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Scripture:Psalm 118:1-2

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Rejoice Rejoice

Author: Kenneth W. Louis Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 118 First Line: [Rejoice Rejoice] Text Sources: Lead Me Guide Me (G.I.A. Publications, 1987)

Thanks Be To God For All His Goodness

Author: David T Koyzis Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 118 First Line: [Thanks Be To God For All His Goodness] Text Sources: David T. Koyzis (http://genevanpsalter.redeemer.ca/index.html)

This is the day

Author: Leon C Roberts Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 118 First Line: [This is the day] Text Sources: Lead Me Guide Me (G.I.A. Publications, 1987)

Psalm 118: Alleluia, Alleluia

Author: David Haas Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 118 First Line: This is the day the Lord has made Refrain First Line: Alleluia! Alleluia! Topics: Easter Seasonal Psalms; Easter Sunday; Easter IV Used With Tune: [This is the day the Lord has made]
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O give ye thanks unto the Lord

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 118 Lyrics: 1 O give ye thanks unto the Lord, Because that good is he: Because his loving kindness lasts To perpetuity. 2 For ever that his mercy lasts, Let Israel now say. 3 Now let the house of Aaron say, His mercy lasts for aye. 4 Yea they who do Jehovah fear, Let them now also say, His loving kindness doth endure, Unto perpetual aye. 5 I did lift up my voice to Jah From out of straitness great; The Lord an answer gave to me, With an enlarged seat. 6 The Lord is for me: I'll not fear What man can do to me. 7 Jehovah takes my part with them That helpers of me be: Therefore upon them that me hate See my desire shall I. 8 It's better on the Lord to trust, Than on man to rely. [2] 9 It's better on the Lord to trust, Than trust in princes put. 10 All nations round me, but I'll them Off in the Lord's name cut. 11 They compass'd me about: Me compassed about: But in Jehovah's name I will Them utterly root out. 12 They compass'd me like bees, they're quench'd Like as of thorns the flame; But I will utterly destroy Them in Jehovah's name. 1 3 Sore didst thou thrust to make me fall, The Lord yet helped me. 14 The Lord my fortitude and song, And saving help is he. 15 The tabernacles of the just The voice of joy afford, And of salvation; strongly works The right hand of the Lord. 16 The right hand of Jehovah is Exalted up on high ; The right hand of the Lord is strong, And worketh valiantly. [3] 17 I fhall not die, but live, and shall The works of Jah declare. 18 The Lord did sorely chasten me, But me from death did spare. 19 O set wide open unto me The gates of righteousness; I will go into them, and will The praise of Jah confess. 20 This is Jehovah's gate, at which The just shall enter in. 21 I'll praise thee, for thou hast me heard, And hast my safety been. 22 The stone which builders did refuse, Head corner-stone now lies. 24 This is the doing of the Lord, It's wond'rous in our eyes. [4] 24 This is the very day, the which Jehovah he hath made: We will exceedingly rejoice, And in it will be glad. 25 Jehovah I do thee beseech, Salvation now afford: I humbly thee intreat, now send Prosperity, O Lord. 26 He that comes in Jehovah's name, O let him blessed be: Out of Jehovah's house to you A blessing wish do we. 27 God is Jehovah, also he Light unto us affords: The sacrifices bind unto The altars horns with cords. 28 Thou art my God, and I'll thee praise; My God, I'll set thee high: The Lord praise, for he's good; for aye Last his benignity.
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To GOD be endless Praise addressed

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 118 Lyrics: 1 To GOD be endless Praise addressed, Because his Mercies ne'er decay; That he hath us with Favour blessed, Let thankful Isr'el ever say: And for the Love he's still extedning, Let Aaron's House their Joy express; His Truth and Goodness never ending. Let all who fear the LORD confess. 2 My Soul to GOD her Pray'r addressed, Who graciously vouchsaf'd to hear; Since he relieves me, when oppressed, Why should I any Mortal fear? My Foes, no doubt, shall be disgraced, Since GOD declares himself my Friend; Our Hopes should all in him be placed, And not on human Pow'r depend. 3 Though many Nations, close combined, Did oftentimes beset me round; Yet I my Cause to him resigned, Who did their boasted Strength confound. They swarm'd like Bees, and me defied, Their Rage was like a short-liv'd Blaze; For, whilst on GOD I still relied, I overcame them all with Ease. 4 When they their utmost Force exerted, In hopes to see my sudden Fall; The LORD, who never me deserted, In Mercy sav'd me from them all. That I've escap'd from Tribulation, To him alone the Praise belongs; He is my Strength, and my Salvation; He is the Theme of all my Songs. 5 The Just, with Joy, are ever praising The LORD, who saves their souls from Harm; For wond'rous Things and Works amazing, Are done by his Almighty Arm. His strong Right Hand he hath extended, And never-fading Honours won; His strong Right Hand hath us defended, And most surprizing Wonders done. 6 Though Death draws nigh, my Soul dismaying, Yet GOD shall still prolong my Days; That I his mighty Works displaying, May thus advance his glorious Praise. When GOD, with heavy Hand correcting, My Soul of all her Joy bereaves; Ev'n then, his Mercy me protecting, From Death my fainting Life retrieves. 7 Then let the Gates be wide extended, The Gates, to which the Just repair, That I, whom GOD hath thus defended, May praise my great Deliv'rer there. With Footsteps to those Gates directed, To which in Crouds the Righteous press, Since thou hast heard, and me protected, Thy holy Name, O LORD, I'll bless. 8 That which the Builders once despised, Is now become the Corner-Stone; This Wonder, LORD, thou hast devised, This wond'rous Work is thine alone! This Day is GOD's, let Songs ascending To Heav'n, be sent from ev'ry Voice: LORD, be thy Arm our Cause defending, And make us still in thee rejoice. 9 Who trusts in GOD, to be supported, Ev'n him let all th' Assembly bless; We, who have to his House resorted, Do freely wish you good Success. GOD is the LORD, in whose Salvation, We all both Light and Comfort find; Fast to the Horns, with Adoration, The Altar's Horns, the Victim bind. 10 Thou art my GOD, and I with Pleasure, Will ever praise thy holy Name; Thou art my GOD, my soul's great Treasure, Therefore I'll celebrate thy Fame! Oh, to the LORD be Praise addressed, Who doth so kind and gracious prove; For us, his People, he hath blessed, And crown'd with never ending Love. Topics: Description of Confidence of Believers in Dangers; Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Coming and Government; Songs of Praise to God the coming of the Savior; Thanksgivings For Deliverances and Wonders, particular Used With Tune: [To God be endless Praise addressed]
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Give Thanks to God, for he is good

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 118 Lyrics: 1. Give Thanks to God, for he is good; His Mercy's ever sure. 2. Let Israel's Tribes now say, his Grace Forever shall endure. 3. His Clemency forever lasts, Let A'ron's House now say. 4. Let them that fear the Lord declare His Mercy'11 ne'er decay. 5. In my Distress I call'd on God, Whose Answer set me free. 6. The Lord's with me, and I'll not fear What Man can do to me. 7. The Lord himself doth take my Part, With those my Cause espouse; And I shall see a just Reward O'ertake my envious Foes. Second Part 8. 'Tis better far to trust in God, Than upon Man rely. 9. 'Tis safer trusting in the Lord, Than Princes, e'er so high. 10. Ail Nations compass me about: 11. Yea oft beset me round; But in Jehovah's Name, and Help, I smote them to the Ground. 12. Like Swarms of Bees, they buz'd about; And rag'd, like crackling Fire Of Thorns; but aided by my God, They're quench'd, and soon expire. 13. They press'd me hard, to cause my Fall; But God did Succour bring. 14. From God, my Strength, & Safety, flows; And I'll his Praises sing. 15. The just Man's Tent is fill'd with Joy And safe in God's Right-hand. 16. The Lord's Right-hand on high is rais'd. And Vict'ry doth command. 17. I shall not die, but live to praise, God's Wonders, with my Breath. 18. The Lord hath sorely chasten'd mel But gave me not to Death. Third Part 19. Open the Gates of Righteousness, And I will enter in; That I may sing Jehovah's Praise Who hath my Saviour been. 20. This Gate's the Lord's; whither the Just Shall enter, on set Days. 21. Since thou hast heard, and set me safe, I'll give to thee the Praise. 22. That Stone which Builders did reject, Chief Corner-Stone now lyes. 23. This Work is from the Lord alone; 'Tis wondrous in our Eyes. 24 This is the Day the Lord hath made; We'll it with Joy attend. 25. Save now, O Lord, I Thee beseech Prosperity now send. 26. Hosannah! bless'd is he that comes, In great Jehovah's Name; A Blessing, from God's holy House, To you, we loud proclaim. 27. God is Jehovah; who to us, Light graciously affords; Bind to the sacred Altar's Horns, The Sacrifice with Cords. 28. Thou art my God, and I'll thee praise; My God, I'll spread thy Fame. 29. O bless the Lord, for he is good; His Mercy's still the same.

This Is the Day the Lord Has Made

Author: Joy F. Patternson Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 118 Lyrics: 1 This is the day the Lord has made; In it will we rejoice, praising God's everlasting love with heart and mind and voice. 2 God is my refuge and my strength, my might, my joy, my song, my shield, salvation, sure defense throughout my whole life long. 3 Open the gates of righteousness, Lord, let me enter there, that I may lift my thanks to you in hymn and song and prayer. 4 See now the wonder God has done: the once rejected stone has now become the cornerstone, the Lord's own Chosen One. 5 Blest is the One who comes to us in God our maker's name, bringing to us God's life and light, to every age the same. 6 This is the day the Lord has made; in it will we rejoice, praising God's everlasting love with heart and mind and voice. Topics: Antiphonal Psalms; Biblical Names and Places Aaron; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Church Year Easter; Church Year Passion/Palm Sunday; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Freedom; God's Triumph; God's Goodness; God's House; God's House; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); Mercy; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Prayer; Processions; Salvation; Temple; Unity and Fellowship; Worship; Year A, B, C, Easter, Resurrection of the Lord; Year A, B, C, Lent, Liturgy of the Palms; Year C, Easter, 2nd Sunday Used With Tune: THIS IS THE DAY

Psalm 118:1-2, 14-29 (A Responsorial Reading)

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 118:1-2 First Line: Give thanks to the lord, for the Lord is good Refrain First Line: This is the day the Lord has made Topics: Antiphonal Psalms; Biblical Names and Places Aaron; Biblical Names and Places Israel; Church Year Easter; Church Year Passion/Palm Sunday; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Freedom; God's Triumph; God's Goodness; God's House; God's House; God's Name; God's People (flock, sheep); Mercy; Occasional Services Dedication / Consecration / Anniversary; Prayer; Processions; Salvation; Temple; Unity and Fellowship; Worship; Year A, B, C, Easter, Resurrection of the Lord; Year A, B, C, Lent, Liturgy of the Palms; Year C, Easter, 2nd Sunday Used With Tune: [This is the day the Lord has made] Text Sources: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Psalm text)
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Ye nations all, howe'er dispers'd, proclaim

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 118 Lyrics: 1 Ye nations all, howe'er dispers'd, proclaim Your maker's praise, and hymn his holy name; 2 His goodness and his clemency relate; Own, that your God is ever good, as great; That firm his truth, inviolate his word-- Ve scatter'd nations, hymn the living Lord


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