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Hymnal, Number:ch1910

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It Can Never Be Told

Author: Mrs. Frank A. Breck Hymnal: CH1910 #61 (1913) First Line: How great is the kindness of Jesus our King Lyrics: 1 How great is the kindness of Jesus our King, Who came from His glory, salvation to bring! who tells us, on Him all our sins may be rolled,— His great loving-kindness can never be told. Chorus: It can never be told, It can never be told, His great loving-kindness can never be told. 2 He healeth the sick, and the lame, and the blind; He leadeth His flock like a shepherd most kind; He bringeth the lost one again to His fold,— His great loving-kindness can never be told. [Chorus] 3 He grieves for the erring whenever they fall; He pardons transgressions, forgetting them all; He blesses the young, and He comforts the old,— His great loving-kindness can never be told. [Chorus] 4 For us He hath builded, where cometh no night, A beautiful home in a city of light; His face He has promised that we shall behold,— His great loving-kindness can never be told. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [How great is the kindness of Jesus our King]
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Rest at Home

Author: Fanny J. Crosby Hymnal: CH1910 #62 (1913) First Line: Weary not, O troubled soul Refrain First Line: Rest at home, rest at home Lyrics: 1 Weary not, O troubled soul, Tho' the waves like mountains roll, O'er the stormy billows' foam, Child of God, there's rest at home. Chorus: Rest at home, rest at home, With thy Savior rest at home; Far beyond the ocean's foam, Child of God, there's rest at home. 2 Weary not, O toiling one, For thy work will soon be done; Trust and wait, whate'er befall, Jesus feels and knows it all. [Chorus] 3 Weary not, tho' skies are dim, Jesus bids thee look to Him; In the realms of endless day He will wipe thy tears away. [Chorus] 4 Weary not, but persevere; Bear thy cross, thy crown is near; Learn to do thy Father's will; Unto death be faithful still. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [Weary not, O troubled soul]
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He Knows Me By My Name

Author: W. M. Lighthall Hymnal: CH1910 #63 (1913) First Line: This thought is dearer far to me Refrain First Line: He knows me by name Lyrics: 1 This thought is dearer far to me Than worldly wealth or fame— However humble I may be, He knows me by my name! Chorus: He knows me by my name, He knows me by my name! That Friend divine is truly mine,— He knows me by my name! 2 When first I heard His blessed voice, Sin filled my heart with shame; But now, forgiven, i rejoice-- He knows me by my name! [Chorus] 3 Tho' trails daily I may meet, All these my Lord o'ercome; He leads the way with wounded feet— He knows me by my name! [Chorus] 4 Tho' I am weak, my Savior knows The frailty of my frame; His strength o'ercometh all my foes,— He knows me by my name! [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [This thought is dearer far to me]
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His Vineyard

Author: Rachel Rivers Hymnal: CH1910 #64 (1913) First Line: Why leave until tomorrow Refrain First Line: Our promised time is now Lyrics: 1 Why leave until tomorrow The work that calls today, When life is but a shadow That soon will pass away? Chorus: Our promised time is now; Today our Lord commands to labor in His vineyard, To labor in His vineyard, To labor in His vineyard With ready, willing hands. 2 Why waste the precious moments That, lost, will ne'er return? Thy boast we of tomorrow? Our lamp may cease to burn. [Chorus] 3 Today our path of duty Is clearly, plainly shone The future, in God's keeping, To us cannot be known. [Chorus] 4 Today be up and doing; Today our skies are bright; Go rescue those that perish, And work with all our might. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [Why leave until tomorrow]
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Nobody Told Me of Jesus

Author: Mrs Frank A. Breck Hymnal: CH1910 #65 (1913) First Line: Would you care if some friend you have met day be day Lyrics: 1 Would you care if some friend you have met day be day Should never be told about Jesus? Are you willing that He in the judgment shall say; "No one ever told me of Jesus" Chorus: Nobody told me of Jesus, Nobody told me of Jesus; So many I have met— but they seem'd to forget To tell me the story of Jesus. 2 Care you not if one soul of the children of men Should never be bro't unto Jesus? Or would say in that day when He cometh again, "No one ever told me of Jesus" [Chorus] 3 Would you care if your crown should be starlessly dim, Because you led no one to Jesus? Make it true that some heart shall not answer to Him: "No one ever told me of Jesus" [Chorus] 4 Then be silent no longer! but earnestly pray For grace to the telling of Jesus? So that no one can say on that great judgment day, "No one ever told me of Jesus" [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [Would you care if some friend you have met day be day]
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He Promised Me

Author: John Crombie White Hymnal: CH1910 #66 (1913) First Line: He promised me, tho' blind and halt and lame Refrain First Line: He promised me, and I am sure He will Lyrics: 1 He promised me, tho' blind and halt and lame, He would not cast met out if I but came; He promised me, if I did but believe, He would my burdened soul from sin relieve. Chorus: He promised me, and I am sure He will Each loving promise, faithfully fulfill; For all the counsels of the Lord are sure, His word, it shall from age to age endure. 2 He promised me, when friends and comforts flee, That He my friend and Comforter would be; He promised me, that whatsoe'er betide, He would from day to day with me abide. [Chorus] 3 He promised me, in life's last solemn hour, When death seems near and I within its pow'r, That then I should but close my wearied eyes On earth, to ope them in Paradise. [Chorus] 4 He promised me that I with Him should stand, When He shall come to reign o'er sea and land; He promised me a sweet eternal rest, A place within the mansions of the blest. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [He promised me, tho' blind and halt and lame]
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A Light in the Clouds

Author: E. E. Hewitt Hymnal: CH1910 #67 (1913) First Line: There's a light in the cloud hanging over the way Refrain First Line: There's a light, blessed light Lyrics: 1 There's a light in the cloud hanging over the way, It sparkles with comfort,—that beautiful ray, A gleam from the rainbow that circles the throne; Our Father is reigning, and cares for His own. Chorus: There's a light, blessed light, Look above! Look above! What ever of sorrow our path may enshroud, There's always, yes always, a light in the cloud. 2 There's a light in the cloud, and it shines from the cross Where love everlasting transformed pain and loss; Since Jesus so loves us, oh, let us believe There's blessing intended in all we receive. [Chorus] 3 There's a light in the cloud, let us trust and not fear, 'T will widen and brighten till shades disappear; We know that each radiant promise we see Is pledge of a time when all darkness shall flee. [Chorus] 4 There's a light in the cloud that fore-tokens the home Where storms never gather, where nights never come; Then look up, rejoicing, and sing of the love That sends down sweet beams from the glory above. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [There's a light in the cloud hanging over the way]
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I Would Be Like Jesus

Author: James Rowe Hymnal: CH1910 #68 (1913) First Line: Earthly pleasures vainly call me Refrain First Line: Be like Jesus, this my song Lyrics: 1 Earthly pleasures vainly call me; I would be like Jesus; Nothing worldly shall enthrall me; I would be like Jesus. Chorus: Be like Jesus, this my song, In the home and in the throng; Be like Jesus, all day long! I would be like Jesus. 2 He has broken ev'ry fetter, I would be like Jesus; That my soul may serve Him better, I would be like Jesus. [Chorus] 3 All the way from earth to Glory, I would be like Jesus; Telling o’er and o’er the story, I would be like Jesus. [Chorus] 4 That in Heaven He may meet me, I would be like Jesus; That His words “Well done” may greet me, I would be like Jesus. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [Earthly pleasures vainly call me]
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Keep Me White

Author: Rev. Wm. C. Poole Hymnal: CH1910 #69 (1913) First Line: Thou hast saved me, Lord, from sin Refrain First Line: Blessed Jesus, keep me white Lyrics: 1 Thou hast saved me, Lord, from sin, Into day hast turned my night; Thou art dwelling now within, Blessed Jesus, keep me white. Chorus: Blessed Jesus, keep me white, Ever walking in the light, Till in heaven I shall be Spotless through eternity. 2 When I weary by the way, May Thy cross remain in sight; Lest my feet should go astray, Blessed Jesus, keep we white. [Chorus] 3 Human strength must often fail, Fear and doubting leave their blight: That with these I may prevail, Blessed Jesus, keep me white. [Chorus] 4 Thou hast opened heav'n for me, I shall walk its streets of light; But while I may work for Thee, Blessed Jesus, keep me white. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [Thou hast saved me, Lord, from sin]
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Because He Loved His Own

Author: Mrs. C. D. Martin Hymnal: CH1910 #70 (1913) First Line: The "Good Shepherd" sought for one lost sheep Refrain First Line: It was because He loved His own Lyrics: 1 The "Good Shepherd" sought for one lost sheep, A way on the mountain height; With bleeding hands and wounded feet, He traveled day and night; At last He gave His precious life— He for the wand'rer died! Refrain: It was because He loved His own, The Shepherd was crucified; It was because He loved His own, The Shepherd was crucified. 2 The "Great Shepherd" lives, He conquered death! All power is His today' He lives eternally to save The sheep that went astray; For they shall never know a want, They shall be well supplied. [Refrain] 3 The "Chief Shepherd" soon will come again, To gather His loved ones home; From ev'ry nation on the earth A multitude shall come. The songs of praises to be heard Will be of Him who died. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [The "Good Shepherd" sought for one lost sheep]


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