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To all men I have judgment done

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: AIN THE SIXTEENTH PART 121 To all men I have judgment done, performing justice right; then let me not be left unto my fierce oppressors’ might. 122 For good unto thy servant, Lord, thy servant’s surety be: from the oppression of the proud do thou deliver me. 123 Mine eyes do fail with looking long for thy salvation great, while for thy word of righteousness I earnestly do wait. 124 In mercy with thy servant deal, thy statutes to me show. 125 I am thy servant, wisdom give, that I thy laws may know. 126 ’Tis time to work, Lord; for they have made void thy law divine. 127 Therefore thy precepts more I love than gold, yea, gold most fine. 128 Concerning all things thy commands I therefore judge are right; and every false and wicked way is hateful in my sight. Scripture: Psalm 119:121-128 Used With Tune: ST JAMES
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To all my brethren, I'll declare

Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: 1 To all my brethren I'll declare The triumphs of God's name; In presence of assembled saints, His glory I'll proclaim. 2 'Tis his supreme prerogative O'er subject kings to reign; 'Tis just that he should rule the world, Who does the sorld sustain. 3 The rich, who are with plenty fed, His bounty must confess; The sons of want, by him relieve'd, Their gen'rous patron bless. 4 With humble worship, to his throne They all for Aid resort; That pow'r, which first their beings gave, Can only them support. Topics: Psalms of Thanksgiving Scripture: Psalm 22 Text Sources: Tate and Brady's New Version
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To all saints who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ

Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: My brethren all remember well Lyrics: 1 My brethren all remember well, That your sweet Jesus is your all; Of grace and truth brim full he is, For those who feel their emptiness. 2 Christ is your wisdom, right'ousness, Your strength, your holiness and peace, Your head, your hope, your joy also, Your all to God, your all to you. 3 His fulness yours, what can you need? Nothing but faith thereon to feed; And faith to you himself will give, Rely on him, and to him live. 4 Then oh! be free with this your friend, His fulness you can never spend; Let all your wants be laid on him, And he will fill you to the brim. 5 The more by faith on Christ you live, The more to him your glory give; The more with Christ your soul is free, The more to him you'll welcome be. 6 Such is his boundless grace and love, He'll joy that you his fulness prove; So shall you joy in him be full, Who is your everlasting all.
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To all that now in Judah dwell

Author: J. H. Appears in 2 hymnals Lyrics: 1 To all that now in Judah dwell the Lord is clearly known, His Name is great in Israel, a people of his own: 2 At Salem he hath pitch'd his tent to tarry there a space, In Sion also he is bent to fix a dwelling-place. 3 And there he brake both shaft and bow, the sword, the spear, and shield, His enemies did overthrow in battle in the field. 4 Thou art most worthy honour, Lord, more might in thee doth lie, Than in the strongest of the world, that rob on mountains high. 5 But now the proud are spoil'd thro' thee, and they are fall'n asleep; Thro' men of war no help can be, themselves they could not keep. 6 At thy rebuke, O Jacob's God, when thou didst them reprove, As half asleep their chariots stood, no horseman once did move. 7 For thou art dreadful, Lord, indeed, what man the courage hath T' abide thy sight, and doth not dread, when thou art in thy wrath. 8 When thou dost make thy judgements heard from heav'n unto the ground, Then all the earth, full sore afraid, in silence shall be found: 9 And when that thou, O God, dost stand in judgement for to speak, To save th' afflicted of the land, that feeble are and weak. 10 The fury that in man doth reign, shall turn unto thy praise; Hereafter, Lord, do thou restrain their wrath and threats always. l1 Make vows, and pay them to our God, ye folk, that nigh him be, Bring gifts, all ye that dwell abroad, for dreadful sure is he: 12 For he doth take both life and might from princes great of birth; And full of terror is his sight to all the kings on earth. Scripture: Psalm 76

To all the nations, Lord

Author: Thomas Tiplady Appears in 1 hymnal

To All The Saints Of God On Earth

Author: Christopher Wordsworth Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 To all the saints of God on earth; Their death day is their day of birth Death is their door of life, the Sacred Way By which they pass to realms of endless day. 2 And whence do all the saints derive The life by which through death they live? From God made flesh; on Him their virtues grow. He is the fount from which their graces flow. 3 We sang to God on yestermorn, When Jesus Christ for us was born; And from His birth the saints their birthdays date; And in the saints their Lord we celebrate. 4 Today the first of martyrs dies, And dying enters paradise; Foes rage against him; but what gleams of grace Angelic shine on his transfigured face! 5 While storms of stones around him fly, His soul is anchored in the sky; I see Heav’n opened, and at God’s right hand The Son of Man, he cries, in glory stand. 6 Jesu, receive my soul, he says. Kneels down, and then more loudly prays, Lord, do not this their sin in memory keep— And when he thus had said, he fell asleep. 7 Lord, when we suffer here for Thee, Grant us Thy glorious face to see, And on the spirit’s wings of faith and love Waft us from earth to light and life above. 8 Praises to God the Father give, And to the Son in whom we live; And praise to God the Holy Spirit be, One everlasting God, and Persons Three. Used With Tune: TER SANCTUS Text Sources: The Holy Year (London: Rivingtons, 1862)


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