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Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow

Author: J. Borthwick Hymnal: The Church Hymnal #543 (1920) Topics: General Home and Personal Use Lyrics: 1 Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow Of the sad heart that comes to Thee for rest; Cares of today, and burdens of tomorrow, Blessings implored, and sins to be confest; We come before Thee at Thy gracious word, And lay them at Thy feet: Thou knowest, Lord. 2 Thou knowest all the past; how long and blindly On the dark mountains the lost wand'rer strayed; How the Good Shepherd followed, and how kindly He bore it home, upon His shoulders laid; And healed the bleeding wounds, and soothed the pain, And brought back life, and hope, and strength again. 3 Thou knowest all the present; each temptation, Each toilsome duty, each foreboding fear; All to each one assigned, of tribulation, Or to beloved ones, than self more dear; All pensive mem'ries, as we journey on, Longings for vanished smiles and voices gone. 4 Thou knowest all the future; gleams of gladness By stormy clouds too quickly overcast; Hours of sweet fellowship and parting sadness, And the dark river to be crossed at last. O what could hope and confidence afford To tread that path, but this? Thou knowest, Lord. 5 Thou knowest, not alone as God, all-knowing; As Man, our mortal weakness Thou hast proved; On earth, with purest sympathies o'erflowing, O Saviour, Thou hast wept, and Thou hast loved; And love and sorrow still to Thee may come, And find a hiding-place, a rest, a home. 6 Therefore we come, Thy gentle call obeying, And lay our sins and sorrows at Thy feet; On everlasting strength our weakness staying, Clothed in Thy robe of righteousness complete: Then rising and refreshed we leave Thy throne, And follow on to know as we are known. Languages: English Tune Title: GRASMERE
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I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew

Author: Anon. Hymnal: The Church Hymnal #544 (1920) Topics: General Home and Personal Use Lyrics: 1 I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew He moved my soul to seek Him, seeking me; It was not I that found, O Saviour true; No, I was found of Thee. 2 Thou didst reach forth Thy hand and mine enfold; I walked and sank not on the storm-vexed sea 'Twas not so much that I on Thee took hold, As Thou, dear Lord, on me. 3 I find, I walk, I love, but O the whole Of love is but my answer, Lord, to Thee; For Thou wert long beforehand with my soul, Always Thou lovedst me. Languages: English Tune Title: ARTAVIA
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We would see Jesus; for the shadows lengthen

Author: E. Ellis Hymnal: The Church Hymnal #545 (1920) Topics: General Home and Personal Use Lyrics: 1 We would see Jesus; for the shadows lengthen Across this little landscape of our life; We would see Jesus, our weak faith to strengthen For the last weariness, the final strife. 2 We would see Jesus, the great rock foundation Whereon our feet were set by sovereign grace: Nor life nor death, with all their agitation, Can thence remove us, if we see His face. 3 We would see Jesus: other lights are paling, Which for long years we have rejoiced to see; The blessings of our pilgrimage are failing: We would not morn them, for we go to Thee. 4 We would see Jesus; yet the the spirit lingers Round the dear objects it has loved so long, And earth from earth can scarce unclasp its fingers; Our love to Thee makes not this love less strong. 5 We would see Jesus: sense is all too binding, And heaven appears too dim, too far away; We would see Thee, Thyself our hearts reminding What Thou hast suffered, our great debt to pay. 6 We would see Jesus: this is all we're needing; Strength, joy, and willingness come with the sight; We would see Jesus, dying, risen, pleading; Then welcome day, and farewell mortal night. Languages: English Tune Title: VISIO DOMINI
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My God, I thank Thee Who hast made

Author: A. A. Procter Hymnal: The Church Hymnal #546 (1920) Topics: General Home and Personal Use Lyrics: 1 My God, I thank Thee, Who hast made The earth so bright; So full of splendour and of joy, Beauty and light; So many glorious things are here, Noble and right. 2 I thank Thee too that Thou hast Joy to abound; So many gentle thoughts and deeds Circling us around. That in the darkest spot of earth Some love is found. 3 I thank Thee more that all our joy Is touched with pain; That shadows fall on brightest hours; That thorns remain; So that earth's bliss may be our guide, And not our chain. 4 For Thou Who knowest, Lord, how soon Our weak heart clings, Hast given us joys, tender and true, Yet all with wings; So that we see, gleaming on high, Diviner things. 5 I thank Thee, Lord that Thou has kept The best in store; We have enough, yet not too much To long for more: A yearning for a deeper peace, Not known before. 6 I thank Thee, Lord, that here our souls, Though amply blest, Can never find, although they seek, A perfect rest; Nor ever shall, until they lean On Jesus' breast. Languages: English Tune Title: WENTWORTH
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My Jesus, as Thou wilt!

Author: J. Borthwick; B. Schmolck Hymnal: The Church Hymnal #547 (1920) Topics: General Home and Personal Use Lyrics: 1 My Jesus, as Thou wilt! O may Thy will be mine! In to Thy hand of love I would my all resign; Through sorrow or through joy Conduct me as Thine own, And help me still to say, My Lord, Thy will be done. 2 My Jesus, as Thou wilt! Tho' seen through many a tear, Let not my star of hope Grow dim or disappear; Since Thou on earth hast wept, And sorrowed oft alone, If I must weep with Thee, My Lord, Thy will be done! 3 My Jesus, as Thou wilt! All shall be well for me; Each changing future scene I gladly trust with Thee: Straight to my home above I travel calmly on, And sing in life or death, My Lord, Thy will be done! Languages: English Tune Title: BROUGHTON
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Thou art my hiding-place, O Lord

Author: T. Raffles Hymnal: The Church Hymnal #548 (1920) Topics: General Home and Personal Use Lyrics: 1 Thou art my hiding-place, O Lord, In Thee I put my trust; Encouraged by Thy holy word, A feeble child of dust: I have no argument beside, I urge no other plea; And 'tis enough my Saviour died, My Saviour died for me. 2 When storms of fierce temptation beat, And furious foes assail, My refuge is the mercy-seat, My hope within the veil. From strife of tongues and bitter words My spirit flies to Thee: Joy to my heart the thought affords, My Saviour died for me. 3 'Mid trials heavy to be borne, When mortal strength is vain, A heart with grief and anguish torn, A body racked with pain, Ah! what could give the sufferer rest, Bid every murmur flee, But this, the witness in my breast That Jesus died for me? Languages: English Tune Title: CHESTER
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He leads us on by paths we did not know

Author: H. O. Wiley Hymnal: The Church Hymnal #549 (1920) Topics: General Home and Personal Use Lyrics: 1 He leads us on by paths we did not know; Upward He leads us, though our steps be slow; Though oft we faint and falter on the way, Tho' storms and darkness oft obscure the day, Yet, when the clouds are gone, We know He leads us on. 2 He leads us on through all the unquiet years; Past all our dreamland hopes, and doubts, and fears He guides our steps; through all the tangled maze Of losses, sorrows, and o'erclouded days We know His will is done, And still He leads us on. 3 And He, at last, after the weary strife, After the restless fever we call life, After the dreariness, the aching pain, The wayward struggles which have proved in vain, After our toils are past, Will give us rest at last. Languages: English Tune Title: ZENNOR
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Father, I know that all my life

Author: A. L. Waring Hymnal: The Church Hymnal #550 (1920) Topics: General Home and Personal Use Lyrics: 1 Father, I know that all my life Is portioned out for me; And the changes that are sure to come, I do not fear to see: But I ask Thee for a present mind, Intent on pleasing Thee. 2 I ask Thee for a thoughtful love Through constant watching wise, To meet the glad with joyful smiles And to wipe the weeping eyes; And a heart at leisure from itself To soothe and sympathize. 3 I would not have the restless will That hurries to and fro, Seeking for some great thing to do, Or secret thing to know; I would be treated as a child, And guided where I go. 4 Wherever in the world I am, In whatsoe'er estate, I have a fellowship with hearts To keep and cultivate; And a work of lowly love to do For the Lord on whom I wait. 5 So I ask Thee for the daily strength, To none that ask denied, And a mind to blend with outward life, While keeping at Thy side; Content to fill a little space, If Thou be glorified. 6 In a service which Thy will appoints There are no bonds for me; For my inmost heart is taught the truth That makes Thy children free; And a life of self-renouncing love Is a life of liberty. Languages: English Tune Title: SLINGSBY
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Take my life, and let it be

Author: F. R. Havergal Hymnal: The Church Hymnal #551 (1920) Topics: General Home and Personal Use Lyrics: 1 Take my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; Take my moments and my days; Let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my hands, and let them move At the impulse of Thy love; Take my feet, and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee. 3 Take my voice, and let me sing Always, only, for my King; Take my lips, and let them be Filled with messages from Thee. Take my silver and my gold, Not a mite would I withhold; Take my intellect, and use Every power as Thou shalt choose. 5 Take my will, and make it Thine; It shall be no longer mine; Take my heart, it is Thine own; It shall be Thy royal throne. Take my love; my Lord, I pour At Thy feet its treasure store: Take myself, and I will be, Ever, only, all, for Thee. Languages: English Tune Title: IVES
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Lord, it belongs not to my care

Author: R. Baxter Hymnal: The Church Hymnal #552 (1920) Topics: General Home and Personal Use Lyrics: 1 Lord, it belongs not to my care Whether I die or live; To love and serve Thee is my share, And this Thy grace must give. 2 If life be long, O make me glad The longer to obey; If short, no labourer is sad To end his toilsome day. 3 Christ leads me thro' no darker rooms Than He went through before; And he that to God's kingdom comes Must enter by this door. 4 Come, Lord, when grace hath made me meet Thy blessed face to see: For if Thy work on earth be sweet, What will Thy glory be? 5 Then I shall end my sad complaints And weary, sinful days, And join with the triumphant saints That sing my Saviour's praise. 6 My knowledge of that life is small, The eye of faith is dim; But 'tis enough that Christ knows all, And I shall be with Him. Languages: English Tune Title: HOLY TRINITY


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