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Hymnal, Number:bw1870

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Showing 21 - 30 of 616Results Per Page: 102050
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A charge to keep I have

Meter: Appears in 1,359 hymnals Lyrics: 1 A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify; A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky; 2 To serve the present age, My calling to fulfil; Oh, may it all my powers engage To do my Master's will. 3 Arm me with jealous care, As in Thy sight to live; And oh! Thy servant, Lord, prepare, A strict account to give. 4 Help me to watch and pray, And on Thyself rely, Assured, if I my trust betray, I shall forever die. Topics: Christian Activity; Christians their life and experience; Faithfulness; Life Object of
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Raise your triumphant songs

Meter: Appears in 262 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Raise your triumphant songs To an immortal tune; Let the wide earth resound the deeds Celestial grace has done. 2 Sing how eternal love Its chief Beloved chose, And bade him raise our wretched race From their abyss of woes. 3 His hand no thunder bears, Nor terror clothes His brow; No bolts to drive our guilty souls To fiercer flames below. 4 'Twas mercy fill'd the throne, No wrath stood frowning by, When Christ was sent with pardon down To rebels doom'd to die. 5 Now, sinners, dry your tears; Let hopeless sorrow cease; Bow to the sceptre of His love, And take the offer'd peace. Topics: Christ Praise to; God Redeemer; Goodness of God in the mission of Christ; Grace Redeeming; Grace in praise of; Gratitude for the atonement; Love Of God; Praise hymns of genearl praise; Salvation of grace; Salvation Through Christ; Thanksgiving For Redemption
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Thou art the way; to Thee alone

Meter: Appears in 606 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Thou are the way; through Thee alone From sin and death we flee; And he who would the Father seek, Must seek him, Lord, through Thee. 2 Thou art the truth; Thy Word alone True wisdom can impart; Thou only canst instruct the mind, And purify the heart. 3 Thou are the life; the rending tomb Proclaims Thy conqu'ring arm; And those who put their trust in Thee, Nor death nor hell shall harm. 4 Thou art the way, the truth, the life; Grant us to know that way, That truth to keep, that life to win, Which leads to endless day. Topics: Christ the Way, the Truth, and the Life; The Way, Truth, and Life
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When, marshall'd on the nightly plain

Meter: Appears in 483 hymnals Lyrics: 1 When, marshall'd on the nightly plain, The glitt'ring hosts bestud the sky, One star alone, of all the train, Can fix the sinner’s wand'ring eye. 2 Hark! hark! to God the chorus breaks, From ev'ry host, from ev'ry gem; But one alone the Saviour speaks, It is the Star of Bethlehem. 3 Once on the raging seas I rode, The storm was loud--the night was dark, The ocean yawn'd--and rudely blow'd The wind that toss'd my found'ring bark. 4 Deep horror then my vitals froze, Death-struck, I ceased the tide to stem; When suddenly a star arose-- It was the Star of Bethlehem. 5 It was my guide, my light, my all; It bade my dark forebodings cease; And through the storm and danger’s thrall, It led me to the port of peace. 6 Now safely moor'd--my perils o’er, I’ll sing, first in night’s diadem, Forever, and forevermore, The Star--the Star of Bethlehem! Topics: Christ Praise to; Gratitude for the atonement; Praise To Christ; Star of Bethlehem; Thanksgiving For Redemption
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Eternal Spirit, source of light

Appears in 62 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Eternal Spirit, source of light, Enliv'ning, consecrating fire, Descend, and, with celestial heat, Our dull, our frozen hearts inspire; Our souls refine, our dross consume; Come, condescending Spirit, come! 2 In our cold breasts, oh, strike a spark Of that pure flame which seraphs feel; Nor let us wander in the dark, Nor lie benumb'd and stupid still. Come, vivifying Spirit, come! And make our hearts Thy constant home. 3 Let pure devotion's fervors rise! Let ev'ry pious passion glow! Oh, let the raptures of the skies Kindle in our cold hearts below. Come, purifying Spirit, come, And make our souls Thy constant home! Topics: Holy Spirit; Holy Spirit Quickening; Holy Spirit guidance of; Light Given by the Holy Spirit; Pentecsot; Whit-Sunday
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Holy Ghost, with light divine

Appears in 783 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Holy Ghost, with light divine, Shine upon this heart of mine! Chase the shades of night away, Turn the darkness into day. 2 Let me see my Saviour's face, Let me all His beauties trace; Show those glorious truths to me Which are only known to Thee. 3 Holy Ghost, with power divine, Cleanse this guilty heart of mine; Long has sin, without control, Held dominion o'er my soul. 4 Holy Ghost, with joy divine, Cheer this sadden'd heart of mine; Bid my many woes depart, Heal my wounded, bleeding heart. 5 Holy Spirit, all divine, Dwell within this heart of mine; Cast down ev'ry idol throne, Reign supreme, and reign alone. Topics: Holy Spirit; Holy Spirit Enlightening; Light Given by the Holy Spirit; Pentecsot; Whit-Sunday; Witness of the Spirit
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Sure the blest Comforter is nigh

Meter: Appears in 105 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Sure the blest Comforter is nigh, 'Tis He sustains my fainting heart; Else would my hope forever die, And ev'ry cheering ray depart. 2 When some kind promise cheers my soul, Do I not find His healing voice The tempest of my fears control, And bid my drooping powers rejoice? 3 What less than Thine almighty word Can raise my heart from earth and dust, And bid me cleave to Thee, my Lord, My life, my treasure, and my trust? 4 And when my cheerful hope can say, "I love my God, and taste His grace;" Lord, is it not Thy blissful ray Which brings this dawn of sacred peace? 5 Let Thy kind spirit in my heart Forever dwell, O God of love; And light and heavenly peace impart, Sweet earnest of the joys above. Topics: Comforter; Holy Spirit; Holy Spirit as Comforter; Pentecsot; Whit-Sunday; Witness of the Spirit
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Why should the children of a King

Meter: Appears in 339 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Why should the children of a King Go mourning all their days? Great Comforter, descend and bring Some tokens of Thy grace. 2 Dost Thou not dwell in all Thy saints, And seal the heirs of heaven? When wilt Thou banish my complaints, And show my sins forgiven? 3 Assure my conscience of her part In my Redeemer’s blood, And bear Thy witness, with my heart That I am born of God. 4 Thou art the earnest of His love, The pledge of joys to come; And Thy soft wings, celestial Dove, Will safely bear me home. Topics: Comforter; Holy Spirit; Holy Spirit as Comforter; Holy Spirit as the earnest of heaven; Indwelling of the Holy Spirit; Pentecsot; Whit-Sunday; Witness of the Spirit
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See what a living stone

Meter: Appears in 137 hymnals Lyrics: 1 See what a living stone The builders did refuse! Yet God hath built His church thereon, In spite of envious Jews. 2 The work, O Lord, is Thine, And wondrous in our eyes; This day declares it all divine, This day did Jesus rise. 3 Hosanna to the King Of David's royal blood! Bless Him, ye saints, He comes to bring Salvation from our God. 4 Oh, come the happy hour When all the world shall own Thy Son, O God, declared with power And worship at Thy throne! 5 We bless Thy holy word Which all this grace displays, And offer at your altar, Lord, Our sacrifice of praise. Topics: Church her foundation
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Oh, where are kings and empires now

Meter: Appears in 302 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Oh, where are kings and empires now, Of old that went and came? But, Lord, Thy Church is praying yet, A thousand years the same. 2 We mark her goodly battlements, And her foundations strong; We hear within the solemn voice Of her unending song. 3 For not like kingdoms of the world Thy holy Church, O God! Though earthquake shocks are threat’ning her, And tempests are abroad. 4 Unshaken as eternal hills, Immovable she stands, A mountain that shall fill the earth, A house not made by hands. Topics: Church enduring


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