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A Parting Hymn We Sing

Author: Rev. Aaron R. Wolfe Hymnal: The New Church Hymnal #582 (1976) Topics: Aids to Worship; Benedictions; Church; Closing Hymns; Fellowship First Line: A parting hymn we sing Around Thy table, Lord Lyrics: 1 A parting hymn we singAround your table, Lord;Again our grateful tribute bring,Our solemn vows record.2 Here have we seen Thy face,And felt Thy presence here;So may the savor of Thy graceIn word and life appear.3 Thr purchase of Thy blood,By sin no longer led,The path our dear Redeemer trodMay we rejoicing tread.4 In self-forgetting loveBe our communion shown,Until we join the Church above,And know as we are known.Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: [A parting hymn we sing Around Thy table, Lord]
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For the Beauty of the Earth

Author: Folliot S. Pierpoint, 1835-1917 Hymnal: Glory and Praise (3rd. ed.) #705 (2015) Meter: Topics: Church; Creation; Church; Creation; Church; Creation; Harvest; Joy; Praise; Stewardship; Thanksgiving; Service Music for Mass Entrance Song (Gathering of Processional); Morning Prayer Hymn; Evening Prayer Hymn Lyrics: 1 For the beauty of the earth, For the beauty of the skies, For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies: Lord of all to you we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. 2 For the beauty of each hour Of the day and of the night, Hill and vale, and tree and flow'r, Sun and moon, and stars of light: Lord of all to you we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. 3 For the joy of ear and eye, For the heart and mind’s delight, For the mystic harmony Linking sense to sound and sight: Lord of all to you we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. 4 For the joy of human love, Brother, sister, parent, child, Friends on earth and friends above; For all gentle thoughts and mild: Lord of all to you we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. 5 For the Church, who evermore Lifts her holy hands above, Off'ring up on ev'ry shore Her pure sacrifice of love: Lord of all to you we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. 6 For each perfect gift divine To our world so freely giv'n, Joys bestowed by love's design, Flow'rs of earth and fruits of heav'n: Lord of all to you we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. Scripture: Genesis 1:11-18 Languages: English Tune Title: DIX

Now let us rise and hymn the grace

Author: John L. Hooker (b. 1944) Hymnal: Wonder, Love, and Praise #781 (1997) Meter: Topics: Hymns and Spiritual Songs The Church's Mission Scripture: Ephesians 2:14-16 Languages: English Tune Title: OWEN
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The institution of a gospel ministry from Christ

Author: Dr. Doddridge Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns #CDVII (1792) Meter: Topics: The Church The Gospel Church; Gospel Ministry instituted by Christ; Ordination hymns First Line: Father of mercies, in thy house Lyrics: 1 Father of mercies. in thy house Smile on our homage, and our vows; While with a grateful heart we share These pledges of our Savior's care. 2 The Savior, when to heaven he rose In splendid triumph o'er his foes Scatter'd his gifts on men below, And wide his royal bounties flow, 3 Hence sprung th' apostles' honor'd name, Sacred beyond heroic fame; In lowlier form to bless our eyes, Pastors from hence, and teachers rise. 4 From Christ their varied gifts derive, And fed by Christ their graces live: While guarded by his potent hand, 'Midst all the rage of hell they stand. 5 So shall the bright succession run Thro' the last courses of the sun; While unborn churches by their care Shall rise and flourish large and fair, 6 Jesus our Lord, their hearts shall know, The spring, whence all these blessing flow: Pastors and people shout his praise Thro' the long round of endless days. Scripture: Ephesians 4:8 Languages: English
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Watching for souls. An ordination hymn

Author: Dr. Doddridge Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns #CDX (1792) Meter: Topics: The Church Ordination; Associations of Christians and churches Spread of the gospel longed for; Ministers Watching for souls; Ordination hymns First Line: Let Sion's watchman all awake Lyrics: 1 Let Sion's watchmen all awake, And take th' alarm they give; Now let them, from the mouth of God Their awful charge receive. 2 'Tis not a cause of small import The pastor's care demands; But what might fill and angel's heart, And fill'd a Savior's hands. 3 They watch for souls, for which the Lord Did heavenly bliss forego; For souls, which must forever live, In raptures, or in woe. 4 All to the great tribunal haste, Th' account to render there; And should'st thou strictly mark our faults, Lord, how should we appear! 5 May they, that Jesus whom they preach, Their own Redeemer see, And watch thou daily o'er their souls, That they may watch for thee. Scripture: Hebrews 13:17 Languages: English
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Awake, my soul, and with the sun

Author: Thomas Ken, 1637-1711 Hymnal: CPWI Hymnal #2 (2010) Meter: Topics: Hymns for the Church Year Morning Lyrics: 1 Awake, my soul, and with the sun thy daily stage of duty run; shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise to pay thy morning sacrifice. 2 Redeem thy mis-spent time that's past, and live this day as if thy last; improve thy talent with due care; for the great day thyself prepare. 3 Let all thy converse be sincere, thy conscience as the noon-day clear; think how all-seeing God thy ways and all thy secret thoughts surveys. 4 Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart, and with the angels bear thy part; who all night long unwearied sing high praise to the eternal King. 5 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, praise him all creatures here below, praise him above, angelic host, praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Languages: English Tune Title: MORNING HYMN
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Hushed was the evening hymn

Author: James Drummond Burns, 1823-1864 Hymnal: CPWI Hymnal #18 (2010) Meter: Topics: Hymns for the Church Year Evening Lyrics: 1 Hushed was the evening hymn, the temple courts were dark; the lamp was burning dim before the sacred ark; when suddenly a Voice Divine rang through the silence of the shrine. 2 The old man, meek and mild, the priest of Israel, slept; his watch the Temple child, the little Levite, kept; and what from Eli’s sense was sealed the Lord to Hannah’s son revealed. 3 Oh! give me Samuel’s ear, the open ear, O Lord, alive and quick to hear each whisper of thy word; like him to answer at yhy call, and to obey thee first of all. 4 Oh! give me Samuel’s heart, a lowly heart, that waits where in thy house thou art, or watches at thy gates; ny day and night, a heart that still moves at the breathing of thy will. 5 Oh! give me Samuel’s mind, a sweet unmurmuring faith, obedient and resigned to thee in life and death; that I may read with child-like eyes truths that are hidden from the wise. Scripture: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Languages: English Tune Title: SAMUEL

God's Glory Fills the Heavens

Author: Carl P. Daw Jr., b. 1944 Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #19B (2012) Meter: D Topics: Church Year Lent; Church Year Passion/Palm Sunday; Conflict; Daily Prayer Midday Prayer; Daily Prayer Morning Prayer; Darkness; Discipleship; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship Prayer for Illumination; Elements of Worship Preparation for Worship; God Light from; God Trust in; God as Refuge; God as Rock; God as Shield; God as Creator; God's Wisdom; God's Word; God's Armor; God's Glory; God's Justice; God's law; God's Strength; Grace; Healing; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Mind of; Jesus Christ Way, Truth, and Life; Renewal; Salvation; Servants of God; Temptation And Trial; Ten Commandments 10th Commandment (do not covet); Ten Commandments Deuteronomy 6; The Creation; The Fall; Truth; Victory; Wisdom Psalms; Worship; Year A, B, C, Easter, Easter vigil; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 2-8; Year B, Lent, 3rd Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September 25-October 1; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, September, 11-17; Year C, Ordinary Time after Epiphany, 3rd Sunday First Line: God's glory fills the heavens with hymns Lyrics: 1 God’s glory fills the heavens with hymns; the domed sky bears the Maker’s mark. New praises sound from day to day and echo through the knowing dark. Without a word their songs roll on; into all lands their voices run. And with a champion’s strength and grace from farthest heaven comes forth the sun. 2 God’s perfect law revives the soul; its precepts make the simple wise. Its just commands rejoice the heart; its truth gives light unto the eyes. Forever shall this law endure: unblemished, righteous, true, complete. No gold we ever found so fine, no honey in the comb more sweet. 3 God’s servant may I ever be: this world my joy, that word my guide. O cleanse me, LORD, from secret sin; deliver me from selfish pride. Accept my thoughts and words and deeds; let them find favor in your sight. For you alone can make me whole, O LORD, my refuge and my might. Scripture: Psalm 19 Tune Title: CREATION

Again the Lord's own day is here

Author: Thomas à Kempis, c1380-1471; John Mason Neale, 1818-1866 Hymnal: CPWI Hymnal #33 (2010) Meter: Topics: Hymns for the Church Year Sunday Lyrics: 1 Again the Lord’s own day is here, the day to Christian people dear, as, week by week, it bids them tell how Jesus rose from death and hell. 2 For by his flock their Lord declared his Resurrection should be shared; and we who trust in Him to save with him are risen from the grave. 3 We, one and all, of him possessed, are with exceeding treasures blessed; for all he did, and all he bare, he gives us as our own to share. 4 Eternal glory, rest on high, a blessed immortality, true peace and gladness, and a throne, are all his gifts, and all our own. 5 And therefore unto thee we sing, O Lord of peace, Eternal King; thy love we praise, thy name adore, both on this day and evermore. Languages: English Tune Title: CHURCH TRIUMPANT

Dios es nuestro amparo (God Will Be Our Refuge)

Author: Mary Louise Bringle, b. 1953 Hymnal: Psalms for All Seasons #46B (2012) Topics: Assurance; Biblical Names and Places Jacob; Church Year Advent; Church Year Baptism of the Lord; Daily Prayer Evening Prayer; Earth; Fear; Freedom from Fear; God as Refuge; God as Shield; God as Creator; God's Wonders; God's Armor; God's Deeds; God's Nearness; God's Presence; God's Protection; God's Strength; Hymns of Praise; Mission; Occasional Services New Year; Peace; People of God / Church Renewal; People of God / Church Witnessing; Prayer; Songs of Zion; Suffering; Victory; War and Revolution; Witness; Year A, B, C, Easter, Easter vigil; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, May 29-June 4 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year C, Reign of Christ, November 20-26; Texts in Languages Other than English Spanish Scripture: Psalm 46 Languages: English; Spanish Tune Title: AMPARO


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