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Hymnal, Number:chrc1920

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The angel sped on wings of light

Author: W. W. How Hymnal: CHRC1920 #151 (1920) Lyrics: 1 The angel sped on wings of light, With wondrous tidings laden; He came from heav'n's unclouded height To greet a lowly maiden: 2 For God upon her low estate Had looked with royal favour; And all earth's kindreds celebrate The mighty Gift He gave her. 3 O awful bliss! that from her womb Should spring the Uncreated, The great and holy One, for Whom The world so long had waited. 4 O Son Divine! we fain wold trace Thy mother's steps so lowly, Her joys and woes, her saintly grace, Her life so calm and holy. 5 But lo! as all too near we press, A veil the scene enfoldeth; No tongue may sing its loveliness, No eye its peace beholdeth! 6 And as we read with kindling eye This day's all-gracious story, The blessed mother passeth by, And Thine is all the glory! Topics: Holy Days The Annunciation Languages: English Tune Title: MITTIT
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Blest are the pure in heart

Author: J. Keble Hymnal: CHRC1920 #152 (1920) Lyrics: 1 Blest are the pure in heart, For they shall see our God; The secret of the Lord is theirs; Their soul is Christ's abode. 2 The Lord, who left the heavens Our life and peace to bring, To dwell in lowliness with men Their pattern and their King; 3 He to the lowly soul Doth still Himself impart; And for His dwelling and His throne Chooseth the pure in heart. 4 Lord, we Thy presence seek; May ours this blessing be; Give us a pure and lowly heart, A temple meet for Thee. Topics: Holy Days The Annunciation Languages: English Tune Title: FRANCONIA
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Praise we the Lord this day

Author: Anon. Hymnal: CHRC1920 #153 (1920) Lyrics: 1 Praise we the Lord this day, This day so long foretold, Whose promise shone with cheering ray On waiting saints of old. 2 The prophet gave the sign For faithful men to read; A virgin born of David's line Shall bear the promised Seed. 3 Ask not how this should be, But worship and adore, Like her whom heaven's majesty Came down to shadow o'er. 4 Meekly she bowed her head To hear the gracious word, Mary, the pure and lowly maid, The favoured of the Lord. 5 Blessed shall be her name In all the Church on earth Through whom that wondrous mercy came The Incarnate Saviour's birth. Topics: Holy Days The Annunciation Languages: English Tune Title: ST. GEORGE
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We praise Thy grace, O Saviour

Author: W. W. How Hymnal: CHRC1920 #154 (1920) Lyrics: 1 We praise Thy grace, O Saviour That beareth with us long, And ever out of weakness Thy servants maketh strong. 2 The saint, who left his comrades, And turned back from the fight, Behold at last victorious In Thy prevailing might! 3 From Thee, Lord, came the courage, Once more to front the host: Thy strength, most mighty Saviour, In weakness shineth most. 4 Thy love Saint Mark hath numbered Among the blessed Four, And all the world rejoiceth To learn His Gospel-lore. 5 O Lord, our human weakness With pitying eye behold; Uplift the fainting spirit, And make the coward bold. 6 O Jesus, glorious Victor O'er all the hosts of sin, In us Thy strength make perfect; In us the victory win. Topics: Holy Days St. Mark Languages: English Tune Title: ST. ALPHEGE
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Thou art the Way, to Thee alone

Author: G. W. Doane Hymnal: CHRC1920 #155 (1920) Lyrics: 1 Thou art the Way, to Thee alone From sin and death we flee; And he who would the Father seek, Must seek Him, Lord, by Thee. 2 Thou art the Truth, Thy word alone True wisdom can impart; Thou only canst inform the mind, And purify the heart. 3 Thou art the Life, the rending tomb Proclaims Thy conquering arm, And those who put their trust in Thee Nor death nor hell shall harm. 4 Thou art the Way, the Truth, the Life; Grant us that way to know, That truth to keep, that life to win, Whose joys eternal flow. Topics: Holy Days St. Philip and St. James Languages: English Tune Title: LAMBETH
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O Son of God, our Captain of salvation

Author: J. Ellerton Hymnal: CHRC1920 #156 (1920) Lyrics: 1 O Son of God, our Captain of salvation, Thyself by suffering schooled to human grief, We bless Thee for Thy sons of consolation, Who follow in the steps of Thee their Chief; 2 Those whom Thy Spirit's dread vocation severs, To lead the vanguard of Thy conquering host; Whose toilsome years are spent in brave endeavours To bear Thy saving Name from coast to coast; 3 Those whose bright faith makes feeble hearts grow stronger, And sends fresh warriors to the great campaign, Bids the lone convert feel estranged no longer, And wins the sundered to be one again; 4 And all true helpers, patient, kind, and skillful, Who shed Thy light across our darkened earth, Counsel the doubting, and restrain the willful, Soothe the sick bed, and share the children's mirth. 5 Such was Thy Levite, strong in self-oblation To cast his all at Thine Apostles' feet; He whose new name, through every Christian nation, From age to age our thankful strains repeat. 6 Thus, Lord, Thy Barnabas in memory keeping, Still be Thy Church's watchword, "Comfort ye," Til in our Father's house shall end our weeping, And all our wants be satisfied in Thee. Topics: Holy Days St. Barnabas Languages: English Tune Title: STRENGTH AND STAY
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The son of Consolation!

Author: M. Coote Hymnal: CHRC1920 #157 (1920) Lyrics: 1 The son of Consolation! Of Levi's priestly line, Filled with the Holy Spirit And fervent faith divine, With lowly self-oblation, For Christ an off'ring meet, He laid his earthly riches At the Apostles' feet. 2 The son of Consolation! O name of soothing balm! It fell on sick and weary Like breath of heaven's own calm! And the blest son of comfort, With fearless, loving hand, The Gentiles' great Apostle Led to the faithful band. 3 The son of Consolation! Drawn near unto his Lord, He won the martyr's glory, And passed to his reward. With him is faith now ended, For ever lost in sight, But love, made perfect, fills him With praise, and joy, and light. 4 The son of Consolation! Lord, hear our humble prayer, That each of us Thy children Such blessed name may bear! That we, sweet comfort shedding O'er homes of pain and woe, Midst sickness and in prisons, May seek Thee here below. 5 The sons of Consolation! O what their bliss will be, When Christ the King shall tell them "Ye did it unto Me!" The merciful and loving The Lord of life shall own, And as His priceless jewels Shall set them round His throne. Topics: Holy Days St. Barnabas Languages: English Tune Title: O BONA PATRIA
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The heav'nly King must come

Author: H. A. Martin Hymnal: CHRC1920 #158 (1920) Lyrics: 1 The heav'nly King must come His desert realm to see; Must leave His own eternal home, And all His majesty. 2 And lo! before Him sent His herald, who must cry And never spare, "Repent, repent! Your King, your God, is nigh!" 3 He, when his work is done, Must see his light decay, Must hail with joy the brighter Sun, The glorious King of day. 4 O Lord, O King, O Sun, Whose messenger he came, Baptize us all, most holy One, In Thy refining flame. 5 So, when Thou com'st again, Thy realm redeemed to see, Thy steps shall find 'mid hearts of men A way made straight for Thee. Topics: Holy Days St. John Baptist Languages: English Tune Title: ST. GEORGE
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Forsaken once, and thrice denied

Author: C. F. Alexander Hymnal: CHRC1920 #159 (1920) Lyrics: 1 Forsaken once, and thrice denied, The risen Lord gave pardon free, Stood once again at Peter's side, And asked him, "Lov'st thou Me?" 2 How many times with faithless word Have we denied His holy Name, How oft forsaken our dear Lord, And shrunk when trial came! 3 Saint Peter, when the cock crew clear, Went out and wept his broken faith; Strong as a rock through strife and fear, He served his Lord till death. 4 How oft his cowardice of heart We have without his love sincere, The sin without the sorrow's smart, The shame without the tear! 5 O oft forsaken, oft denied, Forgive our shame, wash out our sin; Look on us from Thy Father's side, And let that sweet look win. Topics: Holy Days St. Peter Languages: English Tune Title: ELMHURST
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We praise Thy Name, O Lord most High

Author: Anon. Hymnal: CHRC1920 #160 (1920) Lyrics: 1 We praise Thy Name, O Lord most High, Redeemer of our souls from death, And all Thy mercies magnify, In making known Thy saving faith. 2 Thou didst the humble fisher call, Beside the shores of Galilee: At Thy command he gave up all, And left his nets to follow Thee. 3 O happy choice, for earthly toil The strife to rescue souls from sin; For treasures that may rust and spoil, The crown of heavenly life to win. 4 O favoured one, who, ere he knew The sharpness of the coming cross, Of Thy bright beauty caught the view That turns to gain all earthly loss. 5 Grant, Lord, that hope of seeing Thee In bliss may us with courage nerve, The world and all its pomps to flee, Our cross to bear, and Thee to serve. Topics: Holy Days St. James Languages: English Tune Title: MENDON


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