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When Thy Soldiers Take Their Swords

Author: Frances M. Owen Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #7703 Meter: Lyrics: 1. When Thy soldiers take their swords, When they speak the solemn words, When they kneel before Thee here, Feeling Thee, their Father, near; These Thy children, Lord, defend; To their help Thy Spirit send. 2. When the world’s sharp strife is nigh, When they hear the battle cry, When they rush into the fight, Knowing not temptation’s might; These Thy children, Lord, defend; To their zeal Thy wisdom lend. 3. When their hearts are lifted high With success or victory, When they feel the conqueror’s pride; Lest they grow self satisfied, These Thy children, Lord, defend; Teach their souls to Thee to bend. 4. When the vows that they have made, When the prayers that they have prayed, Shall be fading from their hearts; When their first warm faith departs; These Thy children, Lord, defend; Keep them faithful to the end. 5. Through life’s conflicts guard us all, Or if wounded some should fall Ere the victory be won, For the sake of Christ, Thy Son, These Thy children, Lord, defend; And in death Thy comfort bend. Languages: English Tune Title: RELIANCE (Gower)

The Land To Which We Go

Author: Fanny Crosby Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8046 Meter: First Line: Life has many a pleasant hour Lyrics: 1 Life has many a pleasant hour, Many a bright and cloudless day; Singing bird and smiling flower, Scatter sunbeams on our way; But the sweetest blossoms grow In the land to which we go. 2 Earth has many a cool retreat, Many a spot to memory dear; Oft we find our weary feet Lingering by some fountain clear; Yet the purest waters flow In the land to which we go. 3 Like a cloud that floats away, Like the early morning dew, Here the fairest things decay, There, are pleasures ever new. Only joy the heart will know In the land to which we go. 4 ’Tis the Christian’s promised land; There is everlasting day; There a Savior’s loving hand Wipes the mourner’s tears away; Oh! the rapture we shall know In the land to which we go. Languages: English Tune Title: BETTER LAND

When In Dark And Dreadful Gloom

Author: James Montgomery,1771-1854 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8189 Meter: Lyrics: 1 When in dark and dreadful gloom, Clouds on clouds portentous spread, Black as if the day of doom Hung o’er nature’s shrinking head: When the lightning breaks from high, God is coming—God is nigh! 2 Then we hear His chariot wheels, As the mighty thunder rolls; Nature, startled nature reels, From the center to the poles; Then the ocean, earth and sky, Tremble as He passes by. 3 Darkness, wild with horror, forms His mysterious hiding place; Should He from His ark of storms, Rend the veil and show His face, At the judgment of His eye, All the universe would die! 4 God of vengeance! from above, While Thine awful bolts are hurled, O remember Thou art love! Spare! O spare a guilty world! Stay Thy flaming wrath awhile, Let the bow of promise smile! 5 When the last dread day appears Bursting wide from pole to pole, When amid the shivering spheres, Twice ten thousand thunders roll; When the dream of time shall end, May I find the Judge my friend! Languages: English Tune Title: GETHSEMANE

Lord, Before Thy Throne We Bend

Author: John Bowdler, 1783-1815 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8493 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord, before Thy throne we bend; Now to Thee our prayers ascend: Servants to our master true, Lo! we yield Thee homage due: Children, to Thy throne we fly, Abba, Father, hear our cry! 2 Low before Thee, Lord! we bow; We are weak—but mighty Thou; Sore distressed, yet suppliant still, Here we wait Thy holy will; Bound to earth, and rooted here, Till our Savior God appear. 3 Leave us not beneath the power Of temptation’s darkest hour: Swift to seal their captives’ doom, Se our foes exulting come! Jesus, Savior! yet be nigh, Lord of life and victory. Languages: English Tune Title: THARAW

Lo, At Noon 'Tis Sudden Night

Author: Jane Taylor Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8572 Meter: First Line: Lo, at noon ’tis sudden night Lyrics: 1 Lo, at noon ’tis sudden night. Darkness covers all the sky! Rocks are rending at the sight! Children, can you tell me why? What can all these wonders be? Jesus dies on Calvary. 2 Stretched upon the cross, behold How His tender limbs are torn! For a royal crown of gold, They have made Him one of thorn! Cruel hands, that dare to bind Thorns upon a brow so kind. 3 See! the blood is falling fast From His forehead and His side! Listen! He has breathed His last! With a mighty groan He died! Children, can you tell me why Jesus condescends to die? 4 He, who was a king above, Left His kingdom for a grave, Out of pity and of love, That the guilty He might save: Down to this sad world He flew For such little ones as you. 5 You were wretched, weak, and vile; You deserved His holy frown; But He saw you with a smile, And, to save you, hastened down: Listen, children, this is why Jesus condescends to die. 6 Come, then, children, come and see! Lift your little hands to pray; "Blessèd Jesus, pardon me, Help a guilty infant," say; "Since it was for such as I Thou didst condescend to die." Languages: English Tune Title: VERONA

Bird And Blossom

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8617 Meter: First Line: Bird and blossom, leaf and tree Lyrics: 1 Bird and blossom, leaf and tree, Chime and choir, in gladsome key, Echo near and far away, "Jesus Christ is risen today!" Echo near and far away, "Jesus Christ is risen today!" 2 Born a babe, on Calv’ry slain, Ended now the sad refrain; Henceforth sing the carol gay, "Jesus Christ is risen today!" Henceforth sing the carol gay, "Jesus Christ is risen today!" 3 Ris’n from death to life above, Rise, then, we to lives of love; Lives melodious that shall say, "Jesus Christ is risen today!" Lives melodious that shall say, "Jesus Christ is risen today!" 4 Helping hand and loving heart, Smiling face with gentle art, Hymning one triumphant lay, "Jesus Christ is risen today!" Hymning our triumphant lay, "Jesus Christ is risen today!" Languages: English Tune Title: RIZE

Righteous Lord, Thy People Spare

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8932 Meter: First Line: Righteous Lord, Thy people spare! Lyrics: 1 Righteous Lord, Thy people spare! Lo! We turn at last to Thee, Humbly the correction bear Of our past iniquity, Own the cause of our distress, Mournfully our sins confess. 2 We Thy judgments have abhorred, We Thy covenant have broke, Daringly denied our Lord, Cast away His easy yoke, Would not cast our sins away, Would not know our gracious day. 3 Therefore is the plague begun, Therefore doth it still proceed, Wrath divine by means unknown, Wrath divine hath done the deed, Made the stalls and pastures void, God our cattle hath destroyed. 4 Heavier woes He keeps in store, If we still refuse to turn, Dare His anger’s utmost power, All His lingering pity scorn; But beneath Thy hand we bow, Stay Thy plague, and save us now. 5 Jesu, save us from our sins, Save us from our plague of heart; All of unbelief convince, All unto Thyself convert; Let our sin-sick spirits find Thee the healer of mankind. 6 No delight Thy goodness hath In the death of him who dies; Grant us then the living faith, Faith that on Thy blood relies, Faith that all Thy grace receives, Faith that all Thy fullness gives. Languages: English Tune Title: NASSAU

Savior, Let Thy Sanction Rest

Author: Thomas Raffles Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8953 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Savior, let Thy sanction rest On the union witnessed now; Be it with Thy presence blest; Ratify the nuptial vow; Hallowed let this union be With each other, and with Thee. 2 Thou in Cana didst appear, At a marriage feast like this; Deign to meet us, Savior, here, Fountain of unmingled bliss! Crown with joy this festive board— Joy that earth cannot afford. 3 We no miracle require— Turning water into wine— All our panting hearts desire Is to taste Thy love divine: Holy influence from above Consecrating earthly love. 4 Let the path our friends pursue From this hour together trod, Many though its days, or few, Be a pilgrimage to God; To the land where rest is given, To our Father’s house in Heaven. Languages: English Tune Title: CASSEL

Savior, Shine And Cheer My Soul

Author: John Newton Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8955 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Savior, shine and cheer my soul, Bid my dying hopes revive; Make my wounded spirit whole, Far away the tempter drive: Speak the word and set me free, Let me live alone to Thee. 2 Shall I sigh and pray in vain, Wilt Thou still refuse to hear; Wilt Thou not return again, Must I yield to black despair? Thou hast taught my heart to pray, Canst Thou turn Thy face away? 3 Once I thought my mountain strong, Firmly fixed no more to move; Then Thy grace was all my song, Then my soul was filled with love: Those were happy golden days, Sweetly spent in prayer and praise. 4 When my friends have said, "Beware, Soon or late you’ll find a change"; I could see no cause for fear, Vain their caution seemed and strange: Not a cloud obscured my sky, Could I think a tempest nigh? 5 Little, then, myself I knew, Little thought of Satan’s power; Now I find their words were true, Now I feel the stormy hour! Sin has put my joys to flight, Sin has changed my day to night. 6 Satan asks, and mocks my woe, "Boaster, where is now your God?" Silence, Lord, this cruel foe, Let him know I’m bought with blood: Tell him, since I know Thy name, Though I change, Thou art the same. Languages: English Tune Title: ARFON

The Clefted Side

Author: Aldine S. Kieffer Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9156 Meter: First Line: In that dread and awful day Lyrics: 1 In that dread and awful day, When life’s glories fade away, And the wounded, wayworn soul Spurns all bounds, and breaks control; Hide me, Son of Mary, hide In Thy clefted, riven side. 2 When the mountains reel and sway, When the stars shall darkling stray, When old Ocean’s rugged roar Beats each rock bound coast no more; Then, O Son of Mary, hide— Hide me in Thy clefted side! 3 When the Babe of Bethlehem Builds the new Jerusalem, When all Heav’n, and earth and hell Shall confess that "all is well," Then, Thou Son of Mary, hide— Hide me in Thy riven side. Languages: English Tune Title: ARFON


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