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Philip Doddridge

1702 - 1751 Person Name: Rev. Philip Doddridge Hymnal Number: 69 Author of "O God of Bethel, by whose hand" in Hymns for Worship Philip Doddridge (b. London, England, 1702; d. Lisbon, Portugal, 1751) belonged to the Non-conformist Church (not associated with the Church of England). Its members were frequently the focus of discrimination. Offered an education by a rich patron to prepare him for ordination in the Church of England, Doddridge chose instead to remain in the Non-conformist Church. For twenty years he pastored a poor parish in Northampton, where he opened an academy for training Non-conformist ministers and taught most of the subjects himself. Doddridge suffered from tuberculosis, and when Lady Huntington, one of his patrons, offered to finance a trip to Lisbon for his health, he is reputed to have said, "I can as well go to heaven from Lisbon as from Northampton." He died in Lisbon soon after his arrival. Doddridge wrote some four hundred hymn texts, generally to accompany his sermons. These hymns were published posthumously in Hymns, Founded on Various Texts in the Holy Scriptures (1755); relatively few are still sung today. Bert Polman ======================== Doddridge, Philip, D.D., was born in London, June 26, 1702. His grandfather was one of the ministers under the Commonwealth, who were ejected in 1662. His father was a London oilman. He was offered by the Duchess of Bedford an University training for ordination in the Church of England, but declined it. He entered Mr. Jennings's non-conformist seminary at Kibworth instead; preached his first sermon at Hinckley, to which Mr. Jennings had removed his academy. In 1723 he was chosen pastor at Kibworth. In 1725 he changed his residence to Market Harborough, still ministering at Kibworth. The settled work of his life as a preceptor and divine began in 1729, with his appointment to the Castle Hill Meeting at Northampton, and continued till in the last stage of consumption. He sailed to Lisbon, in 1751, where he died October 26, the same year. Two hundred pupils in all, gathered from England, Scotland and Holland, were prepared in his seminary, chiefly for the dissenting ministry, but partly for professions. The wide range of subjects, including daily readings in Hebrew and Greek, Algebra, Trigonometry, Watts' Logic, outline of Philosophy, and copious Divinity, is itself a proof of Doddridge's learning. He was presented with his D.D. degree by the University of Aberdeen. His fame as a divine, combined with his wide sympathies and gentle, unaffected goodness, won for him the friendship of Watts, Col. Gardiner and Hervey, and the esteem of Seeker and Warburton. He welcomed the work of Wesley and Whitefield, and entertained the latter on his visit to Northampton. His Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul and The Family Expositor both did good work in their day. For criticism of his hymns see English Hymnody, Early, § XIV. [Rev. H. Leigh Bennett, M.A.] After Dr. Doddridge's death his hymns were published by his friend Job Orton, in 1755, as:— "Hymns founded on Various Texts in the Holy Scriptures. By the late Reverend Philip Doddridge, D.D. Published from the Author's Manuscript by Job Orton . . . Salop. Printed by J. Eddowes and J. Cotton, &c. MDCCLV." Concerning the text of the hymns, Orton says in his Preface:— "There may perhaps be some improprieties, owing to my not being able to read the author's manuscript in particular places, and being obliged, without a poetical genius, to supply those deficiencies, whereby the beauty of the stanza may be greatly defaced, though the sense is preserved." The 1st edition contained 370 hymns; the 2nd, 1759, 374; and the 3rd, 1766, and later editions, 375. In 1839 Doddridge's great-grandson re-edited the hymns from the original manuscript and published the same as:— Scriptural Hymns by the Rev. Philip Doddridge, D.D. New and corrected edition containing many hymns never before printed. Edited from the Original Documents by the Author's great-grandson, John Doddridge Humphreys, Esq. Lond. Darton & Clark, 1839. This work contains 22 additional hymns. The text differs in many instances from Orton's, but these changes have not come into common use. In addition to the manuscript used by Orton and J. D. Humphreys, another containing 100 hymns (five of which are not in any edition of the Hymns), all in the author's handwriting, and most of them dated, is referred to in this Dictionary as the "D. Manuscripts." It is the property of Mr. W. S. Booker and family. A manuscript, not in Doddridge's handwriting, of 77 "Hymns by P. Doddridge, Mar. 16, 1739/1740," is in the possession of Mr. W. T. Brooke. The existence of these manuscripts is accounted for from the fact that Doddridge's hymns were freely circulated in manuscript during his lifetime. It is from his correspondence with R. Blair (q.v.) that the few compositions traceable to him in the Scottish Trans. & Paraphrases were derived. The hymns by Doddridge which have attained to the greatest popularity are:— “Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve"; " Do not I love Thee, O my Lord? " "Grace 'tis a charming sound”; " Hark, the glad sound, the Saviour comes"; "My God, and is Thy table spread?" "O happy day, that fixed my choice"; "O God of Jacob [Bethel], by Whose hand”; " See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand"; "Ye servants of the Lord." These hymns, with many besides, are annotated under their respective first lines. Of the rest, taken from the Hymns, &c, 1755, the following are also in common use:— 1. Behold the gloomy vale. Death anticipated. 2. Behold the Great Physician stands. Christ the Physician. 3. Captives of Israel, hear. Spiritual Deliverance. 4. Eternal God, our wondering souls. Enoch's Piety and Translation. 5. Eternal Source of life and thought. Subjection to the Father. G. Exalted Prince of Life, we own. Christ the Prince and Saviour. 7. Father Divine, the Saviour cried. Christ's Submission to the Father. 8. Father Divine, Thy piercing eye. Secret Prayer. 9. Father of mercies, send Thy grace. Sympathy. The Good Samaritan. 10. Go, saith the Lord, proclaim my grace. Forgiveness. 11. God of Eternity, from Thee. Redeeming the Time. 12. God of my life, through all its [my] days. Praising God continually. 13. God. of salvation, we adore. Praise to God for Redemption. 14. Great Father of mankind. Gentiles brought into the Church. 15. Great God, we sing that mighty hand. The New Tear. 16. Great Leader of Thine Israel's host. During Persecution. 17. Great Lord of angels, we adore. Ordination. 18. Great Spirit of immortal love. Purity of Heart desired. 19. Great Teacher of Thy Church, we own. The Divine Precepts. 20. Hail, everlasting Prince of Peace. Sympathy. 21. Hail to the Prince of life and peace. Praise to Christ. 22. Hear, gracious [Saviour] Sovereign, from Thy throne. The Blessings of the Holy Spirit desired. 23. How gentle God's commands. God's Care of His Own. 24. How rich Thy favours, God of grace. God and His Living Temple. 25. How swift the torrent flows [rolls]. Our Fathers, where are they? 26. Jesus the Lord, our souls adore. Christ the Forerunner. 27. Jesus, we own Thy Sovereign hand. Christ to be fully known hereafter. 28. Loud let the tuneful trumpet sound. Gospel Jubilee. 29. My gracious Lord, I own Thy right. Life in Jesus. 30. My [Dear] Saviour, I am [we are] Thine. Joined to Christ through the Spirit. 31. My soul, with all thy waking powers. The Choice of Moses. 32. Now let our voices join. Singing in the ways of God. 33. 0 injured Majesty of heaven. Lent. 34. 0 Zion, tune thy voice. Glory of the Church of Christ. 35. Peace, 'tis the Lord Jehovah's hand. Resignation. 36. Praise the Lord of boundless might. The Father of Lights. 37. Praise to Thy Name, Eternal God. Growth in Grace desired. 38. Remark, my soul, the narrow bounds. The New Year. 39. Repent, the Voice celestial cries. Lent. 40. Return, my roving heart, return. Heart communing. 41. Salvation, O melodious sound. God our Salvation. 42. Saviour of men, and Lord of love. Ministry and Death of Christ. 43. Searcher of hearts, before Thy face. Peter to Simon Magus. 44. Shepherd of Israel, Thou dost keep. Induction or Settlement of a Minister. 45. Shine forth, eternal Source of light. Knowledge of God desired. 46. Shine on our souls, eternal God. Sunday. 47. Sing, ye redeemed of the Lord. Joy on the Homeward Way. 48. Sovereign of life, before Thine eye. Life and Death in God's hands. 49. The darkened sky, how thick it lours. Sorrow followed by Joy. 50. The day approacheth, O my soul. Judgment anticipated. 51. The King of heaven His table spreads. The Gospel Feast. 52. The promises I sing. The unchanging promises of God. 53. The swift-declining day. Walk in the Light. 54. These mortal joys, how soon they fade. Treasures, Perishable and Eternal. 55. Thy judgments cry aloud. Retributive Providence. 56. Thy presence, Everlasting God. Omnipresence of the Father. 57. 'Tis mine, the covenant of His grace. Death anticipated. 58. To Thee, my God; my days are known. Life under the eye of God. 59. Tomorrow, Lord, is Thine. Uncertainty of Life. 60. Triumphant Lord, Thy goodness reigns. The Divine Goodness. 61. Triumphant Zion, lift thy head. The Church Purified and Guarded. 62. Unite my roving thoughts, unite. Peace. 63. What mysteries, Lord, in Thee combine. Christ, the First and Last. 64. While on the verge of life I stand. Death anticipated with Joy. 65. With ecstacy of Joy. Christ the Living Stone. 66. Ye golden lamps of heaven, farewell. Heaven opening. 67. Ye hearts with youthful vigour warm. The Young encouraged. 68. Ye humble souls, that seek the Lord. Easter. 69. Ye sons of men, with joy record. Praise of the Works of God. 70. Yes, the Redeemer rose. Easter In Dr. Hatfield's Church HymnBook, N. Y., 1872, Nos. 9, 12, 14, 15, 21, 23, 25, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 39, 40, 44, 47, 51, 61, 64, 65, 67, 69, 70, as above, are dated 1740. What authority there may be for this date we cannot say, these hymns not being in any “D. MSS." with which we are acquainted, and no dates are given in the Hymns, &c, 1755. Some later American editors have copied this date from Dr. Hatfield. Doddridge's hymns are largely used by Unitarians both in Great Britain and America. As might be expected, the Congregationalists also draw freely from his stores. The Baptists come next. In the hymnals of the Church of England the choicest, only are in use. Taken together, over one-third of his hymns are in common usage at the present time. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================ Doddridge, Philip, D.D. At p. 305 an account is given of a manuscript volume of Doddridge's Hymns, which is the property of the Rooker family. Since that article was written another manuscript vol. has been found. It was the property of Lady Frances Gardiner, née Erskine, an intimate friend of Doddridge, and wife of Col. Gardiner. It is a copy of the Rooker manuscipt, with the revised text, as in the margin of that ms., and is in Doddridge's hand¬writing. It was from this manuscript that the Doddridge hymns were taken for the Scottish Translationsand Paraphrases, 1745. Additional hymns by Dr. Doddridge still in common use include:— 1. My God, how cheerful is the sound. All in Christ. 2. My Saviour, let me hear Thy voice. Pardon desired. 3. My soul, triumphant in the Lord. Divine Guidance assured. 4. No «iore, ye wise, your wisdom boast. Glorying in God alone. From Hymns, No. 128. 5. Now be that Sacrifice survey'd. Christ our Sacrifice. 6. 0 Israel, blest beyond compare. Happiness of God's Israel. 7. Our fathers, where are they? Considering the Past. From Hymns, No. 164. 8. Praise to the Lord on high. Missions. 9. Praise to the radiant Source of bliss. Praise for Divine Guidance. 10. Return, my soul, and seek thy rest. Rest in Jesus. 11. Salvation doth to God belong. National Thanksgiving. 12. Sovereign of Life, I own Thy hand. On Recovery from Sickness. 13. The sepulchres, how thick they stand. Burial. 14. There is a Shepherd kind and strong. The Good Shepherd. From Hymns, No. 216. 15. Wait on the Lord, ye heirs of hope. Waiting on God. 16. We bless the eternal Source of light. Christ's care of the Church. 17. With transport, Lord, our souls proclaim. Immutability of Christ. 18. Ye mourning saints, whose streaming tears. Death and Burial. These all appeared in Dr. Doddridge's Hymns, 1755. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Oliver Holden

1765 - 1844 Hymnal Number: 8 Composer of "CORONATION" in Hymns for Worship Holden, Oliver, one of the pioneers of American psalmody, was born in 1765, and was brought up as a carpenter. Subsequently he became a teacher and music-seller. He died at Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1844. His published works are American Harmony, 1793; the Worcester Collection, 1797; and other Tune books. One of his most popular tunes is "Coronation." It is thought that he edited a small hymn-book, published at Boston before 1808, in which are 21 of his hymns with the signature "H." A single copy only of this book is known, and that is without title-page. Of his hymns the following are in common use:— 1. All those who seek a throne of grace. [God present where prayer is offered.] Was given in Peabody's Springfield Collection, 1835, No. 92, in a recast form as, “They who seek the throne of grace." This form is in extensive use in America, and is also in a few collections in Great Britain. 2. With conscious guilt, and bleeding heart. [Lent.] This, although one of the best of Holden's hymns, has passed out of use. It appeared, with two others, each bearing bis signature, in the Boston Collection (Baptist), 1808. 3. Within these doors assembled now. [Divine Worship.] [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology

Adoniram J. Gordon

1836 - 1895 Person Name: A. J. Gordon Hymnal Number: 42 Composer of "[My Jesus I love Thee, I know Thou art mine]" in Hymns for Worship Adoniram J. Gordon (b. New Hampton, NH, 1836; d. Boston, MA, 1895) was educated at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, and Newton Theological Seminary, Newton, Massachusetts. After being ordained in 1863, he served the Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, and the Clarendon Street Baptist Church, Boston. A close friend of Dwight L. Moody, he promoted evangelism and edited The Service of Song for Baptist Churches (1871) as well as The Vestry Hymn and Tune Book (1872). Both Gordon College and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary are named after Gordon. Bert Polman ================== Gordon, Adoniram Judson, D.D., born at New Hampton, N.H., Apr. 19, 1836. Graduated at Brown University, 1860; entered the Baptist ministry; Pastor of Clarendon Street Baptist Church, Boston, 1869; and died in 1895. He published The Vestry Hymn and Tune Book, 1872; and was one of the editors of the Service of Song for Baptist Churches, 1871. His hymns in common use include:— 1. O blessed Paraclete. [Holy Spirit .] Given in Sursum Corda, 1898, as having been written in 1890. 2. O Spirit's anointing, for service appointing . [Foreign Missions.] This hymn was "written in the summer of 1886, at Northfield School for Bible Study, organised by Mr. Moody. More than one hundred college students connected with this school gave themselves to the work of foreign missions during their stay at Northfield. Four of their number were chosen to visit the colleges in different parts of the country, and endeavour to awaken a deeper interest in missions during the succeeding academic year. At their request Dr. Gordon” wrote this hymn. Baptist Hymns and Hymn Writers. 3. Where art thou, soul! I hear God say. [Divine Chiding.] Published in social meeting edition of The Service of Song, 1881. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Joseph P. Holbrook

1822 - 1888 Hymnal Number: 92 Arranger of "JEWETT" in Hymns for Worship Joseph P. Holbrook was a tune writer in the parlor music style, and used the popular melodies of Mason and Hastings, Bradbury and Root, Greatorex and Kingsley in his collections. He furnished settings for the choir hymns in Songs for the Sanctuary in his Quartet and chorus Choir (New York, 1871, and sought more recogniation than had been given him in a hymnal of his own, Worship in Song (New York, 1880); a book that found no welcome. from The English hymn: its development and use in worship By Louis FitzGerald Benson

I. B. Woodbury

1819 - 1858 Person Name: Isaac B. Woodbury Hymnal Number: 113 Composer of "DORRNANCE" in Hymns for Worship Woodbury, Isaac Baker. (Beverly, Massachusetts, October 23, 1819--October 26, 1858, Columbia, South Carolina). Music editor. As a boy, he studied music in nearby Boston, then spent his nineteenth year in further study in London and Paris. He taught for six years in Boston, traveling throughout New England with the Bay State Glee Club. He later lived at Bellow Falls, Vermont, where he organized the New Hampshire and Vermont Musical Association. In 1849 he settled in New York City where he directed the music at the Rutgers Street Church until ill-health caused him to resign in 1851. He became editor of the New York Musical Review and made another trip to Europe in 1852 to collect material for the magazine. in the fall of 1858 his health broke down from overwork and he went south hoping to regain his strength, but died three days after reaching Columbia, South Carolina. He published a number of tune-books, of which the Dulcimer, of New York Collection of Sacred Music, went through a number of editions. His Elements of Musical Composition, 1844, was later issued as the Self-instructor in Musical Composition. He also assisted in the compilation of the Methodist Hymn Book of 1857. --Leonard Ellinwood, DNAH Archives

Hugh Stowell

1799 - 1865 Person Name: Rev. Hugh Stowell Hymnal Number: 22 Author of "From Every Stormy Wind" in Hymns for Worship Stowell, Hugh, an able and popular minister of the Church of England, was born at Douglas, Isle of Man, December 3, 1799. He graduated at Oxford in 1822, and took holy orders the following year. He held various offices in his Church; became rector at Salford in 1831; was appointed honorary Canon of Chester Cathedral in 1845, and later Rural Dean of Eccles. He published several volumes. He also edited a book of hymns: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns Suited to the Services of the Church of England, 1831. To the several editions of this book most of his hymns were contributed. He died at Safford October 8, 1865. From every stormy wind that blows 495 Lord of all power and might 206 Hymn Writers of the Church, 1915 by Charles Nutter ================================== Stowell, Hugh, M.A., son of Hugh Stowell, Rector of Ballaugh, near Ramsey, was born at Douglas, Isle of Man, Dec. 3, 1799, and educated at St. Edmund Hull, Oxford, B.A. 1822; M.A. 1826. He was ordained in 1823, and held the curacy of Shepscombe, Gloucestershire; and then that of Holy Trinity, Huddersfield. Subsequently he was Curate in charge of St. Stephen's, Salford, and became rector of Christ Church, Salford, in 1831. In 1845 he was appointed Hon. Canon in Chester Cathedral; in 1851 Chaplain to the Bishop of Manchester; and Rural Dean of Eccles. He died at Salford, Oct. 8, 1865. His Memoir, by the Rev. J. B. Marsden, was published in 1868. Canon Stoweli was a popular and effective preacher. His publications included Tractarianism Tested, 1845; A Model for Men of Business, 1854 ; Pleasures of Religion and Other Poems, 1832; The Peaceful Valley, 1826 ; and a large number of single sermons, pamphlets, &c. His Selection of Psalms & Hymns was published as:— A Selection of Psalms & Hymns Suited to the Services of the Church of England. By the Rev. H. Stowell, M.A., Manchester. Printed by Henry Smith, St. Ann's Square, 1831. This Selection contained 233 hymns, in addition to versions of the Psalms. Of the hymns the following were by the compiler:— 1. Almighty Shepherd, Who didst give. (1828.) The Good Shepherd. 2. From every stormy wind that blows. 3. Gracious God, look down in kindness. Sunday School Anniversary. 4. Great God, we dare not bow the knee. Holy Communion. 5. Meek Lamb of God, on Thee. Lent. 6. To Thee, 0 God, we raise. Sunday School Anniversary. 7. Tune every heart, wake every tongue. Sunday School Anniversary. 8. When Jesus left the glorious sky. For an Infants’ School. 9. Yes, in the morning of our years. Sunday School Anniversary. The 12th edition of this Selection published by Canon Stowell in 1864, was increased to 273 hymns, the additional hymns being in nearly every instance his own compositions. In addition to those already given we have:— 10. Again our yearly strain we raise. 1864. 11. Another year has glided past. (Before 1846.) 12. Another year with mercies strown. (Before 1846.) 13. Before Thy throne, 0 Lord, we bend. (Before 1846.) 14. By pressing dangers compassed round. 1843 (?). 15. Come, raise we all the blessed strain. 1862. 16. Hail, hallowed day of heavenly rest. 1844 (?). 17. Hark, how sweet those infant voices. 1841 (?). 18. How fruitless is the ploughman's toil. 1854. 19. How gently in night's silent hours. 1850. 20. Jesus is our Shepherd, Wiping, &c. 1849. 21. Jesus, Lord, Who hast ascended. 1853. 22. Jesus, Lord, we wait on Thee. 1863. 23. Jesus, our Saviour and our Lord. (Before 1846.) 24. Jesus, Prophet of Thy Church. 1861. 25. Lord, if our land be great and free. 1851. 26. Lord, in this dark and stormy day. 1848. 27. Lord, in Thy mercy hear our cry. 1855. 28. Meek Lamb of God, Who dost impart. 1859. 29. 0 God, the liquid sign of grace. 1856. 30. Sailing o'er life's changeful ocean. (Before 1846.) 31. Saviour, guide this little band. (Before 1846.) 32. The day of rest is passed away. (Before 1846.) 33. The morn of our lifetime is fast gliding by. (Before 1846.) 34. Though our lot be poor and lowly. 1847. 35. Thy cross, 0 Lord, the holy sign. 1840. 36. Wake, wake our yearly strain anew. 1852. 37. Wake, wake the joyful song. 1844. 38. We, a little simple throng. (Before 1846.) 39. We, little pilgrims of a day. 1845. 40. We love the holy house of prayer. 1857. 41. We will not weep as others do. 1842. 42. What is your life? It glances by. 1860. 43. What though our earthly lot be low. 1858. These hymns were all written for the Anniversary Services of Christ Church Sunday Schools, Salford, and are included with others in a special Appendix in the 1877 ed. of the Selection as above. Other hymns by Canon Stowell are:— 44. Children of old, Hosannah sang. Sunday Schools. 1830. 45. Lord of all power and might, Father of love, &c. Missions. Written for the Jubilee of the B. & F. Bible Society, March 7, 1853. 46. Shepherd of the ransomed sheep. The Good Shepherd. 47. Pilgrims in the narrow way. Sunday School Anniversary. This was his last hymn, and was written for the Christ Church Sunday School Anniversary, 1865. Of Canon Stowell's hymns the most popular are Nos. 2, 3, 20 and 44. As a writer for children he was very successful. All the foregoing hymns are in the 15th ed. of his Selection edited by his son, Manchester, 1877; and in Hymns. By the late Rev. Canon Stowell, M.A. Manchester, 1868. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John S. Dwight

1813 - 1893 Person Name: Rev. John S. Dwight Hymnal Number: 109 Author of "God bless our native land" in Hymns for Worship John Sullivan Dwight, born, in Boston, May 13, 1813, was a virtuoso in music, and an enthusiastic student of the art and science of tonal harmony. He joined a Harvard musical club known as "The Pierian Sodality" while a student at the University, and after his graduation became a prolific writer on musical subjects. Six years of his life were passed in the "Brook Farm Community." He was best known by his serial magazine, Dwight's Journal of Music, which was continued from 1852 to 1881. His death occurred in 1893. The Story of the Hymns and Tunes, Brown & Butterworth, 1906. ===================== Dwight, John Sullivan, son of Timothy Dwight (p. 316, ii.), was born at Boston, U.S.A., May 13, 1812, and educated at Harvard, and at the Cambridge Theological College. He laboured in the ministry for six years, and then devoted himself to literary work. For nearly 30 years he was editor of a Journal of Music. His connection with hymnody is very slight. (See "God bless our native land," p. 1566, i.) --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Ithamar Conkey

1815 - 1867 Hymnal Number: 47 Composer of "RATHBUN" in Hymns for Worship Ithamar D. Conkey USA 1815-1867. Born of Scottish ancestry in Shutesbury, MA, he became a wool merchant. He married Elizabeth Billings, and they had a daughter and two sons. He was organist at Central Baptist Church,Norwich, CN. After that, he went to NewYork City and served as bass soloist at Calvary Episcopal church and Grace Church. Later, he served as bass soloist and choir director of Madison Avenue Baptist Church. His famous hymn was written in 1849. Two years later, William Howard Doane was baptized in the same church. John Perry

William G. Tomer

1833 - 1896 Person Name: W. G. Tomer Hymnal Number: 128 Composer of "[God be with you till we meet again]" in Hymns for Worship Born: Oc­to­ber 5, 1833, New Jer­sey. Died: Sep­tem­ber 26, 1896, New Jer­sey. Buried: Un­ion Cem­e­te­ry, Fines­ville, New Jer­sey. Tomer stu­died sing­ing and sang in the choir in Fines­ville, New Jer­sey, and be­gan teach­ing school at age 17. He served in the Un­ion army dur­ing the Amer­i­can ci­vil war, then worked as a clerk in Wash­ing­ton, DC, served as mu­sic di­rect­or for Grace Meth­od­ist Epis­co­pal Church, and taught school in New Car­pen­ters­ville and Green­wich, New Jer­sey. He was liv­ing in Green­wich as of 1880.

George Keith

1638 - 1716 Person Name: "K" Hymnal Number: 70 Author of "How Firm a Foundation" in Hymns for Worship George Keith, according to D. Sedgwick, was the author of "How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord." Little is known about Keith, save that he was a publisher, a son-in-law of Dr. Gill, and the composer of several hymns. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872.


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