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Scripture:Psalm 104:1-9

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Showing 181 - 190 of 229Results Per Page: 102050

The Moon to run her destin'd Space

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 104 Lyrics: 1 The Moon to run her destin'd Space Fills her pale Orb with borro'd Rays, The appointed Sun with just Carreer Metes out the Day, the Month, the Year, His Lamp withdrawn then ravening stray Wild Beasts, outragious for their Prey' The Lion roars his wants aloud And roaring, seeks his Meat from God. 2 When from the East glows with opening Day Back to their Dens they haste away: Nor sooner are the Shades of Night Fled from the Suns returning Light, Then the strong Husbandman renews His Toil, his daily Task pursues, Till Evening calls again to rest, Both toiling Man and weary Beast. 3 How various is thy Praise display'd O Lord, in all thy Hands have made! Lost in amazement down we fall; In Wisdom thou hast made them all; How on the Earth thy Riches shower Incessant, unexhausted Store; New every Morn thy Gifts appear; Great God, thy Goodness fills the Year. 4 And yet, low other Scenes disclose! The Sea no less thy Goodness shews, Here the finn'd Race unnumber'd stray, Dive deep, or on the Surface play, Here huge Leviathan may reign Sole Tyrant of the watry Plain, He moves; the boiling Deeps divide; He breathes a Storm and spouts a Tide.

Thee, Lord, my Soul aspires to sing

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 104 Lyrics: 1 Thee, Lord, my Soul aspires to sing, Almighty, everlasting King, Creator! wondrous to survey Thy works excite the grateful Lay, From thy bright Throne beyond yon Height Spread Plains of Empyrean Light, The Spheres assume the second place, Swift moving thro' th' Eternal Space. 2 Beneath more close compacted lie The Regions of th' inferior Sky, Here float the Clouds, the Thunders roil, And Tempest whirl from Pole to Pole, Here thy obedient Spirits find the Stores of Vengeance for Mankind; And pleas'd thy Orders to perform Lance the hot Bolt, or drive the Storm. 3 Till thou restrain'd it like a Robe The deep involv'd the shapeless Globe; And now tho' the proud Surges rise, Range the wide wast, and threat the Skies, Fix'd is their Bound, their Tumults end; Yet where thou bidst the Main extend, Awed by thy Voice aloof they roar, Or gently leave th'uninjured shore. 4 Mean while the piercing Liquid strains Thro' the tall Mountains secret Veins; Thence down the silver Currents flow And wander thro' the Vales below, And while their Streams fresh Moisture yield To the dry Cattle of the Field, Lo, Trees project their Branches fair And lodge the Songsters of the air.

These all own thy paternal Care

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 104 Lyrics: 1 These all own thy paternal Care, In thee they live and move and are! The copius Good thy Hand bestows Enjoy, and praise thee as it flows. But thy blest Influence once withdrawn, No more Joy, Light of Comfort dawn; Dire Pain succeeds the sad Decay, And Death demands his destin'd Prey. 2 Yet unimpair'd the Species all Stand, while the Individuals fall; Thy timely Care each Chasm supplies, One rising as another dies. hence thro' the whole Creation known, Still shall thy Guardian Power be shown Till as thy word devouring Flame Consume the universal Frame. 3 Ev;n in the lov'd that dreadful Day When Earth and Heav'n shall melt away, Thou still, my soul, shalt sound abroad Praise to thy Father, and thy God. Praise thou the Lord; He is thy Friend, The Cause of all Things and their End! O'er Earth, Seas, Heav'n, let Time prevail! The Rock thou build'st on, cannot fail.

Thou send'st, thy Creatures to sustain

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 104 Lyrics: 1 Thou send'st, thy Creatures to sustain, The former and the latter Rain: See streight Herbs, Flowers and Fruits appear, And various Plenty crowns the Year, Grass for the Beast, the Olive grows Fro Man, and the rich Vintage flows His Life and Vigour to sustain Waves o'er the Field the ripening Grain. 2 Lord, how dost thou all-bounteous send, Unnumber'd Blessings without End! "Thro' all the Earth thy Glories shine, Thy Works pronounce thy Power divine: To their full growth by just Degrees Majestick rise the forest Trees Up to the clouds their Arms they throw, Their Roots the Center seek below. 3 The Nations of the feather'd kind Here hospitable Shelter find The Stork in the Fir Tress height Here leaves her Brood, and wings her Flight, And where their shadowy Gloom they throw Wide waving o'er the Mountains Brow Earth's feebler Tribes rejoice to share Thy tender Love and guardian Care.

Light of light eternal

Author: Gerhard Tersteegen Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 104:1-2 Lyrics: Leader: I will bless you God! You fill the world with awe! You dress yourself in light, rich, majestic light. People: Light of light eternal, all things penetrating. For your rays our souls are waiting. Leader: To you, O God, we lift up our souls. People: As the tender flowers, willingly unfolding to the sun their faces holding. Leader: My soul, bless God! All my being, bless God's holy name! People: Ever so would we do, light from you obtaining, strength to serve you gaining. Topics: God's Church The Church at Worship: Gathering; Gathering; Service Music: Introits Used With Tune: ARNSBERG Text Sources: Tr. composite

Psalm 104

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 104 First Line: Bless, O my soul, the Almighty, who rules all creation Used With Tune: [Bless, O my soul, the Almighty]

A Litany of Praise

Author: Coni Huisman Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 104 First Line: Praise the Lord, O my soul Topics: Church Year Pentecost; Church Year Transfiguration; Despair; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Fear; God Light from; God as Spirit; God as Creator; God's Sovereignty; God's Wisdom; God's Face; God's Faithfulness; God's Greatness; God's Majesty; God's Name; God's Power; God's Presence; God's Strength; Grace; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Teacher; Life Stages Death; Lord's Prayer 4th petition (give us today our daily bread); Occasional Services New Year; Occasional Services Thanksgving Day / Harvest Festival; Renewal; Suffering; The Creation; Truth; Worship; Year A, B, C, Easter, Day after Pentecost; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 16-22 Used With Tune: [Praise the Lord, O my soul]

The Mountains Stand in Awe

Author: Ken Bible Meter: D Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 104 Topics: Church Year Pentecost; Church Year Transfiguration; Despair; Elements of Worship Confession (Individual); Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Fear; God Light from; God as Spirit; God as Spirit; God's Sovereignty; God's Wisdom; God's Face; God's Faithfulness; God's Greatness; God's Majesty; God's Name; God's Power; God's Presence; God's Strength; Grace; Hymns of Praise; Jesus Christ Teacher; Life Stages Death; Lord's Prayer 4th petition (give us today our daily bread); Occasional Services New Year; Occasional Services Thanksgving Day / Harvest Festival; Renewal; Suffering; The Creation; Truth; Worship; Year A, B, C, Easter, Day after Pentecost; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 16-22 Used With Tune: LEONI (YIDGAL)

Creator, We Thank You for All You Have Made

Author: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 104 Lyrics: Creator, we thank you for all you have made: For trees by the sidewalk that give us cool shade, For grass-covered ball fields, for flowers downtown, For wide autumn leaves that turn crispy and brown. God, thank you for gardens on back corner-lots, For insects that hide out in old flower pots, For lions and polar bears living in zoos, For high mountain trails that have beautiful views. God, thank you for rainfall that ends a long drought, For cracks in the sidewalk where little weeds sprout, For birds that build nests in the tops of the trees, For hot summer days when we feel a cool breeze. O God, we give thanks for the places we go, For cool mountain lakes and for trails in the snow, For each city park and for each county fair, For gifts of creation we see everywhere Topics: Creation/Earth Day/Environmnet Used With Tune: ST. DENIO
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The noblest subject swells my lofty lay

Appears in 1 hymnal Scripture: Psalm 104 Lyrics: 1 The noblest subject swells my lofty lay, The Lord Jehovah--I his pow'r display; The Lord Jehovah, great creator--God, Who darts his dazzling glories all abroad; 2 Who's in tremendous majesty array'd, With beamy light, as with a garment, clad: 3 Who, like a curtain, spreads th' etherial plains In yon wide arch suspends his fleecy rains, By winds supported, makes the clouds his car, And rides triumphant in the ambient air. 4 Around him wait his bright angelic train, Ready to bear his dread behests to man; Unbodied forms and essences divine That fleet like aether, and like fire that shine. 5 Firm on her base the solid earth he plac'd, And 'gainst th' asaults of time secur'd her fast; 6 The earth he cover'd with a watery flood; High 'bove the loftiest hills the surges stood; 7 But in tremendous thunder when he spoke, Soon they subsided at his stern rebuke; 8 The hills they leave, and seek the level plain, And to their wonted depths return amain. 9 The bounds permitted them to pass no more; No more they on the delug'd mountains roar. 10 A long the vales, amid the tow'ring hills, In sweet meanders flow the bubling rills; 11 Whence the wild bestials of the wilderness, And the rejoicing flocks, their thirst appease. 12 All on their margin, the aerial choir, Whose guileless loves their slender throats inspire, Perch on the trees, and with their tuneful lay Ravish the plains, and cheat the ling'ring day. 13 Down from his stores he sends his fruitful rains; Feel their glad influence strait the meads, the plains; All earth is strait with flow'rs, with herbage gay; 14 Rejoices man; the herds in rapture play; The lovely prospect fills the heart with joy; 15 But what transporting strains our tongues employ, When the smooth oils around our temples shine, When high-enraptur'd with the racy wine; When, by the bounty of our maker, fed, New strength, new vigour, is supplied by bread? 16 Nor less from him each vegetable tribe Their sap receive--th' enliv'ning juice imbibe 17 The tow'ring cedars where the eagles build, The firs that to the storks fit refuge yield! 18 The wanton goats along the mountains rove; While the rough craggy cliff the coneys love. 19 He gives her stated seasons to the moon; He guides in his appointed course the sun; 20 His is the night; he bids the darkness reign; 'Tis then the howling bestials range the plain; Their haunts they leave, and by fell hunger led, Fall on the flocks, and fill the swains with dread, 21 Then the young lion with his hideous roar Roams all abroad, the fatlings to devour; To heav'n he roars, and while he prowls for food, Owns, that his sole dependence is on God. 22 But soon as e'er, with his reviving ray, Comes forth the joyous sun, to gild the day, The bestial-tribes all to their dens retreat, 33 And his alternate labours man await; The live-long day in constant toil he spends, Till kind indulgent night his travail ends. 24 Thy works, O God, display thy pow'r divine; Thy glorious works proclaim, that wisdom's thine; Nor earth alone thy mighty gifts can boast; 25 The sea survey'd, in wonder we are lost. Such countless millions of the finny train, That roam exulting o'er her glassy plain; Their different dimensions who can trace? The varied beauties of the smaller race; 26 Th' enormous monsters, that with dreadful pride Sport in the waves along the vessel's side; But most, that dread, that huge leviathan, The proud imperious tyrant of the main, Who on her surface insolently plays, And fills th' admiring eye with wild amaze. 27 O gracious God, all, all in sea, on land, Receive their portion from thy mighty hand; All, all the blessings of thy bounty share, And all employ thy providential care. 28 Thou giv'st, they gather, their respective food; Thine hand thou open'st, and they're fill'd with good. 29 And, when thy glad'ning presence is withdrawn, The loss of thy beneficence they mourn; Thou at thy pleasure tak'st their breath away; They die, and strait return to native clay. 30 Yet not without inhabitants the earth; Thy quick'ning spirit gives new forms a birth; A new creation springs; their stated place They hold, and run successively their race. 31 Our God with glory shall for ever reign, And will with joy his wond'rous works sustain; 32 Struck with his presence, quakes the earth with fear; Mov'd at his dread rebuke the hills appear; See, from the hills in curling streams arise The circling smoak, and darken all the skies. 33 For me, while breath inspires this vital frame, The glories of my God shall be my theme; 34 With joy sincere his praises I will sing, And to his honour'd name attune the string, 35 While impious men by his resentment fall, And direful woes their guilty hearts appall, The great creator shall my soul inspire, Shall fill my tongue, and animate my lyre.


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