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To Thee, most Holy, and most High

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P75 (1766) Topics: Government from God Lyrics: 1 To Thee, most Holy, and most High, To Thee, we bring our thankful Praise; Thy Works declare thy Name is nigh, Thy Works of Wonder and of Grace. 2 Britain was doom'd to be a Slave, Her Frame dissolv'd; her Fears were great; When GOD a new Supporter gave, To bear the Pillars of the State. 3 He from thy Hand receiv'd his Crown, And swore to rule by wholesome Laws? His Foot shall tread th' Oppressor down, His Arm defend the righteous Cause. 4 Let haughty Sinners sink their Pride, Nor lift so high their scornful Head; But lay their foolish Thoughts aside, And own the King that GOD hath made. 5 Such Honours never come by Chance, Nor do the Winds Promotion blow; 'Tis GOD the Judge doth one advance, 'Tis GOD that lays another low. 6 No vain Pretence to Royal Birth Shall fix a Tyrant on the Throne: GOD, the great Sov'reign of the Earth, Will rise, and make his Justice known. 7 [His Hand holds out the dreadful Cup Of Vengeance, mix'd with various Plagues, To make the Wicked drink 'em up, Wring out, and taste the bitter Dregs. 8 Now shall the Lord exalt the Just, And while he tramples on the Proud, And lays their Glory in the Dust, My Lips shall sing his Praise aloud.] Scripture: Psalm 75 Languages: Latin
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Greatest of beings, source of life

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #75 (1814) Meter: Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1 Greatest of beings, source of life, Sov'reign of air, and earth, and sea! All nature feels thy pow'r; but man A grateful tribute pays to thee. 2 Subject to wants, to thee he looks, And from thy goodness seeks supplies; And, when oppress'd with guilt, he mourns, Thy mercy lifts him to the skies. 3 Children, whose little minds, unform'd, Ne'er rais'd a tender thought to heav'n; And men, whom reason lifts to God, Tho' oft by passion downward driv'n; 4 Those, too, who bend with age and care, And faint and tremble near the tomb, Who, sick'ning at the present scenes, Sigh for that better state to come:-- 5 All, great Creator! all are thine; All feel thy providential care; And thro' each varying scene of life, Alike thy constant pity share. 6 And, whether grief oppress the heart, Or whether joy elate the breast, Or life still keep its little course, Or death invite the heart to rest:-- 7 All are thy messengers, and all Thy sacred pleasure, Lord, obey; And all are training man to dwell Nearer to bliss, and nearer thee. Languages: English
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Who, gracious Father! can complain

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #76 (1814) Meter: Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1 Who, gracious Father! can complain, Under thy mild and gentle reign? Who does a weight of duty share, More than his aids and pow'rs can bear? 2 With diff'ring climes, and diff'ring lands, With fertile pains and barren sands, Thy hand hath framed this earthly roun, And set each nation in its bound. 3 So various, thy celestial ray Here sheds a full, there fainter day. The God of all, unkind to none, To all the path of life hath shown. 4 Large id the bounty of his hand: He will a large return demand. Haste then, my soul! thy work pursue, And keep the heav'nly prize in view. Languages: English
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Through all the various shifting scene

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #77 (1814) Meter: Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1 Through all the various shifting scene Of life's mistaken ill or good; Thy hand, O God, conducts, unseen The beautiful vicissitude. 2 Thou givest with paternal care, Howe'er unjustly we complain, To all their necessary share Of joy and sorrow, health and pain. 3 Trust we to youth, or friends, or pow'r, Fix we on this terrestrial ball? When most secure, the coming hour, If thou see fit, may blast them all. 4 Thy pow'rful consolations cheer; Thy smiles suppress the deep-fetch'd sigh; Thy hand can dry the trickling tear, That secret wets the widow's eye. 5 All things on earth, and all in heav'n On thy eternal will depend; And all for greater good were giv'n, Would man pursue th' appointed end. 6 Be this be my care:-- To all beside Indiff'rent let my wishes be; Passion be calm; abas'd be pride, And fix'd my soul, great God! on thee. Languages: English
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God moves in a mysterious way

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #78 (1814) Meter: Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1 God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform: He plants his footsteps in the sea, and rides upon the storm. 2 Deep in unfathomable mines, Of never-failing skill, He treasures up his bright designs, And works his sov'reign will. 3 You fearful saints, fresh courage take; The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust him for his grace; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. 5 His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding ev'ry hour. The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flow'r. 6 Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan his work in vain. God is his own interpreter, And he will make it plain. Languages: English
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Vast are thy works, almighty Lord!

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #79 (1814) Meter: Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1 Vast are thy works, almighty Lord! All nature rests upon thy word. Thy glories in the heav'ns we see; The spacious earth is full of thee. 2 The various tribes of creatures stand, Waiting their portions from thy hand; And, while they take their diff'rent food, Their cheerful looks pronounce thee good. 3 Whene'er thy face is hid, they mourn, And, dying, to their dust return; Both man and beast their souls resign; Life, breath, and spirit, all are thine. 4 Yet thou canst breathe on dust again, And fill the world with beasts and men. A word of thy creating breath Repairs the wastes of time and death. 5 The earth stands trembling at thy stroke, And at thy touch the mountains smoke. Yet humble souls may see thy face, And tell their wants to sov'reign grace. 6 In thee my hopes and wishes meet, And make my meditations sweet. I to my God, my heav'nly King, Immortal hallelujahs sing. Languages: English
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Great Ruler of the earth and skies!

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #80 (1814) Meter: Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1 Great Ruler of the earth and skies! A word of thine almighty breath Can sink the world, or bid it rise. Thy smile is life, thy frown is death. 2 When angry nations rush to arms, And rage, and noise, and tumult reign, And war resounds its dire alarms, And slaughter dyes the hostile plain: 3 Thy sov'reign eye looks calmly down, And marks the their course, and bounds their pow'r; Thy lay the angry nations own, And noise and war are heard no more. 4 Then peace returns with balmy wing, Sweet peace! with her what blessings fled! Glad plenty laughs, the vallies sing, Reviving commerce lifts her head. 5 To thee we pay our grateful songs; Thy kind protection still implore. O may our hearts, and lives and tongues, Confess thy goodness, and adore! Languages: English
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God is the refuge of his saints

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #81 (1814) Meter: Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1. God is the refuge of his saints, When storms of sharp distress invade; Ere we can offer our complaints, Behold Him present with His aid. 2. Let mountains from their seats be hurl'd Down to the deep, and buried there; Convulsions shake the solid world: Our faith shall never yield to fear. 3. Loud may the troubled ocean roar: In sacred peace our souls abide; While ev'ry nation, ev'ry shore, Trembles and dreads the swelling tide. 4. There is a stream, whose gentle flow Supplies the city of our God, Life, love, and joy, still guiding through, And wat’ring our divine abode. 5. 'Midst storms and tempests, Lord! thy word Does ev'ry rising fear control. Sweet peace thy promises afford, And well sustain the fainting soul. Languages: English
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Give to the winds thy fears

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #82 (1814) Meter: Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1 Give to the winds thy fears, Hope, and be undismay'd: God hears thy sighs, and counts thy tears, God shall lift up thy head. 2 Through waves and clouds and storms, He gently clears thy way: Wait thou his time, so shall this night Soon end in joyous day. 3 What though thou rulest not; Yet heave'n, and earth, and hell, Proclaim, God sitteth on the throne, And ruleth all things well. 4 Thine everlasting truth, Father, thy ceaseless love, Sees all thy children's wants, and knows What best for each will prove. 5 And whatsoe'er thou will'st, Thou dost, O King of kings; What thine unerring wisdom chose, thy pow'r to being brings. 6 Thou seest our weakness, Lord; Our hearts are known to thee. O lift thou up the sinking head, Confirm the feeble knee. 7 Let us in life, in death, Thy steadfast truth declare; And publish with our latest breath Thy love and guardian care. Languages: English

Arise, O God

Hymnal: Christian Worship #82A (2021) Topics: Government First Line: God presides in the great assembly Refrain First Line: Arise, O God, and judge Scripture: Psalm 82 Languages: English Tune Title: [God presides in the great assembly]


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