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Deus, por Amor, Criou

Author: Werner Kaschel; Fred Pratt Green Hymnal: Hinário para o Culto Cristão #55 (1991) Meter: Irregular First Line: Deus, por amor, criou pra nós Languages: Portuguese Tune Title: A LA PUERTA
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Deus quid

Author: J. H. Hymnal: The Whole Booke of Psalmes #47a (1640) First Line: Do not (O God) refraine thy tongue Lyrics: 1 Do not (O God) refraine thy tongue, in silence do not stay: With-hold not, Lord, thy selfe so long, and make no more delay. 2 For why? behold thy foes and see how they do rage and cry: And those that beare a hate to thee, hold up their heads on hie. 3 Against thy folk they use deceit, and craftly they enquire: For thine elect to lie in wait, their counsell doth conspire. 4 Come on say they, let us expell and pluck these folk away: So that the Name of Israel may utterly decay. 5 They all conspire within their heart, how they may thee withstand: Against the Lord to take a part, they are in league and band. 6 The tents of all the Edomites, the Ishmaelites also: The Hagarens and Moabites with diverse others me. 7 Gebal and Ammon, and likewise with Amaleck conspire: The Philistians against thee rise, with them that dwell at Tyre. 8 And Asher eke is well appaid, with them in league to be: And doth become a fence and aid to Lots posterity. 9 As thou didst to the Midianites, to serve them Lord each one: As to Sifer and Jabin, beside the brook Kison. 10 Whom thou in Endor didst destroy, and wast them through thy might: That they like dung on earth did lie, and that in open sight. The second Part: 11 Make them now & their Lords appeare like Zeb and Oreb than: As Zeba and Zalmunna were the Kings of Midian. 12 Which said, let us throughout the land in all the coasts abroad Possesse and take into our hand the faire houses of God. 13 Turn them, O God, with stormes so fast as wheeles that have no stay: Or like the chaffe, which men do cast, with wind to flie away. 14 Like as the fire with rage and fume, the mighty forrests spils: And as the flame doth quite consume the mountaines and the hils. 15 So let the tempest of thy wrath upon their necks be laid: And of thy stormy wind and showre, Lord make them all afraid. 16 Lord, bring them all, I thee desire, to such rebuke and shame, That it may cause them to enquire, and learne to seek thy Name. 17 And let them evermore daily to shame and slander fall: And in rebuke and obloquie perish also witall. 18 That they may know and feel full well that thou art called Lord: And that alone thou dost excell, and raigne throughout the world. Scripture: Psalm 83 Languages: English
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Deus repulisti

Author: J. H. Hymnal: The Whole Booke of Psalmes #32a (1640) First Line: O Lord thou didst us cleane forsake Lyrics: 1 O Lord, thou didst us cleane forsake, and scatteredst us abroad: Such great displeasure thou didst take, return to us O God. 2 Thy might did move the earth so sore, that it in sunder brake: The hurt thereof O Lord restore, for it doth bow and quake. 3 With heavy chande thou plaguest thus the people that are thine: And thou hast given unto us a drink of deadly wine. 4 But yet to such as feare thy Name, a banner thou didst shew, That they may triumph in the same, because thy word is true. 5 So that thy might may keep and save the folk that favour thee: That they thy help at hand may have; O Lord grant this to me. 6 The Lord did speak from his own place, this was his joyfull tale: I will divide Sichem by pace, and mete out Succoths vale 7 Gilead is given to my hand, Manasses mine beside: Ephraim the strength of all my land, my law doth Juda guide. 8 In Moab I will wash my feet, o'er Edom cast my shoe: And thou Palestine oughtst to seek for favour me unto. 9 But who will bring me at this tide unto the City strong? Or who to Edom will me guide, so that I go not wrong? 10 Wilt thou not God, which didst forsake thy folk, their land and coasts? Our wars in hand thou wouldst not take, nor walk among our hoasts. 11 Give aid O Lord and us relieve from them that us disdaine: The help that hoasts of men can give, it is but all in vaine. 12 But through our God we shall have might to take great things in hand: He will tread down and put to flight All those that us withstand. Scripture: Psalm 60 Languages: English

Deus Sábio, Invisível, Perfeito, Imortal

Author: Walter Chalmers Smith; João Wilson Faustini Hymnal: Hinário para o Culto Cristão #13 (1991) Languages: Portuguese Tune Title: ST. DENIO
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Deus Sanctus

Author: Reginald Heber, D. D. Hymnal: Echoes of Paradise #145 (1903) First Line: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! Languages: English Tune Title: [Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!]
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Deus Sempre Me Ama

Author: August Rische (1819-1906) Hymnal: Louvores ao Rei #10 (2022) Refrain First Line: Por isso cantarei o amor divino Lyrics: 1. Deus sempre me ama, Co’amor me chama, E assim me inflama Do mesmo amor. [Estribilho:] Por isso cantarei o amor divino; Será meu hino o amor do Rei. 2. Cativo estive E graça obtive Do amor que vive E faz viver. [Estribilho] 3. Enviou Seu Filho, Prestou-me auxílio, Mostrou-me o trilho Que ao Céu conduz. [Estribilho] 4. Jesus buscou-me, Jesus salvou-me, Ele aceitou-me Com terno amor. [Estribilho] Languages: Portuguese Tune Title: [Deus sempre me ama]
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Deus stetit

Author: J. H. Hymnal: The Whole Booke of Psalmes #46 (1640) First Line: Amid the presse with men of might Lyrics: 1 Amid the presse with men of might the Lord himselfe doth stand, To plead the cause of truth and right, with judges of the land. 2 How long (said he) will you proceed, false judgement to award And have respect for love of meed, the wicked to regard. 3 Whereas of due you should defend the fatherlesse and weak: And when the poore man doth contend, in judgement justly speak. 4 If ye be wise, defend the cause of poore men in their right: And rid the needy from the clawes of tyrants force and might. 5 But nothing will they know or learne, in vaine to them I talk: They will not see, or ought discerne, but still in darknesse walk. For lo, even now the time is come, that all things fall to nought: And likewise lawes both all and some, for gaine are sold and bought. I had decreed it my sight, as gods to take you all: And children to the most of might, for love I did you call. 7 But notwithstanding ye shall die as men, and so decay: O tyrants I shall you destroy, and pluck you quite away. 8 Up, Lord, and let thy strength be known, and judge the world with might: For why? all nations are thy own, to take them as thy right. Scripture: Psalm 82 Languages: English
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Deus ultionum

Author: J. H. Hymnal: The Whole Booke of Psalmes #53b (1640) First Line: O Lord thou dost revenge all wrong Lyrics: 1 O Lord,thou dost revenge all wrong, that office longs to thee: Sith vengeance doth to thee belong, declare that all may see. 2 Set forth thy selfe, for thou of right the earth doth judge and guide: Reward the proud and men of might according to their pride. 3 How long shall wicked men beare sway with lifting up their voice? How long shall wicked men, I say, thus triumph and rejoyce? 4 How long shall they with brags burst out, and proudly prate their fill? Shall they rejoyce that be so stout, whose works are ever ill? 5 Thy flock, O Lord, thine heritage they spoile and vexe full sore: Against thy people they do rage still daily more and more. 6 The widowes which are comfortlesse, and strangers they destroy: They slay the children fatherlesse, and none doth put them by. 7 And when they take these things in hand, this talk they have of thee: Can Jacob's God this understand? tush, no, he cannot see. 8 O folk unwise, and people rude, some knowledge now discerne, Ye fooles among the multitude, at length begin to learne. 9 The Lord who made the eare of man, he needs of right must heare: He made the eye, all things must then before his sight appeare. 10 The Lord doth all the world correct, and make them understand: Shall he not then your deeds detect? how can ye scape his hand? The second Part: 11 The Lord doth know the thoughts of man, his heart he sees full plaine: The Lord (I say) mans thoughts doth scan, and findeth them but vaine. 12 But Lord, that man is happy sure, whom thou dost keep in awe: And through correction dost procure to teach him in thy Law. 13 Whereby he shall in quiet rest in time of trouble sit: When wicked men shall be supprest, and fall into the pit. 14 For sure, the Lord will not refuse his people for to take: His heritage whom he did chuse, he will no time forsake. 15 Untill that judgement be decreed to justice to convert: That all may follow her with speed, that are of upright heart. 16 But who upon my part will stand, against the cursed traine? Or who shall rid me from their hand that wicked works maintaine? 17 Except the Lord had been mine aid mine enemies to repell: My soul and life had now been laid almost as low as hell. 18 When I did say, my foot did slide, I now am like to fall: Thy goodnesse Lord did so provide, to stay me up withall. 19 When with my selfe I mused much, and could no comfort find, Then Lord thy goodnesse did me touch, and that did ease my mind. 20 Wilt thou inhaunt thy self, and draw with wicked men to sit? Which with pretence instead of law, much mischiefe do commit. 21 For they consult against the life of righteous men and good: And in their counsels they are rife, to shed the guiltlesse bloud. 22 But yet the Lord he is to me a strong defence or lock: He is my God to whom I flie, he is my strength and rock. 23 And he shall cause their mischiefs al themselves for to annoy: And in their malice they shall fall, our God shall them destroy. Scripture: Psalm 94 Languages: English
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Deus venurunt

Author: J. H. Hymnal: The Whole Booke of Psalmes #44 (1640) First Line: O God the Gentiles do invade Lyrics: 1 O God the Gentiles do invade thine heritage to spoile: Jerusalem an heape is made, thy Temple they defile. 2 The bodies of thy Saints most deare abroad to birds they cast: The flesh of them that do thee feare, the beasts devoure and wast. 3 Their blood throughout Jerusalem, as water spilt they have: So that there is not one of them to lay their dead in grave. 4 Thus are we made a laughing stock, almost the world throughout: The enemies at us jest and mock which dwell our coasts about. 5 Wilt thou (O Lord) this in thine ire against us over fume, And shew thy wrath as hot as fire, thy folk for to consume? 6 Upon those people powre the same, which did thee never know: All Realmes which call not on thy Name, consume and overthrow. 7 For they have got the upper hand, and Jacob's seed destroid: His habitation and his land, they have laid wast and void. 8 Beare not in mind our former faults, with speed some pitie show: And aid us, Lord, in our assaults, for we are weake and low. The second Part: 9 O God, that giv'st all health and grace on us declare the same: Weigh not our works, our sins edeface, for honour of thy Name. 10 Why shall the wicked still alway, to us as people dumbe, In thy reproach rejoyce and say, Where is their God become! Requite (O Lord) as thou seest good, before our eyes in sight, Of all these folk; thy servants blood, which they spilt in despight. 11 Receive into thy sight in haste, the clamours, griefe and wrong, Of such as are in prison cast, sustaining irons strong. Thy force and strength to celebrate, Lord set them out of band, Who unto death are destinate, and in their enemies hand. 12 The nations which have been so bold as to blaspheme thy Name: Into their laps do thou seven-fold repay again the same. 13 So we thy flock and pasture sheep will praise thee evermore: And teach all ages for to keep for thee like praise in store. Scripture: Psalm 79 Languages: English

Deus Vos Guarde Pelo Seu Poder

Author: Stuart Edmund McNair; Jeremiah Eames Rankin Hymnal: Hinário para o Culto Cristão #37 (1991) Refrain First Line: Pelo seu poder e no seu amor Languages: Portuguese Tune Title: GOD BE WITH YOU


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