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Michael Altenburg

1584 - 1640 Person Name: J. M. Altenburg, 1584-1640 Author of "O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe" in Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary Altenburg, Johann Michael, b. at Alach, near Erfurt, on Trinity Sunday, 1584. After completing his studies he was for some time teacher and precentor in Erfurt. In 1608 he was appointed pastor of Ilversgehofen and Marbach near Erfurt; in 1611, of Troch-telborn; and in 1621 of Gross-Sommern or Som-merda near Erfurt. In the troublous war times he was forced, in 1631, to flee to Erfurt, and there, on the news of the victory of Leipzig, Sept. 17, 1631, he composed his best known hymn. He remained in Erfurt without a charge till, in 1637, he was appointed diaconus of the Augustino Church, and, in 1638, pastor of St. Andrew's Church. He d. at Erfurt February 12, 1640 (Koch, iii. 115-117 ; Allg. Deutsche Biog., i. p. 363, and x. p. 766—the latter saying he did not go to Erfurt till 1637). He was a good musician, and seems to have been the composer of the melodies rather than of the words of some of the hymns ascribed to him. Two of his hymns have been tr. into English, viz. :—1.    Aus  Jakob's   Staxnm  ein  Stern  sehr  klar. [Christmas.]   Included as No. 3 of his Christ-liche liebliche und anddchtige newe Kirchen- und Hauss-Gestinge, pt. i., Erfurt, 1G20, in 3 st. of 5 1.    According to Wetzel's A. H., vol. i., pt. v. p. 41, it was first pub. in J. Forster's Jlohen Festtags-Schreinlein, 1611.    In the Unv. L. S., 1851, No. 24.    It has been tr. as " From Jacob's root, a star so clear," by Miss Manington, 1864, p. 13.2. Verzage nicht du Hauflein klein.  [In Trouble.] Concerning the authorship of this hymn there are three main theories—i. that it is by Gustavus Adolphus; ii. that the ideas are his and the diction that of his chaplain, Dr. Jacob Fabricius; and iii. that it is by Altenburg.   In tracing out the hymn we find that:—The oldest accessible form is in two pamphlets published shortly after the death of Gustavus Adolphus, viz., the Epicedion, Leipzig, n.d. but probably in the end of 1632 [Royal Library, Berlin]: and Arnold Mengering's Blutige Siegs-Crone, Leipzig, 1633 [Town Library, Hamburg]. In the Epicedion the hymn is entitled, " Konig-licher Schwanengesang So ihre Majest. vor dem Ltltzen-schen Treffen inniglichen zu Gott gesungen "; and in the Siegs-Crone, p. 13, "Der S. Kon. Mayt. zu Schweden Lied, welches Sie vor der Schlacht gesungen." In both cases there are 3 sts. :—i. Verzage nicht, du Hiiuffiein klein. ii. Triistedich dess, dass deine Sach. iii. So wahr Gott Gott ist, und sein Wort.The next form is that in J. Clauder's Psalmodiae Novae Pars Tertia, Leipzig, 1636, No. 17, in 5 st. of 6 lines, st. i.-iii. as above, and—iv. Ach Gott gieb in des deine Gnad v. Hilff dass wir auch nach deinem Wort. No author's name is given.   In the Bayreuth G. B., 1668, p. 266, st. iv., v., are marked as an addition by Dr. Samuel  Zehner; and  by J. C.  Olearius in his Lieder-Schatz, 1705, p. 141, as written in 1638 (1633 ?), when the  Croats  had partially burnt  Schleusiugen, where Zehner was then superintendent.The third  form  of importance is that  given in Jcremias Weber's Leipzig G. B., 1638, p. 651, where it is entitled  " A soul-rejoicing hymn of Consolation upon the watchword—God with us—used by the Evangelical army in the battle of Leipzig, 7th Sept., 1631, composed by M. Johann Altenburg, pastor at Gross Soinmern in Dtiringen," [i.e. Sommerda in Thuringia].  It is in 5 sts., of which sts. i.-iii. are the same as the 1633, and are marked as by Altenburg.   St. iv., v., beginning— iv. Drilmb sey getrost du kleines Heer v. Amen, das hilff Ilerr Jesu Christ, are marked as " Additamentum Ignoti."   This is the form in C. U. as in the Berlin G. L. S., ed. 1863, No. 1242.In favour of Altenburg there is the explicit declaration of the Leipzig G. B., 1638, followed by most subsequent writers. The idea that the hymn was by Gustavus Adolphus seems to have no other foundation than that in many of the old hymn-books it was called Gustavus Adolphus's Battle Hymn. The theory that the ideas were communicated by the King to his chaplain, Dr. Fabricius, after the battle of Leipzig, and by Fabricius versified, is maintained by Mohnike in his Hymnologische Forschungen, 1832, pt. ii. pp. 55-98, but rests on very slender evidence. In Koch, viii. 138-141, there is the following striking word-picture:—If, then, we must deny to the hymn Albert Knapp's characterisation of it as " a little feather from the eagle wing of Gustavus Adolphus," so much the more its original title as his "Swan Song" remains true. It was on the morning of the 6 Nov., 1632, that the Catholic army under Wallenstein and the Evangelical under Gustavus Adolphus stood over against each other at Lutzen ready to strike. As the morning dawned Gustavus Adolphus summoned his Court preacher Fabricius, and commanded him, as also the army chaplains of all the other regiments, to hold a service of prayer. During this service the whole host sung the pious king's battle hymn—" Verzage nicht, du Hauflein klein."He himself was on his knees and prayed fervently. Meantime a thick mist had descended, which hid the fatal field so that nothing could be distinguished. When the host had now been set in battle array he gave them as watchword for the fight the saying,  "God with us," mounted his horse, drew his sword, and rode along the lines of the army to encourage the soldiers for the battle. First, however, he commanded the tunes Ein feste Burg and Es wollt tins Gott genadig sein to be played by the kettledrums and trumpets, and the soldiers joined as with one voice. The mist now began to disappear, and the sun shone through. Then, after a short prayer, he cried out: " Now will we set to, please God," and immediately after, very loud, " Jesu, Jesu, Jesu, help me today to fight for the honour of Thy Holy Name." Then he attacked the enemy at full speed, defended only by a leathern gorget. " God is my harness," he had said to the servant who wished to put on his armour. The conflict was hot and bloody. About 11 o'clock in the forenoon the fatal bullet struck him, and he sank, dying, from his horse, with the words, “My God, my God!" Till twilight came on the fight raged, and was doubtful. But at length the Evangelical host obtained the victory, as it had prophetically sung at dawn."This hymn has ever been a favourite in Germany, was sung in the house of P. J. Spener every Sunday afternoon, and of late years has been greatly used at meetings of the Gustavus Adolphus Union—an association for the help of Protestant Churches in Roman Catholic countries. In translations it has passed into many English and American collections. Translations in C. U.:— Fear not, 0 little flock, the foe.    A good tr. from the text of 1638, omitting st. iv., by Miss Winkworth, in her Lyra Ger., 1855, p. 17.    Included, in England in Kennedy, 1863, Snepp's S. of G. and G., 1871, Free Church H. Bk., 1882, and others; and in America in the Sabbath H. Book., 1858, Pennsylvania Luth. Ch. Bk., 1868, Hys. of the Church, 1869, Bapt. H. Bk., 1871, H. and Songs of Praise, 1874, and many others. Be not dismay'd, thou little flock.   A good tr. of st. i.-iii. of the 1638 text in Mrs. Charles's V. of Christian Life in Song, 1858, p. 248.    She tr. from the Swedish, which, in the Swensha Psalm Boken, Carlstadt, N.D. (1866), is given as No. 378, "Forfaras ej, du lilla hop !" and marked Gustaf II. Adolf.    Her version is No. 204 in Wilson's Service of Praise, 1865. Thou little flock, be not afraid.    A tr. of st. i.-iii. from the 1638  text, by M. Loy, in the Ohio Luth. Hymnal, 1880, No. 197. Other trs. are all from the text of 1638.(1.) " Be not dishearten'd, little flock," by Dr. II. Mills, 1856, p. 121. (2.) " Despond not, little band, although," by Dr. G. Walker, 1860, p. 41. (3.) "Be not dismay'd, thou little flock, Nor," by E. Massie, 1866, p. 143. (4.) " 0 little flock, be not afraid," in J. D. Burns's Memoir and Remains, 1869. p. 226. –John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Chûgoró Torii

1898 - 1986 Person Name: Chûgoro Torii Composer of "KORIN" in Voices United

Rowland Hill

1744 - 1833 Person Name: Rowland Hill, 1744-1833 Author of "Around the Throne a Glorious Band" in Catholic Book of Worship III Hill, Rowland, M.A., son of Sir Rowland Hill, Bart., was born at Hawkstone, near Shrewsbury, Aug. 23,1744, and educated at Shrewsbury Grammar School, Eton, and St. John's College, Cambridge (B.A. 1769). Taking Holy Orders, he was for a time curate of Kingston, near Taunton. Leaving his curacy, but without renouncing his Orders or his connection with the Church of England, he itinerated for some twelve years, preaching mostly in Wilts, Gloucestershire, Somersetshire, and London. At Wotton-under-Edge he built a Chapel, where he often preached, and also opened the well-known Surrey Chapel, London, in 1783. At the latter place he ministered for nearly fifty years. He took great interest in Evangelical and Mission work, was one of the founders of the London Missionary Society, and a member of the first committee of the Religious Tract Society. He died April 11, 1833, He was the author of several prose works; he also compiled the following hymnbooks:— (1) A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for the Use of the Poor, 1774. (2) A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, chiefly intended for Public Worship, 1783. This was enlarged in 1787, and a Supplement was added in 1796. Other revisions followed, the last being in 1830. (3) Divine Hymns attempted in easy language for the Use of Children, 1790 (2nd ed. 1794; later editions 1808 & 1819). The hymns in this work, he tells us, are, with the exception of Nos. 24 and 37, his own, revised and corrected by some one he is not permitted to name (Preface iv.-viii.). (4) A Collection of Hymns for Children, 1808. (5) Hymns for Schools, 1832. In these collections no authors' names are given, and his own contributions, except in the case of the children's Hymns, 1790, are difficult to determine. By common consent the following, including some from the 1790 Hymns, are attributed to him:— 1. Come, Holy Ghost, the Comforter. Whitsuntide. No. 30 of his Divine Hymns for Children, 1790, in 5 st. of 4 1. and headed "A Child's Prayer to God the Holy Spirit." It was repeated in the later editions of the Divine Hymns, and is found in modern hymn books. 2. Dear Friend of friendless sinners, hear. A Prayer for Rest in God. In his Psalms & Hymns &c, 1783, No. 89, in 4 st. of 6 1., and headed "A Prayer for the promised Rest." In modern hymnbooks its use is limited. 3. Happy the children who betimes. Godly Education. No. 8 in his Divine Hymns, 1790, in 5 st. of 4 1., and headed " The Blessings of a godly Education." It was repeated in later editions, and, sometimes with the omission of st. v. in modern collections for children. 4. Lord, we raise our feeble voices. Praise to Jesus . Major, in his Book of Praise for Home & School, dates this hymn 1800. It is found in several collections for children. 5. My parents gave me, Lord. A Child's Dedication to God. No. 13 in his Divine Hymns, 1790, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines, and headed "A Child's Hymn on easy Dedication to God in Holy Baptism." It is in a few modern collections. 6. We sing His love Who once was slain. The Resurrection. Appeared in the 1796 Supplement to his Psalms & Hymns It is in American common use. 7. When Jesus first at heaven's Command. The Kingdom, of Christ exalted. Composed for the London Missionary Society, and printed in the Evangelical Magazine, 1797, vol. v. p. 263. It is appended to the author's sermon to the volunteers preached at Surrey Chapel, 1803, and was also included in the 1810 ed. of his Psalms & Hymns, No. 302, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines with the chorus, "Hail Immanuel," &c. 8. With heavenly power, 0 Lord defend. Departure of Ministers. Published in his Psalms & Hymns, 1783, No. 234, in 4 stanzas of 4 l,ines and headed "For Ministers at their Departure." In modern hymn books it is generally given in 2 stanzas. 9. Ye that in these [His] courts are found. Public Worship. This is usually attributed to R. Hill. It appeared, however, in Lady Huntingdon's Hymn Book, 1765, p. 404 (ed. 1773, p. 256), and can scarcely be his. In his Psalms & Hymns 1783. It is usually given as "Ye that in His courts," in modern collections. The person referred to as having revised the Divine Hymns, 1790, was the poet Cowper. The best known of R. Hill's hymns, "Cast thy burden on the Lord," and "Gently, my Saviour, let me down," are annotated under their respective first lines. His Life, by the Rev. E. Sidney, M.A., was published in 1834. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Dryden

1631 - 1700 Person Name: John Dryden, 1631-1700 Translator of "Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid" in Lutheran Service Book Dryden, John. The name of this great English poet has recently assumed a new importance to the students of hymns, from a claim made on his behalf in regard to a considerable body of translations from the Latin published after his death (1701), in a Primer of 1706. The discussion of this point will preclude us from giving more than an outline of his life. i. Biography.—John Dryden was the son of Erasmus, the third son of Sir Erasmus Dryden, and was born at Aid winkle, All Saints, Northants, Aug. 9, 1631. He was educated under Dr. Busby at Westminster, and entered Trip. College, Cambridge, in 1650. He took his B.A. in 1654, and resided nearly 7 years, though without a fellowship. He was of Puritan blood on both his father's and mother's side, and his training found expression in his first great poem, Heroic Stanzas on the death of Oliver Cromwell, 1658. In 1660, however, he turned, like the bulk of England, Royalist, and in his Astraea Redux, and in A Panegyric on the Coronation (1661), celebrated the Restoration. In 1663 he married Lady Elizabeth Howard. The marriage was apparently not a happy one; and there seems to be plain proof of Dryden's unfaithfulness. In 1670 he was made Poet Laureate and Historiographer Royal, and he retained these posts until the accession of William (1688). He had joined the Roman Church in 1685, and remained steadfast to it at the fall of James II. This change is of special significance, as will appear below, in regard to his translations from the Latin. It greatly straitened his means, and compelled him to great literary exertion in his closing years. He died May 18, 1701, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. The poems of Dryden show high excellence in fields widely different from another. He was for years the leader of the English stage, as a writer of tragedy, comedy, and tragi-comedy. The specialities of his plays were a large substitution of the heroic couplet for blank verse, in imitation of Corneille, plots full of exaggerated passion, intrigue, and rant, and a catchword dialogue. These features were caricatured by Buckingham and others in the Rehearsal (acted 1671). The gross immorality of his dramas has long made them unreadable; but his influence on poetry has been enduring. No metre so long dominated style as his heroic couplet, which, though inferior to Pope's in polish and precision, excels it in resonance, freedom and audacity, "The long resounding march and energy divine." He was the first to make poetry a lucid vehicle for political and religious discussion, in the Religio Laid (1682), and The Hind and Panther (1687). The finest satires in English are Absalom and Acnitophel (Part i., 1681; Part ii., 1682, to which he contributed only a portion, the rest being by Nahura Tate), The Medal, and Mac Flecknoe (1682). He gave a new energy and fulness of meaning to the work of translation through his classical reproductions, of which his Virgil is the finest specimen (published in 1697). Alexander's Feast remains one of the most brilliant English odes. His prefaces and dedications had a large influence on our prose style, and are the first material efforts in the province of poetical criticism. The salient points of his genius are a transcendent literary force continually exerting itself in fresh forms; and that narrowing of the work of poetry to matters of political, social, human interest, which ruled supreme in Pope and his followers. (See Dryden by Mr. G. Saintsbury, Men of Letters Series.) ii. Hymn Translations. — Until recently, Dryden's known contributions to hymnody consisted of only three pieces. The best known of these is the translation of “Veni Creator," published in vol. iii. of his Miscellanies, in 1693. Sir Walter Scott, in his Life of Dryden, 1808, published a translation of the "Te Deum " ("Thee Sovereign God our grateful accents praise"), and a translation of "Ut queant laxis," the hymn at Evensong for St. John the Baptist's Day (Scott calls it "St. John's Eve") ("O sylvan Prophet "). Mr. W. T. Brooke has pointed out one or two facts that slightly shake Scott's attribution of these two pieces to Dryden. He has discovered the translation of the "Te Deum” in Dodd's Christian's Magazine, 1760, contributed by J. Duncombe, and attributed to Pope. And Scott's account of the two pieces is confused. He received them from a Mrs. Jackson, who told him that they were mentioned in Butler's “Tour through Italy," and that after Butler's death they passed into the hands of the celebrated Dr. Alban, and so came to hers. They are not however mentioned in the published edition of Butler's Tour; and "Butler" and "Dr. Alban" are the same person—-Dr. Alban Butler, author of The Lives of the Saints. Alban Butler's Tour was edited and published by Charles Butler, his nephew, who also wrote a Life of Alban Butler. The confusion cannot now be unravelled: but is not enough to discredit Scott's decision, which may have rested on the handwriting. The translation of the "Te Deum" is not like Pope, and has a Drydenesque Alexandrine in it, and other marks of Dryden's manner. One great Roman Catholic poet was perhaps confused with the other. These three pieces, however, with slight variation of text, have been discovered independently by Mr. Orby Shipley and Mr. W. T. Brooke, in The Primer, or Office of the B. V. Mary, in English, 1706; and the discovery has led them to a strong conviction that the bulk of the 120 translations of Latin hymns in this book are also Dryden's. It is shown under Primers, that there are remarkable evidences of unity of hand in these translations. Is this hand Dryden's? The case for Dryden is a constructive one, and may be thus summarised:— The translation in Scott, "0 sylvan Prophet," is in a metre unknown to previous editions of the Primer; and there are altogether 11 translations generally representing Latin Sapphics, in the book in this metre. Five of these translations have a further internal link in having the same gloria, three in having another common gloria. The presumption is irresistible that they are all by the author of "0 sylvan Prophet." Again, the translation of the "Te Deum " (also in Scott) is one of 8 pieces in Dryden's great metre, which is also new to the Primers' heroic couplets. Though not linked by common glorias, the tone of all these is Drydenesque, especially the translation of "Sacris Solemniis," which has these characteristic lines, "They eat the Lamb with legal rites and gave Their mother synagogue a decent grave," and closes with an Alexandrine. The translation "Creator Spirit, by Whose aid" is followed by two others in the same metre, which have a variation (in a single word) of its gloria. The three known hymns of Dryden are thus heads of groups presumptively of the same parentage. Proceeding further in the book, the large group of 8-syllable hymns exhibits 35, which are curiously marked as by a single band through their glorias (see Primers). They have several Drydenesque phrases (e.g. "noon of night,” “gleamy white," a technical use of "yielding," “liquid," "equal"), turns of expression and cadences, and a significant link with the translation of the "Te Deum" in the term “vocal blood" (cf. "vocal tears" in 2 other translations) found in the translation of "Deus tuorum militum." This technical method of inquiry when applied still further to other groups linked by a single gloria certainly points in the same direction; Drydenisms, links with groups already named, an occasional appearance of layman freedom of expression, and in one case (“Audit tyrannus" tr.), an echo of the heroic plays, emerge. The least characteristic group is that containing translations of "Ave maris stella" and "Jesu dulcis memoria," in C.M.; and the latter translation ("Jesu, the only thought of Thee"), beautiful as it is, is in the main only the translation from the Primer of 1685 recast in C.M. But the adoption of C.M.—-a new metre in these Primers—-would be natural in one previously long familiar with the metrical Psalms; the translation of “Ave maris stella" has the recurrent use of "equal," which is a mannerism of Dryden: and the word "way " in the translation of "Jesu dulcis memoria" is used similarly in that of "Immense coeli conditor." The result of a minute investigation, purposely conducted on somewhat mechanical lines, is a presumption almost amounting to proof, that the bulk of these 120 translations are not only by the same hand, but by the hand of Dryden. A measure of doubt must however attach to the least characteristic pieces, from the following considerations:— (1) The translations of "Stabat Mater " and "Dies Irae" are reprinted from the Primer of 1687. This fact is of course not decisive against their parentage by Dryden, as it may be argued, that the Primer of 1687 also contains Dryden translations. But (2) the translation of the "Dies Irae "seems to be, notwithstanding some Drydenesque phrases, by Lord Roscommon. It is found in a text considerably varied from that of 1706 in Tate's Miscellanea Sacra 1696 and 1698); and is there attributed to Lord Roscommon. It appears also, but in a text identical with that of 1706, in Tonson's Poems by The Earl of Roscommon, 1717, which professes to give only the "truly genuine" poems of the Earl. If this translation is not Dryden's, others also may not be his. And (3) the Primer of B. V. M. in which these translations are found did not appear till five years after Dryden's death; and may have been edited by some one else. Mr. W. T. Brooke has drawn attention to variations in the text of Scott from that of the Primer; which may be accounted for by editorial revision; and the editor may have had blanks to fill in which Dryden had left. It would be most natural to suppose that the Primer would be edited by a priest; but the fact that it is difficult to say whether the text in Scott or in the Primer is the more characteristic of Dryden either points to the existence of two authentic texts of the poet, or a revision by someone thoroughly intimate with Dryden's manner, e.g. (as Mr. Brooke acutely conjectures), Charles Dryden, who may have taken his father's manuscripts with him to Rome. The argument in favour of Dryden is presented with great force and skill by Mr. Orby Shipley in the Dublin Review, October, 1884, and in the preface to his Annus Sanctus. In corroboration of the evidence given above, Mr. Shipley has collected some Roman Catholic traditions, which ascribe to Dryden "a considerable number" of Latin translations “Jesu dulcis memoria" and "Dies Irae" are said to have been translated as penances. These traditions are however very indefinite; in some cases they do not date earlier than the present century; and in some (see Preface to Annus Sanctus) they are mistaken. He seeks a further corroboration of the theory from the appearance of several of these translations in editions of The Manual of Prayers, 1750, and The Garden of the Soul, 1737. But it is shown under Primers that these books afford no real evidence on this subject. [Rev. H. Leigh Bennett, M.A.] - John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Emily Chisholm

Translator of "Jesus Christ Has Come into Capernaum" in Ecumenical Praise

Bobby Fisher

b. 1952 Person Name: Bobby Fisher, b. 1952 Author of "Bread of Life" in Glory and Praise (3rd. ed.)

Ralph Sappington

1952 - 2007 Person Name: Ralph C. Sappington, b. 1952 Composer of "[Jesus Christ our Savior]" in Evangelical Lutheran Worship

Lelia H. Waterhouse

Person Name: Lelia Waterhouse Composer of "[What if your own were starving]" in On Joyful Wing

Arthur Wilton

Composer of "[What shall be given to him who bestows]" in The Voice of Praise Pseudonym. See also Hall, J. Lincoln, 1866-1930

Steve Agrisano

Author (verses) of "Psalm 51: Be Merciful, O Lord" in Glory and Praise (3rd. ed.) Steve Agrisano is a composer, musician and youth minister. He has emceed several National Catholic Youth Conferences and leads workshops on how to integrate music into the liturgy more effectively. Dianne Shapiro (from


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