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In Our Work and in Our Play

Author: Whitefield G. Wills Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #3026 Meter: Lyrics: 1. In our work and in our play, Jesus, ever with us stay; May we always strive to be True and faithful unto Thee. Then we truthfully can sing, We are children of the King. 2. May we in Thy strength subdue Evil tempers, words untrue, Thoughts impure, and deeds unkind, All things hateful to Thy mind. Then we truthfully can sing, We are children of the King. 3. Children of the King are we! May we loyal to Him be; Try to please Him every day, In our work and in our play. Then we truthfully can sing, We are children of the King. Languages: English Tune Title: ROSSLYN

Is Thy Heart Athirst to Know?

Author: Laurentius Laurenti; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #3069 Meter: First Line: Is thy heart athirst to know Lyrics: 1. Is thy heart athirst to know That the King of Heav’n and earth Deigns to dwell with man below, Yea, hath stoop’d to mortal birth? Search the Word with ceaseless care Till thou find this treasure there. 2. With the sages from afar Journey on o’er sea and land, Till thou see the Morning Star O’er thy heart unchanging stand, Then shalt thou behold His face Full of mercy, truth, and grace. 3. For if Christ be born within, Soon that likeness shall appear Which the heart had lost through sin, God’s own image fair and clear, And the soul serene and bright Mirrors back His heavenly light. 4. Jesus, let me seek for nought But that Thou shouldst dwell in me Let this only fill my thought, How I may grow more like Thee, Through this earthly care and strife, Through the calm eternal life. 5. With the wise who know Thee right, Though the world accounts them fools, I will praise Thee day and night; I will order by Thy rules All my life, that it may be Filled with praise and love of Thee. Languages: English Tune Title: BEALL

Jesus, Lamb of God, for Me

Author: Ray Palmer Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #3236 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Jesus, Lamb of God, for me Thou, the Lord of life, didst die; Whither—whither, but to Thee, Can a trembling sinner fly? Death’s dark waters o’er me roll, Save, O save, my sinking soul. 2. Never bowed a martyr’s head Weighed with equal sorrow down; Never blood so rich was shed, Never king wore such a crown; To Thy cross and sacrifice Faith now lifts her tearful eyes. 3. All my soul by love subdued, Melts in deep contrition there; By Thy mighty grace renewed, New-born hope forbids despair: Lord! Thou canst my guilt forgive, Thou has bid me look and live. 4. While with broken heart I kneel Sinks the inward storm to rest; Life—immortal life—I feel Kindled in my throbbing breast Thine—for ever Thine—I am! Glory to the bleeding Lamb! Languages: English Tune Title: HEATHLANDS

Jesus, Master, Whose I Am

Author: Frances R. Havergal Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #3375 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Jesus, Master, whose I am, Purchased Thine alone to be, By Thy blood, O spotless Lamb, Shed so willingly for me, Let my heart be all Thine own, Let me live for Thee alone. 2. Other lords have long held sway; Now Thy name alone to bear, Thy dear voice alone obey, Is my daily, hourly prayer; Whom have I in Heaven but Thee? Nothing else my joy can be. 3. Jesus, Master, whom I serve, Though so feebly and so ill, Strengthen hand and heart and nerve All Thy bidding to fulfill; Open Thou mine eyes to see All the work Thou hast for me. 4. Lord, Thou needest not, I know, Service such as I can bring, Yet I long to prove and show Full allegiance to my King. Jesus, let me always be In Thy service glad and free. 5. Jesus, Master, I am Thine; Keep me faithful, keep me near; Let Thy presence in me shine All my homeward way to cheer, Jesus, at Thy feet I fall, O be Thou my all in all. Languages: English Tune Title: ST. CHRYSOSTOM (Ohl)

Jesu! Speak to Me in Love

Author: George Body Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #3438 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Jesu! speak to me in love, Restless, storm tossed in my sin; With Thy mighty voice, O Lord, Thy great calm create within; Bid the stormy winds to cease, Bid, O bid me go in peace. 2. To Thee, Jesu, do I fly, Wakened from my soul’s dread sleep; None but Thou can save me, Lord, In this hour of anguish deep; Thou alone canst give release, Bid, O bid me go in peace. 3. Weeping at Thy feet I fall, Wearied, burdened, lonely, sad; Thou dost bid me come, my Lord, Thou alone canst make me glad; Jesu, grant my soul release, Bid, O bid me go in peace. 4. Boldly at Thy throne of grace, Lord, I now forgiveness seek; In Thy tender, pitying love To my soul Thy pardon speak. Jesu! make my anguish cease, Bid, O bid me go in peace. 5. Prince of Peace! Who in Thy death Didst for me the ransom pay, Cleanse me in Thy precious blood, Give to me Thy peace today. Now, Lord, grant my soul release, Now, Lord, bid me go in peace. Languages: English Tune Title: KING ALFRED

The Servants of the Living Lord

Author: Timothy Dudley-Smith Hymnal: Scripture Song Database #3467 (2008) Meter: First Line: [The Servants of the Living Lord] Scripture: Psalm 113 Languages: English

Two Men Came to God in Prayer

Author: Michael Hudson Hymnal: Scripture Song Database #3749 (2008) Meter: First Line: [Two Men Came to God in Prayer] Scripture: Luke 18:14 Languages: English

Lord, Thy Children Guide and Keep

Author: William W. How Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #4038 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Lord, Thy children guide and keep, As with feeble steps they press On the pathway rough and steep Through the weary wilderness. Holy Jesus, day by day, Lead us in the narrow way. 2. There are stony ways to tread; Give the strength we sorely lack. There are tangled paths to thread; Light us, lest we miss the track. Holy Jesus, day by day, Lead us in the narrow way. 3. There are sandy wastes that lie Cold and sunless, vast and drear, Where the feeble faint and die; Grant us grace to persevere. Holy Jesus, day by day, Lead us in the narrow way. 4. There are soft and flowery glades Decked with golden fruited trees, Sunny slopes and scented shades; Keep us, Lord, from slothful ease. Holy Jesus, day by day, Lead us in the narrow way. 5. Upward still to purer heights! Onward yet to scenes more blest, Calmer regions, clearer lights, Till we reach the promised rests Holy Jesus, day by day, Lead us in the narrow way. Languages: English Tune Title: DIX

Charterhouse (Cooper)

Hymnal: Small Church Music #4125 Meter: First Line: When our caring loves wears thin Tune Title: CHARTERHOUSE (Cooper

Mistful Are Our Waiting Eyes

Author: Samuel J. Stone Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #4277 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Mistful are our waiting eyes, As of them who saw Him rise From that mountain to the skies. Then the holy angels near Gave them tidings of good cheer: Jesus shall again appear. 2. And we wait an angel’s cry, Piercing earthward from the sky: Now, behold your Lord is nigh! Yet, who shall abide that day, When the Judge with dread array Comes for universal sway? 3. Dreadly shall His summons sweep, Heard by those who wake or sleep, On the height or in the deep: Heard by Life ’mid all its bloom, Heard by Death in every tomb— Terrible decree of doom. 4. For the gathered souls who stand, Waiting that supreme command, He shall part on either hand. To those souls of quick and dead, Come, shall be the blessing said, Go, shall be the cursing dread. 5. Lord, dwell in us now, we pray, That, in the dividing day, We be not the cast away! So shall we till Thou appear Blend, in longing eye and ear, Holy joy with holy fear! Languages: English Tune Title: REDHEAD


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