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Remark my soul! the narrow bounds

Meter: Appears in 126 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances New-Year Lyrics: 1 Remark, my soul! the narrow bounds Of the revolving year. How swift the weeks complete their rounds! How short the months appear! 2 So fast eternity comes on, And that important, When all that mortal life has done God's judgment shall survey. 3 Yet like an idle tale we pass The swift advancing year; And study artful ways t' increase The speed of its career. 4 Waken, O God! my trifling heart, Its great concern to see; That I may act the Christian part, And give the year to thee. 5 Thus shall their course more grateful run, If future years arise; And bear me, swift as time can move, To joy that never dies.
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O Lord, our fathers oft have told

Meter: Appears in 102 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Public and National Blessings and Afflictions Lyrics: 1 O Lord, our fathers oft have told, In our attentive ears, Thy wonders in their days perform'd, And in more ancient years. 2 ’Twas not their courage, nor their sword, To them salvation gave; ’Twas not their number, nor their strength That did their country save. 3 But thy right hand, thy pow'rful arm; Whose succor they implor'd— Thy Providence protected those, Who thy great name ador'd. 4 As thee, their God, our fathers own'd, So thou art still our King; O therefore, as thou didst to them, To us deliv'rance bring. 5 To thee, the glory we'll ascribe, From whom salvation came; In God our shield we will rejoice, And ever bless thy name.
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O thou, before whose gracious throne

Meter: Appears in 104 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances For a Congregation Lyrics: 1 O thou, before whose gracious throne We bow our suppliant spirits down, Thou know'st the anxious cares we feel, And all our trembling lips would tell. 2 Avert thy swift desolating stroke, Nor smite the shepherd of the flock; Restore him, sinking to the grave, Stretch out thine arm, make haste to save; 3 But if our supplications fail, And prayer's and tears cannot prevail: Be thou his strength, be thou his stay: Support him through the gloomy way. 4 Around him may thy angels stand, Waiting the signal of thy hand, To bid his happy spirit rise, And bear him to their native skies.
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Consider all my sorrows, Lord!

Meter: Appears in 91 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Sickness and Recovery Lyrics: 1 Consider all my sorrows, Lord! And thy deliv'rance send. My soul for thy salvation faints; When will my troubles end? 2 Yet I have found, 'tis good for me To bear my Father's rod; Afflictions make me learn thy law, And live upon my God. 3 This is the comfort I enjoy When new distress begins; I read thy word, I run thy ways, And hate my former sins. 4 Had not thy word been my delight, When earthly joys were fled; My soul, oppress'd with sorrow's weight Had sunk amongst the dead. 5 I know, thy judgments, Lord! are right, Though they may seem severe; The sharpest suff'rings I endure Flow from thy faithful care.
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Diseases are thy servants, Lord!

Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Sickness and Recovery Lyrics: 1 Diseases are thy servants, Lord! they come at thy command. I'll not attempt a murmuring word Against thy chast'ning hand. 2 I'm but a sojourner below, As all my fathers were: May I be well prepar'd to go, When I the summons hear. 3 But, if my life be spar'd awhile, Before my last remove: Thy praise shall be my business still, And I'll declare thy love.
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I love the Lord; he heard my cries

Meter: Appears in 195 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Sickness and Recovery Lyrics: 1 I love the Lord; he heard my cries, and pity'd ev'ry groan: Long as I live, when troubles rise, I'll hasten to his throne. 2 I love the Lord; he bow'd his ear; And chased my griefs away. O let my heart no more despair, While I have breath to pray! 3 Among the saints that fill thine house, My off'ring shall be paid; There shall my zeal perform the vows My soul in anguish made. 4 The Lord behold me sore distrest; He bade my pains remove. Return, my soul, to God, thy rest; For thou hast known his love.
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Hosannah with a cheerful sound

Meter: Appears in 112 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Morning Lyrics: 1 Hosanna with a cheerful sound To God's upholding hand! Ten thousand snares our path surround, And yet secure we stand. 2 How wondrous is that mighty pow'r Which form'd us with a word! And ev'ry day, and ev'ry hour, We lean upon the Lord. 3 The ev'ning rests our weary head, And mercy guards the room. We wake, and we admire the bed That was not made our tomb. 4 The rising morn cannot assure, That we shall end the day; For death stands ready at the door To take our lives away. 5 God is our Sun, whose daily light Our joy and safety brings; Our feeble frame lies safe at night Beneath his shady wings.
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Lord of my life! O may thy praise

Meter: Appears in 112 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Morning Lyrics: 1 Lord of my life! O may thy praise Employ my noblest pow'rs, Whose goodness lengthens out my days, And fills the circling hours! 2 Preserv'd by thy almighty arm, I pass the shades of night, Serene and safe from ev'ry harm, And see returning light. 3 While many spent the night in sighs, And restless pains and woes, In gentle sleep I clos'd my eyes And undisturb'd repose. 4 When sleep, death's semblance, o'er me spread, And I unconscious lay; Thy watchful care was round my bed, To guard my feeble clay. 5 O let the same almighty care My waking hours attend; From ev'ry trespass, ev'ry snare, My heedless steps defend. 6 Smile on my minutes as they roll, And guide my future days; And let thy goodness fill my soul With gratitude and praise.
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Praise, happy land! Jehovah's name

Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Public and National Blessings and Afflictions Lyrics: 1 Praise, happy land! Jehovah's name; His goodness, and thy bliss proclaim. For thee each blessing largely flows, That freedom's lib'ral hand bestows. 2 Thy children are secure and blest; Thy shores have peace, thy cities rest; He feeds thy sons with finest wheat, And adds his blessing to their meat. 3 Thy changing seasons he ordains, Thine early and thy latter rains; His flakes of snow like wool he sends, And well the springing corn defends. 4 But he hath nobler works and ways, To call his people to his praise: To all our land his laws are shown; His gospel's through the nation known.
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How rich thy gifts, Almighty King!

Meter: Irregular Appears in 57 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Public and National Blessings and Afflictions Lyrics: 1 How rich thy gifts, Almighty King! From thee our varied comforts spring: Th' extended trade, the fruitful skies, The blessings liberty bestows, Th' eternal joys te gospel shows— All from thy boundless goodness rise. 2 Here commerce spreads the wealthy store, That pours from ev'ry foreign shore; Science and art their charms display: Religion teaches us to raise Our voices to our Maker's praise, As truth and conscience point the way. 3 With grateful hearts, with joyful songs; His pow'r and mercy we proclaim: This land through ev'ry age shall own, Jehovah here has fix'd his throne, And triumph in his mighty name. 4 Long as the moon her course shall run, Or man behold the circling sun, O still may God amidst us reign: Crown our just counsels with success, With peace and joy our borders bless, And all our sacred rights maintain.


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