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God is a Spirit, just and wise

Author: Watts Hymnal: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship. 16th ed. #309 (1835) Meter: Topics: The Christian Life Sincerity and self-examination Languages: English
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Amidst a world of hopes and fears

Author: Henry Moore Hymnal: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship (10th ed.) #310 (1833) Meter: Topics: Sincerity and self-examination Languages: English
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God the Portion of the Soul

Hymnal: The Psalter #328 (1912) Meter: Topics: Self-Examination First Line: Thou art my portion, Lord Lyrics: 1 Thou art my portion, Lord; Thy words I ever heed; With all my heart Thy grace I seek, Thy promises I plead. 2 I thought upon my ways, Thy testimonies learned; With earnest haste, and waiting not, To Thy commands I turned. 3 While snares beset my path, Thy law I keep in view; At midnight I will give Thee praise For all Thy judgments true. 4 All those who fear Thy Name Shall my companions be; Thy mercy fills the earth, O Lord; Thy statutes teach Thou me. Scripture: Psalm 119 Languages: English Tune Title: HOBART

Shall I Be Ashamed?

Author: Charles W. Naylor; A. L. B. Hymnal: Timeless Truths #338 Meter: Topics: Examination First Line: Shall I be ashamed of my Savior and King Refrain First Line: No, no! I’ll not be ashamed Lyrics: 1 Shall I be ashamed of my Savior and King, Who left His bright glory, salvation to bring? Who was cruelly crucified, wounded, and maimed— Of such a great Savior shall I be ashamed? Refrain: No, no! I’ll not be ashamed; No, no! I’ll not be ashamed. 2 Shall I be ashamed of His wonderful word? Or blush when the praises of Jesus are heard? Shall the laugh of the skeptic my lips tightly seal, Lest I my profession of Christ should reveal? [Refrain] 3 Shall I be ashamed of the people of God Who walk in the pathway that Jesus has trod? Shall I shrink from opposing the forces of sin, And grieve from my bosom the Spirit within? [Refrain] 4 I’ll not be ashamed of my dear loving Lord, Ashamed of His people, His cause, or His word; I’ll be faithful in Jesus, His banner I’ll bear, The joy of His kingdom forever to share. [Refrain] Scripture: Mark 8:38 Tune Title: [Shall I be ashamed of my Savior and King]

Humble Thyself to Walk with God

Author: Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1856-1926 Hymnal: Hymnal of the Church of God #368 (1971) Topics: Examination First Line: If thou wouldst have the dear Savior from heaven Refrain First Line: Humble thyself and the Lord will draw Languages: English Tune Title: [If thou wouldst have the dear Savior from heaven]

Do You Love the World?

Author: Barney E. Warren Hymnal: Timeless Truths #368 Meter: with refrain Topics: Examination First Line: Do you love the world, in its pomp and show? Refrain First Line: Do you love the world? Will you selfish be Lyrics: 1 Do you love the world, in its pomp and show? In its course of sin will you onward go? Is the pride of life more than heav’n above? Will you lose your soul for the sins you love? Refrain: Do you love the world? Will you selfish be, When the Lord provides everything for thee? Can you still refuse? Will you come and bow? Give your heart and life to His service now? 2 Do you love the world, its applause and fame? Soon ’twill end in sorrow, remorse, and shame; Jesus bids you come and redeem your soul From its awful doom, ere the judgments roll. [Refrain] 3 Do you love the world? Is it dear to thee? Can it help thy soul in eternity? Will you choose its way more than godly fear, Sealing thus your doom, when the Lord is near? [Refrain] 4 Do you love the world more than Christ who died? How the blood flowed free from His pierced side! When it cost His life to prepare that place, Will you die in sin, and refuse His grace? [Refrain] Scripture: 1 John 2:16 Tune Title: [Do you love the world in its pomp and show]
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A Vision of God

Hymnal: The Psalter #382 (1912) Meter: Topics: Self-Examination First Line: Lord, Thou hast searched me, and dost know Lyrics: 1 Lord, thou hast searched me, and dost know Where'er I rest, where'er I go; Thou knowest all that I have planned, And all my ways are in Thy hand. 2 My words from Thee I cannot hide, I feel Thy pow'r on ev'ry side; O wondrous knowledge, awful might, Unfathomed depth, unmeasured height! 3 Where can I go apart from Thee, Pr whither from Thy presence flee? In heav'n? it is Thy dwelling fair; In death's abode? lo, Thou art there. 4 If I the wings of morning take, And far away my dwelling make, The hand that leadeth me is Thine, And my support Thy pow'r divine. 5 If deepest darkness cover me, The darkness hideth not from Thee; To Thee both night and day are bright, The darkness shineth as the light. Scripture: Psalm 139 Languages: English Tune Title: WOODWORTH
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The Lord Our Maker

Hymnal: The Psalter #383 (1912) Meter: Topics: Self-Examination First Line: All that I am I owe to Thee Lyrics: 1 All that I am I owe to Thee, Thy wisdom, Lord, has fashioned me; I give my Maker thankful praise, Whose wondrous works my soul amaze. 2 Ere into being I was bro't, Thy eye did see, and in Thy tho't My life in all its perfect plan Was ordered ere my days began. 3 Thy tho'ts, O God, how manifold, More precious unto me than gold! I muse on their infinity, Awaking I am still with Thee. 4 The wicked Thou wilt surely slay, From me let sinners turn away; They speak against the Name divine; I count God's enemies as mine. 5 Search me, O God, my heart discern, Try me, my inmost tho't to learn; And lead me, if in sin I stray, To choose the everlasting way. Scripture: Psalm 139 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. CRISPIN

What Will You Do with Jesus? (Knapp)

Author: Martin W. Knapp Hymnal: Timeless Truths #384 Meter: with refrain Topics: Examination First Line: Oh, what will you do with Jesus Refrain First Line: I will open my heart’s door gladly Lyrics: 1 Oh, what will you do with Jesus, Who knocks for you today? Will you open and bid Him enter, Or turn from Him away? Refrain: I will open my heart’s door gladly, And crown Him there today; I will trust in His blood most precious, To wash my sins away. 2 Oh, what will you do with Jesus, When storms your soul appall? Will you then seek another refuge, Or for His presence call? [Refrain] 3 Oh, what will you do with Jesus, When you at last must die? Can you call on Him then to aid you, Or will He have passed by? [Refrain] 4 Oh, what will you do with Jesus, When at His throne you stand? Will you then be with these rejoicing, Or sink at His left hand? [Refrain] 5 When you come to the final judgment, The question then will be, Not how you will dispose of Jesus, But how He will of thee. [Refrain] Scripture: Matthew 27:22 Tune Title: [Oh, what will you do with Jesus]
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The Searcher of Hearts

Hymnal: The Psalter #384a (1912) Meter: Topics: Self-Examination First Line: O Lord, my inmost heart and thought Lyrics: 1 O Lord, my inmost heart and tho't Thy searching eye doth see; Where'er I rest, where'er I go, My ways are known to Thee. 2 Each spoken word, each silent tho't Thou, Lord, dost understand; Before me and behind art Thou, Restraining by Thy hand. 3 If I the wings of morning take To some remotest land, Still I shall be upheld by Thee And guided by Thy hand. 4 From Thee, O Lord, I cannot hide, Tho' darkness cover me; The darkness and the light of day Are both alike to Thee. 5 Search me, O God, and know my heart, Try me, my tho'ts to know; O lead me, if in sin I stray, In paths of life to go. Scripture: Psalm 139 Languages: English Tune Title: BINGHAM


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