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Lord Jesus Christ

Author: Patrick Robert Norman Appleford, 1925- Hymnal: Together in Song #526 (1999) Meter: Topics: Advent; Atonement; Christmas; Commandments; Commitment; Forgiveness; Freedom; Jesus Christ Lordship; Our Love to God; Personal Response to Jesus; Saints Days and Holy Days Mary, the Mother of th Lord Languages: English Tune Title: LIVING LORD
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Jesus Our Shepherd

Hymnal: The Psalter #54 (1912) Meter: Topics: Afflictions Comfort under; Aspirations For Christ; Assurance Declared; Assurance Enjoyed; Christ Communion with; Christ Grace and Love of; Christ Preciousness of; Christ Providences of; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Conscious of Safety; Christians Death of; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Christians Saved by Grace; Comfort in Trials; Contentment; Death Comfort In; Death Of Saints; Etermal Life; Faith Confidence of; Faith Walking by; Glory of God In Providence; God Our Guardian; God Our Guide; God Love and Mercy; Gospel Freeness of ; Grace Restoring; Heaven; Immortality; Lord's Supper; Nature An Emblem of Grace; Prayer For Christ's Sake; Preservation; Resurrection; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; Walking with God; Worship Grace Needed for First Line: My faithful Shepherd is the Lord Lyrics: 1 My faithful Shepherd is the Lord, Supplying all my needs; In pastures green He makes me rest, By quiet waters leads. 2 He tenderly restores my soul When I am in distress, And for His Name's sake guides my feet In paths of righteousness. 3 Thro' death's dark valley though I walk, No evil will I fear; Thy rod and staff will comfort me, For Thou art ever near. 4 A table Thou dost spread for me In presence of my foes; Thou hast anointed me with oil, My cup of joy o'erflows. 5 Thro' life Thy goodness and Thy grace Shall daily follow me; And I, within Thy house, O Lord, Shall ever dwell with Thee. Scripture: Psalm 23 Languages: English Tune Title: HERMON
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The Lord our righteousness

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church #452 (1891) Meter: Topics: Christ Lord our righteousness First Line: Let not the wise their wisdom boast Scripture: Jeremiah 9:23 Languages: English
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O one with God the Father

Author: Bishop William Walsham How Hymnal: The Hymnal #137 (1950) Meter: D Topics: Jesus Christ the Lord His Epiphany; Christ Epiphany; Christ Light, Our; Christ Presence, His Living; Christ Guide, Our; Christ Leader, Our; Epiphany; Processionals Lyrics: 1 O one with God the Father In majesty and might, The Brightness of His glory, Eternal Light of light, O'er this our home of darkness Thy rays are streaming now; The shadows flee before Thee, The world's true Light art Thou. 2 Yet, Lord, we see but darkly: O heavenly Light, arise! Dispel these mists that shroud us, And hide Thee from our eyes! We long to track the footprints That Thou Thyself hast trod: We long to see the pathway That leads to Thee our God. 3 O Jesus, shine around us With radiance of Thy grace; O Jesus, turn upon us The brightness of Thy face. We need no star to guide us, As on our way we press, If Thou Thy light vouchsafest, O Sun of Righteousness. Amen. Tune Title: ROTTERDAM
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When, His salvation bringing

Author: Rev. John King Hymnal: The Hymnal #149 (1950) Meter: D Topics: Jesus Christ the Lord His Triumphal Entry; Children's Hymns; Christ Entry Into Jerusalem; Christ Love of; Christ Saviour, Our; Christ Triumphal Entry; Palm Sunday; Processionals Lyrics: 1 When, His salvation bringing, To Zion Jesus came, The children all stood singing Hosanna to His Name; Nor did their zeal offend Him, But, as He rode along, He let them still attend Him, · And smiled to hear their song. 2 And since the Lord retaineth His love for children still, Though now as King He reigneth On Zion's heavenly hill, We'll flock around His banner Who sits upon His throne, And cry aloud, "Hosanna To David's royal Son!" 3 For should we fail proclaiming Our great Redeemer's praise, The stones, our silence shaming, Would their hosannas raise. But shall we only render The tribute of our words? No; while our hearts are tender, They, too, shall be the Lord's. Amen. Tune Title: TOURS
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O Light, whose beams illumine all

Author: Rev. Edward H. Plumptre Hymnal: The Hymnal #180 (1950) Meter: Topics: Jesus Christ the Lord His Living Presence; Christ Abiding with Believers; Christ Light, Our; Christ Life, Our; Christ Presence, His Living; Christ Way, The Lyrics: 1 O Light, whose beams illumine all From twilight dawn to perfect day, Shine Thou before the shadows fall That lead our wandering feet astray; At morn and eve Thy radiance pour, That youth may love, and age adore. 2 O Way, through whom our souls draw near To yon eternal home of peace, Where perfect love shall cast out fear, And earth's vain toil and wandering cease: In strength or weakness may we see Our heavenward path, O Lord, through Thee. 3 O Truth, before whose shrine we bow, Thou priceless Pearl for all who seek, To Thee our earliest strength we vow, Thy love will bless the pure and meek; When dreams or mists beguile our sight, Turn Thou our darkness into light. 4 O Life, the Well that ever flows To slake the thirst of those that faint, Thy power to bless what seraph knows? Thy joy supreme what words can paint? In earth's last hour of fleeting breath Be Thou our Conqueror over death. Amen. Tune Title: ST. PETERSBURG

Come, O Redeemer, Come

Author: Fernando Ortega Hymnal: Worship and Song #3046 (2011) Meter: with refrain Topics: Biblical Characters John the Baptist; Darkness; Deafness; Ears; Emmanuel; Eternal Life; Eyes; Faithless; Our Father; Glory; Hearts; Hope; Jesus Christ Promised Coming; John the Baptist; Light; Mercy; Names (Other) and Images for Jesus Christ; People of God; Prayer; Redemption; Root of Jesse; Spirit/Soul; Struggles and Strife; Biblical Characters John the Baptist; Christian Year and Observances Advent; Christian Year and Observances Baptism of the Lord; Darkness; Deafness; Ears; Emmanuel; Eternal Life; Eyes; Faithless; Our Father; Glory; Hearts; Hope; Jesus Christ Promised Coming; John the Baptist; Light; Mercy; Names (Other) and Images for Jesus Christ; People of God; Prayer; Promised Coming of Christ; Redemption; Root of Jesse; Spirit/Soul; Struggles and Strife First Line: Father, enthroned on high Scripture: Revelation 4:5 Languages: English Tune Title: ORTEGA
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Jesus is gone above the Skies

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #III.VI (1766) Topics: Memorial of our absent Lord; Remembrance of Christ Lyrics: 1 Jesus is gone above the Skies, Where our weak Senses reach him not; And carnal Objects court our Eyes To thrust our Saviour from our Thought. 2 He knows what wand'ring Hearts we have, Apt to forget his lovely Face; And, to refresh our Minds, he gave These kind Memorials of his Grace. 3 The Lord of Life this Table spread With his own Flesh and dying Blood; We on the rich Provision feed, And taste the Wine, and bless our God. 4 Let sinful Sweets be all forgot, And Earth grow less in our Esteem; Christ and his Love fill every Thought, And Faith and Hope be fix'd on him. 5 While He is absent from our Sight, 'Tis to prepare our Souls a Place, That we may dwell in heav'nly Light, And live for ever near his Face. [6 Our Eyes look upwards to the Hills Whence our returning Lord shall come; We wait thy Chariots hast'ning Wheels, To fetch our longing Spirits home.] Languages: English
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The Saviour's Constant Presence

Hymnal: The Psalter #56 (1912) Topics: Afflictions Comfort under; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Heaven; Assurance Declared; Assurance Enjoyed; Christ Communion with; Christ Grace and Love of; Christ Preciousness of; Christ Providences of; Christians Blessedness of; Christians Conscious of Safety; Christians Death of; Christians Heirs of Heaven; Christians Saved by Grace; Comfort in Trials; Contentment; Death Comfort In; Death Of Saints; Etermal Life; Faith Confidence of; Faith Walking by; Glory of God In Providence; God Our Guardian; God Our Guide; God Love and Mercy; Gospel Freeness of ; Grace Restoring; Heaven; Immortality; Lord's Supper; Nature An Emblem of Grace; Prayer For Christ's Sake; Preservation; Resurrection; The Righteous Honor and Safety of; Worship Grace Needed for First Line: My Shepherd is the Lord Who knows my needs Lyrics: 1 My Shepherd is the Lord Who knows my needs, And I am blest; By quiet streams, in pastures green, He leads And makes me rest. My soul He save and for His own Name's sake He guides my feet the paths of right to take. 2 Tho' in death's vale and shadow be my way I fear no ill, For Thou art near, Thy rod and staff my stay And comfort still. My table Thou dost spread before my foes, My head Thou dost anoint, my cup o'erflows. 3 The goodness and the mercy that have aye Upon me shone Shall surely follow me thro' all the way Till life is done; And evermore Jehovah's house shall be My dwelling-place thro' all eternity. Scripture: Psalm 23 Languages: English Tune Title: LUX BENIGNA
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Saviour, blessed Saviour

Author: Rev. Godfrey Thring Hymnal: The Hymnal #202 (1950) Meter: D Topics: Jesus Christ the Lord Praise to Christ the Lord; Adoration; Anniversaries; Atonement; Christ Ascension; Christ Exaltation of; Christ Praise to Christ; Christ Saviour, Our; Consecration; Dedication of Life; Forgiveness; Praise; Redemption Lyrics: 1 Saviour, blessed Saviour, Listen while we sing, Hearts and voices raising Praises to our King. All we have we offer, All we hope to be, Body, soul, and spirit, All we yield to Thee. 2 Nearer, ever nearer, Christ, we draw to Thee, Deep in adoration Bending low the knee: Thou for our redemption Cam'st on earth to die; Thou, that we might follow, Hast gone up on high. 3 Clearer still, and clearer, Dawns the light from heaven, In our sadness bringing News of sins forgiven; Life has lost its shadows; Pure the light within; Thou hast shed Thy radiance On a world of sin. 4 Great, and ever greater, Are Thy mercies here; True and everlasting Are the glories there, Where no pain or sorrow, Toil or care, is known, Where the angel legions Circle round Thy throne. Amen. Tune Title: DAVID


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