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Hymnal, Number:hshm1799

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The repenting Prodigal

Hymnal: HSHM1799 #LXV (1799) Meter: First Line: Lo! what a rapturous joy possest Lyrics: 1 Lo! what a rapturous joy possest The tender parent's throbbing breast, To see his spendthrift son return, And hear him his past follies mourn. 2 Thus our bless'd Saviour wont despise The contrite heart for sacrifice; The deep-fetch'd sigh, the secret groan, Rises accepted to his throne. 3 He meets, with tokens of his grace The trembling lip, the blushing face; His bowels yearn when sinners pray, And mercy bears their sins away. 4 When fill'd with grief, o'erwhelm'd with shame, He, pitying, heals their broken frame; He hears their sad complaints, and spies His image in their weeping eyes. Topics: Repentance Of the Prodigal Scripture: Luke 15:32 Languages: English
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A sinner lamenting the delay of divine grace

Hymnal: HSHM1799 #CLXIX (1799) Meter: First Line: Long have I walk'd this dreary road Lyrics: 1 Long have I walk'd this dreary road, Beset with darkness round; Nor seen nor heard a smiling God, Nor one bright moment found. 2 Others, who once did join my speech, And mourn'd in painful lay, Now mounting up with rapture, stretch To seize the heav'nly day. 3 Far left behind to feel my woe, With harden'd heart to groan, Each pray'r, each struggle sinks me low, Each breath repeats my moan. 4 The lengthen'd day, the gloomy night, Draw fast the bands of grief; Sometimes despair o'erclouds my sight, And says, there's no relief. 5 Then conscience thunders, Sinai flames, I try again to rise; The trial fails, and conscience blames My pray'rs, my tears, my cries. 6 If hope perchance a moment gleams, And says, Christ's blood was split; My heart of sin beclouds the beams, And seals my death and guilt. 7 'Tis thus perplex'd, forlorn and lost, I spend my weary days; No Jesus comes my hopes are crost, While others sing and praise. Topics: Sinner Lamenting delay of grace; Sinner Lamenting delay of grace Languages: English
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Ezekiel's Vison of the dry bones

Hymnal: HSHM1799 #CCXLIV (1799) Meter: First Line: Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye Lyrics: 1 Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye; See Adam's race in ruin lie; Sin spreads its trophies o'er the ground, And scatters slaughter'd heaps around. 2 And can these mouldering corpses live? And can these perish'd bones revive? That, mighty God, to thee is known; That wondrous work is all thy own. 3 Thy ministers are sent in vain To prophesy upon the slain; In vain they call, in vain they cry, Till thine almighty aid is nigh. 4 But if thy spirit deign to breath, Life spreads thro' all the realms of death: Dry bones obey thy powerful voice; They move, they waken, they rejoice: 5 So when thy trumpet's awful sound Shall shake the Heav'ns and rend the ground, Dead saints shall from their tombs arise, And spring to life beyond the skies. Topics: Dead sinners quickened; Burdened soul praying for relief Scripture: Ezekiel 37:3 Languages: English
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A penitent pleading for mercy

Hymnal: HSHM1799 #CXXXIII (1799) Meter: First Line: Lord, at thy feet we sinners lie Lyrics: 1 Lord, at thy feet we sinners lie, And knock at mercy's door; With heavy heart and downcast eye, Thy favor we implore. 2 [On us, the vast extent display Of thy forgiving love; Take all our heinous guilt away, This heavy load remove. 3 We sink, with all this weight oppress'd, Sing down to death and hell; Oh, give our troubled spirits rest, Our num'rous fears dispel.] 4 'Tis mercy, mercy we implore, We would thy bowels move; Thy grace is an exhaustless store, And thou thyself art love. 5 Oh, for thy own, for Jesu's sake, Our many sins forgive; Thy grace our rocky hearts can break, And breaking soon relieve. 6 Thus melt us down, thus make us bend, And thy dominion own; Nor let a rival more pretend To repossess thy throne. Topics: Mercy Pleaded for; Penitent Pleading for mercy; Mercy Pleaded for; Penitent Pleading for mercy Languages: English
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At dismission

Hymnal: HSHM1799 #CCXCVI (1799) First Line: Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing Topics: Worship Ending of Languages: English
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Hymnal: HSHM1799 #LXXXV (1799) Meter: First Line: Lord, hast thou made me know thy ways? Lyrics: 1 Lord, hast thou made me know thy ways? Conduct me in thy fear, And grant me such supplies of grace, That I may persevere. 2 Let but thy own almighty arm Sustain a feeble worm, I shall escape, secure from harm, Amid the dreadful storm. 3 Be then my all-sufficient friend, 'Till all my toils shall cease; Guard me through life, and let my end Be everlasting peace. Scripture: Psalm 119:117 Languages: English
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Complaint and hope under great pain

Hymnal: HSHM1799 #CCCL (1799) Meter: First Line: Lord, I am pain'd, but I resign Lyrics: 1 Lord, I am pain'd, but I resign My body to thy will; 'Tis grace, 'tis wisdom all divine, Appoints the pains I feel. 2 Dark are the ways of providence, While they who love thee groan; The reasons lie conceal'd from sense, Mysterious and unknown. 3 Yet nature may have leave to speak, And plead before her God, Lest the o'er burden'd heart should break Beneath thine heavy rod. 4 These mournful groans and flowing tears, Give my poor spirit ease; While ev'ry groan my Father hears, And ev'ry tear he sees. 5 [How shall I glorify my God, In bonds of grief confin'd? Damp'd is my vigor, while this clod Hangs heavy on my mind.] 6 Is not some smiling hour at hand With peace upon its wings? Give it, O God, thy swift command, With all the joys it brings. Topics: Sickness Complaint and hope in Languages: English
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Barreness and Indwelling Sin

Hymnal: HSHM1799 #CXXIII (1799) Meter: First Line: Lord, I'm defil'd in every part Lyrics: 1 LORD, I'm defil'd in every part, Barren my life, and cold my heart, Yet sometimes, through thy sov'reign grace, I catch a glimpse of Jesu's face. 2 This gives my drowsy heart a spring, I fain would rise, and fain would sing; But soon a cloud rolls in between, All black with some indwelling sin. 3 My notes then faulter on my tongue, the soul contagion spoils my song; But Thou, who dost the world control, Speak but the word, I shall be whole. Topics: Barrenness and indwelling sin; Sin And barrenness Languages: English
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The whole world no compensation for the loss of one soul

Hymnal: HSHM1799 #CCXLIX (1799) Meter: First Line: Lord, shall we part with gold for dross Lyrics: 1 Lord, shall we part with gold for dross, With solid good for show? Out live our bliss and mourn our loss In everlasting woe? 2 Let us not lose the living God, For one short dream of joy: With fond embrace cling to a clod, And fling all heav'n away. 3 Vain world, thy weak attempts forbear, We all thy charms defy; And rate our precious souls to dear For all thy wealth to buy. Topics: Soul More valuable than the world Scripture: Mark 8:36 Languages: English
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The Eternity of God, and Man's Mortality

Hymnal: HSHM1799 #III (1799) Meter: First Line: Lord, thou hast been thy children's God Lyrics: 1 Lord, thou hast been thy children's God, All-powerful, wise and good, and just, In every age their safe abode, Their hope, their refuge, and their trust, 2 Before thy word gave nature birth, Or spread the starry heavens abroad, Or formed the varied face of earth, From everlasting thou art God. 3 Great father of eternity, How short are ages in thy sight! A thousand years, how swift they fly, Like one short silent watch of night! 4 Uncertain life, how soon it flies! Dream of an hour, how short our bloom! Like spring's gay verdure now we rise, Cut down ere night to fill the tomb. 5 Teach us to count our shortening days, And with true diligence apply Our hearts to wisdom's sacred ways, That we may learn to live and die. Topics: God His Eternity; Man His mortality; God His Eternity; Man His mortality Scripture: Psalm 90 Languages: English


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