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The Spring improved

Meter: Appears in 20 hymnals Topics: Special Occasions The Seasons First Line: Behold! long-wish'd-for spring is come Lyrics: 1 Behold! long-wish'd-for spring is come, How alter'd is the scene! The trees and shrubs are dress'd in bloom, The earth array'd in green. 2 Where'er we tread, the clustering flowers Beauteous around us spring; The birds, with joint harmonious powers, Invite our hearts to sing. 3 But ah! in vain I strive to join Oppress'd with sin and doubt; I feel 'tis winter still within, Though all is spring without. 4 O! would my Savior, from on high, Break through these clouds and shine, No creature then more blest than I, No song more loud than mine. 5 Lord, let thy word my hopes revive, And overcome my foes; O make my languid graces thrive, And blossom like the rose!
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Summer - a Harvest Hymn

Meter: Appears in 100 hymnals Topics: Special Occasions The Seasons First Line: To praise the ever-bounteous Lord Lyrics: 1 To praise the ever-bounteous Lord, My soul, wake all thy powers: He calls, and at his voice come forth The smiling harvest hours. 2 His covenant with the earth he keeps; My tongue, his goodness sing; Summer and winter know their time, His harvest crowns the spring. 3 Well pleas'd the toiling swains behold The waving yellow crop: With joy they bear the sheaves away, And sow again in hope. 4 Thus teach me, gracious God, to sow The seeds of righteousness: Smile on my soul, and with thy beams The rip'ning harvest bless. 5 Then, in the last great harvest, I Shall reap a glorious crop: The harvest shall be far exceed What I have sown in hope.
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Meter: Appears in 68 hymnals Topics: Special Occasions The Seasons First Line: Great God, as seasons disappear Lyrics: 1 Great God, as seasons disappear, And changes make the rolling year; As time, with rapid pinions flies, May ev'ry season make us wise. 2 Long has thy favor crown'd our days, And summer shed again its rays; No deadly cloud our sky has veil'd, No blasting winds our path assail'd. 3 Our harvest months have o'er us roll'd, And fill'd our fields with waving gold; Our tables spread, our garners stor'd! Where are our hearts to praise the Lord! 4 The solemn harvest comes apace, The closing day of life and grace: Time of decision, awful hour! Around it let no tempest low'r! 5 Prepare us, Lord, by grace divine, Like stars in heaven to rise and shine; Then shall our happy souls above, Reap the full harvest of thy love!
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Meter: Appears in 108 hymnals Topics: Special Occasions The Seasons First Line: Stern winter throws its icy chains Lyrics: 1 Stern winter throws his icy chains; Encircling nature round; How bleak, how comfortless the plains, Late with gay verdure crown'd! 2 The sun withdraws his vital beams, And light and warmth depart; And drooping, lifeless nature seems An emblem of my heart. 3 My heart, when mental winter reigns, In night's dark mantle clad; Confin'd in cold, inactive chains, How desolate and sad! 4 Return, O blissful sun, and bring The soul-reviving ray; This mental winter shall be spring, This darkness cheerful day. 5 O happy state, divine abode, Where spring eternal reigns; And perfect day, the smile of God, Fills all the heavenly plains. 6 Great Source of light, thy beams display, My drooping joys restore: And guide me to the seats of day, Where winter chills no more. Scripture: Job 38:29-30
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Almighty Father, gracious Lord

Meter: Appears in 132 hymnals Topics: Special Occasions The New Year Lyrics: 1 Almighty Father, gracious Lord, Kind guardian of my days, Thy mercies let my heart record In songs of grateful praise. 2 In life's first dawn, my tender frame Was thy indulgent care, Long ere I could pronounce thy name, Or breathe the infant prayer. 3 Each rolling year new favors brought From thy exhaustless store; But, ah! in vain my laboring thought Would count thy mercies o'er. 4 While sweet reflection, through my day, Thy bounteous hand would trace, Still dearer blessings claim thy praise, The blessings of thy grace. 5 Yes, I adore thee, gracious Lord! For favors more divine; That I have known thy sacred word, Where all thy glories shine. 6 Lord, when this mortal frame decays, And every weakness dies, Complete the wonders of thy grace, And raise me to the skies.
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Dependence on God

Meter: Appears in 75 hymnals Topics: Special Occasions The New Year First Line: God of our lives! thy constant care Lyrics: 1 God of our lives! thy constant care With blessings crowns each op'ning year. These lives, so frail, dost thou prolong, And wake anew our annual song. 2 How many precious souls are fled To the dark regions of the dead, Since, from this day, the changing sun Through his last yearly course has run! 3 We yet survive; but who can say, Or through the year, or month, or day, I shall retain my vital breath, Thus far at least in league with death? 4 That breath is thine, eternal God! 'Tis thine to fix the soul's abode: We hold our lives from thee alone, On earth, or in the world unknown. 5 To thee we all our pow'rs resign; Make us and own us still as thine: Then shall we smile, secure from fear, Though death should blast the rising year. 6 Thy children, eager to be gone, Bid time's impetuous tide roll on, And land them on that blooming shore Where years and death are known no more.
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My flying years, time urges on

Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Topics: Special Occasions The New Year Lyrics: 1 My flying years, time urges on; What's mortal must decay; My friends--my youth's companions gone, Can I expect to stay? 2 Can I exemption please, when death Projects his awful dart? Can med'cine then prolong my breath? Or virtue shield my heart? 3 Oh! no--then smooth, O Lord, the hour; On thee my hope depends: Support me with almighty pow'r, While dust to dust descend. 4 Then shall my soul, O gracious God! (While angels guard the way,) With rapture haste to thine abode, To dwell in endless day. 5 Thro' heaven, howe'er remote the bound, Thy love I'll then proclaim: And join the choir of saints that sound Their great Redeemer's name.
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Sun, stand thou still

Meter: Appears in 16 hymnals Topics: Special Occasions The New Year First Line: "Stand still, refulgent orb of day!" Lyrics: 1 "Stand still, refulgent orb of day!" The Jewish victor cries: So shall, at last, an angel say, And tear it from the skies. 2 A flame, intenser than the sun, Shall melt his golden urn; Time's empty glass no more shall run, Nor human years return. 3 Then, with immortal splendor bright; That glorious orb shall rise, Which through eternity shall light The new-created skies. 4 His moral triumphs then complete, Jesus, our Lord, shall place Before his heav'nly Father's seat The heirs of life and grace. 5 Unceasing flows the mortal tide; Unceasing let it flow: If thou, O Lord, our guard and guide, Wilt daily grace bestow. 6 Then, sun of nature! roll along And bear our years away: The sooner shall we join the song Of everlasting day. Scripture: Joshua 10:12
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A Morning Song

Meter: Appears in 459 hymnals Topics: Special Occasions Morning and Evening First Line: Once more, my soul, the rising day Lyrics: 1 Once more, my soul, the rising day Salutes thy waking eyes, Once more, my voice, thy tribute pay To him that rules the skies. 2 Night unto night his name repeats, The day renews the sound, Wide as the heaven on which he sits To turn the seasons round. 3 'Tis he supports my mortal frame, My tongue shall speak his praise; My sins would rouse his wrath to flame, And yet his wrath delays. 4 [On a poor worm thy power might tread, And I could ne'er withstand; Thy justice might have crush'd me dead, But mercy held thine hand. 5 A thousand wretched souls are fled Since the last setting sun, And yet thou length'nest out my thread, And yet my moments run.] 6 Dear God, let all my hours be thine Whilst I enjoy the light, Then shall my sun in smiles decline, And bring a pleasant night.
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Praise to God in the Morning

Meter: Appears in 112 hymnals Topics: Special Occasions Morning and Evening First Line: Lord of my life! O may thy praise Lyrics: 1 Lord of my life! O may thy praise Employ my noblest pow'rs, Whose goodness lengthens out my days, And fills the circling hours! 2 Preserv'd by thy almighty arm, I pass the shades of night, Serene and safe from ev'ry harm, And see returning light. 3 While many spent the night in sighs, And restless pains and woes, In gentle sleep I clos'd my eyes And undisturb'd repose. 4 When sleep, death's semblance, o'er me spread, And I unconscious lay; Thy watchful care was round my bed To guard my feeble clay. 5 O let the same almighty care My waking hours attend: From ev'ry trespass, ev'ry snare, My heedless steps defend. 6 Smile on my minutes as they roll, And guide my future days; And let thy goodness fill my soul With gratitude and praise.


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