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“Neither Do I Condemn Thee.”

Author: Anonymous Meter: Appears in 9 hymnals First Line: O, If thy brow, serene and calm Lyrics: O, if thy brow, serene and calm, From earthly stain is free, View not with scorn the erring one,— He once was pure like thee. O, if the smiles of love are thine, Its joyous ecstasy, Shun not the poor forsaken one,— He once was loved like thee! And still, ’mid shame, and guilt, and woe, One Being loves him still, Who, blessing thee, hath poured on him The world’s extremest ill. He knows the secret lure which led Those youthful steps astray; He knows that they who holiest are Might fall from Him away. Then, with the love of him who said “Go thou, and sin no more,” Save, save, the sinner from despair, And peace and hope restore.

Pray Without Ceasing

Author: Anonymous Appears in 235 hymnals First Line: Go when the morning shineth Lyrics: Go when the morning shineth, Go when the noon is bright, Go when the eve declineth, Go in the hush of night; Go with pure mind and feeling, Put earthly thoughts away, And, in God’s presence kneeling, Do thou in secret pray. Remember all who love thee, All who are loved by thee; Pray, too, for those who hate thee, If any such there be; Then for thyself, in meekness, A blessing humbly claim, And blend with each petition Thy great Redeemer’s name. Or, if ’tis e’er denied thee In solitude to pray, Should holy thoughts come o’er thee When friends are round thy way, E’en then, the silent breathing Thy spirit lifts above Will reach His throne of glory, Where dwells eternal love. O, not a joy or blessing With this can we compare,— The grace our Father gives us To pour our souls in prayer: Whene’er thou pin’st in sadness, On Him who saveth, call! Remember, in thy gladness, His love who gave thee all.

The Pool of Bethesda

Author: Bulfinch Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: The aged sufferer waited long Lyrics: The aged sufferer waited long Upon Bethesda’s brink; Till hopes, once rising warm and strong, Began in fears to sink; And heavy were the sighs he drew, And fervent was his prayer, For he, with safety full in view, Still languished helpless there. His hope grew dim; but one was nigh Who saw the sufferer’s grief; That gentle voice, that pitying eye, Gave promise of relief. Each pang that human weakness knows Obeyed that powerful word; He spake, and lo! the sick arose, Rejoicing in his Lord. Father of Jesus, when oppressed With grief and pain we lie, And, longing for Thy heavenly rest, Despair to look on high, O, may the Saviour’s words of peace Within the wounded heart Bid every doubt and suffering cease, And strength and joy impart!

Glorying in the Cross

Author: Bowring Appears in 1,520 hymnals First Line: In the cross of Christ we glory, 1 Lyrics: In the cross of Christ we glory, Towering o’er the wrecks of time; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. When the woes of life overtake us, Hopes deceive, and fears annoy; Never shall the cross forsake us, Lo! it glows with peace and joy! When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon our way; From the cross the radiance streaming Adds more lustre to the day. Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sanctified; Peace is there that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide. In the cross of Christ we glory, Towering o’er the wrecks of time; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime.

The Child of God

Meter: Appears in 28 hymnals First Line: None loves me, Father, with Thy love Text Sources: German

Silent Prayer

Author: Anonymous Meter: Appears in 85 hymnals First Line: Sweet is the prayer whose holy stream Lyrics: Sweet is the prayer whose holy stream In earnest pleading flows; Devotion dwells upon the theme, And warm and warmer glows. Faith grasps the blessing she desires, Hope points the upward gaze; And love, untrembling love, inspires The eloquence of praise. But sweeter far the still, small voice, Heard by no human ear, When God hath made the heart rejoice, And dried the bitter tear. Nor accents flow, nor words ascend; All utterance faileth there; But listening spirits comprehend, And God accepts the prayer.

Quiet Worship

Appears in 64 hymnals First Line: Open, Lord, mine inward ear Lyrics: Open, Lord, mine inward ear, And bid my heart rejoice; Bid my quiet spirit hear The comfort of Thy voice; Never in the whirlwind found, Or where earthquakes rock the place, Still and silent is the sound, The whisper of Thy grace. From the world of sin, and noise, And hurry, I withdraw; For the small and inward voice I wait with humble awe; Silent am I now and still, Will not in Thy presence move; To my waiting soul reveal The secret of Thy love!

Looking unto Jesus

Author: Mrs. Miles Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: It was no path of flowers Lyrics: It was no path of flowers, Which, through this world of ours, Beloved of the Father, thou didst tread; And shall we in dismay Shrink from the narrow way, When clouds and darkness are around it spread? O thou, who art our life, Be with us through the strife; Thy holy head by earth’s fierce storms was bowed; Raise thou our eyes above, To see a Father’s love Beam, like a bow of promise, through the cloud. And, O, if thoughts of gloom Should hover o’er the tomb, That light of love our guiding star shall be; Our spirits shall not dread The shadowy way to tread, Friend, Guardian, Saviour, which doth lead to thee.

Loving-Kindness of God

Author: Bryant Meter: Appears in 30 hymnals First Line: Father, to Thy kind love we owe Lyrics: Father, to Thy kind love we owe All that is fair and good below; Bestower of the health that lies On tearless cheeks and cheerful eyes! Giver of sunshine and of rain! Ripener of fruits on hill and plain! Fountain of light, that rayed afar, Fills the vast urns of sun and star! Who send’st Thy storms and frosts to bind The plagues that rise to waste mankind; Then breathest, o’er the naked scene, Spring gales, and life, and tender green. Yet deem we not that thus alone, Thy mercy and Thy love are shown; For we have learned, with higher praise, And holier names, to speak Thy ways. In woe’s dark hour, our kindest stay! Sole trust when life shall pass away! Teacher of hopes that light the gloom Of death, and consecrate the tomb!

God Not Afar Off

Author: Jones Very Appears in 28 hymnals First Line: Father! Thy wonders do not singly stand Lyrics: Father! Thy wonders do not singly stand, Nor far removed where feet have seldom strayed; Around us ever lies the enchanted land, In marvels rich to Thine own sons displayed. In finding Thee are all things round us found! In losing Thee are all things lost beside! Ears have we, but in vain sweet voices sound, And to our eyes the vision is denied. Open our eyes that we that world may see! Open our ears that we Thy voice may hear! And in the spirit-land may ever be, And feel Thy presence with us always near; No more to wander ’mid the things of time, No more to suffer death or earthly change; But-with the Christian’s joy and faith sublime, Through all Thy vast, eternal scenes to range.


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