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Showing 111 - 120 of 165Results Per Page: 102050

Spirit of holiness, wisdom and faithfulness

Author: Christopher Idle (b. 1938) Meter: with refrain Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Holy Spirit inspiration of First Line: You came to interpret and teach us effectively Lyrics: Refrain: Spirit of holiness, wisdom and faithfulness, Wind of the Lord, blowing strongly and free: strength of our serving and joy of our worshipping — Spirit of God, bring your fulness to me! 1 You came to interpret and teach us effectively all that the Saviour has spoken and done; to glorify Jesus is all your activity — promise and gift of the Father and Son: [Refrain] 2 You came with your gifts to supply all our poverty, pouring your love on the Church in her need; you came with your fruit for our growth to maturity, richly refreshing the souls that you feed: [Refrain] 3 You came to the world in its pride and futility, warning of dangers, directing us home; now with us and in us, we welcome your company; Spirit of Christ, in his name you have come: [Refrain] Scripture: John 16:5-15 Used With Tune: BLOW THE WIND SOUTHERLY

God is our song, and every singer blest

Author: Frederick Pratt Green, 1903- Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Divine Inspiration Lyrics: 1 God is our song, and every singer blest who, praising him, finds energy and rest. All who praise God with unaffected joy give back to us the wisdom we destroy. 2 God is our song, for Jesus comes to save; while praising him we offer all we have. New songs we sing, in ventures new unite, when Jesus leads us upward into light. 3 This is the song no conflict ever drowns; who praises God all human wrath disowns. Love knows what rich complexities of sound God builds upon a simple, common ground. 4 God is our silence when no songs are sung, when ecstasy or sorrow stills the tongue. Glorious the faith which silently obeys until we find again the voice of praise. Scripture: 1 Peter 2:9-10 Used With Tune: MORESTEAD
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The Divine Law

Meter: 8.8.8. Appears in 9 hymnals Topics: Bible Inspired First Line: The law that the Lord has ordained Lyrics: 1 The law that the Lord has ordained Is perfect, the soul to restore; His truth makes the simple most wise, The truth that is sure evermore. 2 His precepts are righteous and just, Rejoicing the heart and the mind; And all His commandments are pure, Enlight'ning the eyes of the blind. 3 The fear of the Lord is most clean, Forever unmoved it has stood; His judgments are perfectly true, In all things most righteous and good. 4 Such treasure no gold can supply, Such sweetness no honey afford; Their warnings none heed and obey But find most abundant reward. 5 O who can his errors discern? From hidden faults, Lord, keep me free; Let pride never reign in my heart, And clear of great sin I shall be. 6 I pray that my words and my thoughts May all with Thy precepts accord, And ever be pleasing to Thee, My rock, my Redeemer, my Lord. Scripture: Psalm 19 Used With Tune: ESKRIDGE

Jesus, Your Spirit in Us

Author: Taizé Community Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Inspiration First Line: Jesus, your Spirit in us (Christus, dein Geist wohnt in uns) Scripture: John 4:14 Used With Tune: [Jesus, your Spirit in us]

Veni, Sancte Spiritus

Author: Taizé Community Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Divine Inspiration First Line: Come from the four winds, O Spirit Lyrics: Ostinato: Veni, Sancte Spiritus. 1 Come from the four winds, O Spirit, come, breath of God; disperse the shadows over us, renew and strengthen your people. Veni, Sancte Spiritus. 2 Father of the poor, come to our poverty. Shower upon us the seven gifts of your grace. Be the light of our lives O, come. Veni, Sancte Spiritus. 3 You are our only comforter, Peace of the soul. In the heat you shade us; in our labour you refresh us, and in trouble you are our strength. Veni, Sancte Spiritus. 4 Kindle in our hearts the flame of our love that in the darkness of the world in may glow and reach to all forever. Veni, Sancte Spiritus. Scripture: Luke 11:9-13 Used With Tune: VENI SANCTE SPIRITUS
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Manifold Mercies

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Bible Inspired First Line: God saved His people from distress Lyrics: 1 God saved His people from distress And led them thro' the wilderness; Then mountains trembled in their place, The heav'ns were bowed before His face. 2 With copious show'rs Thou didst assuage The thirsting of Thy heritage, Thy congregation dwelt secure; Thou, God, art gracious to the poor. 3 The Lord sent forth His mighty word, And shouts of victory were heard; The women came, a mighty throng, To join the glad triumphant song. 4 When God His chosen people led, The kings and armies turned and fled; The hosts of God victorious fought, And home their spoils and trophies bro't. 5 God's people rested, free from care, In glorious peace and beauty fair; Their mighty King did overthrow The hostile kings like driven snow. 6 All mountains unto God belong, But Zion's holy mountains strong Above them all the Lord loves well, And there He will forever dwell. 7 Great hosts to holy wars have trod, The armies of the living God; Among them He reveals His face, The God of justice and of grace. 8 Thou hast ascended up on high And captive led captivity; They come with gifts, who did rebel, That with them God the Lord might dwell. Scripture: Psalm 68 Used With Tune: JUNIATA

Teach me to dance to the beat of your heart

Author: Graham Kendrick (b. 1950); Steve Thompson Appears in 4 hymnals Topics: Holy Spirit inspiration of First Line: You wrote the rhythm of life Scripture: Genesis 1 Used With Tune: [You wrote the rhythm of life]

The bright wind is blowing, the bright wind of heaven

Author: Cecily Taylor, 1930- Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: Divine Inspiration Lyrics: 1 The bright wind is blowing, the bright wind of heaven, and where it is going to, no one can say; but where it is passing our hearts are awaking to grope from the darkness and reach for the day. 2 The bright wind is blowing, the bright wind of heaven, and many old thoughts will be winnowed away; the husk that is blown is the chaff of our hating, the seed that is left is the hope for our day. 3 The bright wind is blowing, the bright wind of heaven, the love that it kindles will never betray; the fire that it fans is the warmth of our caring, so lean on the wind - it will show us the way. Used With Tune: THE BRIGHT WIND OF HEAVEN
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God's Perfect Law

Appears in 6 hymnals Topics: Bible Inspired First Line: God's perfect law converts Scripture: Psalm 19:5-9 Used With Tune: [God's perfect law converts]
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The Witness of Experience to God's Goodness

Appears in 5 hymnals Topics: Bible Inspired First Line: Well hast thou with thy servant dealt Scripture: Psalm 49:54 Used With Tune: [Well hast thou with thy servant dealt]


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