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Hymnal, Number:coeh1793

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When he hath tried me, I shall come forth as Gold

Author: Medley Hymnal: CoEH1793 #CLII (1793) Meter: First Line: With joy let each afflicted saint Lyrics: 1 With joy let each afflicted saint This cheering truth behold, That when he's try'd he shall not faint, But shall come forth as gold. 2 This privilege, dear Lord, I claim, Nor am I here too bold, That from the trying, fiery flame, I may come forth as gold. 3 What tho' the furnace burns on high, Still to this truth I'll hold, 'Tis but design'd my soul to try— I shall come forth as gold. 4 Herein his wisdom and his love Will God to me unfold, And from the furnace I shall prove, He'll bring me forth as gold. 5 He'll kindly thus consume my dross, So in his word I'm told, Nor can I suffer real loss, But shall come forth as gold. 6 Thus he'll conform me to his word, And cast me in that mould; And, through the goodness of my God, I shall come forth as gold. 7 Thus will I sing his praises here, Whose mercies are of old; And when in glory I appear, I shall come forth as gold. Topics: Affliction Scripture: Job 23:10 Languages: English

The Sinner awakened

Author: Fawcett Hymnal: CoEH1793 #LXII (1793) Meter: First Line: With melting heart and weeping eyes Lyrics: 1 With melting heart and weeping eyes, My guilty soul for mercy cries; What shall I do, or whither flee, T' escape that vengeance due to me? 2 Till now, I saw no danger nigh: I liv'd at ease, nor fear'd to die; Wrapt up in self-deceit and pride, "I shall have peace at last," I cry'd. 3 But when, great God, thy light divine Had shone on this dark soul of mine, Then I beheld, with trembling awe, The terrors of thy holy law. 4 How dreadful now my guilt appears, In childhood, youth, and growing years! Before thy pure, discerning eye, Lord, what a filthy wretch as I! 5 Should vengeance still my soul pursue, Death and destruction are my due; Yet mercy can my guilt forgive, And bid a dying sinner live. 6 Does not thy sacred word proclaim Salvation free in Jesu's name? To him I look, and humbly cry, "O save a wretch condemn'd to die!" Scripture: Acts 9:6 Languages: English

Sin lamented

Author: Stennett Hymnal: CoEH1793 #LXIV (1793) Meter: First Line: With tears of anguish I lament Lyrics: 1 With tears of anguish I lament Here at they feet, my God, My passion, pride, and discontent, And vile ingratitude. 2 Sure there was ne'er a heart so base, So false as mine has been! So faithless to its promises, So prone to every sin! 3 My reason tells me thy commands Are holy, just, and true; Tells me whate'er my God demands, Is his most righteous due. 4 Reason I hear, her counsels weigh, And all her words approve: But still I find it hard t' obey, And harder yet to love. 5 How long, dear Saviour, shall I feel Those struggles in my breast? When wilt thou bow my stubborn will, And give my conscience rest? 6 Break, sovereign grace, O break the charm And set the captive free: Reveal, Almighty God, thine arm, And haste to rescue me. Topics: The Sensible Sinner Languages: English

Happy Poverty, or poor in Spirit

Author: Steele Hymnal: CoEH1793 #CXXIX (1793) Meter: First Line: Ye humble souls, complain no more Lyrics: 1 Ye humble souls, complain no more, Let faith survey your future store; How happy, how divinely blest, The sacred words of truth attest. 2 When conscious grief laments sincere, And pours the penitential tear, Hope points to your dejected eyes, The bright reversion in the skies. 3 In vain the sons of wealth and pride Despise your lot, your hopes deride; In vain they boast their little stores, Trifles are theirs, a kingdom yours. 4 A kingdom of immense delight, Where health, and peace, and joy unite; Where undeclining pleasures rise, And every wish hath full supplies. 5 There shall your eyes with rapture view The glorious friend that dy'd for you; That dy'd to ransom, dy'd to raise To crowns of joy, and songs of praise. 6 Jesus, to thee I breathe my prayer; Reveal, confirm my interest there: Whate'er my humble lot below, This, this my soul desires to know! 7 O let me hear that voice divine Pronounce the glorious blessing mine! Enroll'd among thy happy poor, My largest wishes ask no more. Topics: Graces Languages: English


Author: Doddridge Hymnal: CoEH1793 #CXXXV (1793) Meter: First Line: Ye humble souls rejoice Lyrics: 1 Ye humble souls rejoice. And cheerful praises sing; Wake all your harmony of voice, For Jesus is your king. 2 That meek and lowly Lord, Whom here your souls have known, Pledges the honour of his word T' avow you for his own. 3 He brings salvation near, For which his blood was paid: How beauteous shall your soul appear, Thus sumptuously array'd? 4 Sing, for the day is nigh, When near your Saviour's seat, The tallest sons of pride shall lie, The footstool of your feet. 5 Salvation, Lord, is thine, And all thy saints confess, The royal robes, in which they shine, Were wrought by sovereign grace. Topics: Graces Languages: English

Comfort such who seek a risen JESUS

Author: Doddridge Hymnal: CoEH1793 #XXX (1793) Meter: First Line: Ye humble souls. that seek the Lord Lyrics: 1 Ye humble souls, that seek the Lord, Chase all your fears away: And bow with pleasure down to see The place where Jesus lay. 2 Thus low the Lord of life was brought; Such wonders love can do; Thus cold in death that bosom lay, Which throbb'd and bled for you. 3 A moment give a loose to grief, Let grateful sorrows rise; And wash the bloody stains away, With torrents from your eyes. 4 Then dry your tears, and tune your songs, The Saviour lives again; Not all the bolts and bars of Death The Conqueror could detain. 5 High o'er th' angelic bands he rears His once dishonor'd head; And thro' unnumber'd years he reigns, Who dwelt among the dead. 6 With joy like his shall every saint His empty tomb survey; Then rise, with his ascending Lord, To realms of endless day. Topics: Son Scripture: Matthew 28:5-6 Languages: English

The Shepherd's address to his fearful flock

Author: Doddridge Hymnal: CoEH1793 #CVI (1793) Meter: First Line: Ye little flock, whom Jesus feeds Lyrics: 1 Ye little flock, whom Jesus feeds, Dismiss your anxious cares; Look to the shepherd of your souls, And smile away your fears. 2 Tho' wolves and lions prowl around, His staff is your defence: ’Midst sands and rocks your shepherd’s voice Calls streams and pastures thence. 3 Your Father will a kingdom give, And give it with delight: His feeblest child his love shall call To triumph in his sight. 4 Ten thousand praises, Lord, we bring For sure supports like these; And o’er the pious dead we sing Thy living promises. 5 For all we hope, and they enjoy We bless a Saviour's name; Nor shall that stroke disturb the song, Which breaks this mortal frame. Topics: The Christian Life Scripture: Luke 12:32 Languages: English

The Believer waiting for the coming of the lORD

Author: Doddridge Hymnal: CoEH1793 #CXXI (1793) Meter: First Line: Ye servants of the Lord Lyrics: 1 Ye servants of the Lord, Each in his office wait, Observant of his heavenly word, And watchful at his gate. 2 Let all your lamps be bright, And trim the golden flame; Gird up your loins, as in his sight, For awful is his name. 3 Watch, 'tis your Lord's command; And while we speak, he's near: Mark the first signal of his hand, And ready all appear. 4 O happy servant he In such a posture found! He shall his Lord with rapture see, And be with honour crown'd. 5 Christ shall the banquet spread With his own bounteous hand, And raise that favorite servant's head Amidst th' angelic band. Topics: The Christian Life Languages: English

The Crucifixion

Hymnal: CoEH1793 #XXVI (1793) Meter: First Line: Ye that pass by, behold the man Lyrics: 1 Ye that pass by, behold the man, The man of grief, condemn'd for you, The Lamb of God for sinners slain, Weeping to Calvary pursue. 2 His sacred limbs they stretch, they tear, With nails they fasten to the wood— His sacred limbs— expos'd and bare, Or only cover'd with his blood. 3 See there! his temples crown'd with thorns, His bleeding hands extended wide, His streaming feet transfix'd and torn, The fountain gushing from his side. 4 O thou dear suffering son of God, How doth thy heart to sinners move! Help us to catch thy precious blood, Help us to taste thy dying Love. 5 The earth could to her centre quake, Convuls'd when her Creator died; O may our inmost nature shake, And bow with Jesus crucified! 6 At thy last gasp, the graves display'd Their horrors to the upper skies; O that our souls might burst the shade, And, quicken'd by thy death, arise. 7 The rocks could feel thy powerful death, And tremble, and asunder part; O rend, with thy expiring breath, The harder marble of our heart. Topics: Son Languages: English

The Midnight Cry

Author: Toplady Hymnal: CoEH1793 #CXCIII (1793) First Line: Ye virgin souls arise Lyrics: 1 Ye virgin souls arise, With all the dead awake, Unto salvation wise, Oil in your vessels take: Upstarting at the midnight cry, Behold the heavenly bridegroom nigh. 2 He comes, he comes to call The nations to his bar, And take to glory all Who meet for glory are; Made ready for your full reward, Go forth with joy to meet your Lord— 3 Go, meet him in the sky, Your everlasting friend; Your head to glorify, With all his saints ascend; Ye pure in heart, obtain the grace To see, without a veil, his face. 4 Ye, that have here receiv'd The unction from above, And in his spirit liv'd, And thirsted for his love; Jesus shall claim you for His bride; Rejoice with all the sanctify'd. 5 Rejoice, in glorious hope Of that great day unknown, When you shall be caught up To stand before his throne; Call'd to partake the marriage-feast, And lean on our Immanuel's breast. 6 The everlasting doors Shall soon the saints receive, Above those angel-pow'rs In glorious joy to live; Far from a world of grief and sin, With God eternally shut in. 7 Then let us wait to hear The trumpet’s welcome sound; To see our Lord appear, May we be watching found! With that bless'd wedding-robe endu'd,— The blood and righteousness of God. Topics: Time and Eternity Languages: English


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