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Topics:opening hymns

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Welcome to Another Day

Author: Michael Saward Hymnal: Voices United #408 (1996) Meter: D Topics: The Church at Worship Opening and Morning Hymns; liturgical Opening Hymns; Opening Hymns First Line: Welcome to another day! Lyrics: 1 Welcome to another day! Night is blinded. "Welcome," let creation say; darkness ended. Comes the sunshine after dew, time for labour; time to love my God anew and my neighbour. 2 Welcome to the day of prayer with God's people welcome is the joy we share at this table. Bread and wine from heaven fall: come, receive it that the Christ may reign in all who believe it. 3 Welcome is the peace that's given, sure for ever; welcome is the hope of heaven when life's over. As we work and as we pray, trust God's story: come then, as the dawning day heralds glory! Michael Saward (born 1932) © Michael Saward/Jubilate Hymns 7 4 7 4 D Used By Permission. CCL Licence No. Not entered Copied from HymnQuest 2010: Standard Version HymnQuest ID: 63686 Tune Title: GWALCHMAI

Morning Has Broken

Author: Eleanor Farjeon Hymnal: Voices United #409 (1996) Meter: D Topics: The Church at Worship Opening and Morning Hymns; liturgical Opening Hymns; Opening Hymns Tune Title: BUNESSAN

This Day God Gives Me

Author: St. Patrick; James Quinn, SJ Hymnal: Voices United #410 (1996) Meter: D Topics: The Church at Worship Opening and Morning Hymns; liturgical Opening Hymns; Opening Hymns Languages: English Tune Title: BUNESSAN

O Splendour of God's Glory Bright

Author: Ambrose of Milan Hymnal: Voices United #413 (1996) Meter: Topics: The Church at Worship Opening and Morning Hymns; liturgical Opening Hymns; Opening Hymns Lyrics: 1 O Splendour of God's glory bright, from light eternal bringing light, O light of life, light's living spring, true day, all days illumining: 2 come, Holy Sun of heavenly love, pour down your radiance from above, and to our inward hearts convey the Holy Spirit's cloudless ray. 3 O joyful be the passing day with thoughts as clear as morning's ray, with faith like noontide shining bright, our souls unshadowed by the night. 4 O Christ, with each returning morn your image to our hearts is born; O may we ever see anew our Saviour and our God in you! Languages: English Tune Title: PUER NOBIS NASCITUR

God, Be Praised at Early Morn (Qing-chen zao qi zan-mei Shen)

Author: Dawei Wang; G. A. Wenh-In Ng Hymnal: Voices United #414 (1996) Meter: Topics: The Church at Worship Opening and Morning Hymns; liturgical Opening Hymns; Opening Hymns First Line: Qing-chen zao qi zan-mei Shen (God, be praised at early morn) Languages: Chinese; English Tune Title: QING-CHEN

God, We Praise You for the Morning

Author: Jim Strathdee; Jean Strathdee Hymnal: Voices United #415 (1996) Meter: Topics: The Church at Worship Opening and Morning Hymns; liturgical Opening Hymns; Opening Hymns Tune Title: DICKEY
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A Morning Hymn

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #LXXXVIII (1791) Topics: liturgical Opening Hymns First Line: God of the Morning, at whose Voice Lyrics: 1 God of the Morning, at whose Voice The chearful Sun makes haste to rise, And like a Giant doth rejoice To run his Journey thro' the Skies; 2 From the fair Chambers of the East The Circuit of his Race begins, And, without Weariness or Rest, Round the whole Earth he flies and shines; 3 Oh, like the Sun may I fulfil Th' appointed Duties of the Day, With ready mind and active Will March on and keep my heav'nly Way. [4 But I shall rove and lose the Race, If GOD, my Sun, should disappear, And leave me in this World's wild Maze, To follow ev'ry wand'ring Star.] 5 LORD, thy Commands are clean and pure, Enlightning our beclouded Eyes; Thy Threat'nings just, thy Promise sure: Thy Gospel makes the Simple wise. 6 Give me thy Counsel for my Guide, And then receive me to thy Bliss; All my Desires and Hopes beside Are faint and cold compar'd with this. Scripture: Psalm 19 Languages: English
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Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #XIV (1791) Topics: liturgical Opening Hymns First Line: Awake, my Soul, and with the Sun Lyrics: 1 Awake, my Soul, and with the Sun Thy daily Stage of Duty run; Shake off dull Sloth, and early rise To pay thy morning Sacrifice. 2 Redeem thy mis-spent Time that's past, Live this Day as if 'twere thy last; T'improve thy Talents take due care 'Gainst the great Day thy self prepare. 3 Let all thy converse be sincere, Thy Conscience as the Noon-Day clear: Think how th' all-seeing God thy Ways, And ev'ry secret Thought surveys. 4 Glory to God, who safe hath kept; And hath refresh'd me while I slept; Grant, Lord, when I from Death shall wake, I may of endless Life partake. 5 Direct, controul, suggest this day All I design, or do, or say; That all my Pow'rs, with all their Might, In Thy sole Glory may unite. 6 Praise God, from whom all Blessings flow; Praise him, all Creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heav'nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Languages: English
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For the Lord's Day Morning

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #CLXVII (1791) Topics: liturgical Opening Hymns First Line: Lord in the Morning thou shalt hear Lyrics: 1 Lord in the Morning thou shalt hear My Voice ascending High; To thee will I direct my Pray'r, To thee lift up mine Eye. 2 Up to the Hills where CHRIST is gone To plead for all his Saints, Presenting at his Father's Throne Our Songs and our Complaints. 3 Thou art a GOD before whose Sight The Wicked shall not stand; Sinners shall ne'er be thy Delight, Nor dwell at thy Right Hand. 4 But to thy House will I resort, To taste thy Mercies there; I will frequent thine Holy Court, And Worship in thy fear. 5 O may thy Spirit guide my Feet In Ways of Righteousness! Make ev'ry Path of Duty straight, And plain before my Face. Languages: English
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Watchfulness and Brotherly Reproof

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #CLXXXIII (1791) Topics: liturgical Opening Hymns First Line: My God, accept my early Vows Lyrics: 1 My God, accept my early Vows, Like Morning Incense in thine House; And let my nightly Worship rise Sweet as the Ev'ning Sacrifice. 2 Watch o'er my Lips, and guard them, Lord, From ev'ry rash and heedless Word; Nor let my Feet incline to tread The guilty Path where Sinners lead. 3 O may the Righteous, when I stray, Smite, and reprove my wand'ring Way! Their gentle Words, like Ointment shed, Shall never bruise, but cheer my Head. 4 When I behold them prest with Grief, I'll cry to Heav'n for their Relief; And by my warm Petitions prove How much I prize their faithful Love. Languages: English


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