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Scripture:Psalm 77

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Lord, you sometimes speak in wonders

Author: Christopher Martin Idle (b. 1938) Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 77:14 Lyrics: 1 Lord, you sometimes speak in wonders, unmistakable and clear, mighty signs to prove your presence, overcoming doubt and fear. 2 Lord, you sometimes speak in whispers, still and small and scarcely heard; only those who want to listen catch the all-important word. 3 Lord, you sometimes speak in silence, through our loud and noisy day: we can know and trust you better when we quietly wait and pray. 4 Lord, you often speak in Scripture, words that summon from the page, shown and taught us by your Spirit with fresh light for every age. 5 Lord, you always speak in Jesus, always new yet still the same: teach us now more of our Saviour, make our lives display his Name. Topics: The Holy Spirit in the Church Illumination of God's Word; Jesus incarnation; Scripture; Word of God Used With Tune: STUTTGART
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To God I cry'd, who to my Help

Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 77 Lyrics: 1 To God I cry'd, who to my Help did graciously repair; 2 In Trouble's dismal Day I sought my God with humble Pray'r. All Night my fest'ring Wound did run; no Med'cine gave Relief; My soul no Comfort would admit, my Soul indulg'd her Grief. 3 I thought on God, and Favours pass'd; but that increas'd my Pain: I found my Spirit more oppress'd, the more i did complain. 4 Thro' ev'ry Watch of tedious Night Thou keep'st my eyes awake; My Grief is swell'd to that Excess, I sigh, but cannot speak. 5 I call'd to mind the Days of old, with signal Mercy crown'd; Those famous Years of antient Times. for Miracles renoewn'd. 6 By Night I recollect my songs, on former Triumphs made; Then search, consult, and ask my Heart, Where's now that wond'rous Aid? 7 Has God for ever cast us off? withdrawn His Favour quite? 8 Are both His Mercy and his Truth retir'd to endless Night? 9 Can His long-practis'd Love forget its wonted Aids to bring? Has He in Wrath shut up and seal'd His Mercy's healing spring? 10 I said, My Weakness hints these Fears; But I'll my Fears disband; I'll yet remember the Most High, and Years of His Right-hand. 11 I'll call to mind His Works of old the Wonders of His Might; 12 On them my Heart shall meditate, my Tongue shall them recite. 13 Safe lodg'd from human Search on high O God, thy Councils are! Who is so great a God as ours? who can with him compare? 14 Long since a God of wonders Thee thy rescu'd People found; 15 Long since hast Thou thy chosen Seed with strong Deliv'rance crown'd. 16 When thee, O God, the Waters saw, the righted Billows shrunk; The troubled Depths themselves for Fear beneath their Channels sunk. 17 The Clouds pour'd down, while rending skies did with their Noise conspire; Thy Arrows all abroad were snet, wing'd with avenging Fire. 18 Heav'n with thy Thunder's Voice was torn, whilst all the lower world With Lightning blaz'd, Earth shook & seem'd from her Foundations hurl'd. 19 Thro' rolling Streams thou find'st thy Way thy Paths in Waters lie; Thy wond'rous Passage, where no Sight thy Footsteps can descry. 20 Thou ledd'st thy People like a Flock safe through the desart Land, By Moses, their meek skilful Guide, and Aaron's sacred Hand.
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Doubts Overcome by Faith

Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 77 First Line: To God for help will I repair Lyrics: 1 To God for help will I repair, To God will I direct my prayer, And surely He will answer me, His great salvation I shall see. 2 In long-continued grief I stand And seek the Lord with outstretched hand; I find no comfort for my soul the clouds of darkness o'er me roll. 3 I think of God and call to mind His goodness, yet no peace I find; I still pour out my sad complaints, My burdened spirit almost faints. 4 With sleepless eyes and speechless grief I search the past to find relief, The former years when days were bright And songs of gladness cheered my night. 5 My constant meditations bring My heart to anxious questioning: Has God cast off, and will He be No longer merciful to me? 6 Has God forgotten to be kind? Shall I His promise faithless find? For me shall wrath henceforth replace His tender mercies and His grace? 7 In weakness I was pressed with fear, But better hopes my spirit cheer; Past mercies lead me to rely Upon the help of God Most High. 8 Thy deeds, O Lord, will I relate And on thy wonders meditate; Thy way, O God, is just and right, And none is like to Thee in might. 9 Among the nations Thou hast shown Thy wondrous power and made it known; Thou art the God that mightily Redeemed and set Thy people free. 10 At sight of Thee the waters fled, The quaking clouds their torrents shed, The lightnings flashed, the thunder pealed, The trembling earth her fear revealed. 11 Thy way, O God, was in the sea, But, though Thy paths mysterious be, Thy people Thou didst safely keep As shepherds lead their helpless sheep. Topics: Afflictions Many and Severe; Afflictions Prayer in; Christ Power of; Christians Conflicts of; Comfort in Trials; Covenant Keeping; Despondency; God Adored and Exalted; God Attributes of; God Glorious; God Hearer of Prayer; God Works of; Hope; Meditation; Miracles; Nature Revelation of God in; Patience; Praise for temporal blessings; Praise For Works of Creation; Praise For Work of Redemption; Preservation; The Righteous Forsaken by God; Royalty of Christ Guarantee of Salvation; Salvation God's Gift; The Sea; Spiritual Darkness Used With Tune: SESSIONS

Psalm 77: Unto the Lord I with my voice

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 77 First Line: Unto the Lord I with my voice Lyrics: 1Unto the Lord I with my voice, I unto God did cry; Ev’n with my voice, and unto me his ear he did apply. 2I in my trouble sought the Lord, my sore by night did run, And ceased not; my grieved soul did consolation shun. 3I to remembrance God did call, yet trouble did remain; And overwhelm’d my spirit was, whilst I did sore complain. 4Mine eyes, debarr’d from rest and sleep, thou makest still to wake; My trouble is so great that I unable am to speak. 5The days of old to mind I call’d, and oft did think upon The times and ages that are past full many years agone. 6By night my song I call to mind, and commune with my heart; My sp’rit did carefully enquire how I might ease my smart. 7For ever will the Lord cast off, and gracious be no more? 8For ever is his mercy gone? fails his word evermore? 9Is’t true that to be gracious the Lord forgotten hath? And that his tender mercies he hath shut up in his wrath? 10Then did I say, That surely this is mine infirmity: I’ll mind the years of the right hand of him that is most High. 11Yea, I remember will the works performed by the Lord: The wonders done of old by thee I surely will record. 12I also will of all thy works my meditation make; And of thy doings to discourse great pleasure I will take. 13O God, thy way most holy is within thy sanctuary; And what god is so great in pow’r as is our God most high? 14Thou art the God that wonders do’st by thy right hand most strong: Thy mighty pow’r thou hast declar’d the nations among. 15To thine own people with thine arm thou didst redemption bring; To Jacob’s sons, and to the tribes of Joseph that do spring. 16The waters, Lord, perceived thee, the waters saw thee well; And they for fear aside did flee; the depths on trembling fell. 17The clouds in water forth were pour’d, sound loudly did the sky; And swiftly through the world abroad thine arrows fierce did fly. 18Thy thunder’s voice alongst the heav’n a mighty noise did make; By lightnings lighten’d was the world, th’ earth tremble did and shake. 19Thy way is in the sea, and in the waters great thy path; Yet are thy footsteps hid, O Lord; none knowledge thereof hath. 20Thy people thou didst safely lead, like to a flock of sheep; By Moses’ hand and Aaron’s thou didst them conduct and keep.

I cried unto God with my voice

Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 77 Topics: Psalms Used With Tune: [I cried unto God with my voice]

I Cried Out to God to Help Me

Author: Helen Otte Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 77 Topics: Biblical Names & Places Egypt; Deliverance; Doubt; Afflictions; Biblical Names & Places Egypt; Confession of Sin; Deliverance; Doubt; Mercy; Providence; Wisdom Used With Tune: GENEVAN 77

In My Grievous Tribulation

Author: William Kuipers Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 77 Topics: Backsliding; Doubt; Faithfulness, God's; Holiness Of God Used With Tune: REMEMBRANCE
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A Psalm of Asaph

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 77 First Line: I with my voice to God did cry Lyrics: 1 I with my voice to GOD did cry; ye with my voice aloud I cry's to GOD; and graciously to me his ear He bow'd. 2 In my distress I sought the Lord, my sore ran in the night, And ceased not; my soul refus'd, all comfort and delight. 3 I thought on GOD and troubled was yet more; without relief; I meditated till my soul was overwhelm'd with grief. (Selah.) 4 In ev'ry watch of tedious night, Thou kepst my soul awake; My trouble swell'd to such excess, I groan'd, but could not speak. 5 I call'd to mind the days of old, with signal mercies crown'd; Those famous years of ancient time, for wondrous works renown'd. 6 Yea, to my memory I recall'd the songs by night I had; I commun'd with my thoughtful heart, strict search my spirit made. [2 Part] 7 Alas! said I, what will the Lord, cast off, and not restore? And from henceforth will He afford, no favour any more? 8 Is all his mercy ceas'd and gone? must that no more avail? The gracious promises He made, shall they for ever fail? 9 Or is it true, that to be kind, my God forgotten hath? And that his tender mercies He hath shut up in his wrath? 10 Then said I, this my weakness is, who have no pow'r to stand; But I'll remember the most High, and years of his right hand. 11 The works of JAH I'll call to mind, his actions manifold; I'll surely to remembrance call thy wondrous works of old. 12 On all thy works I'll meditate, and of thy doings talk. 13 Thy way, O GOD, is Holiness, where Thou dost ever walk. [3 Part] 14 What God so great as our GOD is? Thou God, hast wonders done: Among the people Thou thy strength, hast openly made known. 15 Thy people Thou from bondage hast by thy strong arm set free; Of Joseph and of Israel, the vast Posterity. (Selah.) 16 Thee did the waters see, O GOD, Thee see with trembling fear: The mighty deeps with all their waves, in great commotion were. 17 The clouds their floods of water pour'd, the skies sent forth a sound; Thine arrows in thy storms of hail, flew terribly around. 18 Thy dreadful voice from heaven above in roaring thunders broke: Thy light'nings blaz'd thro'out the world, the earth in horror shook. 19 Thy way was in the troubled sea, a wondrous way was shown; Thy paths thro' might waters were, thy steps cannot be known. 20 By Moses and by Aaron's hand, Thou, as thy people's head, Thro' the vast desart like a flock, didst them in safety lead.
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I cried aloud, aloud to God

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 77:1-2 Lyrics: I cried aloud, aloud to God. I cried to God and he heard me. Topics: Deliverance; Despair and Trouble; God Power of Used With Tune: [I cried aloud, aloud to God] Text Sources: The Revised English Bible
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Voce mea

Author: J. H. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 77 First Line: I with my voice to God do crie Lyrics: 1 I with my voice to God did crie, with heart and hearty cheare: My voice to God I lift on hie, and he my suit doth heare. 2 In time of griefe I sought to God, by night no rest I took: But stretcht my hands to him abroad, my soule comfort forsook. 3 When I to think on God intend my trouble then is more: I spake, but could not make an end, my breath was stopt so sore. 4 Thou heldst mine eyes alwaies from rest, that I therewith did wake: With feare I am so sore opprest, my speech doth me forsake. 5 The daies of old in mind I cast, and oft did think upon The times and ages that are past full many years agone. 6 By night my songs I call to mind, once made thy praise to show: And with my heart much talk I find, my spirits do search to know. 7 Will God, said I, at once for all cast off his people thus: So that henceforth no time he shall be friendly unto us? 8 What? is his goodnesse clean decaid for ever and a day? Or is his promise now delaid, and doth his truth decay? 9 And will the Lord our God forget his mercies manifold? Or shall his wrath increase so hot, his mercies to with-hold? 10 At last I said, my weakness is the cause of this mistrust, Gods mighty hand can help all this, and change it when he lust. The second Part: 11 I will regard and think upon the working of the Lord: Of all his wonders past and gone, I gladly will record. 12 Yea, all his works I will declare, and what he did devise: To tell his facts I will not spare, and all his counsell wise. 13 Thy works (O LordO are all upright, and holy all abroadL What one hath strength to match the might of thee the Lord our God? 14 Thou art a God that doth forth show thy wonders every hour: And so dost make the people know thy vertue and thy power. 15 And thine own folk thou dost defend with strength and stretched arme: The sonnes of Jacob that descend, and Joseph's seed from harme. 16 The waters Lord, perceived thee, the waters saw thee well: And they for feare away did flee, the depths on trembling fell. 17 The clouds that were both thick and black, did rain full plenteously: The thunder in the aire did crack, thy shafts abroad did flie. 18 Thy thunder in the aire was heard, the lightnings from above, With flashes great made men afraid, the earth did quake and move. 19 Thy waies within the sea do lie, thy paths in waters deep: Yet none can there thy steps espie, or know thy paths to keep. 20 Thou ledst thy folk upon the land, as sheep on every side: Through Moses and by Aarons hand thou didst them safely guide. Used With Tune: [I with my voice to God do cry]


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