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Scripture:Psalm 132

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Psalm 132: Lord, Go Up

Hymnal: RitualSong #180 (1996) Scripture: Psalm 132:6-7 First Line: At Ephrata we heard of the ark Refrain First Line: Lord go up to the place of your rest Topics: August 15: Assumption Vigil; Evening; Holiness; Interfaith; Journey; Mystery of God; Petition; Presence of God; Rest; Salvation History Languages: English Tune Title: [Lord, go up to the place of your rest]
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Thou Hast Chosen Zion

Hymnal: Bible Songs No. 4 #267 (1917) Scripture: Psalm 132 First Line: Thou, the Lord, hast chosen Zion Refrain First Line: Thou hast ever loved her well Languages: English Tune Title: [Thou, the Lord, hast chosen Zion]
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Levántate, Señor, ven a tu mansión (Lord, go up to the place of your rest)

Hymnal: Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #1019 (2013) Scripture: Psalm 132 Topics: August 15: Assumption of Mary: Vigil Mass; 15 de Agosto: Asunción de la Virgen María: Misa Vespertina de la Vigilia Languages: English; Spanish Tune Title: [Levántate, Señor, ven a tu mansión]
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Let David, LORD, for evermore

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CXXXII (1767) Scripture: Psalm 132 Lyrics: 1 Let David, LORD, for evermore A Place in thy Remembrance find; Let all the Sorrows he endur'd, Be ever present in thy Mind. 2 Remember what a solemn Oath To thee, his LORD supreme, he swore; How to the mighty GOD he vow'd, The GOD, whom Jacob's Sons adore. 3 I will not go into my House; I will not to my Bed ascend; No soft Repose shall close my Eyes, No Sleep my drowsy Eye-Lids bend; 4 'Till for the LORD's design'd Abode I mark the destin'd Ground; 'Till I a decent Place of Rest For Jacob's GOD have found. 5 Th'appointed Place with Shouts of Joy, At Euphrata at length we found; And made the Wood and neighb'ring Fields Our Songs of Triumph loud resound. 6 Oh! with due Rev'rence, let us then To his most bless'd Abode repair; And prostrate at his Footstool fall, and offer up our humble Pray'r. 7 Arise, O mighty LORD, and now Possess thy sacred Place of Rest; Be that not only with thy Ark, But with thy constant Presence bless'd. 8 Clothe thou thy Priests with Righteousness, And make thy happy Saints rejoice; And for thy Servant David's sake, Attend to thine Anointed's Voice. 9 GOD sware to David in his Truth, Nor shall his solemn Oath be vain, One of thy Offspring, after thee, Upon thy righteous Throne shall reign. 10 And if thy Seed my Cov'nant keep, And to my holy Laws submit, Their Children too upon thy Throne In Safety shall for ever sit. 11 For Sion does, in GOD's Esteem, All other happy Seats excell; His Place of everlasting Rest, The Place where he delights to dwell. 12 Her Store, says he, I will increase, Her Poor I will with Plenty bless; Her Saints shall shout aloud for Joy, Her Priests my saving Health confess. 13 'Tis there that David's Pow'r shall long Remain, in his successive Line; And my anointed Servant there, Shall with perpetual Glory shine. 14 The Faces of his vanquish'd Foes, Shame and Confusion shall o'erspread; Whilst, with confirm'd Success, his Crown Shall flourish on his Royal Head. Topics: Description of The Church: Establishment and Steadfastness; Description of The Church: Happiness under the Government of the Messiah; Prayers Of the Church for her Ministers; Prophecies Of Jesus Christ, concerning his Coming and Government Languages: English Tune Title: [Let David, Lord, for evermore]
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A Song of Degrees

Hymnal: The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament #PCXXXII (1742) Scripture: Psalm 132 First Line: Remember David, Lord Lyrics: 1 Remember David Lord, And all's affliction: 2 How to the Lord he swore,and vow'd To Jacob's might one. 3 I surely will not go My houses tent into; Now will up to my couch ascend, I thither will not go. 4 I will not verily Give sleep unto mine eyes; Nor slumber to my eye-lids give Will I in any wise. 5 Until that for the Lord, I do find out a seat: A fixed habitation For Jacob's God so great. 6 Behold at Ephrata, There did we of it hear: But in the fields of th' wood with joy We fount it to be there. 7 We'll go into his tents, And at his footstool bow. 8 Into thy rest arise, Lord thou Th' ark of thy strength also. 9 Oh let with right'ousness, Thy priests themselves array, And grant unto thy holy ones, That shout for joy they may. 10 Let not for David's sake, Who servant is to thee, The face of thine anointed one, Away quite turned be. 11 The Lord to David sware In truth: nor turn from it Will he: thy body fruit I'll make Upon thy throne to sit: 12 My covenant and law, Which I shall teach thy sons, If they will keep, then they shall sit Forever on thy throne. 13 Because Jehovah hath Made choice of Sion hill: He hath desired it to be The place where he will dwell. 14 This is my resting place To perpetuity: Here will I dwell and that because Desired it have I. 15 Bless her provision Abundantly I will: The poor that be in her with bread By me shall have their fill. 16 The priests with saving health Them also cloath will I: Her holy ones likewise they shall shout forth most joyfully. 17 The horn of David I Will make to bud forth there, A candle I prepared have For mine anointed dear. 18 His enemies will I With flame apparel them: But flourishing upon himself Shall be his diadem. Languages: English
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I will not give sleep to mine eyes

Hymnal: Hymnal of the Presbyterian Church #C59 (1866) Scripture: Psalm 132 Languages: English
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Remember, Lord, the toils that David bore

Hymnal: New Version of the Psalms of David #CXXXII (1756) Scripture: Psalm 132 Lyrics: 1 Remember Lord, the toils that David bore; The woes for thee he suffer'd heretofore; 2 Remember too, how solemnly he vow'd, The sacred oath he took to Jacob's God! 3 "My house (he said) shall not receive it's Lord; "Rest to my wearied limbs shall not afford "My downy bed; sweet sleep shall not surprize, "With all it's flatt'ring lures, my drowsy eyes; "'Till first I know, a temple where to raise, "To his tremendous name, and fix the place." 6 This honour had I to my natal plains Design'd; but he, who o'er our actions reigns, Did to my duteous soul himself reveal The happy region, where he chose to dwell. 7 Come then, ye tribes, with me your God attend, And in his temple 'fore his altar bend; S And thou, eternal God, propitious, deign With thy bright presence to illume the fane; 9 Bless there thy priests in their devout employ, And let the pious soul exult with joy. 10 If e'er thy David with a heart sincere To thee hath breath'd his unpolluted pray'r, E'en he, whom thou'st. adorn'd with regal sway; Receive the vows his off-spring there shall pay. 11 Oft hast thou solemn sworn, almighty Lord, (And time shall cease ere thou forget thy word) "Thy progeny I'll on the throne maintain, "And they for ever o'er my tribes shall reign; 12 "If still thy children will my laws obey, "Nor from the perfect rule I give them, stray; "Their children shall possess the regal pow'r, "Their children's children, e'en till time's no more. 13 "On Sion's hill I've fix'd my own abode; 14 "Sion's the favour'd mansion of her God. 15 "With plenty her inhabitants I'll bless, "And crown her fertile plains with rich increase: 16 "I to her priests will ev'ry grace impart, "And fill with solid joy each pious heart. 17 "From David's loins a mighty chief shall spring, "Whom all the realms around shall own their king; "Whose noble deeds shall grace the royal line, "Whose glorious light o'er all the earth shall shine: 18 "His enemies shall view him with regret; "While shame and infamy their souls await: "Long shall he reign, and have a deathless name, "And everlasting time record his fame." Languages: English
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Psalm 32: I Turn to You, Lord

Author: Roy James Stewart Hymnal: RitualSong #64 (1996) Scripture: Psalms 1-150 First Line: Happy the one whose sin is forgiven Refrain First Line: I turn to you, Lord, in times of trouble and you fill me Topics: 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B; Christian Initiation; Conversion; Evening; Forgiveness; Interfaith; Journey; Lent; Penance; Salvation; Sin; Suffering; Trial and Tribulation Languages: English Tune Title: [Happy the one whose sin is forgiven]

O Give Thanks to the LORD (Yao gan-xie Shang-Zhu)

Author: I-to Loh; C. Michael Hawn Hymnal: Sound the Bamboo #99 (2000) Scripture: Psalms 1-150 First Line: Yao gan-xie Shang-Zhu (O give thanks to the LORD) Topics: Biblical Narrative; God in Creation and Providence Creator; God in Creation and Providence Providence and Goodness; Psalm; Thanksgiving Languages: Mandarin Tune Title: MIHAMEK

God of Jacob, Please Remember

Author: Calvin Seerveld Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Gray) #132 (1987) Meter: D Scripture: Psalm 132 Topics: Anniversaries; Biblical Names & Places David; Biblical Names & Places Jacob; Biblical Names & Places Jerusalem; Praise & Adoration; Advent; Anniversaries; Biblical Names & Places David; Biblical Names & Places Jacob; Biblical Names & Places Jerusalem; Christmas; Covenant; Ministry & Service; Praise & Adoration Languages: English Tune Title: BLAENWERN


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