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Hymnal, Number:phss1792

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Author: James Relly Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CCXXXIX (1792) First Line: Jesus, the Father's richest grace Lyrics: 1 Jesus, the Father's richest grace, Anointed to behold his face, As all the church in one; The holy promis'd Shiloh, he, In whom the bride should gather'd be, As one beloved son. 2 He kept us in the Father's name, Thro' all this world of sin and shame, So that there's missing none: Tho' torn his side, his hands and feet, His body still preserv'd complete, Without a broken bone. 3 He kept us in the dreadful hour, The Father's name, his love, and pow'r Preserv'd the souls he gave: His future glory we were giv'n, Our loss, had been his loss of heav'n, But he was strong to save. 4 The members giv'n unto the head, One son, one perfect body made, The darling of our God: He gave each member's curse, and pride, To die the death when Jesus died, All to be purg'd with blood. 5 That he might make our nature clean, The Father laid on him our sin, Whilst with temptations tost, Most dreadful cries were heard, with blood, Whilst in the storm and wrath of God, Perdition's son was last; 6 Lost from the Father's piercing sight, Deep buri'd in eternal night; Now lies the man of sin; And, lost forever from our view, When we in spirit Jesus know, And with him enter in. 7 Now are the scriptures all fulfill'd In Christ, the virgin's promis'd child, Man sav'd, and sin condemn'd: Brought home to see the Father's face, Where we inherit all his grace, And are by him esteem'd. Topics: Attributes, Characters, Names, and Offices of Christ, from the New Testament Scripture: Matthew 1:11 Languages: English
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Author: James Relly Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CCXLVI (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus the grace revealed Lyrics: 1 Jesus, the grace reveal'd, The great salvation shown, The sum of love's decrees unseal'd, The plant of great renown. 2 Rais'd by the Father's grace, The plant of his right hand, To represent before his face, The souls from ev'ry land. 3 Plant of the Father's care, On whom his love did shine; The branches in him hidden were, 'Till he grew to a vine. 4 Th' eternal husbandman, To make the branches pure, In wisdom infinite began Our barrenness to cure. 5 He then this vine did dress, Whilst Love his hand did urge, That ev'ry branch in righteousness He in one vine might purge. 6 From each superfl'ous shoot, The buds of man's offence; This to destroy, he purg'd the root, And in it ev'ry branch. Topics: Attributes, Characters, Names, and Offices of Christ, from the New Testament Scripture: John 15:5 Languages: English
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Author: Fawcett Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CCII (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus, the heav'nly lover, gave Lyrics: 1 Jesus, the heav'nly lover, gave His life, my wretched soul to save; Resolv'd to make his mercy known, He kindly claims me for his own. 2 Rebellious, I against him strove 'Till melted and constrain'd by love; With sin, and self, I freely part, The heav'nly Bridegroom wins my heart. 3 My guilt, my wretchedness he knows, Yet takes and owns me for his spouse; My debts he pays, and sets me free, And makes his riches o'er to me. 4 My filthy rags are laid aside, He clothes me as becomes his bride; Himself bestows my wedding dress, The robe of perfect righteousness. 5 Lost in astonishment, I see, Jesus, thy boundless love to me; With angels I thy grace adore, And long to love and praise thee more. 6 Since thou woulst take me for thy bride, O keep me, Saviour, near thy side! I fain would give thee all my heart, Nor ever from the Lord depart. Topics: Attributes, Characters, Names, and Offices of Christ, from the New Testatment Scripture: John 3:26 Languages: English
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Immanuel, exalted above every Name

Author: James Relly Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CLXXVIII (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus, thou highest, loveliest name Lyrics: 1 Jesus, thou highest, loveliest name Of all on earth of heav'n, The blest reward of all thy shame, By thy great father giv'n. 2 Because thou didst thy heavens bow, Thy people's ancient Ssuit; Cam'st down in servant's form, so low, As loss of all repute. 3 In fashion as that fallen race, Whose offspring are but grass, Thou took'st the meanest servile place In all their lowest class: 4 Becam'st obedient unto death, Nor could'st, nor would'st thou flee; But humbly didst resign thy breath Upon the shameful tree! 5 Therefore hath God exalted thee, And set thee up on high; Where thou shalt prais'd and worshipp'd be To all eternity. Topics: The Exaltation of the Prince of Peace: The Saviour of the World Scripture: Philippians 2:9 Languages: English
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Prince of Peace

Hymnal: PHSS1792 #LXVIII (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus, thou Prince, thou King of peace Lyrics: 1 Jesus, thou Prince, thou King of peace, And King of glory too; O be thy blessed name ador'd, By Gentile and by Jew. 2 For Isr'el's tribes—for us, O Lord, Eternal peace is made. Our pardon's seal'd—'tis seal'd with blood, The blood of Christ, our head: 3 Nor ours alone—the head of man, Of ev'ry man art thou: For ev'ry man, 'twas thine to die: The world to thee shall bow. Scripture: Isaiah 9:6 Languages: English
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Sun of Rigtheousness

Author: Peacock Hymnal: PHSS1792 #LXXXI (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus, thou Sun of righteousness Lyrics: 1 Jesus, thou Sun or Righteousness, All glorious and divine; Thy people with thy presence bless, In their assembles shine. 2 Thy healing beams alone can cheer Hearts pain'd with inward grief; The soul opprest with guilt and fear In thee finds sweet releif. 3 If thou thy righteousness display And make thy merits known; Sinners shall learn thy wond'rous grace And saints thy goodness own. 4 Our tongues shall thy redeeming love With sacred rapture tell; And loud resound Immanuel's praise, Who saves from death and hell. Scripture: Malachi 4:2 Languages: English
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The Humiliation of Messiah

Author: James Relly Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CXXXIII (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus, thy beauties I explore! Lyrics: 1 Jesus, thy beauties I explore! Who am a helpless worm; Adoring now and evermore Thy crucified form. 2 When on thy cross, my dearest Lord, What Love didst thou display! Eternal annals shall record The great uncommon day. 3 Down low, beneath the wrath of heav'n, Thy troubled soul did bow; Humiliation deeply grav'n Upon thy bleeding brow. 4 My God! my God! was then thy cry, Why hast thou me forsook? Nature, replying with a sigh, In strong convulsions shook. 5 More marr'd than any man's thy face, Thy judgment's took away; Nor men, nor angels then could trace Thy mystery, thy day. 6 Tho' Satan once did us enslave, Now thou hast bruis'd his head; And in thyself didst fully save Thy lov'd, thy royal seed. 7 Hence everlasting praise belongs To thee our God and King: Do thou but influence our songs, And we will ever sing. Topics: The Humiliation of the Glorified with Glory before the World began Scripture: Isaiah 53:3 Languages: English
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The Lord our Righteousness

Hymnal: PHSS1792 #LXXIV (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus, thy blood and righteousness Lyrics: 1 Jesus, thy blood and righteousness, My beauty are, my glorious dress; 'Midst flaming worlds in these array'd, With joy shall I lift up my head. 2 When from the dust of death I rise, To claim my mansion in the skies; E'en then shall this be all my plea, "Jesus hath liv'd, hat di'd for me." 3 Bold shall I stand in that great day; For who aught to my charge shall lay? Fully thro' these absolv'd I am From sin and fear, from guilt and shame. 4 Thus Abraham the friend of God, Thus all the armies bought with blood, Saviour of sinners thee proclaim; Sinners, of whom the chief I am. 5 This spotless robe the same appears, When ruin'd nature sinks in years; No age can change its glorious hue, The grace of Christ is ever new. 6 O let the dead now hear thy voice, Now bid thy banish'd ones rejoice, Their beauty this, their glorious dress, Jesus the Lord our righteousness. Languages: English
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Seeker and Saviour of the Lost

Hymnal: PHSS1792 #CCXL (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus, 'tis thine to seek Lyrics: 1 Jesus, 'tis thine to seek, 'Tis thine to save by grace, The ruin'd, wand'ring, lost, undone, Of Adam's guilty race. 2 No height, nor depth of sin, Of wretchedness, nor woe, Precluded, Lord, thy boundless love, To helpless man below. 3 Deep as our depths of guile, Didst thou, O Christ, descend; And lo, the prodigal is found, Of his Almighty friend. 4 Come, grateful sinners, coe The Seeker, Saviour, laud; Forever bless his gracious name; And praise the loving God. Topics: Attributes, Characters, Names, and Offices of Christ, from the New Testament Scripture: Luke 19:10 Languages: English
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Author: Watts Hymnal: PHSS1792 #LII (1792) Meter: First Line: Jesus, we bless thy Father's name Lyrics: 1 Jesus, we bless thy Father's name; Thy God and our's are both the same; What heav'nly blessings from his throne Flow down to sinners thro' his Son! 2 Christ be my first Elect, he said, Then chose our souls in Christ our head, Before he gave the mountains birth, Or laid foundations for the earth. 3 Thus did eternal love begin To raise us up from death and sin; Our characters were then decreed, Blameless in love, a holy seed: 4 Predestinated to be sons, Born by degrees, but chose at once; A new regenerated race, To praise the glory of his grace. 5 With Christ, our Lord, we share our part, In the affections of his heart; Nor shall our souls be thence remov'd, 'Till He forgets his first belov'd. Scripture: Isaiah 42:1-4 Languages: English


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