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Hymnal, Number:pdil1740

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Prayer heard, and Saints saved; or, Pride, Atheism and Oppression punished; For a Humiliation Day

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #18 (1740) First Line: Why doth the Lord stand off so far? Lyrics: 1 Why doth the Lord stand off so far? And why conceal his Face, When great Calamities appear, And Times of deep Distress? 2 Lord, shall the Wicked still deride Thy Justice and thy Power? Shall they advance their Heads in Pride, And still thy Saints devour? 3 They put thy Judgments from their Sight, And then insult the Poor; They boast in their exalted Height, That they shall fall no more. 4 rise, O GOD, lift up thine Hand, Attend our humble Cry; No Enemy shall dare to stand When GOD ascends on high. Pause. 5 Why do the Men of Malice rage, And say, with foolish Pride, "The GOD of Heav'ns will ne'er engage "To fight on Zion's Side." 6 But thou for ever art our Lord, And powe'ful is thine Hand, As when the Heathen felt thy Sword, And perish'd from thy Land. 7 Thou wilt prepare our Hearts to pray, And cause thine Ear to hear; He hearkens what his Children say, And puts the World in Fear. 8 Proud Tyrants shall no more oppress, No more despise the Just; And mighty Sinners shall confess They are but Earth and Dust. Topics: Atheism punished; Church God fights for her; Complaint Pride, Atheisim, Oppression, etc.; Hearing of Prayer and Salvation; Humiliation Day; Love of God to the righteous, and hatred to the wicked; Persecutors deliverance from them; Salvation of saints; Submission Scripture: Psalm 10 Languages: English
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GOD loves the Righteous, and hates the Wicked

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #19 (1740) First Line: My Refuge is the God of Love Lyrics: 1 My Refuge is the GOD of Love, Why do my Foes insult, and cry, "Fly like a timorous, trembling dove, "To distant Woods or Mountains fly." 2 If Government be all destroy'd, (That firm Foundation of our Peace) And Violence make Justice void, Where shall the righteous seek Redress? 3 The Lord in Heaven has fix'd his Throne, His Eye surveys the World below; To him all mortal Things are known, His Eye-lids search our Spirits through. 4 If he afflicts his Saints so far, To prove their Love, and try their Grace, What may the bold Transgressors fear? His very Soul abhors their ways. 5 On impious Wretches he shall rain Tempests of Brimstone, fire and Death, Such as he kindled on the Plain Of Sodom, with his angry breath. 6 The righteous Lord loves righteous Souls, Whose Thoughts and Actions are sincere; And with a gracious Eye beholds The Men that his own Image bear. Topics: Corruption of Manners general; Evil Magistrates; Evil times; Love of God to the righteous, and hatred to the wicked; Portion of saints and sinners; Saints and Sinners End; Saints happy, and sinners cursed Scripture: Psalm 11 Languages: English
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The Saints Safety and Hope in evil Times; or, Sins of the Tongue complained of, viz. Blasphemy, Falshood, etc.

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #20 (1740) First Line: Lord, if thou dost not soon appear Lyrics: 1 Lord, if thou dost not soon appear, Virtue and truth will fly away; A faithful Man amongst us here Will scarce be found, if thou delay. 2 The whole Discourse, when Neighbors meet, Is fill'd with Trifles loose and vain; Their Lips are Flatt'ry and Deceit, And their proud Language is profane. 3 But Lips that with Deceit abound Shall not maintain their Triumph long; The God of Vengeance will confound The flatt'ring and blaspheming tongue. 4 "Yet shall our Words be free" they cry; "Our tongues shall be controul'd by none: "Where is the Lord will ask us why? "Or, say, our Lips are not our own?" 5 The Lord, who sees the Poor oppresst, And hears th' Oppressor's haughty Strain, Will rise to give his Children Rest, Nor shall they trust his Word in vain. 6 Thy Word, O Lord, tho' often try'd, Void of Deceit shall still appear; Not Silver seven Times purify'd From Dross and Mixture, shines so clear. 7 Thy Grace shall in the darkest Hour Defend the holy Soul from Harm; Tho' when the vilest Men have Power, On ev'ry Side will Sinners swarm. Topics: Atheism practical; Christ his coming, the signs of it; Complaint of quarellsome Neighbors; Complaint Pride, Atheisim, Oppression, etc.; Corruption of Manners general; Enemies destroyed; Evil times; Falsehood and oppression, deliverance from them; Falsehood Blasphemy, etc.; Flattery and Deceit complained of; Hypocrites and hypocrisy; Saints safety in evil times; Sin of Tongue Scripture: Psalm 12 Languages: English
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Complaint of a general Corruption of Manners; or, The Promise and Signs of CHRIST's coming to Judgment

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #21 (1740) First Line: Help, Lord, for Men of Virtue fail Lyrics: 1 Help, Lord, for Men of Virtue fail, Religion loses Ground; The Sons of Violence prevail, And Treacheries abound. 2 Their Oaths and Promises they break, Yet act the Flatterer's Part; With fair, deceitful Lips they speak, And with a double Heart. 3 If we reprove some hateful Lye, How is their fury stirr'd? "Are not our Lips our own," they cry, "And who shall be our Lord?" 4 Scoffers appear on every Side, Where a vile Race of Men Is rais'd to Seats of Pow'r and Pride, And bears the Sword in vain. Pause. 5 Lord, when Iniquities abound, And Blasphemy grows bold, When Faith is hardly to be found, And Love is waxen cold; 6 Is not thy Chariot hast'ning on; Hast thou not giv'n this Sign; May we not trust and live upon A Promise so divine? 7 "Yes, saith the Lord, now will I rise, "And make Oppressors flee; "I shall appear to their Surprize, "And set my Servants free. 8 Thy Word, like Silver seven Times try'd, Thro' Ages shall endure; Then Men that in thy Truth confide Shall find the Promise sure. Topics: Atheism practical; Christ his coming, the signs of it; Complaint of quarellsome Neighbors; Complaint Pride, Atheisim, Oppression, etc.; Corruption of Manners general; Enemies destroyed; Evil times; Falsehood and oppression, deliverance from them; Falsehood Blasphemy, etc.; Flattery and Deceit complained of; Hypocrites and hypocrisy; Saints safety in evil times; Sin of Tongue Scripture: Psalm 12 Languages: English
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Pleading with GOD under Desertion; or, Hope in Darkness

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #22a (1740) First Line: How long, O Lord! shall I complain Lyrics: 1 How long, O Lord! shall I complain, Like one that seeks his GOD in vain. Canst thou thy Face for ever hide? And I still pray and be deny'd? 2 Shall I for ever be forgot, As one whom thou regardest not? Still shall my Soul thine Absence mourn? And still despair of thy Return? 3 How long shall my poor troubled Breast Be with these anxious Thoughts opprest, And Satan, my malicious Foe, Rejoice to see me sunk so low? 4 Hear, Lord, and grant me quick Relief, Before my Death conclude my Grief; If thou with-hold thy heav'nly Light, I sleep in everlasting Night. 5 How will the Pow'rs of Darkness boast, If but one praying Soul be lost? But I have trusted in thy Grace, And shall again behold thy Face. 6 Whate'er my Foes or Fears suggest, Thou art my Hope, my Joy, my Rest, My Heart shall feel thy Love, and raise My chearful Voice to Songs of Praise. Topics: Complaint of Desertion; Complaint of Temptaion; Deliverance from Temptations; Desertion and Distress of Soul; Hope in darkness; Religion and justice; Satan subdued; Temptations of the devil Scripture: Psalm 13 Languages: English
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Complaints under Temptations of the Devil

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #22b (1740) First Line: How long wilt thou conceal thy Face? Lyrics: 1 How long wilt thou conceal thy Face? My GOD, how long delay? When shall I feel those heavenly Rays That chace my Fears away? 2 How long shall my poor lab'ring Soul Wrestle and toil in vain? Thy Word can all my Foes controul, And ease my raging Pain. 3 See how the Prince of Darkness tries All his malicious Arts He spreads a Mist around my Eyes, And throws his fiery Darts. 4 Be thou my Sun, and thou my Shield, My Soul in Safety keep; Make Haste, before mine Eyes are seal'd In Death's eternal Sleep. 5 How would the Tempter boast aloud If I become his Prey! Behold the Sons of Hell grow proud At thy so long Delay. 6 But they shall fly at thy Rebuke, And Satan hide his Head; He knows the Terrors of thy Look, And hears thy Voice with Dread. 7 Thou wilt display that sov'reign Grace, Where all my Hopes have hung; I shall employ my Lips in Praise, And Vict'ry shall be sung. Topics: Complaint of Desertion; Complaint of Temptaion; Deliverance from Temptations; Desertion and Distress of Soul; Hope in darkness; Religion and justice; Satan subdued; Temptations of the devil Scripture: Psalm 13 Languages: English
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By Nature all Men are Sinners

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #23 (1740) First Line: Fools in their Hearts believe and say Lyrics: First Part: 1 Fools in their Hearts believe and say "That all Religion's vain; There is no GOD that reigns on high, Or minds th' Affairs of Men." 2 From Thoughts so dreadful and prophane, Corrupt Discourse proceeds; And in their impious Hands are found Abominable deeds. 3 The Lord from his Celestial throne Look'd down on Things below, To find the Man that sought his Grace, Or did his Justice know. 4 By Nature all are gone astray, Their Practice all the same; There's none that fears his Maker's Hand, There's none that loves his Name. 5 Their Tongues are us'd to speak Deceit, Their slanders never cease; How swift to Mischief are their Feet; Nor know the Paths of Peace. 6 Such Seeds of Sin (that bitter Root) In ev'ry Heart are found; Nor can they bear diviner Fruit, Till Grace refine the Ground. Topics: Atheism practical; Persecutors their folly; Sin of nature; Sin universal; Wickedness of Man Scripture: Psalm 14 Languages: English
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The Folly of Persecutors

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #24a (1740) First Line: Are Sinners now so senseless grown Lyrics: 1 Are Sinners now so senseless grown That they the Saints devour? And never worship at thy Throne, Nor fear thine awful Power? 2 Great GOD. appear to their Surprize; Reveal thy dreadful Name; Let them no more thy Wrath despise, Nor turn our Hope to Shame. 3 Dost thou not dwell among the Just, And yet our Foes deride, That we should make thy Name our Trust; Great GOD, confound their Pride. 4 O that the joyful Day were come To finish our Distress! When GOD shall bring his Children home, Our Songs shall never cease. Topics: Atheism practical; Persecutors their folly; Sin of nature; Sin universal; Wickedness of Man Scripture: Psalm 14 Languages: English
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Characters of a Saint; or, a Citizen of Zion; or, The Qualifications of a Christian

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #24b (1740) First Line: Who shall inhabit in thy Hill Lyrics: 1 Who shall inhabit in thy Hill, O GOD of Holiness? Whom will the Lord admit to dwell So near his Throne of Grace? 2 The Man that walks in pious Ways, And works with righteous Hands; That trusts his Maker's Promises, And follows his Commands. 3 He speaks the Meaning of his Heart, Nor slanders with his Tongue; Will scarce believe an ill Report, Nor do his Neighbour Wrong. 4 The wealthy Sinner he contemns, Loves all that fear the Lord; And tho' to his own Hurt he swears, Still he performs his Word. 5 His Hands disdain a Golden Bribe, And never gripe the Poor. This Man shall dwell with GOD on Earth, And find his Heav'n secure. Topics: Christians Qualifications; Duty to God and Man; Faithfulness of man; Good Works; Justice and truth towards men; Love to our neighbor; Saints characterised; Saints dwell in heaven Scripture: Psalm 15 Languages: English
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Religion and Justice, Goodness and Truth; or, Duties to God and Man; or, the qualifications of a Christian

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #25 (1740) First Line: Who shall ascend thy heavn'ly Place Lyrics: 1 Who shall ascend thy heav'nly Place, Great GOD, and dwell before thy Face? The Man that minds Religion now, And humbly walks with GOD below. 2 Whose Hands are pure, whose Heart is clean; Whose Lips still speak the Thing they mean; No Slanders dwell upon his Tongue; He hates to do his Neighbour Wrong. 3 [Scarce will he trust an ill Report, Nor vents it to his Neighbour's Hurt: Sinners of State he can despise, But Saints are honour'd in his Eyes.] 4 [Firm to his Word he ever stood, And always makes his Promise good; Nor dares to change the Thing he swears, Whatever Pain or Loss he bears.] 5 [He never deals in bribing Gold, And mourns that Justice should be sold; While others gripe and grind the Poor, Sweet Charity attends his door.] 6 He loves his Enemies, and prays For those that curse him to his Face: And doth to all Men still the same That he would hope or wish from them. 7 Yet, when his holiest Works are done, His Soul depends on Grace alone; This is the Man thy Face shall see, And dwell for ever, Lord, with Thee. Topics: Christians Qualifications; Duty to God and Man; Faithfulness of man; Good Works; Justice and truth towards men; Love to our neighbor; Saints characterised; Saints dwell in heaven Scripture: Psalm 15 Languages: English


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