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The Day Is Surely Drawing Near

Author: Bartholomäus Ringwaldt; Philip A. Peter Hymnal: CYBER #1231 Meter: Lyrics: 1. The day is surely drawing near, When God’s Son, the Anointed, Shall with great majesty appear, As Judge of all appointed. All mirth and laughter then shall cease When flames on flames will still increase, As Scripture truly teacheth. 2. A trumpet loud shall then resound, And all the earth be shaken; Then all who in their graves are found Shall from their sleep awaken. But all that live shall in that hour, By the Almighty’s boundless power Be changed at His commanding. 3. A book is opened then to all, A record truly telling What each hath done, both great and small, When he on earth was dwelling; And every heart be clearly seen, And all be known as they have been, In thoughts and words and actions. 4. Then woe to those who scorned the Lord, And sought but carnal pleasures, Who here despised His precious Word, And loved their earthly treasures! With shame and trembling they will stand, And at the Judge’s stern command To Satan be delivered. 5. O Jesus, who my debt didst pay And for my sin wast smitten Within the Book of Life, oh, may My name be also written! I will not doubt; I trust in Thee, From Satan Thou hast made me free And from all condemnation. 6. Therefore, my Intercessor be, And for Thy blood and merit Declare my name from judgment free, With all who life inherit; That I may see Thee face to face With all thy saints in that blest place Which Thou for us hast purchased. 7. O Jesus Christ, do not delay, O hasten our salvation! We often tremble on our way In fear and tribulation. Then hear us when we cry to Thee; Come, mighty Judge, and make us free From every evil. Languages: English Tune Title: DU LIFVETS BRÖD

The Day Is Slowly Wending

Author: May Rowland, 1870-1959 Hymnal: CYBER #1232 Meter: Refrain First Line: O Father, while we sleep Lyrics: 1. The day is slowly wending Toward its silent ending, But mid the light declining The evening star is shining: Refrain O Father, while we sleep, Thy children keep! 2. Beneath Thy mighty caring The birds and beasts are sharing, The love that sends the showers, The hand that gives the flowers: [Refrain] 3. Though long our day of testing, Now comes the hour of resting, May weariness and sadness Be lulled to peace and gladness: [Refrain] 4. The Savior’s cross is winning Forgiveness for the sinning, And while we kneel confessing, We humbly wait Thy blessing: [Refrain] 5. All evil thoughts expelling, Now make in us Thy dwelling, O Spirit, pure and holy, Possess these hearts so lowly: [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: VESPER HYMN (Rendle)

Dives and Lazarus

Hymnal: CYBER #1233 Meter: First Line: As it fell out upon one day Lyrics: 1. As it fell out upon one day, Rich Divès made a feast, And he invited all his friends, And gentry of the best. 2. Then Lazarus laid him down and down And down at Divès’ door: Some meat and drink, brother, Diverus, Bestow upon the poor. 3. Thou’rt none of my brothers, Lazarus, That liest begging at my door; No meat, nor drink will I give thee, Nor bestow upon the poor. 4. Then Lazarus laid him down and down, All under Divès’ wall: Some meat, some drink, brother Diverus, For hunger starve I shall. 5. Thou’rt none of my brothers, Lazarus, That liest begging at my gate; No meat, no drink will I give thee, For Jesus Christ His sake. 6. Then Divès sent out his hungry dogs, To bite him as he lay; They hadn’t the power to bite one bite, But licked his sores away. 7. Then Divès sent to his merry men, To worry poor Lazarus away; They’d not the power to strike one stroke, But flung their whips away. 8. As it fell out upon one day, Poor Lazarus sickened and died; There came two angels out of Heaven, His soul therein to guide. 9. Rise up! rise up! brother Lazarus, And go along with me; For you’ve a place prepared in Heaven, To sit on an angel’s knee. 10. As it fell out upon one day, Rich Divès sickened and died; There came two serpents out of hell, His soul therein to guide. 11. Rise up! rise up! brother Diverus, And come along with me; There is a place provided in hell For wicked men like thee. 12. Then Divès looked up with his eyes And saw poor Lazarus blest; Give me one drop of water, brother Lazarus, To quench my flaming thirst. 13. O, was I now but alive again The space of one half hour! O, that I had my peace again Then the devil should have no power. Languages: English Tune Title: DILWYN

Dearest Jesus, Draw Thou Near Me

Author: Thomas H. Kingo; Carl K. Solberg Hymnal: CYBER #1234 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Dearest Jesus, draw Thou near me, Let Thy Spirit dwell with mine; Open now my ear to hear Thee, Take my heart and seal it Thine; Keep me, lead me on my way, Thee to follow and obey, E’er to do Thy will and fear Thee, And rejoice to know and hear Thee. 2. Underneath Thy wings abiding, In Thy Church, O Savior dear, Let me dwell, in Thee confiding, Hold me in Thy faith and fear; Take away from me each thought That with wickedness is fraught, Tempting me to disobey Thee, Root it out, O Lord, I pray Thee. 3. Thou, earth’s greatest joy and gladness, And salvation, full and free, Let Thy presence cheer my sadness, And prepare my soul for Thee! In the hour when I depart, Touch my spirit, lips and heart, With Thy Word assure, uphold me Till the heav’nly gates enfold me. Languages: English Tune Title: WERDE MUNTER

Dread Jehovah, God of Nations

Author: Thomas Cotterill Hymnal: CYBER #1235 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Dread Jehovah, God of nations, From Thy temple in the skies, Hear Thy people’s supplications, Now for their deliverance rise. 2. Lo, with deep contritions turning, Humbly at Thy feet we bend; Hear us, fasting, praying, mourning; Hear us, spare us, and defend. 3. Though our sins, our hearts confounding, Long and loud for vengeance call, Thou hast mercy more abounding, Jesus’ blood can cleanse from all. 4. Let that love veil our transgressions, Let that blood our guilt efface: Save Thy people from oppression, Save from spoil Thy holy place. Languages: English Tune Title: BATTY

Dearest Jesu, We Are Here

Author: Tobias Clausnitzer; George R. Woodward Hymnal: CYBER #1236 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Dearest Jesu, we are here, At Thy call, Thy presence owning; Pleading now in holy fear That Thy sacrifice atoning; Word incarnate, much in wonder On this mystery deep we ponder. 2. Under forms of bread and wine Simple hearts in faith adore Thee: Born of Mary, Son divine, Low we bow the knee before Thee Opening heart alike and coffer, Body, soul, to Thee we offer. 3. Jesu, strong to save—the same Yesterday, today, for ever— Make us fear and love Thy name, Serving Thee with best endeavor; In this life, O ne’er forsake us, But to bliss hereafter take us. Languages: English Tune Title: LIEBSTER JESU

Dear Lord, Ascended Savior

Author: N. J. Squires Hymnal: CYBER #1237 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Dear Lord, ascended Savior, Here once again We make our consecration, In Thy dear name. 2. Christ Jesus, our Redeemer, Behold us now; O breathe on us Thy Spirit— Lowly we bow. 3. We turn from all our wanderings, To seek Thy face; Heal Thou our hearts and strengthen, By Thy sweet grace. 4. O may this consecration, In Thee complete, Be evermore enduring, Till Thee we meet. Languages: English Tune Title: HOTCHKISS

Dear Lord and Master Mine

Author: Thomas H. Gill Hymnal: CYBER #1238 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Dear Lord and Master mine, Thy happy servant see; My Conqueror, with what joy divine Thy captive clings to Thee! 2. I love Thy yoke to wear, To feel Thy gracious bands; Sweetly restrained by Thy care And happy in Thy hands. 3. No bar would I remove, No bond would I unbind; Within the limits of Thy love Full liberty I find. 4. I would not walk alone, But still with Thee, my God; At every step my blindness own, And ask of Thee the road. 5. The weakness I enjoy That casts me on Thy breast; The conflicts that Thy strength employ Make me divinely blest. 6. Dear Lord and Master mine, Still keep Thy servant true; My Guardian and my Guide divine Bring, bring Thy pilgrim through. 7. My Conqueror and my King, Still keep me in Thy train; And with Thee Thy glad captive bring When Thou return’st to reign. Languages: English Tune Title: FERGUSON

Dear Lord, on This Thy Servant's Day

Author: Cecil F. Alexander Hymnal: CYBER #1239 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Dear Lord, on this Thy servant’s day, Who left for Thee the gold and mart, Who heard Thee whisper, Come away, And followed with a single heart, 2. Give us, amid earth’s weary moil, And wealth for which men cark and care, ’Mid fortune’s pride, and need’s wild toil, And broken hearts in purple rare, 3. Give us Thy grace to rise above The glare of this world’s smelting fires; Let God’s great love put out the love Of gold, and gain, and low desires. 4. Still, like a breath from scented lime Borne into rooms where sick men faint, His voice comes floating through all time, Thine own evangelist and saint. 5. Still sweetly rings the Gospel strain Of golden store that knows not rust: The love of Christ is more than gain, And heavenly crowns than yellow dust. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. BERNARD (Monk)

Dear Lord, Who Dwellest with Us Now

Author: William M. Crane Hymnal: CYBER #1240 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Dear Lord, who dwellest with us now In sad humanity, Give us beneath the cross to bow Which men have laid on Thee. 2. When hunger calls to us for bread With childhood’s piteous plea, Make us to know what Thou hast said Of those who give to Thee. 3. When stranger knocketh at our door For cheer and sympathy, Our hearts would warmest greetings pour, That we may welcome Thee. 4. When sick and sore distressed appeal In man’s infirmity, We’d haste the broken heart to heal That we may comfort Thee. 5. When captive lives in mortal pains Are clamoring to be free, We’d strike away the heavy chains That we may succor Thee. Languages: English Tune Title: HINSDALE


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