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Thomas Cotterill

1779 - 1823 Topics: Evangelistic Services Alterer of "Rock of ages, cleft for me" in The Hymnal Thomas Cotterill (b. Cannock, Staffordshire, England, 1779; d. Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, 1823) studied at St. John's College, Cambridge, England, and became an Anglican clergyman. A central figure in the dispute about the propriety of singing hymns, Cotterill published a popular collection of hymns (including many of his own as well as alterations of other hymns), Selection of Psalms and Hymns in 1810. But when he tried to introduce a later edition of this book in Sheffield in 1819, his congregation protested. Many believed strongly that the Church of England should maintain its tradition of exclusive psalm singing. In a church court the Archbishop of York and Cotterill reached a compromise: the later edition of Selection was withdrawn, and Cotterill was invited to submit a new edition for the archbishop's approval. The new edition was published in 1820 and approved as the first hymnal for the Anglican church of that region. Cotterill's suppressed book, however, set the pattern for Anglican hymnals for the next generation, and many of its hymns are still found in modern hymnals. Bert Polman =============== Thomas Cotterill was born in 1779; studied at S. John's College, Cambridge, graduating M.A.; ordained in 1806, and enterred upon parochial work at Tutbury; afterwards removed to Lane End, where he remained for nine years among the Potteries; in 1817, became perpetual Curate of S. Paul's, Sheffield. He died in 1823. He was the author of several books; among them, "A Selection of Psalms and Hymns for Public and Private Use, adapted to the Services of the Church of England." In the preparation of this collection (the 8th ed., 1819), he had the assistance of Montgomery, who in this work did what he condemned in others, viz., altering and remodeling other authors' hymns. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872. ====================== Cotterill, Thomas, M.A., was the son of a woolstapler at Cannock, Staffordshire, where he was born Dec. 4, 1779. After attending the local boarding-school of the Rev. J. Lomax, he proceeded to the Free School, Birmingham. He graduated at St. John's College, Cambridge (B.A. 1801, M.A. 1805), of which he became a Fellow. Taking Holy Orders, he became Curate of Tutbury in June, 1803 (not 1806, as stated by Miller in Singers & Songs of the Church). His subsequent charges were the Incumbency of Lane End, Staffordshire, 1808-17, and the Perpetual Curacy of St. Paul's Sheffield, 1817-23. He died at Sheffield Dec. 29, 1823 (not Jan. 5, 1824, as in the Gentleman’s Magazine), aged 44. His volume of Family Prayers attained to the sixth edi¬tion in 1824. As a hymn-writer, Cotterill is less known than as the compiler of a Selection of Psalms and Hymns which has had a most marked effect on modern hymnals. The first edition of that Selection was published in 1810, and the 9th in 1820. All subsequent issues were reprints of the last. The most important edition is the 8th, 1819. To that Selection Cotterill contributed at various dates 25 original hymns and versions of individual psalms. These, in common with all the hymns in the Selection, are given without author's name. Through the aid, however, of marked copies [in the collections of Brooke and Julian] and of members of Cotterill's family, we are enabled to identify most, if not all, of his original productions. In addition to those which are annotated under their first lines, we have— i. In his Selection of Psalms & Hymns for Public and Private Use, adapted to the Festivals of the Church of England, &c, 1st ed., 1810:— 1. Awake, O sword, the Father cried. Atonement. 2. Before Thy throne of grace, O Lord. Lent. 3. From Sinai's mount, in might array'd. The Law and the Gospel. 4. From Thine all-seeing Spirit, Lord. Ps. 139. 5. In all the ways and works of God. Ps. 145. 6. Out of the deeps, O Lord, we call. Ps. 130. 7. The Lord, who once on Calvary. The Intercessor. This is based on “Where high the heavenly temple stands," q. v. ii. In the Appendix to the 6th ed. of the same Selection, Staffordshire, 1815:— 8. Blessed are they who mourn for sin. Lent. 9. Father of mercies, let our songs [way, ways]. Thanksgiving. 10. I was alive without the law. Lent. 11. Lord of the Sabbath, 'tis Thy day. Sunday. iii. In the 8th edition of the same, 1819 :— 12. Help us, O Lord, Thy yoke to wear. Charity Sermons. This is sometimes given as "Lord, let us learn Thy yoke to wear," as in Kennedy, 1863, &c. 13. I love the Lord, for He hath heard. Ps. 116. 14. Lo in the East a star appears. Epiphany. This in an altered form begins in Kennedy, 1863, No. 188, with stanza ii., "The ancient sages from afar." 15. Lord, cause Thy face on us to shine. For Unity. 16. When Christ, victorious from the grave. Easter. The 9th ed. of the Selection, 1820, was practically a new work. It was compiled by Cotterill, but revised by Dr. Harcourt, the Archbishop of York, and was dedi¬cated to him. It was the outcome of the compromise in the legal proceedings over the 8th ed., 1819. The 8th ed. contained 367 hymns in addition to 128 versions of the Psalms and 6 Doxologies, the 9th only 152. Its full title was A Selection of Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship, Lond., T. Cadell, 1820. It may be noted that copies of the 8th ed., 1819, are found with two distinct title-pages. One of these, accompanied with the preface, was for the general public, the second, without the preface, for the use of the congregations of St. James's and St. Paul's, Sheffield. Of Cotterill's hymns the most popular are, "O'er the realms of pagan darkness," "Let songs of praises fill the sky," and "Jesus exalted far on high," but these are not distinguished by any striking features of excellence. He was more happy in some of his alterations of older hymns, and in the com¬piling of centos. Many of the readings introduced into the great hymns of the Church first appeared in his Selection. The most notable amongst these are, "Rock of Ages," in 3 stanzas, as in Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1861, the Wesleyan Hymn Book, and other collections; "Lo! He comes with clouds descending;" and “Great God, what do I see and hear." Cotterill's connection with the Uttoxeter Psalms & Hymns, 1805, is given in detail in the article on Staffordshire Hymn-books, and his lawsuit over the 8th ed. of his Selection, 1819, in the article on England Hymnody, Church of. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Anna L. Barbauld

1743 - 1825 Person Name: Mrs. Anna L. Barbauld, 1743-1825 Topics: Evangelistic Services Author of "Come, Says Jesus' sacred voice" in Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church Barbauld, Anna Laetitia, née Aikin, daughter of the Rev. John Ailrin, D.D., a dissenting minister, was b. at Kibworth-Harcourt, Leicestershire, June 20, 1743. In 1753 Dr. Aikin became classical tutor at a dissenting academy at Warrington. During her residence there she contributed five hymns to Dr. W. Enfield's Hymns for Public Worship, &c, Warrington, 1772. In the following year these were included in her Poems, Lond., J. Johnson, 1773. In May, 1774, Miss Aikin was married to the Rev. Rochemont Barbauld, a descendant of a French Protestant family, and a dissenting minister. For some years Mr. Barbauld conducted, in addition to his pastoral work, a boarding school at Palgrave, Suffolk. From this he retired in 1785. In 1786 he undertook the charge of a small congregation at Hampstead, and from thence he passed to the dissenting chapel (formerly Dr. Price's) at Newington Green, in 1802. He d. Nov. 11, 1808. Mrs. Barbauld continued to reside in the neighbourhood until her death, March 9, 1825. In the latter part of the same year her niece published The Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld, with Memoir, by Lucy Aikin, 2 vols., Lond., Longman, 1825. As a writer of hymns Mrs. Barbauld was eminently successful. Their use, however, with the exception of five contributed to Dr. W. Enfield's collection, is almost exclusively confined to the Unitarian hymnals of Great Britain and America. Including these hymnals, the whole of her hymns are still in common use. These hymns appeared thus:— i. In Dr. W. Enfield's Hymns, &c., 1772. 1. Again the Lord of life and light. Easter. 2. Awake, my soul, lift up thine eyes. Conflict. 3. Behold, where breathing love divine. Christian Charity. 4. Jehovah reigns, let every nation hear. God's Dominion. A part of this was given in Collyer's Sel., 1812, No. 586, as:— 5. This earthly globe, the creature of a day. 6. Praise to God, Immortal praise. Harvest. ii. Poems, 1773 (Preface dated Dec. 1, 1772). The whole of the above, and also:— 7. God of my life and author of my days. To God the Father. This is an “Address to the Deity," in 80 1. It is given in Martineau's Collection, 1840 and 1873. From it the following centos were given in Collyer's Selection> 1812:— 8. God, our kind Master, merciful as just. 9. If friendless in the vale of tears I stray. iii. Poems revised 1792. 10. Come, said [says] Jesus' sacred voice. Invitation. 11. How blest the sacred tie that binds. Christian Fellowship. 12. Lo where a crowd of pilgrims toil. Pilgrimage of Life. From this is taken:— 13. Our country is Immanuel's ground [land]. iv. Leisure Hour Improved (Ironbridge), 1809. 14. Sweet is the scene when virtue dies. Death. v. Supplement to the Unitarian Coll. of Kippis, Bees, and others, 1807. 15. When as returns the solemn day. Sunday. 16. Sleep, sleep to day, tormenting cares. Sunday. 17. How may earth and heaven unite. Worship. vi. Works, with Memoir, 1825. In vol. i. most of the above are reprinted, and the following are added :— 18. Joy to the followers of the Lord. Joy. (c. 1820.) 19. Pure spirit, O where art thou now. Bereavement. This is dated 1808. 20. Salt of the earth, ye virtuous few. Salt of the Earth. 21. When life as opening buds is sweet. Death. This is dated " November, 1814." The more important of these hymns are annotated in this Dictionary under their first lines. Mrs. Barbauld's Hymns in Prose for Children, originally published in 1781, were long popular and have been translated into French, Italian, Spanish, and other languages. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) =================== Barbauld, Anna L., p. 113, ii. No. 18 on p. 114, i.,should be dated circa 1820. Another hymn in common use from Mrs. Barbauld's Works, &c, 1825, is, "O Father! though the anxious fear" (E. Taylor, p. 1117, in error). --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907) See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church

George Nelson Allen

1812 - 1877 Person Name: George N. Allen Topics: Evangelistic Services Composer of "MAITLAND" in The Hymnal George Nelson Allen (1812-1871), studied at Western Reserve Academy in Hudson, Oh OH and with Lowell Mason in Boston. Allen gave a strong musical foundation to Oberlin College in its earliest years; in addition to being Professor of Music he also served as Professor of Geology and Natural History, Secretary and Treasurer. In 1835 he compiled The Oberlin Social and Sabbath Hymn Book, in which appeared his most well known tune MAITLAND (also known as CROSS AND CROWN or WESTERN MELODY) with the text "Must Jesus bear the cross alone?". This was adapted by Thomas A. Dorsey in 1938 for his hymn "Precious Lord, take my hand". hand." He composed anthems and wrote some additional music for Isaac Woodbury's Oratorio "Absalom." He compiled a small 3" x 4" hymnal that every student should keep in his pocket that went through several printings. Mary Louise VanDyke

J. B. Atchinson

1840 - 1882 Topics: Evangelistic Services Author of "Let the Savior in" in The Sanctuary Hymnal, published by Order of the General Conference of the United Brethren in Christ Atchinson, Jonathan Bush, born at Wilson, New York, Feb. 17, 1840, and "licensed as a Methodist Preacher," Sept. 6, 1874. Of his hymns the following are the best known:— 1. Behold the stone is rolled away. [Easter.] This was Mr. Atchinson's first hymn. It appeared in the Sunday School Times, Dec. 1874. It is not in use in Great Britain. 2. Fully persuaded, Lord, I believe. [Faith.] Written in 1874 or 1875, and first published in Gospel Hymns, No. 1. It is given in I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs & Solos, No. 149, with music by W. F. Sherwin. 3. I have read of a beautiful city. [Heaven.] Written about the same time as the former, and published in Gospel Hymns. It is given in I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs & Solos, No. 403, with music by O. F. Presbrey. 4. O crown of rejoicing that's waiting for me. [The Reward .] This hymn is also in I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs & Solos, No. 174, where it is set to music by P. Bliss. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

William Bengo Collyer

1782 - 1854 Person Name: William B. Collyer Topics: Evangelistic Services Author of "Return, O wanderer, return" in The Hymnal William Bengo Collyer was born at Blackheath Hill, in 1782, and studied at Homerton College. Before completing his twentieth year he became pastor of a Congregational society at Peckham, continuing in that position through his life. He died in 1854. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of Edinburgh in 1808. For many years he was one of the most popular Dissenting ministers in London. He published many hymns and some works on theology. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. =================== Collyer, William Bengo, D.D., born at Blackheath, April 14, 1782, educated at Homerton College, where, when 16 years old, he was enrolled as a student for the ministry. At 20 he began his ministry at Peckham on Dec. 17, 1801 ordained pastor of a small church consisting of ten communicants. From 1814 to 1826 he was also pastor of a Church meeting in Salters' Hall. On June 17, 1817, a new chapel was opened for him at Peckham. There, from the time of his settlement in 1801, he laboured with great success and honour until Dec. 11, 1853, on which clay he preached for the last time. He died Jan. 8, 1854. Dr. Collyer was eminent in his day as an eloquent Evangelical preacher, when formalism in worship, and Arianism in doctrine, prevailed. He was a man of amiable disposition, polished manners, and Christian courtesy; popular with rich and poor alike. He was the author of a series of lectures on Divine Revelation, in seven volumes: Scripture Facts, Prophecies, Miracles, Parables, Doctrines, Duties, Comparisons. Dr. Collyer compiled a hymn-book with the title, Hymns partly collected and partly original, designed as a supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns, 1812. It was intended at first for the use of his own congregation only, and was to include many hymns composed by himself, to be sung after sermons which he had preached to them, but he was led to alter the plan. It comprises 979 hymns, 6 choruses, and 4 doxologics, arranged in groups according to their authors, and not subjects. Of this number 57 were written by Dr. Collyer, and are for the most part short descriptive or didactic poems, religious or moral essays in verse, and not hymns addressed to the Creator and Redeemer. Some of them are devoid of Christian truth, and are poems of nature or of sentiment. Some of them were written during the hard and sorrowful times of the wars of Bonaparte, and relate to famine and national calamity. Several were prepared for the public meetings of missionary and benevolent societies, which had their origin in his time. He also published Services suited to the Solemnization of Matrimony, Baptism, &c, 1837, which contained 89 of his hymns, &c.; Hymns for Israel, a Tribute of Love for God's Ancient People, 1848 (41 hymns). In Dr. Leifchild's Original Hymns, 1843, there are also 39 of his compositions. Many of his pieces appeared in the Evangelical Magazine, and were also appended to his numerous published Sermons. A few of his hymns are still in common use, including. "Another fleeting day is gone"; "Assembled at Thy great command"; "O Jesu, in this solemn hour"; "O Thou, the helpless orphan's hope"; "Return, O wanderer, return," and the fine cento, "Great God, what do I see and hear." [Rev. F. J. Faulding, D.D.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ====================== Collyer, William Bengo, p. 243, ii. The following hymns by Dr. Collyer are also in common use:— 1. Another fleeting day is gone. Evening. (1812.) 2. 0 Jesus, in this solemn hour. Reception of Church Officers. (1842.) 3. O Thou, the helpless orphan's hope. On Behalf of Orphans. In the Evangelical Magazine, 1808, p. 48. 4. See the clouds upon the mountain. Sunday Morning. (1842.) 5. Soft be the gently breathing notes. Praise to the Redeemer. (1812.) 6. Softly the shade of evening falls. Evening. (1812.) From this, “Soon shall a darker night descend" is taken. 7. Thou Prince of glory slain for me. Good Friday. (1812.) The date 1812 is that of his Collection, and 1842 of Leifchild's Original Hymns. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

W. H. Jude

1851 - 1922 Person Name: William H. Jude Topics: Evangelistic Services Composer of "GALILEE" in The Hymnal William Herbert Jude United Kingdom 1851-1922. Born at Westleton, Suffolk, England, his family moved to Norfolk. A precocious child, by age eight he was composing music for school plays. Educated at the Liverpool Organ School and East Liverpool College of Music, he became college principal for awhile. He married Catherine Helena Haigh. They had no children. He became a composer, editor, and organist. He was organist for the Blue Coat Hospital & School and Stretford Town Hall near Manchester, while teaching and lecturing. After 20 years there he was appointed organist at the Exeter Hall in London, a primary venue and Christian Centre owned by the YMCA on the Strand in London. As a recitalist, he was asked to “open” over 1000 new organs across the UK, Ireland, and Australia. He was considered the most brilliant organist of his day. He wrote at least two operettas: “Innocents abroad” (1882) and “The mighty deep” (1917). His compositions were frequently religious. He admired British evangelist, Rodney “Gipsy” Smith and published a collection of Smith’s favorite solos in 1903. He also supported the temperance movement. He toured Australia and New Zealand 1890-1894. In 1904 he served as editor for several musical periodicals, including “Monthly Hymnal”, “Minister of music”, and “The Higher life”. He also compiled several hymnbooks, including “Mission hymns” (1911”), and “Festival hymns” (1916). He wrote a number of works on music. He died in London. John Perry

Timothy R. Matthews

1826 - 1910 Person Name: T. Richard Matthews Topics: Evangelistic Services Composer of "MARGARET" in The Hymnal Timothy Richard Matthews MusB United Kingdom 1826-1910. Born at Colmworth, England, son of the Colmworth rector, he attended the Bedford and Gonville Schools and Caius College, Cambridge. In 1853 he became a private tutor to the family of Rev Lord Wriothesley Russell, a canon of St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, where he studied under organist, George Elvey, subsequently a lifelong friend. He married Margaret Mary Thompson, and they had 11 children: Norton, Mary, George, Cecil, Evelyn, Eleanor, Anne, Arthur, Wilfred, Stephen, and John. Matthews served as Curate and Curate-in-Charge of St Mary’s Church, Nottingham (1853-1869). While there, he founded the Nottingham Working Men’s Institute. He became Rector at North Coates, Lincolnshire (1869-1907). He retired in 1907 to live with his eldest son, Norton, at Tetney vicarage. He edited the “North Coates supplemental tune book” and “Village organist”. An author, arranger, and editor, he composed morning and evening services, chants, and responses, earning a reputation for simple but effective hymn tunes, writing 100+. On a request he wrote six tunes for a children’s hymnal in one day. He composed a Christmas carol and a few songs. His sons, Norton, and Arthur, were also known as hymn tune composers. He died at Tetney, Lincolnshire, England. John Perry

Edward S. Ufford

1851 - 1929 Person Name: E. S. Ufford Topics: Evangelistic Services Author of "Throw out the life line across the dark wave" in The Sanctuary Hymnal, published by Order of the General Conference of the United Brethren in Christ

Carl Maria von Weber

1786 - 1826 Person Name: Carl M. von Weber Topics: Evangelistic Services Composer (arr. from) of "[SEYMOUR]" in The Hymnal Carl Maria von Weber; b. 1786, Oldenburg; d. 1826, London Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1908

J. Grigg

1720 - 1768 Person Name: Rev. Joseph Grigg Topics: Evangelistic Services Author of "Behold! a Stranger at the door" in The Hymnal Grigg, Joseph, was born in 1728, according to the D. Sedgwick’s Manuscript," but this date seems to be some six or eight years too late. He was the son of poor parents and was brought up to mechanical pursuits. In 1743 he forsook his trade and became assistant minister to the Rev. Thomas Bures, of the Presbyterian Church, Silver Street, London. On the death of Mr. Bures in 1747, he retired from the ministry, and, marrying a lady of property, look up his residence at St. Albans. He died at Walthamstow, Essex, Oct. 29, 1768. As a hymnwriter Grigg is chiefly known by two of his hymns, "Behold a stranger at the door"; and "Jesus, and can it ever be?" His hymnwriting began, it is said, at ten years of age. His published works of various kinds number over 40. Those in which his hymns are found are:— (1) Miscellanies on Moral and Religious Subjects, &c, London, Elizabeth Harrison, 1756. (2) The Voice of Danger, the Voice of God. A Sermon Preached at St. Albans, and at Box-Lane, Chiefly with a View to the apprehended Invasion. By J. Grigg. London, J. Buckland, 1756. To this is appended his hymn, "Shake, Britain, like an aspen shake." (3) Four Hymns on Divine Subjects wherein the Patience and Love of Our Divine Saviour is displayed, London, 1765. (4) Hymns by the late Rev. Joseph Grigg, Stourbridge, 1806. (5) During 1765 and 1766 he also contributed 12 hymns to The Christians Magazine. In 1861 D. Sedgwick collected his hymns and poems, and published them with a memoir as: Hymns on Divine Subjects, * * * * London, 1861. This volume contains 40 "Hymns," and 17 "Serious Poems." In the “S. MSS." Sedgwick notes that in 1861 he omitted three hymns by Grigg, which were then unknown to him, viz.:—l) On "The National Fast," appended to a sermon preached at Northampton, Feb. 13, 1761, by W. Warburton, and published in London, 1761. (2) "A Harvest Hymn by the late Rev. Joseph Grigg," in 6 stanzas, in the Evangelical Magazine, July, 1822; and (3) On the Parable of Dives and Lazarus, dated "Feb. 15, 1767." -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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