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The Way He Leads Us

Author: Chilson Hymnal: CYBER #16246 Meter: D First Line: How much of joy and com­fort Lyrics: 1 How much of joy and com­fort, How much of real cheer, The dear Lord in His kind­ness, Gives to His child­ren here. So gent­ly doth He lead us, So hap­pi­ly we move, That ev­ery day our path­way Glows with His ten­der love. 2 Each hour He draw­eth near­er, And when we need to rest, He folds His arms about us— He lays us on His breast; He gives us liv­ing waters, With heav’n­ly man­na feeds, And His ex­haust­less boun­ty Supplies our ma­ny needs. 3 Sometimes a pass­ing sha­dow Will flit across the mind, And dim our hope of Hea­ven, Our pleas­ing pros­pects blind; But then His hand He giv­eth, To lead us safe along, And in a mo­ment chang­eth The mourn­ing sigh to song. 4 And when our loved ones leave us, To come to us no more, He draws aside the cur­tain, And shows the gold­en shore; We hear the praise ex­ult­ant— The harp-strings sweet­ly ring, As ran­somed friends in glo­ry Bow to the loving King. Languages: English Tune Title: TICINO

Look Ever To Jesus

Author: F. J. W. Hymnal: CYBER #16247 First Line: Look ev­er to Jesus Refrain First Line: Ask His bless­ing to guide you Lyrics: 1 Look ev­er to Jesus, Trust well in His love; Tread man­ful­ly on­ward, Toward Heav’n above. Jesus is your Sav­ior, Your shep­herd and guide; He’ll car­ry you safely— Keep close by His side. Refrain: Ask His bless­ing to guide you, His love will pro­vide you; Naught of grace is de­nied you, Look to Jesus for aid. 2 Look ev­er to Je­sus, When temp­ta­tions rise; In times of des­pond­ing He hears all your cries. He’s watch­ing you ev­er, He beck­ons to you; Still fol­low His foot­steps, He’ll guide safe­ly through. [Refrain] 3 Look ev­er to Je­sus, Our dear, bless­ed Lord; Remember the pro­mise Set forth in His word. He’ll ne­ver re­ject you, When tru­ly you come; In death He will save you, He’ll car­ry you home. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Look ev­er to Jesus]

Father Is At The Wheel

Author: J. W. Stockton Hymnal: CYBER #16248 First Line: A ship in wind and storm was tossed Lyrics: 1 A ship in wind and storm was tossed, The sea ran o’er the deck; It seemed that all was sure­ly lost, The ves­sel soon a wreck; A boy stood calm, as he was asked If fear he did not feel; When straight­way came the an­swer bold, "My Fa­ther’s at the wheel." Refrain: Father is at the wheel, Father is at the wheel; I fear no storm or tem­pest wave, While Fa­ther’s at the wheel. 2 And as we pass through life, we meet Sad sor­row’s gloomy hour; Faith gives us strength to rise above The threat­ening clouds that low­er; And when our bark seems al­most lost, These words our woes can heal: "Our ship is safe, though tempest tossed, While Father’s at the wheel." [Refrain] 3 There was a time when an­gry waves Dashed fierce­ly o’er my bark; I cried for help to Him who saves, Throughout the night so dark; But now when clouds and gales arise, And heavy thun­ders peal— A calm per­vades my trust­ing heart, While Fa­ther’s at the wheel. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [A ship in wind and storm was tossed]

Bring All To Jesus

Author: Nellie Hall Hymnal: CYBER #16249 First Line: Bring your ev­ery care to Je­sus Refrain First Line: Then we’ll sing while here be­low Lyrics: 1 Bring your ev­ery care to Je­sus, For He is a lov­ing friend; He will light­en ev­ery bur­den, Love and keep you to the end. Refrain: Then we’ll sing while here be­low, Of Je­sus and His love; He will guard you and guide you safe­ly through, To the man­sions pre­pared above. 2 Bring your ev­ery joy to Jesus, He is pleased to see you glad; He would have you al­ways hap­py, Never gloomy, ne­ver sad. [Refrain] 3 Should all oth­er friends for­sake you, Jesus is a friend most true; He will guard, and He will guide you, Safely all your jour­ney through. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Bring your ev­ery care to Je­sus]

Crossing The River

Author: I. Cooley Hymnal: CYBER #16250 First Line: One by one we are cross­ing the ri­ver Refrain First Line: Over the ri­ver, over the ri­ver Lyrics: 1 One by one we are cross­ing the ri­ver; Naught do we fear with our Fa­ther to guide; Sorrow and care we are leav­ing be­hind us, Safety we’ll find on the oth­er side. Refrain: Over the ri­ver, over the ri­ver, Joyfully ga­ther­ing one by one; Peace may be found in that glo­ri­ous coun­try, Over the ri­ver, when life is done. 2 One by one may our sins be for­giv­en; Washed by the tears of re­pent­ance away; Never a cloud spread a sha­dow in Hea­ven— Entering there we’ll find end­less day. [Refrain] 3 One by one may we ga­ther to­ge­ther; When we have all reached that beau­ti­ful shore; Mingling our voic­es in praise of the Fa­ther, Living with Je­sus for­ev­er­more. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [One by one we are cross­ing the ri­ver]

He Goes With Me

Author: John Paul; Kenneth H. Wells Hymnal: CYBER #16251 First Line: He goes with me up­on the stor­my ocean Refrain First Line: He goes with me where’er I go Languages: English Tune Title: [He goes with me up­on the stor­my ocean]

Home Of The Blest

Author: Hattie A. Warner Hymnal: CYBER #16252 First Line: Oh, bright will the light of that ho­ly day dawn Refrain First Line: Beautiful day, beau­ti­ful day Lyrics: 1 Oh, bright will the light of that ho­ly day dawn, And grand will that ga­thering be, When the ran­somed and blest, From the east and the west, Shall stand by the crys­tal­line sea. Refrain: Beautiful day, beau­ti­ful day, Sweet will its dawn­ing light be; Glorious day, glo­ri­ous day, Crowns wait for you and for me. 2 Oh, bright will the light of that ho­ly day dawn, And grand will that ga­ther­ing be, When the ran­somed and blest, From the east and the west, Shall stand by the crys­tal­line sea. [Refrain] 3 The glit­ter­ing tow­ers of the ci­ty of gold Will ring with the cho­rus of song That shall rise to the praise of the cru­ci­fied One, From the ho­ly and glo­ri­fied throng. [Refrain] 4 Our crowns are laid up in the tem­ple of light, While we dwell in val­leys be­low, And each deed that we do, that is no­ble and true, Will bright­en their beau­ty, we know. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Oh, bright will the light of that ho­ly day dawn]

Learn, Oh My Soul,What 'Tis To Die!

Author: Benjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 Hymnal: CYBER #16253 Meter: First Line: Learn, oh my soul, what ’tis to die! Lyrics: 1 Learn, oh my soul, what ’tis to die! Th’event how so­lemn, and how nigh; When ev­ery tongue shall si­lent be, These eyes no pleas­ing ob­ject see. 2 The ac­tive limbs, the come­ly face, Turned to a mass of rot­ten­ness; The name for­got, the sub­stance gone, No more ad­mired, no long­er known. 3 But thou, my soul, must then re­main, In ev­er­last­ing joy or pain; The bliss of Heav’n with an­gels share, Or else be plunged in black des­pair. 4 Then be these so­lemn thoughts im­pressed, With pow­er di­vine on ev­ery breast; And ere ano­ther mo­ment pass, Oh let us seek re­new­ing grace. 5 Quickly to Je­sus may we fly, And on His right­eous­ness re­ly; Lo, our eter­nal all’s at stake, Awake, our slum­ber­ing souls, awake. Languages: English Tune Title: PENTECOST

Death! 'Tis An Awful Word

Author: Benjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 Hymnal: CYBER #16254 Meter: First Line: Death! ’tis an aw­ful word Lyrics: 1 Death! ’tis an aw­ful word, And fills the mind with fear; But joy­ful is a dy­ing bed, If Thou, oh God, art near. 2 Let but my nu­mer­ous sins Behind Thy back be cast. The poi­son­ous sting of death is gone, The bit­ter­ness is past. 3 To un­be­liev­ing man, Wrath quick­ly fol­lows death; The dread­ed por­tion he re­ceives, When he re­signs his breath. 4 To mor­tals all around, He looks for help in vain; Nor means, nor mi­nis­ters, nor friends Can mi­ti­gate his pain. 5 But let suf­fi­cient grace In my last hours be giv’n, Twill spread a lus­ter ov­er death, And be the dawn of Heav’n. Languages: English Tune Title: LAKE ENON

Power In The Blood

Author: Joseph Hulse Weber Hymnal: CYBER #16255 First Line: There is pow’r in the blood, now, to wash your soul Refrain First Line: Glory to the blood! Glory to the blood Lyrics: 1 There is pow’r in the blood, now, to wash your soul; There is pow’r in the blood to keep you whole; There is pow’r in the blood to help you win; There is pow’r in the blood to save from sin. Refrain: Glory to the blood! Glory to the blood That was shed on Calvary; It will keep you in the way, and will never let you stray; There is pow’r in the blood. 2 There is pow’r in the blood to make you white, There is pow’r in the blood to keep you right; There is pow’r in the blood to lead you on; There is pow’r in the blood of God’s dear Son. [Refrain] 3 There is pow’r in the blood, its atoning grace; There is pow’r in the blood for all the race; There is pow’r in the blood, just look on high; There is pow’r in the blood, ’tis drawing nigh. [Refrain] 4 There is pow’r in the blood, plunge beneath its wave; There is pow’r in the blood to keep and save; There is pow’r in the blood, be firm and true; There is pow’r in the blood to help, yes, you. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [There is pow’r in the blood, now, to wash your soul]


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