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Hymnal, Number:sbsa1986

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Showing 241 - 250 of 1,213Results Per Page: 102050

Come, thou everlasting Spirit

Author: Charles Wesley (1707-88) Appears in 81 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come, thou everlasting Spirit, Bring to every thankful mind All the Saviour’s dying merit, All his sufferings for mankind. 2 True Recorder of his passion, Now the living faith impart; Now reveal his great salvation; Preach his gospel to my heart. 3 Come, thou Witness of his dying; Come, remembrancer divine! Let us feel thy power, applying Christ to every soul, and mine. 4 Let us groan thine inward groaning, Look on him we pierced, and grieve; All receive the grace atoning, All the sprinkled blood receive. Topics: The Holy Spirit Person and purpose

We adore thee, heavenly Father

Author: John Gowans Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: For the mighty moving of thy Spirit Topics: The Holy Spirit Person and purpose

Jesus is glorified

Author: Charles Wesley (1707-88) Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Jesus is glorified And gives the Comforter, His Spirit, to reside In all his servants here; The Holy Ghost to man is given: Rejoice in God sent down from Heaven. 2 To make an end of sin And Satan’s work destroy, He brings his Kingdom in, Peace, righteousness and joy; The Holy Ghost to man is given: Rejoice in God sent down from Heaven. 3 The cleansing blood to apply, The heavenly life display, And wholly sanctify And seal us to that day; The Holy Ghost to man is given: Rejoice in God sent down from Heaven. 4 Sent down to make us meet To see his glorious face, And grant us each a seat In that thrice happy place; The Holy Ghost to man is given: Rejoice in God sent down from Heaven. Topics: The Holy Spirit Person and purpose

Lord God, the Holy Ghost

Author: James Montgomery (1771-1854) Appears in 272 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Lord God, the Holy Ghost, In this accepted hour, As on the day of Pentecost, Descend with all thy power. 2 We meet with one accord In our appointed place, And wait the promise of our Lord, The Spirit of all grace. 3 Like mighty rushing wind Upon the waves beneath, Move with one impulse every mind, One soul, one feeling breathe. 4 The young, the old inspire With wisdom from above; And give us hearts and tongues of fire To pray and praise and love. 5 Spirit of light explore, And chase our gloom away, With lustre shining more and more Unto the perfect day. 6 Spirit of truth, be thou In life and death our guide; O Spirit of adoption, now May we be sanctified. Topics: The Holy Spirit Person and purpose

O Holy Ghost, on thee we wait

Author: Will J. Brand (1889-1977) Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: The Holy Spirit Person and purpose

Come, Holy Ghost, all-quickening fire

Author: Charles Wesley (1707-88) Appears in 36 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come, Holy Ghost, all-quickening fire, Come, and in me delight to rest; Drawn by the lure of strong desire, O come and consecrate my breast; The temple of my soul prepare, And fix thy sacred presence there. 2 If now thy influence I feel, If now in thee begin to live, Still to my heart thyself reveal, Give me thyself, for ever give; A point my good, a drop my store, Eager I ask, I pant for more. 3 My peace, my life, my comfort thou, My treasure and my all thou art; True witness of my sonship, now Engraving pardon on my heart, Seal of my sin in Christ forgiven, Earnest of love, and pledge of Heaven. 4 Come, then, my God, mark out thine heir; Of Heaven a larger earnest give; With clearer light thy witness bear, More sensibly within me live; Let all my powers thine entrance feel, And deeper stamp thyself the seal. Topics: The Holy Spirit Indwelling

Come, Holy Ghost, all sacred fire

Author: Francis Bottome (1823-94) Appears in 11 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come, Holy Ghost, all sacred fire! Come, fill this earthly temple now Emptied of every base desire, Reign thou within, and only thou. 2 Fill every chamber of my soul; Fill all my thoughts, my passions fill, Till under thy supreme control Submissive rests my cheerful will. 3 ‘Tis done! Thou dost this moment come; My longing soul is all thine own, My heart is thy abiding home; Henceforth I live for thee alone. 4 The altar sanctifies the gift; The blood insures the boon divine; My outstretched hands to Heaven I lift And claim the Father’s promise mine. Topics: The Holy Spirit Indwelling

Come, Holy Spirit, thou guest of the soul

Author: Albert Mingay Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Come, Holy Spirit, thou guest of the soul, Make thine abode in me; Bring in the calm thy sweet presence bestows, Let me thy temple be. Come to my heart today, Come to my heart today, Rekindle the glow and the glory bestow, Come to my heart today. 2 Come, Holy Spirit, companion divine, Walk with me in life’s way; By thy rich fellowship confidence give, Walk thou with me today. Walk thou with me today, Walk thou with me today, Rekindle the glow and the glory bestow, Walk thou with me today. 3 Come, Holy Spirit, thy guidance we crave; Speak out thy will we pray; We would be sensitive to thy control; Speak to our hearts today. Speak to our hearts today, Speak to our hearts today, Rekindle the glow and the glory bestow, Speak to our hearts today. Topics: The Holy Spirit Indwelling

Come, thou all-inspiring Spirit

Author: Charles Wesley (1707-88) Appears in 18 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Come, thou all-inspiring Spirit, Into every longing heart! Won for us by Jesus’ merit, Now thy blissful self impart; Sign our uncontested pardon, Wash us in the atoning blood; Make our hearts a watered garden, Fill our spotless souls with God. 2 If thou gav’st the enlarged desire Which for thee we ever feel, Now our panting souls inspire, Now our cancelled sin reveal; Claim us for thy habitation, Dwell within our hallowed breast; Seal us heirs of full salvation, Fitted for our heavenly rest. 3 Give us quietly to tarry, Till for all thy glory meet, Waiting, like attentive Mary, Happy at the Saviour’s feet. Keep us from the world unspotted, From all earthly passions free, Wholly to thyself devoted, Fixed to live and die for thee. 4 Wrestling on in mighty prayer, Lord, we will not let thee go Till thou all thy mind declare, All thy grace on us bestow; Peace, the seal of sin forgiven, Joy and perfect love impart; Present everlasting Heaven, All thou hast and all thou art. Topics: The Holy Spirit Indwelling

Descend, O Holy Spirit, thou

Author: Arnold Brown Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 Descend, O Holy Spirit, thou, In sweet accord we wait for thee; Our Babel stilled, new words impart That echo thy divinity; Love’s language by the heart expressed, By heart received and Spirit blessèd. 2 O Sound of mighty, rushing wind, Wake us, we pray, to larger life; O Tongue of flame, come, purify From all that genders inward strife, The pulse of passion stir again, Thy power within our lives remain. 3 Breathe in our souls, O Breath divine, And sanctify what should’st be thine; Since gain comes not except by lass, Empower us to sustain our cross, And, like thy Spirit, gladly given, Lead men to truth and joy and Heaven. Topics: The Holy Spirit Indwelling


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