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Scripture:Psalm 65:1-8

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Forth from Thy Courts, Thy Sacred Dwelling

Author: Rev. William Kuipers Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 65 Topics: Cleansing From Sin ; Divine Election; Forgiveness of Sin; Goodness of God; Grace of God; Harvest; House of God ; Missions; Name Of God; God in Nature; Nearness to God; Opening of Services; Prayer; Prosperity; Providence of God; Vows Used With Tune: ZION'S PRAISE

Your People's Songs of Praise Await You

Author: David T Koyzis Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 65 First Line: [Your People's Songs of Praise Await You] Text Sources: David T. Koyzis (http://genevanpsalter.redeemer.ca/index.html)
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To the chief Musician. A Psalm and Song of David

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 65 First Line: Silence to thee the praise, O God Lyrics: 1 Silence to thee; the praise, O God, In Sion: paid shall be 2 The vow to thee. Who hearest prayers, All flesh shall come to thee. 3 Works of iniquity prevail Against me sore do they; But as for our transgressions Thou shalt them purge away. 4 O blessed is the man of whom Thou thy free choice dost make: And that he may dwell in thy courts, Him near to Thee dost take: For with the good things of thy house Be satisfy'd shall we; And with the holy things likewise That in thy temple be. 5 In righteousness thou by the things That dreadfully are done, Wilt answer give to us, O God Of our salvation: On whom the ends of all the earth Do confidently stay: And likewise they that are remov'd Far off upon the sea. 6 He girt with might, doth by his strength Fix mountains: he doth swage 7 The noise of seas, noise of their waves, Also the people's rage [2] 8 Who in the utmost parts do dwell, they at thy tokens quake: The morns out-goings, and thenights Thou to rejoice dost make. 9 Thou visit'st th' and water'st it With God's flood-water fill'd: Thou mak'st it rich, then corn prepar'st When so thou hat it till'd. 10 Her ridges richly water'st thou, Her furrows thou set'st fast: With show'rs thou mak'st her soft to be, Her springing blest Thou hast. 11 Thou with thy goodness dost the year Adorn as with a crown, Also the paths where thou dost tread Thy fatness to drop down. 12 On pastures of the wilderness, They dropping do distil: And girt with joy on ev'ry side, Is ev'ry little hill. 13 The pastures cloathed are with flocks Corn over-covering The valleys is, so that for joy They shout, and also sing.
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Tho' th' Earth sit silent, yet thy Praise

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 65 Lyrics: 1. Tho' th' Earth sit silent, yet thy Praise, O God, in Sion's heard; There they perform, with chearful Lays, The Vows they have prefer'd. 2. O thou, who do'st thy list'ning Ear To our Request encline. All Nations shall, to thee repair, And in thy Praises join. 3. Prevailing Sins, an heavy Load, Might flowing Mercy stay; But thou our Crimes, O gracious God, Shalt wholly purge away. 4. Bless'd Man! thy Choice; who near to Thee, May in thy Courts reside; With Goodness of thy Temple, we Shall then be satisfy'd. 5. Thy Justice, Lord, in dreadful Styles Answers in our Defence; Of distant Lands, and farthest Isles, Thou art the Confidence. 6. The Mountains, by thy mighty Pow'r, Fix'd on their Basis stand. 7. The Seas, and People, cease to roar. When still'd by thy Command. Second Part 8. Nations, in the remotest Land, Revere thy Tokens Voice; The op'ning Morn, at thy Command, And closing Eve, rejoice. 9. The thirsty Earth, with fat'ning Rain, From God's full Springs above. Thou visitest; preparest Grain, And mak'st it fruitfull prove. 10. Thou, on the Ridges, Rain do'st pour. And on the Furrows bring; It's soften'd with thy gentle Show'r, Thy Blessiing makes it spring. 11. The various Months thro'out the Year, Thou do'st with Goodness crown; Thy Paths, which in the Clouds appear. Drop plenteous Fatness down. 12. They drop on Desert's until'd Ground, And cloath them in their Pride; The little Hills are girt around. With Joy on ev'ry Side. 13. The Pastures bleating Flocks adorn, With lowing Herds they ring; The Vales are cover'd o'er with Corn, They shout for Joy, and sing.
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To thee, O GOD, we render Praise

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 65 Lyrics: 1 To thee, O GOD, we render Praise From Sion, thy blest Seat; Our promis'd Altars there we'll raise, And all our Vows compleat. O thou, who to my humble Pray'r, Didst bend thy list'ning Ear; To thee shall all Mankind repair, And at thy Throne appear. 2 Our Sins, tho' numberless, in vain To stop thy Mercy try, Whilst thou forgiv'st the guilty Stain, And washest out the Dye. Blest is the Man, who, near thee plac'd, Within thy Dwelling lives! Whilst we at humble Distance taste, The Joy thy Temple gives. 3 By wond'rous Acts, O GOD most just, Have we thy Answer found: In the remotest Nations trust, And those whom Seas surround. GOD by His Strength sets fast the Hills, And does his Pow'r engage, With which the stormy Waves he stills, And quells the Peope's Rage. Part II 4 Thou, LORD, dost barb'rous Lands dismay, When they thy Tokens view; With Joy they see the Night and Day, Each others Track pursue. From out thy unexhausted Store, Thy Rain refresh the Ground; Makes Lands, that barren were before, With Corn and Fruits abound. 5 On rising Ridges down it pours, And ev'ry Valley fills; And in the soft prolific Show'rs, A bless'd Increase distills. Thy Goodness does the circling Year, With smiling Plenty crown; And where thy glorious Paths appear, Thy Clouds drop Fatness down. 6 They drop on barren Forests, chang'd By them to Pastures green; The Hills in beauteous Order rang'd, In Robes of Joy are seen, Large Flocks the chearful Downs adorn, The teeming Vallies bring A plenteous Crop of full-ear'd Corn, And seem to laugh and sing. Topics: Description of Happiness of Man; Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Sacrifice; Songs of Praise to God the Creation and Providence; Thanksgivings For diverse Mercies shown to the Chruch Used With Tune: [To thee, O God, we render Praise]

Psalm 65

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 65 First Line: Praise is due to you, O God, in Zion Used With Tune: [Praise is due to you, O God, in Zion]
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The Blessings of Grace

Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 65 First Line: Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for Thee Lyrics: 1 Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for Thee; There we will pay our vow; O Thou, the God that hearest prayer, Before Thee all shall bow. 2 Against me my besetting sins Prevail from day to day, But Thou in Thy forgiving grace Wilt take them all away. 3 O blest the man whom Thou dost choose, And draw in love to Thee, That in Thy sacred courts, O Lord, He may a dweller be. 4 We surely shall be satisfied With Thy abundant grace, Yea, with the goodness of Thy house, Of Thy most holy place. Topics: Access to God; Aspirations For Church Priveleges; Assurance Desired; Blessedness Of Those Chosen of God; Christ Worshiped; Christians Fellowship of; Deliverance From Sin; Effectual Calling; Divine Election; Faith Confession of; Glory of God In Providence; God Goodness of; God Hearer of Prayer; God Love and Mercy; God Works of; Gospel Privileges of; Grace Abounding; Grace Justifying; Missions Influence of; Pardon Set Forth; Praise By Saints; Praise By Universe; Praise for temporal blessings; Praise For Work of Redemption; Praise Part of Public Worship; Prayer Confession in; Prayer confidence in; Prayer For the Church; Sin Confession of; Sin Conflict with; Sin Salvation from; Thanksgiving Declared; Vows; Worship Delightful to Saints; Zion Glory of; Christians Saved by Grace Used With Tune: ST. STEPHEN

Psalm 65 (A Responsorial Setting)

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 65 First Line: Your paths overflow with plenty Lyrics: Refrain: Your paths overflow with plenty. Topics: Biblical Names and Places Zion; Earth; Elements of Worship Gathering; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; God as Creator; God's Wonders; God's Deeds; God's Goodness; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promise of Redemption; Gratitude; Hymns of Praise; Joy; Occasional Services Thanksgving Day / Harvest Festival; Peace; Prayer Answer to; Prayer; The Creation; Vows; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 10-16; Year A, Thanksgiving Day, Canada, 2nd Monday in October; Year A, Thanksgiving Day, USA, 4th Sunday in November; Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 23-20 Used With Tune: [Your paths overflow with plenty] Text Sources: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Psalm text)
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In Sion's sacred fane the joyous lay

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 65 Lyrics: 1 In Sion's sacred fane the joyous lay Thy name attends; thy favour'd people pay The votive offering, Lord; the hallow'd blood Flows round thy altar in a purple flood. 2 Propitious, thou our faithful vows dost hear; To thee shall fly the sons of men in pray'r. 3 Thy punishments for sin afflict me sore; Cleanse me, my God, and they shall wound no more. 4 Blest is the man, whom thou shalt chuse a friend, And in thy sacred temple bid attend! O glorious lot! O heavenly employ! Thy sacred temple fills his soul with joy. 5 The nations tremble with a dread dismay, When thou thy righteous judgments dost display; When fall thy terrors on the impious proud, When crown thy bright rewards the humbly good. 6 Great is thy pow'r--when shatter'd by the storm, Thou bid'st the mountain on her base stand firm. 7 By winds disturb'd, thou still'st the roaring sea, And dost the tumults of the world allay. 8 Thy thunder rolls, thy rapid lightnings glare; The hearts of all are sunk in awful fear: Thy sun breaks forth, and gives to nature birth; Owns thy beneficence the quicken'd earth: 9 Thou pour'st thy waters on the thirsty soil; The fatten'd lands reward the ploughman's toil: With fruitful show'rs revived thou the fields, And the rich glebe it's golden produce yields: 10 Falls on the stubborn earth thy pearly dew; The plains in all their verdant pride we view: 11 Or on the ridgey hills, or in the vales, The glad'ning influence of thy pow'r prevails; 12 Gaily the herds along thy pastures rove; Climb the steep cliff, or range the leafy grove; Where'er they range, fair herbs and flow'rs abound; Rich affluence covers the enamel'd ground; Their God, the hills, the plains, the vallies sing, And bless the bounties of their heav'nly king.
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Who bids the wind to blow?

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 65:8-9


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