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Hymnal, Number:phss1792

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Comforter of all that mourn

Hymnal: PHSS1792 #XLVI (1792) Meter: Irregular First Line: Jesus, Comforter divine, Consolations Lyrics: 1 Jesus, comforter divine! Consolations, Lord, are thine; Mightiest comforts, full of good, Worthy of the living God. 2 Thou shalt wipe all tears away, Mid the blessed realms of day; Thou shalt hush each rising sigh; Sorrow, pain and death shall die. 3 Highest praises wait thy name, Great, unchanging, glorious fame; Jesus, comforter divine! Praises, praises, Lord, be thine. Scripture: Isaiah 61:1-3 Languages: English
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Messenger of the Covenant

Hymnal: PHSS1792 #LXIV (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus, commissioned from above Lyrics: 1 Jesus, commission'd from above, Descends to men below, And shews from whence the springs of love, In endless currents flow. 2 He, whom the boundless Heav'n adores, Whom Angels long to see; Quitted with joy those blissful shores, Ambassador to me! 3 To me a worm, a sinful clod, A rebel and forlorn; A foe, a traitor to my God, And of a traitor born. 4 To me, who never sought his grace, Who mock'd his sacred word; Who never knew, or lov'd his face, And all his will abhorr'd. 5 To me who could not even praise, When his kind heart I knew; But sought a thousand devious ways, Rather than keep the true. 6 Yet this redeeming Angel came, So vile a worm to bless; He took, with gladness, all my blame, And gave his righteousness. 7 O! that my languid heart might glow, With ardour all divine; And for more love than Seraphs know, Like burning Seraphs shine. Scripture: Malachi 3:1 Languages: English
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The Rich made Poor for our Sakes

Author: James Relly Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CXXXI (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus, how glorious is thy grace! Lyrics: 1 Jesus, how glorious is thy grace! How excellent thy name! Unclouded heaven's in thy face, Thou venerable Lamb. 2 Tho' thou wast rich in angel's songs, Thou willingly wast born To feel the rage of mortal Ttongues, Their ridicule and scorn. 3 Tho' thou wast rich in pow'r supreme, Yet didst thou condescend, From worms of earth to suffer shame, And insults from the fiend. 4 Tho' thou wast rich in righteousness, Divinely pure within; Yet didst thou feel hell's deep distress, When made our curse and sin. 5 Tho' thou wast infinitely high And rich, yet didst thou take The deepest shame and poverty, And for the sinner's sake: 6 That, thro' thy poverty and loss, We might be rich and blest; And, by the labours of thy cross, Might gain eternal rest. 7 Inrich'd by all thy loss and smart, Thy heav'n's on man bestow'd; Witness'd, when from thy bleeding heart The blood and water flow'd. 8 Our dearest Lord, we bless thy grace, Thy wond'rous love admire; To see the beauties of thy face, May all the world desire. 9 Live Jesus, live for evermore, Whilst all the sons of God Thy glorious person shall adore, And bless thy grace and blood. Topics: The Humiliation of the Glorified with Glory before the World began Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:9 Languages: English
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Christ, Precious to them that Believe

Author: Doddridge Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CCLXXXI (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus, I love thy charming name Lyrics: 1 Jesus, I love thy charming name, 'Tis musick to my ear; Fain would I sound it out so loud That earth and heav'n might hear. 2 Yes, thou art precious to my soul, My transport and my trust; Jewels, to thee, are gaudy toys, And gold is sordid dust. 3 All my capacious pow'rs can wish, In thee, doth richly meet; Not to my eyes is light so dear, Nor friendship half so sweet. 4 Thy grace shall dwell upon heart, And shed its fragrance there; The noblest balm of all its wounds, The cordial of its care. 5 I'll speak the honours of thy name, With my last labouring breath; And dying, clasp thee in my arms, The antidote of death. Topics: Faith, its Author, Preciousness, and Triumphs Scripture: Galatians 4:26 Languages: English
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Baptism with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CC (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus, in ancient days Lyrics: 1 Jesus, in ancient days, Thine Isr'el saw the flame From heav'n descend, to visit earth, And prais'd thy glorious name. 2 Give us to join their song, To hail thee, ever good: And mid the fire, may we adore, Th' unchanging, gracious God. 3 Thy fan, shall purge the floor: Thy fire, the chaff destroy: And gath'ring of the cleansed wheat, Thy sheave shall sing for joy. Topics: Attributes, Characters, Names, and Offices of Christ, from the New Testatment Scripture: Matthew 3:11 Languages: English
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Aaron, and the true Melchizedek

Author: Watts Hymnal: PHSS1792 #LXXXVIII (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus, in thee our eyes behold Lyrics: 1 Jesus, in thee our eyes behold A thousand glories more, Than sparkled in the gems and gold The sons of Aaron wore. 2 They first their own burnt off'rings brought, To purge themselves from sin; Thy life was pure without a spot, And all thy nature clean. 3 Once in the circuit of a year, With blood, but not his own, Aaron within the veil appears. Before the golden throne. 4 But Christ by his own pow'rful blood, Ascends above the skies, And in the presence of our God, Shews his own sacrifice. 5 Jesus the king of glory reigns On Zion's heav'nly hill, Looks like a lamb that has been slain, And wears his priesthood still. 6 He ever lives to intercede Before his Father's face: Give him, my soul, thy cause to plead, Nor doubt the Father's grace. Topics: Particular Types, and General Prophesies of Jesus, from the Legal and Prophetic Dispensations Scripture: Hebrews 9:7-8 Languages: English
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Author: John Relly Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CCXXX (1792) Meter: Irregular First Line: Jesus, Master, in thine hand Lyrics: 1 Jesus, Master, in thine hand Lead on thy family, 'Till we all possess the land, The promis'd liberty: There amidst the holy throng We all shall see thy blissful face, Singing one eternal song To Christ, the God of grace. 2 In thy bleeding heart shall we All find our blest abode; Each disowning all for thee, Thou wounded Lamb of God: There possessing all we want In thy rich fulness, holy Lamb, Hence we all are now content To bear thy cross and shame. 3 In thy smitten body, we Are pure for ever more; Happy to eternity, We will our Lord adore: We in Christ, our ark, abide, O'er each temptation still we soar; We disdain the swelling tide, and soon shall reach the shore. 4 Farewell all this world below, And all that earth calls good, We rejoice no more in you, We are redeem'd by blood. Now redeem'd to God we prove A safe asylum from our fears; All the heights, and depths of love, In Jesus' blood appears. Topics: Attributes, Characters, Names, and Offices of Christ, from the New Testament Scripture: Matthew 23:8 Languages: English
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At Charity Lectures

Author: Doddridge Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CCCXI (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus, my Lord, how rich thy grace! Lyrics: 1 Jesus, my Lord, how rich thy grace! Thy bounties how complete! How shall I count the matchless sum! How pay the mighty debt! 2 High on a throne of radiant light, Dost thou exalted shine; What can my poverty bestow, When all the worlds are thine? 3 But thou hast brethren here below, The partners of thy grace; And wilt confess their humble names Before thy Father's face. 4 In them thou may'st be cloth'd and fed, And visited and cheer'd; And, in their accents of distress, My Saviour's voice is heard. 5 Thy face, with rev'rence and with love, We in thy poor would see; O let us rather beg our bread Than keep it back from thee. Topics: Miscellaneous Hymns for Sundry Occasions Scripture: Proverbs 3:27-28 Languages: English
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King of Nations

Author: Watts Hymnal: PHSS1792 #LX (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Lyrics: 1 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Does his successive journeys run; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2 Behold the islands, with their kings, And Europe her best tribute brings; From north to south the princes meet, To pay their homage at his feet. 3 There Persia, glorious to behold, There India, shines in eastern gold; And barb'rous nations at his word Submit, and bow, and own their Lord. 4 For him shall endless pray'r be made, And praises throng to crown his head; His name like sweet perfume shall rise With ev'ry morning sacrifice. 5 People and realms of ev'ry tongue Dwell on his love with sweetest song; And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on his name. 6 Blessings abound where'er he reigns; The pris'ner leaps to lose his chains; The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blest. 7 Where he displays his healing pow'r Death and the curse are known no more; In him the tribes of Adam boast More blessings than their father lost. 8 Let ev'ry creature rise and bring Peculiar honours to their King; Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the long Amen. Scripture: Psalm 72:10-14 Languages: English
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The Gospel worthy of all Acceptaince

Author: Gibbons Hymnal: PHSS1792 #XIII (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus, th' eternal Son of God Lyrics: 1 Jesus th'eternal Son of God, Whom Seraphim obey, The bosom of the Father leaves, And enters human clay: 2 Into our sinful world he comes The messenger of grace, And on the bloody tree expires A victim in our place. 3 Transgressors of the deepest stain In him salvation find; His blood removes the foulest guilt, His spirit heals the mind. 4 Our Jesus saves from sin and hell, His words are true and sure, And on this rock, our faith may rest: Immoveably secure. 5 O let these tidings be receiv'd, With universal joy, And let the high angelic praise Our tuneful pow'rs employ! 6 "Glory to God, who gave his Son, "To bear our shame and pain: "Hence peace on earth, and grace to men, "In endless blessings reign." Topics: The Scriptures, Legal, Prophetic, and Evangelical, collectively testify of the Savior Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:15 Languages: English


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