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Hymnal, Number:uhb1912

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Frederick Oakeley

1802 - 1880 Person Name: Frederick Oakeley (1802-188) Hymnal Number: 83 Translator of "Oh come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord" in The University Hymn Book Frederic Oakeley graduated M.A. at Oxford, and took Orders in the Church of England. He became Prebendary of Lichfield Cathedral, preacher at Whitehall, and incumbent of Margaret Chapel, London. He was active in the "Oxford Movement," and in 1845, called attention to his views for the purpose of seeing if he could continue to hold an Oxford degree, with so great a change in his opinions. The question was tried, and he was perpetually suspended unless he retracted. He then resigned his positions in the Church of England, and entered the Church of Rome, in which he became a Priest, and Canon of the diocese of Westminster. His publications are numerous, and some of them have considerable value. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872 ================= Oakeley, Frederick, D.D., youngest son of Sir Charles Oakeley, Bart., sometime Governor of Madras, was born at Shrewsbury, Sept. 5, 1802, and educated at Christ Church, Oxford (B.A. 1824). In 1825 he gained a University prize for a Latin Essay; and in 1827 he was elected a Fellow of Balliol. Taking Holy Orders, he was a Prebendary of Lichfield Cathedral, 1832; Preacher at Whitehall, 1837; and Minister of Margaret Chapel, Margaret Street, London, 1839. In 1845 he resigned all his appointments in the Church of England, and was received into the Roman Communion. Subsequently he became a Canon of the Pro-Cathedral in the Roman Catholic ecclesiastical district of Westminster. He died January 29, 1880. Miller (Singers and Songs of the Church, 1869, p. 497), writing from information supplied to him by Canon Oakeley, says:— ”He traces the beginning of his change of view to the lectures of Dr. Charles Lloyd, Regius Professor, delivered at Oxford about the year 1827, on the 'History and Structure of the Anglican Prayer Book.' About that time a great demand arose at Oxford for Missals and Breviaries, and Canon Oakeley, sympathising with the movement, co-operated with the London booksellers in meeting that demand.....He promoted the [Oxford] movement, and continued to move with it till, in 1845, he thought it right to draw attention to his views, to gee if he could continue to hold an Oxford degree in conjunction with so great a change in opinion. The question having been raised, proceedings were taken against him in the Court of Arches, and a sentence given that he was perpetually suspended unless he retracted. He then resigned his Prebendal stall at Lichfield, and went over to the Church of Rome." Canon Oakeley's poetical works included:— (1) Devotions Commemorative of the Most Adorable Passion of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1842; (2) The Catholic Florist; (3) The Youthful Martyrs of Rome, a Christian Drama, 1856; (4) Lyra Liturgica; Reflections in Verse for Holy Days and Seasons, 1865. Canon Oakeley also published several prose works, including a translation of J. M. Horst's Paradise of the Christian Soul, London, Burns, 1850. He is widely known through his translation of the “Adeste fideles.” Several of his original hymns are also in Roman Catholic collections. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

George James Webb

1803 - 1887 Person Name: George James Webb (1803-1887) Hymnal Number: 257 Composer of "MORNING LIGHT" in The University Hymn Book George James Webb, b. 1803,England; d. 1887, Orange, N. J. Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, 1908

J. W. Elliott

1833 - 1915 Person Name: James William Elliott (1833- ) Hymnal Number: 14b Composer of "DAY OF REST" in The University Hymn Book J.W. Elliott was a popular composer of the Victorian period, and is best known for his nursery rhyme music and for his work on hymnals in the 1870s. He was born James William Elliott, in Warwick, England, on February 13, 1833. As a child, he sang as a chorister in the Leamington Parish Church. In those days, choristers were given lessons in all facets of church music, including organ lessons, counterpoint studies, and more in exchange for providing an extraordinary level of service to their parish church (services throughout the week, all holidays, extra services, etc.). The result is that most choristers who completed their studies received an excellent music education, and James was no exception. After starting his career as an organist and choirmaster for a countryside church, his talent became obvious. He moved to London, where he assisted Sir Arthur Sullivan (of Gilbert and Sullivan fame) in editing Church Hymns. In addition, James worked for a music publisher. His compositions include two operettas, numerous anthems, service music, works for instruments including the very popular harmonium, and most particularly for Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs, his children’s music score that sets many of the Nursery Rhymes to delightful music. Several of his hymn tunes are still in use today in many hymnals, most notably his hymn tune “Day of Rest.” He was heavily involved in the preparation of the musical edition of Church Hymns in 1874, the Choral Service Book of 1892, and transcriptions of hymn tunes using harmonies different than the traditional ones found in hymnals. He died in St. Marylebone, London, on February 5, 1915.

Bernhard Severin Ingemann

1789 - 1862 Person Name: Bernhardt Severin Ingemann (1789-1862) Hymnal Number: 209b Author of "Through the night of doubt and sorrow" in The University Hymn Book Ingemann, Bernhardt Severin, was born at Thor Kildstrup, Island of Falster, May 28, 1789. From 1822 to his death in 1862, he was Professor of the Danish Language and Literature at the Academy of Sorö, Zealand, Denmark. He was a poet of some eminence. His collected works were pub, in 1851, in 34 volumes. Seven of his hymns translated into English are given in Gilbert Tait's Hymns of Denmark, 1868. The only hymn by him in English common use is:— Igjennem Nat og Traengael. Unity and Progress. It is dated 1825, and is given in the Nyt Tillaeg til Evangelisk-christelig. Psalmebog, Copenhagen, 1859, No. 502. In its translated form as "Through the night of doubt and sorrow," by the Rev. S. Baring-Gould, it has become widely known in most English-speaking countries. The translation was published in the People's Hymnal, 1861. It was greatly improved in Hymns Ancient & Modern, 1875, and has been specially set to music by several composers. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Edwin Hatch

1835 - 1889 Person Name: Edwin Hatch (1835-1889) Hymnal Number: 131 Author of "Breathe on me, Breath of God" in The University Hymn Book Hatch, Edwin, D.D., was born at Derby, Sep. 4, 1835, and educated at Pembroke College, Oxford, B.A., in honours, in 1857. After holding important appointments in Canada, he returned to England and became Vice-Principal of St. Mary Hall, Oxford, 1867; and Rector of Purleigh, 1883. (See also Crockford). He died Nov. 10, 1889. His hymn-writing was limited. One, and that a very spirited lyric, is in Allon's Congregational Psalmist Hymnal, 1886 "Breathe on me, Breath of God." (Whitsuntide.) Dr. Hatch's hymns were published in his posthumous Towards Fields of Light, London 1890. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

George Whitefield

1714 - 1770 Person Name: George Whitefield (1726-1799) Hymnal Number: 88 Author of "Hark! the herald angels sing" in The University Hymn Book

William Stubbs

1825 - 1901 Person Name: William Stubbs (1825-1901) Hymnal Number: 187 Author of "Lead me, almighty Father, Spirit, Son" in The University Hymn Book Bishop of Chester from 1884 to 1889; Bishop of Oxford from 1889 to 1901

John Mason

1645 - 1694 Person Name: John Mason (c. 1645-1694) Hymnal Number: 163 Author of "The world can neither give nor take" in The University Hymn Book Mason, John. The known facts of his life are scanty. He was the son of a Dissenting Minister, and the grandfather of John Mason, the author of A Treatise on Self-Knowledge. He was educated at Strixton School, Northants, and Clare Hall, Cambridge. After taking his M.A., he became Curate of Isham; and in 1668, Vicar of Stantonbury, Bucks. A little more than five years afterwards he was appointed Rector of Water-Stratford. Here he composed the volume containing The Songs of Praise, his paraphrase of The Song of Solomon, and the Poem on Dives and Lazarus, with which Shepherd's Penitential Cries was afterwards bound up. This volume passed through twenty editions. Besides the Songs of Praise, it contains six Penitential Cries by Mason, and it is this portion of his work which harmonizes with the compositions of Shepherd. Probably his hymns were used in public worship, and if so, they are among the earliest hymns so used in the Church of England. Some of his hymns are often found in the early Hymn Collections of the 18th century. The most notable work besides this volume is Select Remains of the Rev, John Mason, a collection of sententious and practical sayings and Christian letters, published by his grandson, and much eulogized by Dr. Watts. His friend, Shepherd, who was at Water-Stratford at the remarkable period to which reference is made below, published two of Mason's Sermons, with a preface of his own. Mason was a man of true piety and humility; known for eminent prayerfulness; faithful, experimental, effectual preaching; "a light in the pulpit, and a pattern out of it." His friendship with Baxter, and Shepherd, the Nonconformist Minister of Braintree, probably indicates his sympathies and theological position. Baxter calls him "the glory of the Church of England," and says :— "The frame of his spirit was so heavenly, his deportment so humble and obliging, his discourse of spiritual things so weighty, with such apt words and delightful air, that it charmed all that had any spiritual relish.” The close of his life was sensational enough. One night, about a month before his death, he had a vision of the Lord Jesus, wearing on His head a glorious crown, and with a look of unutterable majesty in His face. Of this vision he spoke; and preached a Sermon called The Midnight Cry, in which he proclaimed the near approach of Christ's Second Advent. A report spread that this Advent would take place at Water-Stratford itself, and crowds gathered there from the surrounding villages. Furniture and provisions were brought in, and every corner of the house and village occupied. Most extraordinary scenes occurred, singing and leaping and dancing. The excitement had scarcely died out when the old man passed away (1694), still testifying that he had seen the Lord, and that it was time for the nation to tremble, and for Christians to trim their lamps. His last words were, “I am full of the loving kindness of the Lord." [Rev. H. Leigh Bennett, M.A.] The full titles of his Songs of Praise, and the additions thereto, are:— (1) Spiritual Songs; or, Songs of Praise to Almighty God upon several occasions, 1683. (2) The Song of Songs which is Solomon's first Turned, then Paraphrased in English Verse. Published with the former. (3) Dives and Lazarus, incorporated with the former 1685. (4) Penitential Cries, Begun by the Author of the Songs of Praise, And carried on by another Hand. Licensed and Entered, Sept. 13, 1693. This forms the concluding part of all editions of the Songs of Praise after 1693. The complete work was reprinted by D. Sedgwick in 1859. This reprint was accompanied by a short Memoir. In this reprint Mason's Penitential Cries and Ps. 86 are given under Songs of Praise, pp. 49-61, those under Penitential Cries being all by Shepherd (q.v.). Mason's Life, by John Dunton, was published in 1694, and included some miscellaneous poems; and another, by Henry Maurice, in 1695, in which are two hymns not found elsewhere. We may add that Mason published a Catechism, with some Verses for Children. Of this, however, no copy is known to exist. Mason's Songs are commonly presented in modern hymnbooks in the form of centos, which are sometimes compiled from a single Song, and in other instances from several Songs. Many of these are annotated under their respective first lines. The rest include:— 1. Blest be my God that I was born. Praise for the Gospel. 2. Lord, for the mercies of the night. Morning. 3. Lord of my life, Length of my days. Praise for Deliverance from Immediate danger of Death. 4. My God, a God of pardon is. Praise for Pardon of Sin. 5. My God, my only Help and Hope. Praise for Providence. 6. My God, my reconciled God. Praise for Peace of Conscience. 7. My God was with me all this night. Morning. 8. Thou wast, 0 God; and Thou wast blest. Praise for Creation. 9. Thousands of thousands stand around. Praise. A cento from Songs i. and ii. In Griffith, Farran & Co.'s Ancient and Modern Library, No. 12, Giles Fletcher's Christ's Victory and Triumph, &c, 1888, p. 208 (edited by W. T. Brooke), a short hymn by Mason is given from Multum in Parvo: or the Jubilee of Jubilees, 1732, beginning "High praises meet and dwell within." It is an indifferent example of Mason's powers as a writer of sacred verse. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ==================== Mason, J., p. 716, ii. Mason's Midnight Cry, stated on p. 717, i. as having been preached in 1694, was delivered in 1691. The 1st ed. of this sermon is:— “The Midnight Cry. A Sermon Preached On the Parable of the Ten Virgins . . . . By J. M., M.A., Rector of W. in the County of B., London: Nathanael Ranew . . 1691. This edition has no hymns. To the 4th ed. in 1692, published by the same Nathanael Ranew, there was added:— The Fourth Edition, with the Addition of two Hymns for the Coming of Christ. By the same Author. The first of these hymns begins:— "The evening of the Day Portends a dismal night," and is in 12 stanzas of 8 lines. The second hymn is:— "Come, come, my dearest, dearest Lord, Make haste and come away." This is in 14 stanzas of 4 lines. Of the first and fifth eds. there are copies in the Brit. Museum, and of the first in the Julian Collection of the Church House, London. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

W. F. Lloyd

1791 - 1853 Person Name: William Freeman Lloyd (1791-1853) Hymnal Number: 218 Author of "My times are in thy hand" in The University Hymn Book Lloyd, William Freeman, was born at Uley, Gloucestershire, Dec. 22, 1791. As he grew up he took great interest in Sunday school work, and was engaged in teaching both at Oxford and at London. In 1810 he was appointed one of the Secretaries of the Sunday School Union. He also became connected with the Religious Tract Society in 1816. Miller (to whom we are indebted for these details) says in his Singers and Songs of the Church, 1869, p. 418:— "He commenced the Sunday School Teacher's Magazine, conducted for years the Child's Companion and the Weekly Visitor, and suggested the preparation of a large number of books for children and adults. His own literary productions were various, including several useful books for Sunday School teachers and scholars, and numerous tracts. He was also much engaged in compilation and revision." Mr. Lloyd died at the residence of his brother, the Rev. Samuel Lloyd, at Stanley Hall, Gloucestershire, April 22, 1853. Several of his hymns and poetical pieces were given in the Religious Tract Society Child's Book of Poetry (N.D.), and the Royal Tract SocietyMy Poetry Book (N.D.). In 1853 he collected his pieces and published them as, Thoughts in Rhyme, By W. F. Lloyd, London, Hamilton & Co., and Nisbet & Co. Of his hymns the following are common use:— 1. Come, poor sinners, come to Jesus. Invitation. (1835.) 2. Give thy young heart to Christ. A Child’s Dedication to Christ. 3. My [our] times are in Thine hand. My God, I Wish them there. Resignation. (1835.) 4. Sweet is the time of spring. Spring. 5. Wait, my soul, upon the Lord. In Affliction. (1835.) The date given above, 1835, is from Spurgeon's 0ur Own Hymn Book, 1866, and was supplied to the editor by D. Sedgwick. We have no other authority for that date. The earliest we can find is No. 3, which is in Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1838. That hymn is very popular. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907), p. 680

David Thomas

1813 - 1894 Person Name: David Thomas (1813-1894) Hymnal Number: 147 Author of "Show pity Lord" in The University Hymn Book Thomas, David, D.D., b. Feb. 1, 1813, editor of the Homilist, and for several years minister of the Congregational Church, Stockwell, prepared for that congregation The Biblical Liturgy, 1874, to which he contributed 26 original hymns, of which some two or three have passed into other compilations, including the tender "Shew pity, Lord, for we are frail and faint" (Divine Pity Desired), and "Jehovah, evermore the same" (The Immutability of God.). Died in Dec. 1894. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)


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