of death He lay, Who for our offense was slain, But the Lord is risen today, Christ hath brought us life again; Wherefore let us all rejoice, Singing loud with cheerful voice. 2. Of the sons of men was none Who could break the bonds of death, Sin this mischief dire had done, Innocent was none on earth; Wherefore death grew strong and bold, Death would all men captive hold. 3. Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, Came at last our foe to smite, All our sins away hath done, Done away death’s power and right; Only the form of death is left, Of his sting he is bereft. 4. ’Twas a wondrous war, I trow, When life and death together fought, But life hath triumphed o’er his foe, Death is mocked, and set at naught; Yea, ’tis as the Scripture saith, Christ through death hath conquered death. 5. Now our Paschal Lamb is He, And by Him alone we live, Who to death upon the tree For our sake Himself did give. Faith His blood strikes on our door, Death dares never harm us more. 6. On this day, most blest of days, Let us keep high festival, For our God hath showed His grace, And our Sun hath risen on all, And our hearts rejoice to see Sin and night before Him flee. 7. To the supper of the Lord Gladly will we come today; The word of peace is now restored, The old leaven is put away; Christ will be our food alone, Faith no life but His doth own. Languages: English Tune Title: UNSER HERRSCHER

Jesus, Brightness of the Father

Author: Rhabanus Maurus; Edward Caswall Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #3213 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Jesus, brightness of the Father, Life and strength of all who live, For creating guardian angels Glory to Thy name we give And Thy wondrous praise rehearse, Singing in harmonious verse. 2. Blessèd Lord, by their protection Shelter us from harm this day, Keep us pure in flesh and spirit, Save us from the foe, we pray, And vouchsafe us by Thy grace In Thy paradise a place. 3. Glory to th’almighty Father Sing we with the heav’nly host; Glory to the great Redeemer, Glory to the Holy Ghost; Three in One and One in Three, Throughout all eternity! Languages: English Tune Title: UNSER HERRSCHER

Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty

Author: Benjamin Schmolck; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5270 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Open now thy gates of beauty, Zion, let me enter there, Where my soul in joyful duty Waits for Him who answers prayer. Oh, how blessèd is this place, Filled with solace, light and grace! 2. Lord, my God, I come before Thee, Come Thou also unto me; Where we find Thee and adore Thee, There a heav’n on earth must be. To my heart, oh, enter Thou, Let it be Thy temple now! 3. Here Thy praise is gladly chanted, Here Thy seed is duly sown; Let my soul, where it is planted, Bring forth precious sheaves alone, So that all I hear may be Fruitful unto life in me. 4. Thou my faith increase and quicken, Let me keep Thy gift divine, Howsoe’er temptations thicken; May Thy Word still o’er me shine As my guiding star through life, As my comfort in my strife. 5. Speak, O God, and I will hear Thee, Let Thy will be done indeed; May I undisturbed draw near Thee While Thou dost Thy people feed. Here of life the fountain flows, Here is balm for all our woes. Languages: English Tune Title: UNSER HERRSCHER

Rise, Ye Children of Salvation

Author: Justus Falckner; Emma F. Bevan Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5822 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Rise, ye children of salvation, All who cleave to Christ the head; Wake, awake, O mighty nation, Ere the foe on Zion tread; He draws nigh, and would defy All the hosts of God most high. 2. Saints and martyrs long before us Firmly on this ground have stood; See their banner waving o’er us, Conquerors through the Savior’s blood. Ground we hold, whereon of old, Fought the faithful and the bold. 3. Fighting, we shall be victorious By the blood of Christ our Lord; On our foreheads, bright and glorious, Shines the witness of His Word; Spear and shield on battlefield, His great name; we cannot yield. 4. When His servants stand before Him Each receiving his reward, When His saints in light adore Him, Giving glory to the Lord; Victory! our song shall be Like the thunder of the sea. Languages: English Tune Title: UNSER HERRSCHER

Sinners, Will You Scorn the Message

Author: Jonathan Allen Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #6446 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Sinners, will you scorn the message Sent in mercy from above? Every sentence, O how tender! Every line is full of love: Listen to it, listen to it, Every line is full of love. 2. Hear the heralds of the Gospel News from Zion’s King proclaim: Pardon to each rebel sinner, Free forgiveness in His name: How important, how important, Free forgiveness in His name. 3. Tempted souls, they bring you succor; Fearful hearts, they quell your fears, And, with news of consolation, Chase away the falling tears: Tender heralds, tender heralds, Chase away the falling tears. 4. False professors, groveling wordlings, Callous hearers of the Word, While the messengers address you, Take the warnings they afford; We entreat you, we entreat you, Take the warnings they afford. 5. O ye angels, hovering round us, Waiting spirits, speed your way; Haste ye to the court of heaven, Tidings bear without delay, Rebel sinners, rebel sinners, Glad the message will obey. Languages: English Tune Title: UNSER HERRSCHER

Thee, O Christ, the Father's Splendor

Author: Rhabanus Maurus, 776-856; John M. Neale Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #6847 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Thee, O Christ, the Father’s splendor, Life and virtue of the heart, In the presence of the angels Sing we now with tuneful art, Meetly in alternate chorus, Bearing our responsive part. 2. Thus we praise with veneration All the armies of the sky; Chiefly him, the warrior primate, Of celestial chivalry, Michael, who in princely virtue Cast Abaddon from on high. 3. By whose watchful care repelling— King of everlasting grace— Every ghostly adversary, All things evil, all things base, Grant us of Thine only goodness, In Thy paradise a place. 4. Laud and honor to the Father, Laud and honor to the Son, Laud and honor to the Spirit, Ever Three, and ever One, Consubstantial, co-eternal, While unending ages run. Languages: English Tune Title: UNSER HERRSCHER

Lamb Of God, Thy Right We Own

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #7932 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lamb of God, Thy right we own; Worthy Thou, and Thou alone, The mysterious book t’explain Teeming with the fates of man, Thou shalt open every seal, Every prophecy fulfill. 2 Power executive is Thine: Prodigal of blood divine, Thou hast dearly bought Thine own, Laid the precious ransom down, Given by Thy Father’s grace, Slain for all our helpless race. 3 We who in Thy death confide, Conscious of Thy blood applied, Now the Gospel blessing prove, Fruit of Thy redeeming love, Daily find in serving Thee, Love is perfect liberty. 4 By the Spirit of Thy grace Thy distinguished witnesses, Out of all the worldly throng, Every nation, tribe, and tongue, Called, and separated for Thine, Now we in Thine image shine. 5 Thou hast by Thy hallowing blood Consecrated us to God, And we in the Holiest Place, Offer up our prayer and praise, Ceaseless "Abba, Father" cry, Kings and priests of the Most High. 6 Mightier joys ordained to know, When Thou com’st to reign below, We shall at Thy side sit down, Partners of Thy great white throne, Kings a thousand years with Thee, Kings thro’ all eternity. Languages: English Tune Title: UNSER HERRSCHER

Listen To Those Happy Voices

Author: Matthias Loy Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12362 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Listen to those happy voices Of the radiant angel throng! How the earth and sky rejoices! All the air is full of song! Hallelujah! blissful morn! Hallelujah! Christ is born! 2 Hear ye not the bright robed angel Cheering shepherds in the field— Telling them the sweet evangel That the woes of man are healed? Hear ye not the angel say: "Fear ye not, be glad today"? 3 Bid the fiend of hell defiance! Conquered now is every foe! In His name have full reliance, Who hath borne our sin and woe! Hallelujah—death is braved! Hallelujah—we are saved! 4 Should we not with songs of gladness Glory give to God for aye? Why be bowed with grief and sadness When our sins are borne away? Praise Him—with the angels vie— Glory be to God on high! 5 Swell, ye saints, the blissful chorus, Roll it onward like a sea! As the angels, hovering o’er us, Still repeat the melody. Hear ye not the angel say: "Fear ye not, be glad today"? 6 Gladly we repeat the story— Vie with angels while they sing: "Be to God immortal glory, Glory to the new-born King!" Hallelujah, blissful morn! Hallelujah, Christ is born! Languages: English Tune Title: UNSER HERRSCHER

Auf, Ihr Christen, Christi Glieder

Author: Justus Falckner Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #13473 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Auf, ihr Christen, Christi Glieder, Die ihr noch hängt an dem Haupt, Auf, wacht auf, ermannt euch wieder, Eh ihr werdet hingeraubt Satan beut an den Streit Christo und der Christenheit. 2 Dieser Sieg hat auch empfunden Voller heilgen starker Muth. Da sie haben überwunden Fröhlich durch des Lammes Blut. Sollten wir den allhier Nicht auch streiten mit Begier? 3 Da Gott seinen treuen Knechten Geben wird den Gnadenlohn Und die Hütten der Gerechten Stimmen an den Siegeston; Da fürwahr Gottes Schar Ihn wird loben immerdar. Languages: German Tune Title: UNSER HERRSCHER

Thut Mir Auf Die Schöne Pforte

Author: Benjamin Schmolck Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #13560 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Thut mir auf die schöne Pforte Führt in Gottes Haus mich ein! Ach, wie wird an diesem Orte Meine Seele fröhlich sein! Hir ist Gottes Angesicht, Hier ist lauter Trost und Licht. 2 Herr, ich bein zu dir gekommen Komme du nun auch zu mir! Wo du Wohnung hast genommen, Da ist lauter Himmel hier. Zeuch in meinem Herzen ein, Laß es deinen Tempel sein! 3 Laß in Furcht mich vor dich treten, Heilige mir Leib und Geist, Daß mein Singen und mein Beten Dir ein lieblich Opfer heißt. Heilige mir Mund un Ohr, Zeuch das Herz zu dir empor! 4 Mache mich zum guten Lande, Wenn dein Saatkorn in mich fällt, Gieb mir Licht in dem Bestande; Und was mir wird vorgestellt; Präge meinem Herzen ein, Laß es mir zur Frucht gedeihn. 5 Stärk in mir den schwachen Glauben, Laß dein theures Kleinod mir Nimmer aus dem Herzen rauben, Halte mir dein Wor stets für; Ja, das sei mein Morgenstern, Der mich führet zu dem Herrn! 6 Rede, Herr, so will ich hören, Und dein Wille werd erfüllt! Laß nichts meine Andacht stören, Wenn der Brunn’ des Lebens quillt. Speise mich mit Himmelsbrot, Tröste mich in aller Not! 7 Öffne mir die Lebensauen, Daß dein Lamm sich weiden kann; Laß mir Himmelsmanna thauen, Zeige mir die rechte Bahn Hier aus diesem Jammerthal Zu des Himmels Freudensaal. Languages: English Tune Title: UNSER HERRSCHER


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