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Thus said God, unto my Lord

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CX (1767) Topics: Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Coming and Government Lyrics: 1 Thus said GOD, unto my LORD< "Sit in State, at my right Hand: "Till I make thy daring Foes "Subject unto thy Command. 2 Thou, from Sion, shalt extend O'er thy Foes a gen'ral Sway; Nations shall thy Pow'r behold, And with Free-Will Off'rings pay. 3 They, to worship thee, shall come, When thy rising Beams they view; full as numberless and bright, As the Drops of Morning-Dew. 4 GOD hath sworn, nor sworn in vain, Thou a Priest shalt ever be; Like Melchisedech's, thy Reign Shall no Change or Period see. 5 He shall sit at thy Right Hand, For thee, Kings in Anger wound; Heathen Nations he shall judge, And their Bodies scatter round. 6 After drinking of the Brook, Which he crosses in his Way; He shall lift his Head on high, And his glorious Pow'r display. Scripture: Psalm 110 Languages: English Tune Title: [Thus said God unto my Lord]
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To GOD be endless Praise addressed

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CXVIII (1767) Topics: Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Coming and Government Lyrics: 1 To GOD be endless Praise addressed, Because his Mercies ne'er decay; That he hath us with Favour blessed, Let thankful Isr'el ever say: And for the Love he's still extedning, Let Aaron's House their Joy express; His Truth and Goodness never ending. Let all who fear the LORD confess. 2 My Soul to GOD her Pray'r addressed, Who graciously vouchsaf'd to hear; Since he relieves me, when oppressed, Why should I any Mortal fear? My Foes, no doubt, shall be disgraced, Since GOD declares himself my Friend; Our Hopes should all in him be placed, And not on human Pow'r depend. 3 Though many Nations, close combined, Did oftentimes beset me round; Yet I my Cause to him resigned, Who did their boasted Strength confound. They swarm'd like Bees, and me defied, Their Rage was like a short-liv'd Blaze; For, whilst on GOD I still relied, I overcame them all with Ease. 4 When they their utmost Force exerted, In hopes to see my sudden Fall; The LORD, who never me deserted, In Mercy sav'd me from them all. That I've escap'd from Tribulation, To him alone the Praise belongs; He is my Strength, and my Salvation; He is the Theme of all my Songs. 5 The Just, with Joy, are ever praising The LORD, who saves their souls from Harm; For wond'rous Things and Works amazing, Are done by his Almighty Arm. His strong Right Hand he hath extended, And never-fading Honours won; His strong Right Hand hath us defended, And most surprizing Wonders done. 6 Though Death draws nigh, my Soul dismaying, Yet GOD shall still prolong my Days; That I his mighty Works displaying, May thus advance his glorious Praise. When GOD, with heavy Hand correcting, My Soul of all her Joy bereaves; Ev'n then, his Mercy me protecting, From Death my fainting Life retrieves. 7 Then let the Gates be wide extended, The Gates, to which the Just repair, That I, whom GOD hath thus defended, May praise my great Deliv'rer there. With Footsteps to those Gates directed, To which in Crouds the Righteous press, Since thou hast heard, and me protected, Thy holy Name, O LORD, I'll bless. 8 That which the Builders once despised, Is now become the Corner-Stone; This Wonder, LORD, thou hast devised, This wond'rous Work is thine alone! This Day is GOD's, let Songs ascending To Heav'n, be sent from ev'ry Voice: LORD, be thy Arm our Cause defending, And make us still in thee rejoice. 9 Who trusts in GOD, to be supported, Ev'n him let all th' Assembly bless; We, who have to his House resorted, Do freely wish you good Success. GOD is the LORD, in whose Salvation, We all both Light and Comfort find; Fast to the Horns, with Adoration, The Altar's Horns, the Victim bind. 10 Thou art my GOD, and I with Pleasure, Will ever praise thy holy Name; Thou art my GOD, my soul's great Treasure, Therefore I'll celebrate thy Fame! Oh, to the LORD be Praise addressed, Who doth so kind and gracious prove; For us, his People, he hath blessed, And crown'd with never ending Love. Scripture: Psalm 118 Languages: English Tune Title: [To God be endless Praise addressed]
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With ever restless, and ungovern'd Rage

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #II (1767) Topics: Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Coming and Government Lyrics: 1 With ever restless, and ungover'd Rage, Why are the Heathen ill Designs contriving? Why thus in rash and vain Attempts engage, Which they can ne'er complete, tho; boldly striving? The earnly Kings, in council close combined, Their utmost Pow'r, their various Forces bring; In Union join'd, in compact all designed, Against the LORD, and his anointed King. 2 "Must we submit," presumptuously they say, "And yield, obedient, whilst they keep us under? "No, let us cast their slavish Bands away. "Shake off their Chains, and break their Cords asunder.' But on his Throne the LORD in Glory seated, Knows their Intent, and sees how they combine; And while their bold Attempts are all defeated, Laughs them to Scorn, and mocks their vain Design. 3 His waken'd Wrath shall shake his guilty Foes, In great Displeasure he shall sore distress them; And thus while yet they dare hi Will oppose, The LORD himself in Thunder shall address them; "Tho' madly thus you have my Pow'r disowned, "Yet be assur'd, the King whom I ordain, "On Sion’s holy Hill shall sit enthroned, "And there securely shall for ever reign." 4 Let all attend and hear GOD's fixt Decree On which he made to me this Declaration, “Thou art my Son, I have begotten thee "This Day, be Sov'regin LORD of ev'ry Nation; “Ask, and receive, 'tis yielded to thy Pleasure; "The Heathen thine Inheritance shall be; "Lands far remote, whose Limits know no Measure, "Shall be eternally posses'd by thee. 5 "Thy awful threatning Sceptte thou shalt shake "O'er all the guilty Foes, and keep them under; "Just as the massy Bars of Iron break "The Potter’s weak and brittle Ware asunder." Learn then, ye Princes, hear with due Attention, And be ye wise, ye judges of the Earth; His sacred Name with humble Rev'rence mention, And joy before him with a godly Mirth. 6 Before the Son bow down with due Respect, Strive to appease him by a low Submission, Lest he in Wrath revenge the bold Neglect, And doom you, helpless, to a swift Perdition. If but in Part, his Anger be inflamed, What Mortal can the fatal stroke withstand? He soon shall see his daring Foes ashamed, And crush'd at once by his Almighty Hand. 7 Then blest are they, who on our GOD rely, With constant Hope on his strong Arm depending, Who humbly strive to serve the LORD most high, With grateful Hearts and Fervour never ending. Scripture: Psalm 2 Languages: English Tune Title: [With ever restless and ungoverned rage]
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With new made Songs, let GOD be praised

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #XCVIII (1767) Topics: Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Coming and Government Lyrics: 1 With new-made Songs, let GOD be praised, Who wondrous Things for us hath done With his Right Hand and Arm upraised,, A glorious Conquest he has won. The LORD, hat to the World, dismayed, Declar'd his Strength and saving Might, He hath his righteous Acts displayed, Before th' astonish'd Heathens Sight. 2 The LORD, in Love and Truth excelling, Of Israel's House hath mindful been; And Nations in Earth's Corners dwelling, The saving Pow'r of GOD have seen. Let Earth's Inhabitants, combining, To him their joyful Voices raise; Let all in Songs of Triumph joining, Loudly resound their Maker's Praise. 3 With many tuneful Harps surrounding, Let them into the Concert bring, Trumpets and Cornets, shrilly sounding, And hymn glad Praises to their King: Let the loud Ocean roar, transported, With all that spacious Seas contain, Be Earth's Inhabitants exhorted, To join in Praise the noisy Main. 4 Let Streams, thro' fertile Meadows bounding, In larger Torrents dance and play; Let Hills and Vales their Joy resounding, Far off redoubled Shouts convey: To welcome down the King renowned, Who does in awful Triumph come, With never fading Glory crowned, With Justice to reward or doom. Scripture: Psalm 98 Languages: English Tune Title: [With new made songs, let God be praised]
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Eternal Sov'reign of the Sky

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #II.CXLIX (1766) Topics: Government from God Lyrics: 1 Eternal Sov'reign of the Sky, And Lord of all below; We Mortals, to thy Majesty Our first Obedience owe. 2 Our Souls adore thy Throne supreme, And bless thy Providence, For Magistrates of meaner Name, Our Glory and Defence. [3 The Crowns of British rinces shine With Rays above the rest, Where Laws and Liberties combine To make the Nation blest.] 4 Kingdoms on firm Foundations stand, While Virtue finds Reward; And Sinners perish from the Land, By Justice and the Sword. 5 Let Caesar's Due be ever paid To Caesar and his Throne, But Consciences and Souls were made To be the Lord's alone. Languages: English

May the LORD Hear You

Hymnal: Christian Worship #20A (2021) Topics: Government First Line: May the LORD answer you when you are in distress Refrain First Line: May the LORD hear you in the day of trouble Scripture: Psalm 20 Languages: English Tune Title: [May the LORD answer you when you are in distress]
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The LORD Ever Answer Your Cries of Distress

Hymnal: Christian Worship #20B (2021) Meter: Topics: Government Lyrics: 1 The LORD ever answer your cries of distress; may Jacob's God keep you, whose name you confess. God send you relief from his holiest place, and grant you from Zion support by his grace. 2 And may he remember each sacrifice made, accept on the altar your offerings laid, fulfill, in his love, the desire of your heart— success to each one of your plans to impart. 3 With joy we will shout when your vict'ry is won; we'll lift up our banners in God's name alone. The LORD in his mercy receive your request, and grant your petitions as seems to him best. 4 Now truly I know that the LORD from above protects his anointed in covenant love; from heaven he hears and attends to his cry, and saves by the pow'r of his right hand on high. 5 In horses or chariots some trust for defense; the name of the LORD is our strong confidence. They're brought to their knees, while in strength we arise. O prosper the king, LORD, and answer our cries! Scripture: Psalm 20 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. DENIO

In Your Strength, O LORD

Hymnal: Christian Worship #21A (2021) Topics: Government First Line: The king rejoices in your strength, LORD Scripture: Psalm 21 Languages: English Tune Title: [The king rejoices in your strength, LORD]
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LORD, to You We Lift Our Voices

Author: Christopher Idle Hymnal: Christian Worship #21B (2021) Meter: Topics: Government Lyrics: 1 LORD, to you we lift our voices, sing to praise your glorious might; see, th'anointed king rejoices! In your strength is his delight: heart's desires, heartfelt prayers, he finds favor in your sight. 2 LORD, you welcomed him with blessing, purest gold his head has crowned; life forever, days unceasing, in your presence joys abound: his the glory, his the vict'ry, for in him true faith is found. 3 So this king will not be shaken, held in love by God Most High; by your hand your foes are taken, at your coming they shall die: fire consuming all their scheming, all their hopes you will destroy. 4 In your strength, O LORD, uplifted, you will rid this earth of wrongs. With your wealth your king is gifted; take the praises of our songs: Son of David, high-ascended, ev'ry pow'r to Christ belongs! Scripture: Psalm 21 Languages: English Tune Title: WESTMINSTER ABBEY
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Lord, I will bless thee all my Days

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P34a (1766) Topics: Tongue governed Lyrics: 1 Lord, I will bless thee all my Days, Thy Praise shall dwell upon my Tongue; My Soul shall glory in thy Grace, While Saints rejoice to hear the Song. 2 Come, magnify the Lord with me, Come, let us all exalt his Name; I sought th' eternal GOD, and He Has not expos'd my Hope to Shame. 3 I told him all my secret Grief, My secret Groaning reach'd his Ears, He gave my inward Pains Relief; And calm'd the Tumult of my Fears. 4 To him the Poor lift up their Eyes, Their Faces feel the heav'nly Shine; A Beam of Mercy from the Skies Fills them with Light and Joy divine. 5 His holy Angels pitch their Tents Around the Men that serve the Lord: O fear and love him, all his Saints, Taste of his Grace, and trust his Word. 6 The wild young Lions, pinch'd with Pain And Hunger, roar thro' all the Wood; But none shall seek the Lord in vain, Nor want Supplies of real Good. Scripture: Psalm 34 Languages: English


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