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The Lords of Earth Are in the Hands

Author: David G. Preston Hymnal: Christian Worship #82B (2021) Meter: Topics: Government Lyrics: 1 The lords of earth are in the hands of God who reigns on high; within their councils there he stands with ever-watchful eye. 2 "How long will you betray the cause of justice in the land? You let the wicked flout the laws and prosper by your hand. 3 "Defend the poor from those who place no limit on their greed; support the weak and fatherless and rescue those in need." 4 Though mindless and corrupt they prove, and tread the people down, though earth's foundations all remove, still God is on his throne. 5 They proudly boast a godlike birth; in death, like men, they fall. Arise, O God, and judge the earth and rule the nations all! Scripture: Psalm 82 Languages: English Tune Title: ADAM
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Not from relentless fate's dark womb

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #83 (1814) Meter: Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1 Not from relentless fate's dark womb, Or from the dust, our troubles come. No fickle chance presides o'er grief, To cause the pain, or send relief. 2 Look up, and see, ye sorrowing saints! The cause and cure of your complaints. Know, 'tis your heav'nly Father's will: Bid ev'ry murmur then be still. 3 He sees, we need the painful yoke; Yet love directs his heaviest stroke. He takes no pleasure in our smart, But wounds to heal and cheer the heart. 4 Blest trials those that cleanse from sin, And make the soul all pure within, Wean the fond mind from earthly toys, To seek and taste celestial joys! Languages: English
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To calm the sorrows of the mind

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #84 (1814) Meter: Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1 To calm the sorrows of the mind, Our heav'nly Friend is nigh, To wipe the anxious tear that starts Or trembles in the eye. 2 Thou canst, when anguish rends the heart, The secret woe control; The inward malady canst heal, The sickness of the soul. 3 Thou canst repress the rising sigh; Canst sooth each mortal care; And ev'ry deep and heart-felt groan Is wafted to thine ear. 4 Thy gracious eye is watchful still; Thy potent arm can save From threat'ning danger and disease, And the devouring grave. 5 When, pale and languid all the frame, The ruthless hand of pain Arrests the feeble pow'rs of life, The help of man is vain. 6 'Tis thou, great God! alone canst check The progress of disease; And sickness, aw'd by pow'r divine, The high command obeys. 7 Eternal source of life, and health, And ev'ry bliss we feel! In sorrow and in joy, to thee Our grateful hearts appeal. Languages: English
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Sure there's a righteous God

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #85 (1814) Meter: Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1 Sure there’s a righteous God, Nor is religion vain; Though men of vice may boast aloud, And men of grace complain. 2 I saw the wicked rise, And felt my heart repine, While haughty fools, with scornful eyes, In robes of honour shine. 3 Their impious tongues blaspheme The everlasting God; Their malice blasts the good man’s name, And spreads their lies abroad. 4 The tumults of my thought Held me in deep suspense, Till to thy house my feet were brought, To learn thy justice thence. 5 Thy Word with light and pow'r Did my mistakes amend; I view'd the sinner’s life before, But here I learnt their end. 6 Lord, at thy feet I bow, My thoughts no more repine. I call my God my portion now, And all my pow'rs are thine. Languages: English
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Let others boast how strong they be

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #86 (1814) Meter: Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1 Let others boast how strong they be, Nor death nor danger fear; While we'll confess, O Lord, to thee, What feeble things we are. 2 Fresh as the grass our bodies stand, And flourish bright and gay: A blasting wind sweeps o'er the land, And fades the grass away. 3 Our life contains a thousand springs, And dies if one be gone; Strange! that a harp of thousand strings Should keep in tune so long. 4 But 'tis our God supports our frame, The God that formed us first, Salvation to th' almighty name That rear'd us from the dust! 5 While we have breath, or life, or tongues, Our Maker we'll adore. His spirit moves our heaving lungs, Or they would breathe no more. Languages: English
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Upward I lift mine eyes

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #87 (1814) Meter: Irregular Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1 Upward I lift mine eyes, From God is all my aid; The God who built the skies, And earth's foundation laid. God is the tow'r To which I fly: His grace is nigh In ev'ry hour. 2 My feet shall never slide Or fall in fatal snares; Since God, my guard and guide, Defends me from my fears. Those wakeful eyes That never sleep His children keep When dangers rise. 3 No burning heats by day, Nor blasts of ev'ning air, Shall take my health away, If God be with me there. Thou art my sun, And thou my Shade, To guard my head By night or noon. 4 Hast Thou not giv'n thy word To save my soul from death? And I can trust my Lord To keep my mortal breath. I'll go and come, Nor fear to die, Till from on high Thou call me home. Languages: English
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They that have made their refuge God

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #88 (1814) Meter: Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1 They that hath made their refuge God Shall find a most secure abode; Shall walk all day beneath his shade, And there at night shall rest their head. 2 If burning beams of noon conspire To dart a pestilential fire, God is their life; his wings are spread, To shield them 'midst ten thousand dead. 3 If vapors with malignant breath Rise thick, and scatter midnight death, Still they are safe; the poison'd air Again grows pure, if God be there. 4 But if the fire, or plague, or sword, Receive commission from the Lord To strike his saints among the rest, Their very pains and deaths are blest. 5 The sword, the pestilence, or fire, Shall but fulfill their best desire; From sins and sorrows set them free, And bring thy children, Lord! to thee. Languages: English
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And art thou with us, gracious Lord

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #89 (1814) Meter: Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1 And art Thou with us, gracious Lord, To dissipate our fear? Dost Thou proclaim Thyself our God, Our God for ever near? 2 Doth thy right hand, which form'd the earth, And bears up all the skies, Stretch from on high its friendly aid, When dangers round us rise? 3 And wilt thou lead our weary souls To that delightful scene, Where rivers of salvation flow Through pastures ever green? 4 On thy support our souls shall lean, And banish ev'ry care; The gloomy vale of death will smile, If God be with us there. 5 While we his gracious succour prove, 'Midst all our various ways The darkest shades, thro' which we pass, Shall echo with his praise. Languages: English
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Tag nu, o Herre, nøie vare

Author: Kingo Hymnal: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika #89 (1919) Topics: People and Governement Lyrics: 1 Tag nu, o Herre, nøie vare Paa Kirkens Fred og Rolighed, Dit Aasyns Sol lad den opklare, Naar Mørket det vil falde ned; Lad Lyset aldrig blive slukt, Og Naadens Dør ei heller lukt! 2 Vort Fædreland vi ei vil glemme, Gud lade Troskab, Fred og Ret I vore Tider sammenstemme, Op gjøre alt det Tunge let, Lad hver Mand i din Skygge bo, Din Sæd med Frugt os overgro! 3 For hver en Kristen, vel til Mode, For hver en Syg og Sørgefuld Jeg falder Gud med Bøn til Fode, Som er barmhjertig, tro og huld; Han hjælpe hver ubi sit Sted, Og mig og alle Mine med! Languages: Norwegian
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The Lord my pasture shall prepare

Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #90 (1814) Meter: Irregular Topics: Divine Providence and Government Lyrics: 1 The Lord my pasture shall prepare And feed me with a shepherd’s care; His presence shall my wants supply And guard me with a watchful eye; My noonday walks he shall attend And all my midnight hours defend. 2 When in the sultry glebe I faint Or on the thirsty mountain pant, To fertile vales and dewy meads My weary, wandering steps he leads, Where peaceful rivers, soft and slow, Amid the verdant landscape flow. 3 Though in a bare and rugged way, Through devious lonely wilds I stray; Thy bounty shall my pains beguile; The barren wilderness shall smile, With sudden greens and herbage crowned, And streams shall murmur all around. 4 Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloomy horrors overspread, My steadfast heart shall fear no ill, For thou, O Lord, art with me still; Thy friendly crook shall give me aid And guide me through the dreadful shade. Languages: English


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