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O blessed Souls are they

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P32a (1766) Topics: Confession of Sin, Repentance and Pardon; Repentance Confession and Pardon Lyrics: 1 O blessed Souls are they Whose Sins are cover'd o'er! Divinely blest, to whom the Lord Imputes their Guilt no more. 2 They mourn their Follies past, And keep their Hearts with Care; Their Lips and Lives without Deceit, Shall prove their Faith sincere. 3 While I conceal'd my Guilt, I felt the fest'ring Wound; Till I confess'd my Sins to thee, And ready Pardon found. 4 Let Sinners learn to pray, Let Saints keep near the Throne; Our Help in Times of deep Distress, Is found in GOD alone. Scripture: Psalm 32 Languages: English
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Happy the man to whom his GOD

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P32b (1766) Topics: Confession of Sin, Repentance and Pardon; Repentance Confession and Pardon Lyrics: 1 Happy the Man to whom his GOD No more imputes his Sin, But wash'd in the Redeemer's Blood, Hath made his Garments clean! 2 Happy, beyond Expression, he, Whose Debts are thus discharg'd; And from the guilty Bondage free, He feels his Soul enlarg'd. 3 His Spirit hates Deceit and Lyes, His Words are all sincere; He guards his Heart, he guards his Eyes, To keep his Conscience clear. 4 While I my inward Guilt supprest, No Quiet could I find; Thy Wrath lay burning in my Breast, And rack'd my tortur'd Mind. 5 Then I confess'd my troubled Thoughts, My secret Sins revealed; Thy pard'ning Grace forgave my Faults, Thy Grace my Pardon seal'd. 6 This shall invite thy Saints to pray; When like a raging Flood Temptations rise, our Strength and Stay Is a forgiving GOD. Scripture: Psalm 32 Languages: English
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Blest is the Man, for ever blest

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P32c (1766) Topics: Confession of Sin, Repentance and Pardon; Repentance Confession and Pardon Lyrics: 1 Blest is the Man, for ever blest, Whose Guilt is pardon'd by his GOD, Whose Sins with Sorrow are confess'd, And cover'd with his Saviour's Blood. 2 Blest is the Man to whom the Lord Imputes not his Iniquities, He pleads no Merit of Reward, And not on Works, but Grace relies. 3 From Guile his Heart and Lips are free, His humble Joy, his holy Fear, With deep Repentance well agree, And join to prove his Faith sincere. 4 How glorious is that Righteousness That hides and cancels all his Sins! While a bright Evidence of Grace Thro' his whole Life appears and shines. Scripture: Psalm 32 Languages: English
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While I keep Silence, and conceal

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P32d (1766) Topics: Confession of Sin, Repentance and Pardon; Repentance Confession and Pardon Lyrics: 1 While I keep Silence, and conceal My heavy Guilt within my Heart, What Torments doth my Conscience feel! What Agonies of inward Smart! 2 I spread my Sins before the Lord, And all my secret Faults confess; Thy Gospel speaks a pard'ning Word, Thine holy Spirit seals the Grace. 3 For this shall every humble Soul Make swift Addresses to thy Seat; When Floods of huge Temptations roll, There shall they find a blest Retreat. 4 How safe beneath thy Wings I lie, When Days grow dark, and Storms appear, And when I walk, thy watchful Eye Shall guide me safe from every Snare. Scripture: Psalm 32 Languages: English
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Shew Pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P51a (1766) Topics: Confession of Sin, Repentance and Pardon Lyrics: 1 Shew pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive, Let a repenting Rebel live; Are not thy Mercies large and free; May not a Sinner trust in Thee? 2 My Crimes are great, but not surpass The Power and Glory of thy Grace: Great GOD, thy Nature hath no Bound, So let thy pard'ning Love be found. 3 O wash my Soul from ev'ry Sin, And make my guilty Conscience clean; Here on my Heart the Burden lies, And past Offences pain mine Eyes. 4 My Lips with Shame my Sins confess Against thy Law, against thy Grace; Lord, should thy Judgment grow severe, I am condemn'd, but thou art clear. 5 Should sudden Vengeance seize my Breath, I must pronounce Thee just in Death: And if my Soul were sent to Hell, Thy righteous Law approves it well. 6 Yet save a trembling Sinner, Lord, Whose Hope still hov'ring round thy Word, Would light on some sweet Promise there, Some sure Support against Despair. Scripture: Psalm 51 Languages: English
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Lord, I am vile, conceiv'd in Sin

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P51b (1766) Topics: Confession of Sin, Repentance and Pardon Lyrics: 1 Lord, I am vile, conceiv'd in Sin; And born unholy and unclean; Sprung from the Man whose guilty Fall Corrupts the Race, and taints us All. 2 Soon as we draw our Infant-Breath, The Seeds of Sin grow up for Death; Thy Law demands a perfect Heart; But we're defil'd in ev'ry Part. 3 [Great GOD, create my Heart a new, And form my Spirit pure and true; O make me wise betimes, to spy My Danger and my Remedy.] 4 Behold I fall before thy Face; My only Refuge is thy Grace: No outward Forms can make me clean; The Leprosy lies deep within. 5 No bleeding Bird, nor bleeding Beast, Nor Hyssop-Branch, nor sprinkling Priest, Nor running Brook, nor Flood, nor Sea, Can wash the dismal Stain away. 6 Jesus, my GOD, thy Blood alone Hath Pow'r sufficient to attone; Thy Blood can make me white as Snow; No Jewish Types could cleanse me so. 7 While Guilt disturbs and breaks my Peace, Nor Flesh nor Soul hath Rest or Ease, Lord, let me hear thy pard'ning Voice, And make my broken Bones rejoice. Scripture: Psalm 51 Languages: English
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O Thou that hear'st when Sinners cry

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P51c (1766) Topics: Confession of Sin, Repentance and Pardon Lyrics: 1 O Thou that hear'st when Sinners cry, Tho' all my Crimes before thee lie, Behold them not with angry Look, But blot their Mem'ry from thy Book. 2 Create my Nature pure within, And form my Soul averse to Sin; Let thy good Spirit ne'er depart, Nor hide thy Presence from my Heart. 3 I cannot live without thy Light, Cast out and banished from thy Sight: Thine holy Joys my GOD restore, And guard me that I fall no more. 4 Though I have griev'd thy Spirit, Lord, Thy Help and Comfort still afford; And let a Wretch come near thy Throne To plead the Merits of thy Son. 5 A broken Heart, my GOD, my King, Is all the Sacrifice I bring; The God of Grace will ne'er despise A broken Heart for Sacrifice. 6 My Soul lies humbled in the Dust, And owns thy dreadful Sentence just; Look down, O Lord, with pitying Eye, And save the Soul condemn'd to die. 7 Then will I teach the World thy Ways; Sinners shall learn thy sov'reign Grace; I'll lead them to my Saviour's Blood, And they shall praise a pard'ning God. 8 O may thy Love inspire my Tongue! Salvation shall be all my Song; And all my Pow'rs shall join to bless The Lord, my Strength and Righteousness. Scripture: Psalm 51 Languages: English
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Lord, I would spread my sore Distress

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P51d (1766) Topics: Confession of Sin, Repentance and Pardon Lyrics: 1 Lord, I would spread my sore Distress And Guilt before thine Eyes; Against thy Laws, against thy Grace How high my Crimes arise! 2 Shouldst thou condemn my Soul to Hell, And crush my Flesh to Dust, Heav'n would approve thy Vengeance well, And Earth must own it just. 3 I from the Stock of Adam came, Unholy and unclean; All my Original is Shame, And all my Nature Sin. 4 Born in a World of Guilt, I drew Contagion with my Breath, And as my Days advanc'd, I grew A juster Prey for Death. 5 Cleanse me, O Lord, and chear my Soul With thy forgiving Love; O make my broken Spirit whole, And bid my Pains remove. 6 Let not thy Spirit quite depart, Nor drive me from thy Face; Create anew my vicious Heart, And fill it with thy Grace. 7 Then will I make thy Mercy known Before the Sons of Men; Backsliders shall address thy Throne, And turn to GOD again. Scripture: Psalm 51:3-13 Languages: English
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O God of Mercy, hear my Call

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P51e (1766) Topics: Confession of Sin, Repentance and Pardon Lyrics: 1 O God of Mercy, hear my Call, My Loads of Guilt remove, Break down this separating Wall That bars me from thy Love. 2 Give me the Presence of thy Grace, Then my rejoicing Tongue Shall speak aloud thy Righteousness, And make thy Praise my Song. 3 No Blood of Goat, nor Heifer slain, For Sin could e'er attone; The Death of Christ shall still remain Sufficient and alone. 4 A Soul opprest with Sin's Desert, My GOD will ne'er despise; A humble Groan, a broken Heart, Is our best Sacrifice. Scripture: Psalm 51:14-17 Languages: English

Ah, What Shame I Have to Bear

Author: Sōgo Matsumoto; Esther Hibbard Hymnal: Hymns from the Four Winds #55 (1983) Topics: The Christian Life Love and Repentance; The Christian Life Confession, Mercy, Forgiveness; People of Faith Biblical Figures; Useful Musical Types Solos Scripture: Luke 15:11-21 Languages: English Tune Title: IMAYŌ


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