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Hymnal, Number:iph2004

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Showing 191 - 200 of 979Results Per Page: 102050
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Though trouble springs not from the dust

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Though trouble springs not from the dust, nor sorrow from the ground; yet ills on ills, by Heav’n’s decree, in man’s estate are found. 2 As sparks in close succession rise, so man, the child of woe, is doom'd to endless cares and toils through all his life below. 3 But with my God I leave my cause; from him I seek relief; to him, in confidence of pray'r unbosom all my grief. 4 Unnumbered are his wondrous works, unsearchable his ways; ’tis his the mourning soul to cheer, the bowed down to raise. Scripture: Job 5:6-12 Used With Tune: ST PETER (REINAGLE)

At evening, when the sun had set

Author: Henry Twells, 1823-1900 Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Creation Evening; Jesus Christ Healing Used With Tune: ANGELUS Text Sources: Adapt.: Jubilate Hymns
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The wise may bring their learning

Author: Anonymous Meter: Appears in 118 hymnals Lyrics: 1 The wise may bring their learning, the rich may bring their wealth, and some may bring their greatness, and some their strength and health: we too would bring our treasures to offer to the King; we have no wealth or learning, what gifts then shall we bring? 2 We'll bring the many duties we have to do each day; we'll try our best to please Him, at home, at school, at play; and better are these treasures to offer to our King than richest gifts without them; yet these a child may bring. 3 We'll bring Him hearts that love Him, we'll bring Him thankful praise, and lives for ever striving to follow in His ways: and these shall be the treasures we offer to the King, and these are gifts that ever our grateful hearts may bring. Topics: Jesus Christ His Birth Used With Tune: TYROLESE Text Sources: Book of Praise for Children, 1881; Adapt.: Compilers of BBC Hymn Book, 1951 and others
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O Lord, thou ever righteous art

Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: TSADDI THE EIGHTEENTH PART 137 O Lord, thou ever righteous art; thy judgments upright be. 138 Ordained thy testimonies are in faithfulness by thee. 139 My zeal hath even consumed me, because mine enemies thy holy words forgotten have, and do thy laws despise. 140 Thy word is very pure, on it thy servant's love is set. 141 Small and despised I am, yet I thy laws do not forget. 142 Thy righteousness is righteousness which ever doth endure; thy holy law, Lord, also is the very truth most pure. 143 Distress and anguish have me found, fast hold on me they take: yet in my trouble my delight I thy commandments make. 144 Eternal righteousness is in thy testimonies all: give understanding unto me, and ever live I shall. Scripture: Psalm 119:137-144 Used With Tune: BRISTOL
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Give ye unto the Lord, ye sons

Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Give ye unto the Lord, ye sons that of the mighty be, all strength and glory to the Lord with cheerfulness give ye. 2 O give ye glory to the Lord, and his great name adore; and in the beauty of holiness bow down the Lord before. 3 The Lord’s voice on the waters is; the God of majesty doth thunder, and on multitudes of waters sitteth he. 4 A mighty voice it is that comes out from the Lord most high; the voice of that great Lord is full of glorious majesty. 5 The voice of the Eternal doth asunder cedars tear; Jehovah doth the cedars break that Lebanon doth bear. 6 He makes them like a calf to skip, even that great Lebanon, and, like to a young unicorn, the mountain Sirion. 7 The Lord’s voice cleaves the flames of fire; 8 the desert it doth shake: the Lord doth make the wilderness of Kadesh all to quake. 9 The Lord’s voice makes the hinds to calve, it makes the forest bare: and in his temple every one his glory doth declare. 10 The Lord sat on the flood; the Lord sits King, and ever shall. 11 The Lord will give his people strength, and with peace bless them all. Scripture: Psalm 29 Used With Tune: CORONA
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God is our sure defence, our aid

Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 God is our sure defence, our aid in time of tribulation; our heart shall never be dismayed, though fail the earth's foundation, o'er hills though foaming floods ascend, though billows roar, and ocean rend the mountain-peaks asunder. 2 A river by the holy shrine, a pure and peaceful river, makes glad the seat of power divine: she stands unmoved for ever; for God is in the midst of her, a help, a stay, a comforter; he comes at break of morning. 3 In Jacob's God our strength is found, when heathen hosts assemble; he speaks in thunder, at the sound earth melts and nations tremble: the Lord of hosts a refuge stands. And lo! the wonders of his hands, the wrath, the desolation! 4 He lulls the war, he burns the car, the bow and spear he breaketh; be still, he cries, for I arise; the Lord, the Lord awaketh, o'er all the earth a God most high: the Lord of hosts, our help, is nigh, our strength, the God of Jacob. Scripture: Psalm 46 Used With Tune: ZOHELETH

Praise Him, praise Him

Author: Anonymous, c. 1890 - "S.P.V." Appears in 3 hymnals Topics: The Temple Praise Used With Tune: HE IS LOVE Text Sources: The Hymnal for Boys and Girls, 1935; Adapt.: Jubilate Hymns

O God, You are my God alone

Author: John Lamberton Bell, b. 1949 Meter: D Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Creation Evening; The Temple Worship Scripture: Psalm 63 Used With Tune: RESIGNATION

The Lord my shepherd rules my life

Author: Christopher Martin Idle, b. 1938 Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Topics: God Through the Years His Faithfulness Scripture: Psalm 23 Used With Tune: BROTHER JAMES'S AIR
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Not ours the glory make

Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Not ours the glory make, Lord, give not us the fame; but for thy truth and mercy's sake ascribe it to thy name! 2 To say, Where is their God, why should the heathen dare? Since he in heaven hath his abode, and works his pleasure there. 3 Men's hand their idols make of silver and of gold; mouths have they, but they cannot speak; eyes, but they nought behold. 4 Their ears are senseless too; their nostrils smelling not; their hands and feet nor feel nor go, nor speak they through their throat. 5 All those who them adore, or form them, like them be; O Israel, trust God evermore, for our defence is he. 6 On God, who shields the just, let Aaron's house depend; let those who fear him in him trust, for he will such defend. 7 God hath remembers us, and will his mercy show; on Israel, and on Aaron's house, he blessings will bestow. 8 Of high and low degree, all those that him adore he keeps; and you and yours shall he increase yet more and more. 9 Blest of the Lord are ye, who made both earth and heaven; heaven for himself created he, but earth to men hath given. 10 Their voice they cannot raise, who down to silence go; but we, from this time forth, his praise for evermore will show. Scripture: Psalm 115 Used With Tune: POTSDAM


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