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Tune Identifier:"^melita_dykes$"

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Showing 21 - 30 of 105Results Per Page: 102050

Great Ruler of the Land and Sea

Author: H. Bonar Appears in 9 hymnals Topics: Sea and Sailors Scripture: Psalm 65:5 Used With Tune: MELITA

O Jesus, Son of God, In Thee

Author: Charles Wesley Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 O Jesus, Son of God, in Thee I trust for that last victory, And kept by my eternal friend, I keep Thy works, ’till life shall end, Obedient unto death endure, And find Thy richest promise sure. 2 So when Thou shalt on earth appear, To fix Thy heavenly kingdom here, I shall with my Redeemer join, Partake the victory divine, And clothed with Thy resistless power The Conqueror of the world adore. 3 With Thee in full paternal might, Vested, I shall go forth to fight, Shall see the nations broke, subdued, And scattered by Thine iron rod, Swift as the shivered vessel flies And share the triumph of the skies. Used With Tune: MELITA Text Sources: Short Hymns, Vol. II (Bristol, England: E. Farley, 1762)

When Gathering Clouds Around I View

Author: Robert Grant Meter: Appears in 276 hymnals Lyrics: 1. When gathering clouds around I view, And days are dark, and friends are few, On Him I lean, who not in vain Experienced every human pain; He sees my wants, allays my fears, And counts and treasures all my tears. 2. If aught should tempt my soul to stray From heavenly wisdom’s narrow way, To fly the good I would pursue, Or do the sin I would not do, Still He, who felt temptation’s power, Shall guard me in that dangerous hour. 3. If wounded love my bosom swell, Deceived by those I prized too well, He shall His pitying aid bestow, Who felt on earth severer woe, At once betrayed, denied, or fled, By those who shared His daily bread. 4. If vexing thoughts within me rise And, sore dismayed, my spirit dies, Still He, who once vouchsafed to bear The sickening anguish of despair, Shall sweetly soothe, shall gently dry, The throbbing heart, the streaming eye. 5. When, sorrowing, o’er some stone I bend, Which covers what was once a friend, And from his voice, his hand, his smile, Divides me for a little while, Thou, Savior, mark’st the tears I shed, For Thou didst weep o’er Lazarus dead. 6. And O, when I have safely passed, Through every conflict but the last; Still, still unchanging, watch beside My painful bed, for Thou hast died; Then point to realms of cloudless day, And wipe the latest tear way. Used With Tune: MELITA
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Thou hidden source of calm repose

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788 Meter: Appears in 167 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Thou hidden source of calm repose, thou all-sufficient love divine, my help and refuge from my foes, secure I am, if thou art mine: and lo, from sin, and grief, and shame, I hide me, Jesus, in thy name. 2 Thy mighty name salvation is, and keeps my happy soul above; comfort it brings, and power, and peace, and joy, and everlasting love: to me, with thy dear name, are given pardon, and holiness, and heaven. 3 Jesus, my all in all thou art: my rest in toil, my ease in pain, the medicine of my broken heart, in war my peace, in loss my gain, my smile beneath the tyrant's frown, in shame my glory and my crown; 4 In want my plentiful supply, in weakness my almighty power, in bonds my perfect liberty, my light in Satan's darkest hour, in grief my joy unspeakable, my life in death, my heaven in hell. Scripture: Jeremiah 31:3 Used With Tune: MELITA
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O Lord, You Died That All Might Live

Author: Richard F. Littledale, 1833-1890 Appears in 4 hymnals Refrain First Line: O Lamb of God, Redeemer blest Lyrics: 1 O Lord, you died that all might live And rise to see the perfect day. The fullness of your mercy give To this our friend for whom we pray. O Lamb of God, Redeemer blest, Grant him/her eternal light and rest. 2 Lord, bless our friend who died in you, As you have given him/her release. Enliven him/her since he/she was true, And give him/her everlasting peace. O Lamb of God, Redeemer blest, Grant him/her eternal light and rest. 3 In your green, pleasant pastures feed The sheep that you have summoned hence; And by the still, cool waters lead Your flock in loving providence. O Lamb of God, Redeemer blest, Grant him/her eternal light and rest. 4 Direct us with your arm of might, That with our friend we may all come To dwell within your city bright, Jerusalem, our heav'nly home. O Lamb of God, Redeemer blest, Grant him/her eternal light and rest. Topics: Order of Christian Funerals Vigils - Hymns; Order of Christian Funerals Funeral Liturgy Used With Tune: MELITA

¡Oh, Dios! Al Mundo en Confusión

Author: Frank Mason North, 1850-1935; Elida G. Falcón, 1879-1968 Appears in 1 hymnal Used With Tune: MELITA
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Forth from the dark and stormy sky

Author: Reginald Heber Meter: Appears in 130 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Forth from the dark and stormy sky, Lord, to Thine altar's shade we fly; Forth from the world, its hope and fear, Saviour, we seek Thy shelter here: Weary and weak, Thy grace we pray: Turn not, O Lord! Thy guests away! 2 Long have we roamed in want and pain; Long have we sought Thy rest in vain; 'Wildered in doubt, in darkness lost, Long have our souls been tempest-tost: Low at Thy feet our sins we lay; Turn not, O Lord, Thy guests away. Topics: Easter Season, Sixth Sunday; Second Sunday after Trinity; Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Used With Tune: MELITA

God of the Living, in Whose Eyes

Author: John Ellerton Meter: Appears in 60 hymnals Lyrics: 1. God of the living, in whose eyes Unveiled Thy whole creation lies, All souls are Thine, we must not say That those are dead who pass away; From this our world of flesh set free, We know them living unto Thee. 2. Released from earthly toil and strife, With Thee is hidden still their life; Thine are their thoughts, their works, their powers, All Thine, and yet most truly ours; For well we know, where’er they be, Our dead are living unto Thee. 3. Not spilt like water on the ground, Not wrapped in dreamless sleep profound, Not wandering in unknown despair, Beyond Thy voice, Thine Arm, Thy care; Not left to lie like fallen tree— Not dead, but living, unto Thee. 4. Thy Word is true, Thy will is just; To Thee we leave them, Lord, in trust; And bless Thee for the love which gave Thy Son to fill a human grave; That none might fear that world to see Where all are living unto Thee. 5. O Breather into man of breath, O Holder of the keys of death, O Giver of the life within, Save us from death, the death of sin, That body, soul, and spirit be Forever living unto Thee. Used With Tune: MELITA

O Lord, to Us Thy Mercy Show

Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1. O Lord, to us Thy mercy show, And Thy salvation now bestow; We wait to hear what God will say; Peace to His people He will speak, And to His saints, but let them seek No more in folly’s path to stray. 2. His saving help is surely near To those His holy name that fear; Thus glory dwells in all our land. Now heavenly truth unites with grace, And righteousness and peace embrace; In full accord they ever stand. 3. Truth springing forth the earth shall crown, And righteousness from Heaven look down, And God on us His goodness shed; Our land shall then with plenty flow, Before Him righteousness shall go, And cause us in His steps to tread. Used With Tune: MELITA Text Sources: The Psalter (Pittsburgh: The United Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1912)


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