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Hymnal, Number:iph2004

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we thank You, Lord

Author: Doreen E. Newport Hymnal: IPH2004 #35 (2004) Meter: First Line: Think of a world without any flowers Topics: Creation God's World; Creation Harvest Languages: English Tune Title: GENESIS
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The wicked man's transgression speaks

Hymnal: IPH2004 #P36a (2004) Meter: Lyrics: 1 The wicked man’s transgression speaks within my heart and says, Undoubtedly the fear of God is not before his eyes. 2 Because himself he flattereth in his own blinded eyes the hatefulness shall not be found of his iniquities. 3 Words from his mouth proceeding are, fraud and iniquity: he to be wise, and to do good, hath left off utterly. 4 He mischief, lying on his bed, most cunningly doth plot: he sets himself in ways not good, ill he abhorreth not. Scripture: Psalm 36:1-4 Languages: English Tune Title: BRISTOL
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Thy mercy, Lord, is in the heavens

Hymnal: IPH2004 #P36b (2004) Meter: Lyrics: 5 Thy mercy, Lord, is in the heavens; thy truth doth reach the clouds; 6 thy justice is like mountains great; thy judgments deep as floods: Lord, thou preservest man and beast. 7 How precious is thy grace! Therefore in shadow of thy wings men’s sons their trust shall place. 8 They with the fatness of thy house shall be well satisfied; from rivers of thy pleasures thou wilt drink to them provide. 9 Because of life the fountain pure remains alone with thee; and in that purest light of thine we clearly light shall see. 10 Thy loving-kindness unto them continue that thee know; and still on men upright in heart thy righteousness bestow. 11 And suffer not the foot of pride to trample upon me; and by the hand of wicked men thrust forth let me not be. 12 There fallen to the earth are they that work iniquities: cast down they are, and never shall be able to arise. Scripture: Psalm 36:5-12 Languages: English Tune Title: LONDON NEW

Who put the colours in the rainbow?

Author: J. A. Paul Booth, 1931-1995 Hymnal: IPH2004 #36 (2004) Topics: Creation God's World; Creation Harvest Languages: English Tune Title: [Who put the colours in the rainbow]
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For evil doers fret thou not

Hymnal: IPH2004 #P37a (2004) Meter: Lyrics: 1 For evil doers fret thou not thyself unquietly; nor do thou envy bear to those that work iniquity. 2 For, even like unto the grass, soon be cut down shall they; and, like the green and tender herb they wither shall away. 3 Set thou thy trust upon the Lord, and be thou doing good; and so thou in the land shalt dwell, and verily have food. 4 Delight thyself in God; he’ll give thine heart’s desire to thee. 5 Thy way to God commit, him trust, it bring to pass shall he. 6 And, like unto the light, he shall thy righteousness display; and he thy judgment shall bring forth, like noon-tide of the day. 7 rest in the Lord, and patiently wait for him: do not fret for him who, prospering in his way, success in sin doth get. 8 Let anger cease within thy heart, and wrath forsake thou too: fret not thyself in any wise, that evil thou should’st do. 9 For those that evil-doers are shall be cut off and fall: but those that wait upon the Lord the earth inherit shall. 10 For yet a little while, and then the wicked shall not be; his place thou shalt consider well, but it thou shalt not see. 11 But by inheritance the earth the meek ones shall possess: they also shall delight themselves in an abundant peace. 12 The wicked gnashes with his teeth, and plots the just to slay; 13 the Lord shall laugh at him, because at hand he sees his day. 14 The wicked have drawn out the sword, and bent their bow, to slay the poor and needy, and to kill men of an upright way. 15 But their own sword, which they have drawn, shall enter their own heart; their bows which they have bent shall break, and into pieces part. 16 A little that a just man hath is more and better far than is the wealth of many such as vile and wicked are. 17 For sinners’ arms shall broken be; the Lord the just sustains. 18 The Lord doth know the just man’s ways; their heritage remains. 19 They shall not be ashamed when they the evil time do see; and when the days of famine are they satisfied shall be. 20 But wicked men, Jehovah's foes, as fat of lambs, decay; they shall consume, yea, into smoke they shall consume away. 21 The wicked borrows, but the same again he doth not pay: whereas the righteous mercy shows, and gives his own away. 22 For such as blessed be of him the earth inherit shall; and they that cursed are of him shall be destroyed all. 23 A good man’s footsteps by the Lord are ordered aright; and in the way wherein he walks he greatly doth delight. 24 Although he fall, yet shall he not be cast down utterly; because the Lord with his own hand upholds him mightily. 25 I have been young, and now am old, yet have I never seen the just man left, nor that his seed for bread have beggars been. 26 He’s ever merciful, and lends: his seed is blest therefore. 27 Depart from evil, and do good, and dwell for evermore. 28 For God loves judgment, and his saints leaves not in any case; they are kept ever: but cut off shall be the sinner’s race. 29 The just inherit shall the land, and ever in it dwell. 30 The just man’s mouth doth wisdom speak; his tongue doth judgment tell. 31 His God's law is within his heart; his steps slide not away. 32 The wicked man doth watch the just, and seeketh him to slay. 33 Yet him the Lord will not forsake, nor leave him in his hands: the righteous will he not condemn, when he in judgment stands. 34 Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and thee exalt shall he earth to inherit; when cut off the wicked thou shalt see. 35 I saw the wicked great in power spread like a green bay-tree: 36 he passed, yea, was not: him I sought, but found he could not be. 37 Mark thou the perfect, and behold the man of uprightness; because that surely of this man the latter end is peace. 38 But those men that transgressors are shall be destroyed together; the latter end of wicked men shall be cut off for ever. 39 But the salvation of the just is from the Lord above; he in the time of their distress their stay and strength doth prove. 40 The Lord shall help and rescue them; he shall them free and save from wicked men; because in him their confidence they have. Scripture: Psalm 37 Languages: English Tune Title: FELIX
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For evil doers fret thou not

Hymnal: IPH2004 #P37b (2004) Meter: Lyrics: 1 For evil-doers fret thou not thyself unquietly; nor do thou envy bear to those that work iniquity. 2 For, even like unto the grass, soon be cut down shall they; and, like the green and tender herb they wither shall away. 3 Set thou thy trust upon the Lord, and be thou doing good; and so thou in the land shalt dwell, and verily have food. 4 Delight thyself in God; he’ll give thine heart’s desire to thee. 5 Thy way to God commit, him trust, it bring to pass shall he. 6 And, like unto the light, he shall thy righteousness display; and he thy judgment shall bring forth, like noon-tide of the day. 7 rest in the Lord, and patiently wait for him: do not fret for him who, prospering in his way, success in sin doth get. 8 Let anger cease within thy heart, and wrath forsake, thou too: fret not thyself in any wise, that evil thou should’st do. 9 For those that evil-doers are shall be cut off and fall: but those that wait upon the Lord the earth inherit shall. 10 For yet a little while, and then the wicked shall not be; his place thou shalt consider well, but it thou shalt not see. 11 But by inheritance the earth the meek ones shall possess: they also shall delight themselves in an abundant peace. 12 The wicked gnashes with his teeth, and plots the just to slay; 13 the Lord shall laugh at him, because at hand he sees his day. 14 The wicked have drawn out the sword, and bent their bow, to slay the poor and needy, and to kill men of an upright way. 15 But their own sword, which they have drawn, shall enter their own heart; their bows which they have bent shall break, and into pieces part. 16 A little that a just man hath is more and better far than is the wealth of many such as vile and wicked are. 17 For sinners’ arms shall broken be; the Lord the just sustains. 18 The Lord doth know the just man’s ways; their heritage remains. 19 They shall not be ashamed when they the evil time do see; and when the days of famine are they satisfied shall be. 20 But wicked men, Jehovah's foes, as fat of lambs, decay; they shall consume, yea, into smoke they shall consume away. 21 The wicked borrows, but the same again he doth not pay: whereas the righteous mercy shows, and gives his own away. 22 For such as blessed be of him the earth inherit shall; and they that cursed are of him shall be destroyed all. 23 A good man’s footsteps by the Lord are ordered aright; and in the way wherein he walks he greatly doth delight. 24 Although he fall, yet shall he not be cast down utterly; because the Lord with his own hand upholds him mightily. 25 I have been young, and now am old, yet have I never seen the just man left, nor that his seed for bread have beggars been. 26 He’s ever merciful, and lends: his seed is blest therefore. 27 Depart from evil, and do good, and dwell for evermore. 28 For God loves judgment, and his saints leaves not in any case; they are kept ever: but cut off shall be the sinner’s race. 29 The just inherit shall the land, and ever in it dwell. 30 The just man’s mouth doth wisdom speak; his tongue doth judgment tell. 31 His God's law is within his heart; his steps slide not away. 32 The wicked man doth watch the just, and seeketh him to slay. 33 Yet him the Lord will not forsake, nor leave him in his hands: the righteous will he not condemn, when he in judgment stands. 34 Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and thee exalt shall he earth to inherit; when cut off the wicked thou shalt see. 35 I saw the wicked great in power spread like a green bay-tree: 36 he passed, yea, was not: him I sought, but found he could not be. 37 Mark thou the perfect, and behold the man of uprightness; because that surely of this man the latter end is peace. 38 But those men that transgressors are shall be destroyed together; the latter end of wicked men shall be cut off for ever. 39 But the salvation of the just is from the Lord above; he in the time of their distress their stay and strength doth prove. 40 The Lord shall help and rescue them; he shall them free and save from wicked men; because in him their confidence they have. Scripture: Psalm 37 Languages: English Tune Title: ST FRANCES

God in His love for us lent us this planet

Author: Frederick Pratt Green, 1903-2000 Hymnal: IPH2004 #37 (2004) Meter: Topics: Creation The Environment; Creation Harvest Languages: English Tune Title: STEWARDSHIP

Lord, bring the day to pass

Author: Ian Masson Fraser, b. 1917 Hymnal: IPH2004 #38 (2004) Meter: Topics: Creation The Environment; Creation Harvest Languages: English Tune Title: LOVE UNKNOWN
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In thy great indignation, Lord

Hymnal: IPH2004 #P38 (2004) Meter: Lyrics: 1 In thy great indignation, Lord, do thou rebuke me not; nor on me lay thy chastening hand, in thy displeasure hot. 2 For in me fast thine arrows stick, thine hand doth press me sore: 3 and in my flesh there is no health, nor soundness any more. This grief I have, because thy wrath is forth against me gone; and in my bones there is no rest, for sin that I have done. 4 Because gone o'er my head my sins and my transgressions be; and, as a weighty burden, they too heavy are for me. 5 My wounds corrupt and noisome are; my folly makes it so. 6 I troubled am, and much bowed down; all day I mourning go. 7 For a disease that loathsome is so fills my loins with pain, that in my weak and weary flesh no soundness doth remain. 8 So very feeble and infirm, and sorely crushed am I, that, through disquiet of my heart, I make loud moan and cry. 9 O Lord, before thine eyes is all that is desired by me: and of my heart the secret groans not hidden are from thee. 10 My heart doth pant incessantly, my strength doth quite decay; as for mine eyes, their wonted light is from me gone away. 11 My lovers and my friends do stand far distance from my sore; and those do stand aloof who were kinsmen and kind before. 12 Yea, they who seek my life lay snares; who seek to do me wrong speak mischief, and deceitful things imagine all day long. 13 But, as one deaf that heareth not, I suffered all to pass; I as a dumb man did become, whose mouth not opened was: 14 As one that hears not, in whose mouth are no reproofs at all. 15 For, Lord, I hope in thee; my God, thou'lt hear me when I call. 16 For I said, Hear me, lest they should rejoice o’er me with pride; and o’er me magnify themselves, what time my foot doth slide. 17 Because I ready am to halt, my grief I ever see: 18 for I'll declare my sin, and grieve for mine iniquity. 19 But yet my foes are full of life, and strong are they beside; and they that hate me wrongfully are greatly multiplied. 20 And they for good that render ill as enemies me withstood; yea, even for this, because that I do follow what is good. 21 Forsake me not, O Lord; my God, far from me never be. 22 O Lord, thou my salvation art, haste to give help to me. Scripture: Psalm 38 Languages: English Tune Title: WINDSOR (DUNDEE)
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I said, I will look to my ways

Hymnal: IPH2004 #P39a (2004) Meter: Lyrics: 1 I said, I will look to my ways, lest with my tongue I sin: in sight of wicked men my mouth with bridle I’ll keep in. 2 With silence I as dumb became, I did myself restrain even from good; but then the more increased was my pain. 3 My heart within me waxed hot, and, while I mused long, a fire within me kindled was; then spake I with my tongue. 4 Mine end and measure of my days, O Lord, unto me show what is the same; that I thereby how frail I am may know. 5 Lo, thou my days an handbreadth mad’st; mine age is nought with thee: sure each man in his best estate is wholly vanity. 6 Sure each man walks in a vain show; they vex themselves in vain: he heaps up wealth, and doth not know to whom it shall pertain. 7 And now, O Lord, what wait I for? My hope is fixed on thee. 8 Free me from all my trespasses, the fool’s scorn make not me. 9 Dumb was I, opening not my mouth, because this work is thine. 10 O, take thy stroke away from me; by thy hand's blow I pine. 11 When with rebukes thou dost correct man for iniquity, like moth thou dost his beauty waste: each man is vanity. 12 Regard my cry, Lord, at my tears and prayers not silent be: I sojourn as my fathers all, and stranger am with thee. 13 O spare thou me, that I my strength recover may again, before that hence I do depart, and here no more remain. Scripture: Psalm 39 Languages: English Tune Title: ST MARY


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