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Scripture:Psalm 22:27-31

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Christ the Lord Is Risen Today!

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: with alleluia Appears in 1,184 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 22:29 First Line: "Christ the Lord is risen today!" Lyrics: 1 "Christ the Lord is risen today!" Alleluia! All creation, join to say: Alleluia! Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia! Sing, O heavens, and earth reply, Alleluia! 2 Love’s redeeming work is done, Alleluia! Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia! Death in vain forbids him rise, Alleluia! Christ has opened paradise. Alleluia! 3 Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia! Where, O death, is now your sting? Alleluia! Jesus died, our souls to save, Alleluia! Where your victory, O grave? Alleluia! 4 Hail the Lord of earth and heaven! Alleluia! Praise to you by both be given, Alleluia! Every knee to you shall bow, Alleluia! Risen Christ, triumphant now. Alleluia! Topics: Christian Year Easter Vigil; Christian Year Resurrection/Easter; Jesus Christ Resurrection; Christian Year Easter Used With Tune: LLANFAIR

Where Could I Go?

Author: James B. Coats Meter: with refrain Appears in 111 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 22:27 First Line: Living below in this old sinful world Refrain First Line: Where could I go? Oh, where could I go Topics: Bible--Word of God Used With Tune: WHERE COULD I GO

Psalm 22: My God, my God, why hast thou me

Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 22 First Line: My God, my God, why hast thou me Lyrics: 1My God, my God, why hast thou me forsaken? why so far Art thou from helping me, and from my words that roaring are? 2All day, my God, to thee I cry, yet am not heard by thee; And in the season of the night I cannot silent be. 3But thou art holy, thou that dost inhabit Isr’el’s praise. 4Our fathers hop’d in thee, they hop’d and thou didst them release. 5When unto thee they sent their cry, to them deliv’rance came: Because they put their trust in thee, they were not put to shame. 6But as for me, a worm I am, and as no man am priz’d: Reproach of men I am, and by the people am despis’d. 7All that me see laugh me to scorn; shoot out the lip do they; They nod and shake their heads at me, and, mocking, thus do say, 8This man did trust in God, that he would free him by his might: Let him deliver him, sith he had in him such delight. 9But thou art he out of the womb that didst me safely take; When I was on my mother’s breasts thou me to hope didst make. 10And I was cast upon thy care, ev’n from the womb till now; And from my mother’s belly, Lord, my God and guide art thou. 11Be not far off, for grief is near, and none to help is found. 12Bulls many compass me, strong bulls of Bashan me surround. 13Their mouths they open’d wide on me, upon me gape did they, Like to a lion ravening and roaring for his prey. 14Like water I’m pour’d out, my bones all out of joint do part: Amidst my bowels, as the wax, so melted is my heart. 15My strength is like a potsherd dry’d; my tongue it cleaveth fast Unto my jaws; and to the dust of death thou brought me hast. 16For dogs have compass’d me about: the wicked, that did meet In their assembly, me inclos’d; they pierc’d my hands and feet. 17I all my bones may tell; they do upon me look and stare. 18Upon my vesture lots they cast, and clothes among them share. 19But be not far, O Lord, my strength; haste to give help to me. 20From sword my soul, from pow’r of dogs my darling set thou free. 21Out of the roaring lion’s mouth do thou me shield and save: For from the horns of unicorns an ear to me thou gave. 22I will shew forth thy name unto those that my brethren are; Amidst the congregation thy praise I will declare. 23Praise ye the Lord, who do him fear; him glorify all ye The seed of Jacob: fear him all that Isr’el’s children be. 24For he despis’d not nor abhorr’d th’ afflicted’s misery; Nor from him hid his face, but heard when he to him did cry. 25Within the congregation great my praise shall be of thee; My vows before them that him fear shall be perform’d by me. 26The meek shall eat, and shall be fill’d; they also praise shall give Unto the Lord that do him seek: your heart shall ever live. 27All ends of th’ earth remember shall, and turn the Lord unto; All kindreds of the nations to him shall homage do: 28Because the kingdom to the Lord doth appertain as his; Likewise among the nations the Governor he is. 29Earth’s fat ones eat, and worship shall: all who to dust descend Shall bow to him; none of them can his soul from death defend. 30A seed shall service do to him; unto the Lord it shall Be for a generation reckon’d in ages all. 31They shall come, and they shall declare his truth and righteousness Unto a people yet unborn, and that he hath done this.

It is God who holds the nations in the hollow of his hand

Author: Frederick Pratt Green (1903-2000) Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 22:28 Lyrics: 1 It is God who hold the nations in the hollow of his hand; it is God whose light is shining in the darkness of the land; it is God who builds the city on the Rock and not on sand: may the living God be praised! 2 It is God whose purpose summons us to use the present hour; who recalls us to our senses when a nation's life turns sour; in the discipline of freedom we shall know his saving power: may the living God be praised! 3 When a thankful nation, looking back, has cause to celebrate those who win our admiration by their service to the state; when self-giving is a measure of the greatness of the great: may the living God be praised! 4 God reminds us every sunrise that the world is ours on lease -- for the sake of life tomorrow may our love for it increase; may all peoples live together, share its riches, be at peace: may the living God be praised! Topics: The Holy Spirit The Church Celebrates - National Life; City; Remembrance Sunday; Unity of Humanity Used With Tune: VISION

Psalm 22: My God, My God

Author: Marty Haugen Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 22 First Line: All who see me laugh at me Refrain First Line: My God, my God Topics: Holy Week Seasonal Psalm; Passion Sunday Used With Tune: [All who see me laugh at me]

O God, Why Are You Silent?

Author: Marty Haugen Meter: D Appears in 6 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 22 Topics: Confession, Lament, and Healing; Christian Year Lent; Healing; Jesus Christ Cross; Lament Used With Tune: PASSION CHORALE
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To all my brethren, I'll declare

Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 22 Lyrics: 1 To all my brethren I'll declare The triumphs of God's name; In presence of assembled saints, His glory I'll proclaim. 2 'Tis his supreme prerogative O'er subject kings to reign; 'Tis just that he should rule the world, Who does the sorld sustain. 3 The rich, who are with plenty fed, His bounty must confess; The sons of want, by him relieve'd, Their gen'rous patron bless. 4 With humble worship, to his throne They all for Aid resort; That pow'r, which first their beings gave, Can only them support. Topics: Psalms of Thanksgiving Text Sources: Tate and Brady's New Version

My God, My God: Psalm 22

Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 22 First Line: All who see me scoff at me Refrain First Line: My God, my God Used With Tune: [All who see me scoff at me]

Salmo 22–Dios mío, Dios mío

Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 22:25-31 First Line: Dios mío, Dios mío Topics: Dios Su Protección; God His Protection; Salmos; Psalms Used With Tune: SALMO 22 Text Sources: Texto bíblicos de la Santa Biblia Versión Reina-Valera Revisión de 1995.
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Deus, Deus meus

Author: T. S. Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 22 First Line: O God my God, wherefore dost thou Lyrics: 1 O God my God, wherefore dost thou forsake me utterly? And helpest not when I do make my great complaint and cry? 2 To thee, my God even all day long I do both cry and call: I cease not all the night, and yet thou hearest not at ail. 3 Even thou that in thy Sanctuary, and holy place dost dwell: Thou art the comfort and the joy, and glory of Israel. 4 And him in whom our fathers old had all their hope for ever: And when they put their trust in thee, Thou didst them aye deliver. 5 They were delivered ever when they called on thy Name; And for the faith they had in thee, they were not put to shame. 6 But I am now become a worm, more like than any man: An out-cast whom the people scorn with all the spite they can. 7 All men despise as they behold me walking on the way: They grin, they mow, and nod their heads, and on this wise they say, 8 This man did glory in the Lord, his favour and his love: Let him redeeme and help him now, his power if he will prove. 9 But Lord out of my mothers wombe, I came by thy behest: Thou didst preserve me still in hope, while I did suck the brest. 10 I was committed from my birth, with thee to have abode: Since I was in my mothers wombe, thou hast been ere my God. The second Part: 11 Then, Lord, depart not now from me, in this my present grief: Since I have none to be my help, my succour and reliefe. 12 So many buls do compasse me, that be full strong of head: Yea, buls so fat, as though they had in Basan field been fed. 13 They gape upon me greedily, as though they would me slay: Much like a Lion roaring out, and ramping for his prey. 14 But I drop downe like water shed, my joynts in sunder break: My heart doth in my body melt, like waxe against the heat. 15 And like a potsherd dri'th my strength, my tongue it cleaveth fast Unto my jaws, and I am brought to dust of death at last. 16 And many dogs do compasse me, and wicked counsell eke Conspire against me cursedly, they pierce my hands and feet. 17 I was tormented so that I might all my bones have told: Yet still upon me hey do look, and still they me behold. 18 My garments they divided eke in parts among them all: And for my coat they did cast lots to whom it should befall. 19 Therefore, I pray thee, be not farre from me at my great need,: But rather sith thou art my strength, to help me Lord make speed. 20 And from the sword Lord save my soul by thy might and thy power: And keep my soule, thy darling deare, from dogs that would devoure. 21 And from the Lion's mouth that would me all in sunder shiver: And from the hornes of Unicornes Lord safely me deliver. 22 Then shall I to my brethren all thy majesty record, And in thy Church shall praise the Name of thee the living Lord. The Third Part: 23 All ye that feare him praise the Lord, thou Jacob honour him: And all ye seed of Israel, with reverence worship him. 24 For he despiseth not the poore, he turneth not away His countenance when they do call, but granteth to their crie. 25 Among the folk that feare the Lord, I will therefore proclaime Thy praise, and keep my promise made for setting forth thy Name. 26 The poore shall eat and be suffic'd, and those that do indeaver To seek the Lord, shall praise his Name; their hearts shall life for ever. 27 All coasts of th'earth shall praise the Lord and turne to him for grace: grace; The heathen folk shall worship him before his blessed face. 28 The kingdome of the heathen folk the Lord shall have therefore: And he shall be their governour, and King for evermore. 29 The rich men of his goodly gifts shall feed and taste also: And in his presence worship him, and bow their knees full low. 30 And all that shall go down to dust, of life by him shall tast: My seed shall serve and praise the Lord, while any world shall last. 31 My seed shall plainely shew to them that shall be borne hereafter His justice and his righteousnesse, and all his works of wonder.


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