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Hymnal, Number:elhl1918

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While yet the morn is breaking

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #21 (1918) Meter: 7.6 Lyrics: 1 While yet the morn is breaking, I thank my God once more, Beneath whose care awakening, I find the night is o'er; I thank Him that He calls me To life and health anew; I know whate'er befalls me, His care will still be true. 2 Guardian of Israel, hear me, Watch o'er me through the day, In all I do be near me: For others, too, I pray; To Thee I would commend them, Our Church, our school, our land, Direct them and defend them, When dangers are at hand. 3 O gracious Lord, direct us, Thy doctrine pure defend, From heresies protect us, And for Thy Word contend, That we may praise Thee ever, O God, with one accord, Saying: The Lord our Savior Be evermore adored! 4 O grant us peace and gladness, Give us our daily bread, Shield us from grief and sadness, On us Thy blessings shed; Grant that our whole behavior In truth and righteousness May praise Thee, Lord our Savior, Whose holy name we bless. 5 And gently grant Thy blessing, That we may do Thy will, No more Thy ways transgressing, Our proper task fulfill; With Peter's full affiance Let down our nets again; If Thou art our Reliance, Our toil will not be vain. 6 With craftiness unceasing Strives Satan to restrain What in Thy sight is pleasing And for Thy Church is gain; Yet vain is his endeavor, For Thou, O Christ our Lord, Dost rule all things forever By Thine almighty Word. 7 Thou art the Vine, -- O nourish The branches graft in Thee, And let them grow and flourish A fair and fruitful tree; Thy Spirit pour within us, And let His gifts of grace To such good actions win us, That best may show Thy praise. Topics: Morning Languages: English
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My inmost heart now raises

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #22 (1918) Meter: 7.6 Lyrics: 1 My inmost heart now raises, In this fair morning hour, A song of thankful praises To Thine almighty power. O God, upon Thy throne! To honor and adore Thee, I bring my praise before Thee, Through Christ, Thine only Son. 2 For Thou from me hast warded All perils of the night; From every harm hast guarded My soul till morning's light: Humbly to Thee I cry, O Savior, have compassion, And pardon my transgression; Have mercy, Lord most high! 3 And shield me from all evil, O gracious God, this day, From sin, and from the Devil, From shame and from dismay, From fire's consuming breath, From water's devastation, From need and consternation, From evil, sudden death. 4 My life, my soul--defend them! My wife, child, goods, and home,-- to Thy hand I commend them, From Thee these blessings come; Thy bounteous hand bestows My household and my treasures, My parents, friends, and pleasures; My cup with good o'erflows. 5 Let not Thine angel leave me, While here on earth I stay, Lest Satan's arts deceive me, And lead my soul astray! Then keep Thine angel near At night and each new morrow, Lest soul and body sorrow, And faltering cost me dear. 6 God shall do my advising, Whose might with wisdom blends; May He bless rest and rising, My efforts, means, and ends! To God, forever blessed, Will I with mine confide me, And suffer Him to guide me As seemeth to Him best. 7 Amen! I say, not fearing That God rejects my prayer; I doubt not He is hearing And granting me His care. So I put forth my hands, And look not long behind me, But ply the task assigned me By God, as He commands. Topics: Morning Languages: English
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God, who madest earth and heaven

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #23 (1918) Meter: Lyrics: 1 God, who madest earth and heaven, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; Who the day and night hast given, Sun and moon and starry host; Thou whose mighty hand sustains Earth and all that it contains. 2 Praise to Thee my soul shall render, Who this night hast guarded me; My omnipotent Defender, Who from ill dost set me free, Free from danger, anguish, woe, Free from the infernal Foe. 3 Let the night of my transgression With night's darkness pass away; Jesus, into Thy possession I resign myself to-day; In Thy wounds I find relief From my greatest sin and grief. 4 Grant that I may rise this morning From the lethargy of sin, So my soul, through Thy adorning, Shall be glorious within; And I at the judgment day Shall not be a cast-away. 5 Let my life and conversation Be directed by Thy Word; Lord, Thy constant preservation To Thine erring child afford; Nowhere but alone in Thee From all harm can I be free. 6 Wholly to Thy blest protection I commit my heart and mind. Mighty God! to Thy direction Wholly I may be resigned. Lord, my Shield, my Light divine, O accept and own me Thine! 7 Lord, to me Thine angel sending, Keep me from the subtle Foe; From his craft and might defending, Never let Thy wanderer go, Till my final rest shall come, And Thine angel bear me home. Topics: Morning Languages: English
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How lovely now the morning star

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #24 (1918) Meter: 8.8 Lyrics: 1 How lovely now the morning star In twilight sky bright gleams afar, While night her curtain raiseth; Each creature hails, with ravished sight, The glories of returning light, And God its Maker praiseth. Both far And near, All thing living Thanks are giving, There high soaring, Here through earth's wide field adoring. 2 Then haste, my soul, thy song to raise, Nor spare in thy Redeemer's praise To pour thy due oblation; For glory, Lord, to Thee belongs, Thy praise resounds in grateful songs, With pious emulation, Joy rings Glad strings; Voices sounding, Hearts rebounding, Thus all nature Sings Thy praise, O great Creator. 3 Unconscious, I securely slept, Nor saw the cruel foes which kept Close watch about my slumber; Though evil spirits, through the night, With hellish craft and watchful spite, Came round me without number; Whose hands In bands, Mischief brewing For my ruin, Had enslaved me, Hadst not Thou stood by and saved me. 4 For, Jesus, Thou with saving power Wast near me in that threatening hour, Didst save me from their fury; And I reposed in quiet sleep, Whilst Thou unwearied watch didst keep; To Thee all praise and glory! Lord, all My soul, Upward springing, Loudly singing, Shall adore Thee, While on earth I walk before Thee. 5 This day my Fortress, Lord, abide, Now ope Thy gates of mercy wide, Within their shelter place me; My Castle and my Rock Thou art, O let no foeman's treacherous dart From Thee, my Stronghold, chase me. Help, Lord, Afford! Near me tarry, Blows to parry, While around me Sword and arrow sore confound me. 6 Pour down Thy grace in cheering streams, And warm my heart with mercy's beams From heaven, Thy throne of beauty; Let Thy good Spirit guide my will, That I, whate'er my station, still May seek my joy in duty. Send light And might That each measure, Scheme and pleasure, Heavenward tending, Still in Thee may find its ending. 7 Keep grief, if this may be, away; If not, Thy will be done, I say, My choice to Thine resigning. O come, and like the morning dew, Refresh my heart, and make it new, That I may unrepining, Bear cross And loss, Till that morrow Chase all sorrow, When upraiséd Where Thy name is ever praiséd. 8 Meanwhile, my heart, both sing and leap, Mid cross and loss good courage keep, To heaven's bright gate you hasten; Then lay desponding care aside, God ever thus His own hath tried, And those He loves doth chasten; Hope still Midst ill, Calm, though grieving, Firm believing Tribulation Is the road to sure salvation. Topics: Morning Languages: English
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We lift our hearts to Thee

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #25 (1918) Meter: Lyrics: 1 We lift our hearts to Thee, O Day-Star from on high! The sun itself is but Thy shade, Yet cheers both earth and sky. 2 O let Thy rising beams The night of sin disperse; The mists of error and of vice Which shade the universe. 3 How beauteous nature now! How dark and sad before! With joy we view the pleasing change, And nature’s God adore. 4 O may no gloomy crime Pollute the rising day; May Jesus’ blood, like morning dew, Wash all our stains away. 5 May we this life improve, To mourn for errors past; And live this short revolving day As if it were our last. Topics: Morning Languages: English
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Now the shades of night are gone

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #26 (1918) Lyrics: 1 Now the shades of night are gone, Now the morning light is come; Lord, may I be thine today, Drive the shades of sin away. 2 Fill our souls with heavenly light, Banish doubt and cleanse our sight; In Thy service, Lord, to-day, Help us labor, help us pray. 3 Keep our haughty passions bound; Save us from our foes around: Going out and coming in, Keep us safe from every sin. 4 When our work of life is past, O receive us then at last! Night of sin will be no more, When we reach the heavenly shore. Topics: Morning Languages: English
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Lord of my life! O may Thy praise

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #27 (1918) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord of my life! O may Thy praise Employ my noblest powers; Whose goodness lengthens out my days, And fills the circling hours. 2 Preserved by Thine almighty arm, I pass the shades of night, Serene and safe from every harm, And see returning light. 3 When sleep, death's semblance, o'er me spread, And I unconscious lay; Thy watchful care was round my bed To guard my feeble clay. 4 O let the same almighty care My waking hours attend: From every trespass, every snare, My heedless steps defend. 5 Smile on my minutes as they roll, And guide my future days; And let Thy goodness fill my soul With gratitude and praise. Topics: Morning Languages: English
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Every morning mercies new

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #28 (1918) Lyrics: 1 Every morning mercies new Fall as fresh as morning dew Every morning let us pay Tribute with the early day; For Thy mercies, Lord, are sure, Thy compassion doth endure. 2 Still the greatness of Thy love Daily doth our sins remove; Daily, far as east from west, Lifts the burden from the breast; Gives unbought, to those who pray, Strength to stand in evil day. 3 Let our prayers each morn prevail, That these gifts may never fail; And, as we confess the sin And the tempter's power within, Feed us with the Bread of Life, Fit us for our daily strife. 4 As the morning light returns, As the sun with splendor burns, Teach us still to turn to Thee, Ever blessèd Trinity, With our hands our hearts to raise, In unfailing prayer and praise. Topics: Morning Languages: English
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Awake my soul, and with the sun

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #29 (1918) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Awake my soul, and with the sun Thy daily stage of duty run; Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise To pay Thy morning sacrifice. 2 All praise to Thee, who safe hast kept, And hast refreshed me while I slept: Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake, I may of endless light partake! 3 Lord, I my vows to Thee renew; Disperse my sins as morning dew; Guard my first springs of thought and will, And with Thyself my spirit fill. 4 Direct, control, suggest, this day, All I design, or do, or say; That all my powers, with all their might, In Thy sole glory may unite. 5 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him, above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Topics: Morning Languages: English
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Since now the day has reached its close

Hymnal: ELHL1918 #30 (1918) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Since now the day hath reached its close, And sunlight shines no more, In sleep the toil-worn find repose, And all who wept before. 2 But Thou, my God, no rest dost know, No slumber dims Thy sight; Thou hatest darkness as Thy foe, Since Thou Thyself art light. 3 O Lord, I pray remember me Throughout the shades of night, And grant to me most graciously The shield of Thy great might. 4 Turn from me Satan's tyranny Through many an angel arm, Then shall I be from danger free, And safe from every harm. 5 I know the evil I have done Doth cry aloud to Thee; But yet the mercy of Thy Son Hath full atoned for me. 6 Him I present Thee as my bail, While suppliant at Thy feet; With such assurance I'll not fail Before Thy judgment seat. 7 And therefore now I close my eyes And sleep with tranquil breast; Why waste the time in fears or sighs? God watches o'er my rest. 8 Away, vain, idle thoughts depart! Roam not, my soul abroad! For now I build within my heart A temple to my God. 9 Should this night prove the last for me In this dark vale of tears, Then lead me, Lord, in heaven to Thee And my elect compeers. 10 And thus I live and die to Thee, Strong Lord of hosts, indeed! In life and death thou helpest me From every fear and need. Topics: Evening Languages: English


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