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The Handwriting on the Wall

Author: Knowles Shaw; Ira D. Sankey Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #2130 First Line: At the feast of Belshazzar Refrain First Line: ’Tis the hand of God on the wall! Lyrics: 1. At the feast of Belshazzar and a thousand of his lords, While they drank from golden vessels, as the Book of Truth records, In the night, as they reveled in the royal palace hall, They were seized with consternation—’twas the Hand upon the wall! Refrain ’Tis the hand of God on the wall! ’Tis the hand of God on the wall! Shall the record be "Found wanting!" Or shall it be "Found trusting!" While that hand is writing on the wall? 2. See the brave captive, Daniel, as he stood before the throng, And rebuked the haughty monarch for his mighty deeds of wrong; As he read out the writing—’twas the doom of one and all, For the kingdom now was finished—said the Hand upon the wall! [Refrain] 3. See the faith, zeal and courage, that would dare to do the right, Which the Spirit gave to Daniel—’twas the secret of his might, In his home in Judea, or a captive in the hall, He understood the writing of his God upon the wall! [Refrain] 4. So our deeds are recorded—there’s a Hand that’s writing now: Sinner, give your heart to Jesus, to His royal mandates bow; For the day is approaching—it must come to one and all, When the sinners’ condemnation will be written on the wall! [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [At the feast of Belshazzar]

Hold Up the Grand Old Bible

Author: Charles H. Gabriel Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #2508 First Line: Hold up the grand old Bible to the people Refrain First Line: O bless'd book, the only book Lyrics: 1. Hold up the grand old Bible to the people! Deny it or neglect it never! Unfailing it has stood the test of ages, And it shall stand unchanged forever! Refrain O blessèd book, the only book, The pow’rs of earth can change it never! The test of fire and flood through ages it hath stood, And it shall stand unchanged forever. 2. Hold up the grand old Bible and proclaim it The Word of God by prophets spoken; His seal imprinted glows upon its pages, And not a precept can be broken. [Refrain] 3. Hold up the grand old Bible of our fathers, And send it unto ev’ry nation; It is the cloud by day, the fire in darkness, That lights the way unto salvation. [Refrain] 4. Hold up the grand old Bible, proudly own it, Believe, and search its sacred pages; There you may find the way of life eternal— Immortal life through endless ages. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Hold up the grand old Bible to the people]

Honey Out of the Rock

Author: Lanta W. Smith Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #2546 First Line: Out in the desert of sin Jesus found me Refrain First Line: With honey from the rock He is feeding His people Lyrics: 1. Out in the desert of sin Jesus found me, Lost in the depths of a sinner’s despair; Gently thro’ paths of forgiveness He led me, Spreading a feast in the wilderness rare. Refrain With honey from the rock He is feeding His people, Honey from the rock, honey from the rock; With honey from the rock He is feeding His people, Sweet are the gifts of God. 2. Now from the riches of grace He’s bestowing Wonderful blessings my joy to complete; Feeding my soul every day with His bounty— Honey and milk, and the best of the wheat. [Refrain] 3. No one can tell all the joy of redemption; No one describe half the blessings in store; No one can measure the bliss of possessing Knowledge of pardon, and peace evermore. [Refrain] 4. Come, sinner, come, there’s a wide invitation; Come with your sin-burdened, hungering heart; Think of the joy that is promised the faithful— In all this blessedness you have a part. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Out in the desert of sin Jesus found me]

O the Crown

Author: James McGranahan Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5372 First Line: Weary gleaner in the field, poor or plenty be the yield Refrain First Line: O the crown, the glory crown Lyrics: 1. Weary gleaner in the field, poor or plenty be the yield, Labor on for the Master, nothing fearing, There’s a promise of reward, at the coming of the Lord, Unto all them that love His appearing. Refrain O the crown, the glory crown, O the day, the happy day is nearing, When the crown of rich reward Shall be given by the Lord, Unto all them that love His appearing. 2. Jesus now has gone above to complete His work of love; His return, day by day, is surely nearing, When His own He will receive, and a welcome He will give, Unto all them that love His appearing. [Refrain] 4. O how light will seem the grief, and the toilsome way how brief, When a crown in the glory we are wearing, O the rapture who can tell, as forevermore we dwell, With redeemed ones that loved His appearing. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Weary gleaner in the field, poor or plenty be the yield]

Ring Out the Bells for Christmas

Author: William A. Ogden Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5846 Lyrics: 1. Ring out the bells for Christmas, The happy, happy day; In winter wild, the holy child Within the cradle lay. O wonderful! the Savior Is in the manger lone; His palace is a stable, And Mary’s arms His throne. Refrain Ring out the bells for Christmas, The merry, merry Christmas, Ring out the bells for Christmas, The happy, happy day. 2. On Beth’lem’s quiet hillside, In ages long gone by, In angel notes the glory floats, Glory to God on high. Yet wakes the sun as joyous As when the Lord was born, And still He comes to greet you On every Christmas morn. [Refrain] 3. Where’er His sweet lambs gather, Within this gentle fold The Savior dear is waiting near, As in the days of old. In each young heart you see Him, In every guileless face, You see the holy Jesus, Who grew in truth and grace. [Refrain] 4. In many a darksome cottage, In many a crowded street, In winter bleak, with shivering cheek, The homeless child you meet. Gaze upon the pale, wan features, The feet with wandering sore. You see the souls He loveth, The Christ child at the door. [Refrain] 5. Then sing your gladsome carols, And hail the newborn sun; For Christmas light is passing bright, It smiles on everyone; And feast Christ’s little children, His poor, his orphans call, For He who chose the manger, He loveth one and all. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Ring out the bells for Christmas]

There's a Light in the Valley

Author: Philip P. Bliss Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #6478 First Line: Through the valley of the shadow I must go Lyrics: 1. Through the valley of the shadow I must go, Where the cold waves of Jordan roll; But the promise of my shepherd I will know, Be the rod and the staff to my soul. Even now down the valley as I glide, I can hear my Savior say, Follow me! And with Him I’m not afraid to cross the tide; There’s a light in the valley for me. Refrain There’s a light in the valley, There’s a light in the valley, There’s a light in the valley for me, And no evil will I fear while my Shepherd is so near, There’s a light in the valley for me. 2. Now the rolling of the billows I can hear, As they beat on the turf bound shore; But the beacon light of love so bright and clear, Guides my bark, frail and lone, safely o’er. I shall find down the valley no alarms, For my Savior’s blessèd smile I can see; He will bear me in His loving, mighty arms, There’s a light in the valley for me. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Through the valley of the shadow I must go]

This Is the Victory

Author: Philip P. Bliss Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #6647 First Line: March to the battlefield, march on with sword and shield Refrain First Line: This is the victory, this is the victory Lyrics: 1. March to the battlefield, march on with sword and shield; March on; the foe shall yield to Christ our King. Onward, ye faithful band, onward at His command; Onward, nor halting stand, but loudly sing. Refrain This is the victory, this is the victory, This is the victory, we sing by the way; This is the victory, this is the victory, This is the victory, and faith gains the day. 2. Stand firm against thy foes; stand, though a host oppose; Stand! well our Leader knows our conflicts all. Fear not, He says to thee, Fear not, but valiant be, Fear not, but trust in Me; the foe must fall. [Refrain] 3. Fight, though thy foes increase; fight, till the dawn of peace; Fight, till the war shall cease, then shout and sing. Shout, then triumphantly, shout, shout the victory; Shout, Glory be to Thee, O Lord, our King! [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [March to the battlefield, march on with sword and shield]

The Pentecostal Power

Author: Lelia Naylor Morris Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9260 First Line: The power that fell at Pentecost Refrain First Line: The power, the power, the Pentecostal power Lyrics: 1 The power that fell at Pentecost, When in that upper room, Upon the watching, waiting ones, The Holy Ghost had come, Remaineth evermore the same, Unchanging still, O praise His name! Refrain: The power, the power, the Pentecostal power, Is just the same today, is just the same today; The power, the power, the Pentecostal power, Is just the same today. 2 "Ye shall have power," said Jesus when The Holy Ghost is come. Your loosened tongues shall speak His praise, Your lips no more be dumb; The timid, shrinking ones be brave, To reach a hand the lost to save. [Refrain] 3 The wavering shall steadfast become; The weak in faith be strong; With holy boldness going forth, Denouncing sin and wrong; With burning zeal each heart aflame, A whole salvation to proclaim. [Refrain] 4 Breathe on us now the Holy Ghost, The young and old inspire; Let each receive the Pentecost, Send hearts and tongues of fire; Thou wonderful transforming power, Come now in this accepted hour. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [The power that fell at Pentecost]

Washed In The Blood

Author: Charles Price Jones Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12595 First Line: Washed in the blood, by the Spirit sealed Refrain First Line: Washed in the blood, washed in the blood! Lyrics: 1 Washed in the blood, by the Spirit sealed, Christ in His word is to me revealed; Glory to God! in my soul doth shine God, my salvation, and His life is mine! Refrain: Washed in the blood, washed in the blood! Washed in the blood, in the soul cleansing blood! Washed in the blood, washed in the blood! Sealed in the Spirit true, and washed in the blood. 2 Once I was blind, but behold, I see; God from above now hath shined into me; Cleansed from all sin, in His word I behold, Wealth which can never be compared to gold. [Refrain] 3 O that the world might the Savior see, That blessèd Savior who saved poor me! O how the lost ones would come shouting home, Never, never, never, nevermore to roam. [Refrain] 4 Washed in the blood! sinner, come today; Jesus, so freely the debt will pay; Come to His arms, to His arms of grace, Come, now in meekness, seek the Savior’s face. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Washed in the blood, by the Spirit sealed]
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The Comforter has Come!

Author: Rev. F. Bottome, D. D. Hymnal: Canaan Melodies #30 (1914) First Line: Oh, spread the tidings 'round, wherever man is found Refrain First Line: The Comforter has come Languages: English Tune Title: [Oh, spread the tidings 'round, wherever man is found]


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