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Scripture:Psalm 107:17-22

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Showing 31 - 40 of 93Results Per Page: 102050

Song: I Cry Out

Author: Craig Musseau, b. 1965 Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107 First Line: I cry out for your hand of mercy to heal me Topics: Blessing; Church Year Easter; Elements of Worship Baptism; Elements of Worship Lord's Supper; Elements of Worship Praise and Adoration; Elements of Worship Testimony; Fear; God as Deliverer; God's Sorrow; God's Sovereignty; God's Wonders; God's Deeds; God's Faithfulness; God's Goodness; God's Love; God's People (flock, sheep); God's Promise of Redemption; Gratitude; Life Stages Children; Love; Mercy; Poverty; Prayer; Return from Exile; Salvation; Ten Commandments 3rd Commandment (do not take the name of the Lord in vain); The Needy; Victory; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, October 30-November 5; Year B, Lent, 4th Sunday; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 19-25 (if after Trinity Sunday); Year C, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, July 31-August 6 Used With Tune: [I cry out for your hand of mercy to heal me]

Is There a Word from the Lord?

Author: Glenn E. Burleigh, 1949-2007 Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107:20 Topics: Encouragement; Healing; Petition, Prayer; Salvation; Sickness; Word of God; Gospel Used With Tune: [Is there a word from the Lord?]

Thanks Be to God Our Savior

Author: David J. Diephouse Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107 Topics: Epiphany & Ministry of Christ; Love God's Love to Us; Sickness & Health; Epiphany & Ministry of Christ; Lord's Supper; Love God's Love to Us; Poverty; Sickness & Health; Thanksgiving & Gratitude; Wisdom Used With Tune: GENEVAN 107

Psalm 107:1-9, 33-43

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107 First Line: Give thanks to the Lord for steadfast love Refrain First Line: Give thanks to the Lord for steadfast love Lyrics: Response: (General) Give thanks to the Lord for steadfast love, for all God's wonderful works. Topics: Psalter Used With Tune: [Give thanks to the Lord for steadfast love]
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The Goodness of the LORD

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107 First Line: O to Jehovah give ye thanks Lyrics: [1 To Captives and Travellers.] 1 O To JEHOVAH give ye thanks, because most good is He, Because his mercy doth endure ev'n to eternity. 2 Let the redeemed of the LORD thus of his mercy say; Whom He hath from the hand of foes redeem'd and brought away. 3 From all the lands wherein they were dispersed and distress'd, Hath gather'd from the north, the sea, the east and from the west. 4 They wandred thro' the wilderness in an untrodden way; No habitable town they found, nor place wherein to stay. 5 With hunger were they famished, with thirst extremely dry; Their souls were in them overwhelm'd. and ready were to die. 6 But then they to JEHOVAH cry'd in their extreme distress; And He them set at liberty from all their anguishes. 7 For then along He led them in a right tho' trackless way, Glad to a town inhabited, where they might safely stay. 8 O that men would JEHOVAH praise for his great goodness then, And for his many wondrous works wrought for the sons of men. 9 For he the thirsty, longing soul refreshing satisfies: And He the hungry soul with good ev'n to the full supplies. [2 To Prisoners] 10 Such as shut up, in darkness dwell, and in death's shade abide; Who are in great affliction bound, and fast in irons ty'd. 11 Because against the words of God they did as rebels rise, And counsels of the highest One did daringly despise: 12 Therefore with slavish labour He their hearts brought wholly down: Under their burthens down they fell, and helper there was none. 13 But then they to JEHOVAH cry in their extreme distress; And He them sets at liberty, from all their anguishes. 14 He them out of their darkness brought, and from death's shade He took; And all the chains which bound them fast He all to pieces broke. 15 O that men would JEHOVAH praise for his great goodness then, And for his many wondrous works wrought for the sons of men. 16 For He hath into shivers broke the gates of solid brass, Asunder cut the iron bars, and let the pris'ners pass. [3 To the Sick] 17 Fools for their bold iniquities, and sins, afflicted are: 18 Their souls ail meat abhor, and they to gates of death draw near. 19 But then they to JEHOVAH cry in their extreme distress; And He them sets at liberty from all their anguishes. 20 He sent his word of sov'reign pow'r, and to them healing gave; And graciously deliver'd them from death and from the grave. 21 O that men would JEHOVAH praise for his great goodness then, And for his many wondrous works wrought for the sons of men. 22 And of their thanks the sacrifice let them with pleasure bring; And while his works they tell abroad, with gladness shout and sing. [4 To those who go to Sea] 23 All those who down into the seas in floating ships descend, And venture on the waters great their business to attend; 24 They there JEHOVAH's mighty works with waking eyes behold, And in the moving deeps they see his wonders manifold. 25 For He commands, and instantly the stormy winds arise, Which drive the swelling waves along, and raise them to the skies. 26 They mount to heav'n, and down they row! to dreadful depths again; Their souls quite faint and melt away with anxiousness and pain. 27 As drunkards stagger to and fro, they reel, with tempests toss'd; They are as men of sense bereft, and all their skill is lost, 28 But then they to JEHOVAH cry in their extreme distress, And He then brings them speedily from all their anguishes. 29 He turns the storm into a calm, at his almighty will; So that the raging waves thereof grow peaceable and still. 30 Then they rejoyce, because at rest they find themselves to be: So them He to the haven brings, which they had long'd to see. 31 O that men would JEHOVAH praise, for his great goodness then And for his many wondrous works, wrought for the sons of men. 32 In all the congregations great Him let them highly raise; And where th' assembled elders sit unite to spread his praise. [5 To Husbandmen] 33 He to a desart turns a land, where rivers did abound; And where the springs of water flow'd, into a thirsty ground. 34 A fruitful land to barrenness He turns because of sin, For the provoking wickedness of those who dwell therein. 35 Then He the barren wilderness with pools enriching fills, And turns the dry and thirsty land to springs and flowing rills. 36 And there for dwelling He a place does to the hungry give; Where they may social towns prepare, and pleasantly may live. 37 Where they may fruitful vineyards plant, and sow the fertile fields, And may receive the rich increase, which ev'ry harvest yields. 38 Yea He so greatly blesses them; He multiplies their race, And in his goodness suffers not their cattle to decrease. 39 And when they are diminished, and for their sins brought low. Beneath oppression, tyranny and grief are made to bow; 40 Then He on princes pours contempt, and causes them to stray, And wander in a wilderness wherein they find no way. 41 But He from deep affliction makes the poor on high to rise, And like to multiplying flocks He makes their families. 42 All this the righteous shall behold, and will rejoyce to view: But all, asham'd, shall stop their mouths, who wickedness will do. 43 Whoso is wise and will observe these things attentively, He shall the goodness of the LORD with pleasing wonder see.

O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107 Topics: Prose Psalms Used With Tune: [O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good] (Crotch)
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Confitemini Dom.

Author: W. K. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107 First Line: Give thanks unto the Lord our God Lyrics: 1 Give thanks unto the Lord our God, for gracious is he: And that his mercy hath no end all mortall men may see. 2 Such as the Lord redeemed hath with thanks shall praise his Name! And shew how they from foes were freed and how he wrought the same. 3 He gathered them forth of the lands that lay so farre about: From East to West, from North to South his hand did find them out. 4 They wandered in the wildernesse, and strayed from the way: And found no city where to dwell, that serve might for their stay. 5 Whose thirst and hunger was so great in these desarts so void: That faintnesse did them so assault, and eke soules annoid. 6 Then did they cry in their distresse unto the Lord for aid: Who did remove their troublous state according as they praid. 7 And by the way which was most right he led them like a guide: That they might to a City go, and there also abide. 8 Let men therefore before the Lord confesse his kindnesse then: And shew the wonders that he doth before the sonnes of men. 9 For he their empty soul sustain'd whom thirst had made to faint: Their hungry souls with goodnesse fed, and did them eke acquaint. 10 Such as do dwell in darknesse deep, where they on death do wait, Fast bound to tast such troublous stormes as iron chaines do threat. The second Part. 11 for that against the Lords own words they fought so to did rebell: Esteeming light his counsels high, which do so farre excell. 12 But when he humbled them full low, then they fell down with grief: And none was found so much to help, whereby to get relief. 13 Then they did cry in their distresse unto the Lord for aid: Who did remove their troublous state according as they praid. 14 For he from darknes out them brought and from deaths dreadfull shade: Bursting with force the iron bands which them before did lade: 15 Let men therefore before the Lord confesse his kindnesse then: And shew the wonders that the doth, before the sonnes of men. 16 For he threw down the gates of brass and brake them with strong hand: The iron barres he smote in two nothing could him withstand. 17 The foolish folk great plagues do feele and cannot from them wend: But heap on more to those they have, because they do offend. 18 Their souls so much did loath all meat that none they could abide: Whereby death had them almost caught, as they full truly tri'd. 19 Then did they cry in their distresse unto the Lord for aid: Who did remove their troublous state, according as they praid. 20 For then he sent to them his word, which health did soon restore: And brought them from those dangers deep, wherein they were before. The third Part. 21 Let men therefore before the Lord confesse his kindnesse then: And shew the wonders that he doth before the sonnes of men. 22 And let them offer sacrifice with thanks, and also serve: And speake of all his wondrous works with glad and joyfull cheare. 23 Such as in ships and brittle barks unto the seas descend: Their merchandise through fearful flouds to compasse and to end. 24 Those men are forced to behold the Lords works what they be: And in the dangerous deep the same most marvellous they see. 25 For at his word the stormy wind ariseth in a rage: And stirreth up the surges so that nought can them asswage. 26 Then they are lifted up so high the clouds they seem to gaine: And plunging down the depth untill their soules consume with paine. 27 And like a drunkard to and fro now here, now there they reel: As men with feare of wit bereft, and had no sense to feel. 28 Then did they cry in their distresse, unto the Lord for aid: Who did remove their troublous state, according as they praid. 29 For with his word the Lord doth make the sturdy stormes to cease: So that the great waves from their rage, are brought to rest and peace. 30 Then are men glad when rest is come, which they so much did crave: And are by him in haven brought, which they so faine would have. The fourth Part: 31 Let men therefore before the Lord confesse his kindnesse then: And shew the wonders that he doth before the sonnes of men. 32 Let them in presence of the folk with praise extoll his Name: And where the Elders do convent, there let them do the same. 33 For running flouds to drie desarts he doth oft change and turn: And drieth up as it were dust the springing well and bourn. 34 A fruitfull land with pleasure deck'd full barren does he make When on their sinnes that dwell therein he does just vengeance take. 35 Againe the wildernesse full rude he maketh fruit to beare: With pleasant springs of water cleare, though none before were there. 36 Wherein such hungry soules are set, as he hath freely chuse: That they a City migh them build, to dwell in for their use. 37 That they may sow their pleasant land and vineyards also plant To yield them fruits of such increase. as none may seeme to want. 38 They multiply exceedingly, the Lord does blesse them so: Who doth also the bruit beasts make in number great to grow. 39 But when the faithfull are low brought by the oppressors stout: And minish do through many plagues that compasse them about. 40 Then doth he Princes bring to shame, which did them sore oppresse: And likewise caused them to erre within the wildernesse. 41 But yet the poore he raiseth up out of his troubles deep: And oft times doth their traine augment much like a flock of sheep. 42 The righteous shall behold this sight, and also much rejoyce: Whereas the wicked and perverse with griefe shall stop their voice. 43 But who is wise? that now full well he may these things record? For certainly such shall perceive the kindnesse of the Lord.

Den gracias al Señor (Give thanks to the Lord)

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107 Topics: 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time B; 12º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario B Used With Tune: [Den gracias al Señor]

We Plough the Fields and Scatter

Author: Matthias Claudius (1740-1815); Jane Montgomery Campbell (1817-1878) Meter: D with refrain Appears in 457 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107 Lyrics: 1 We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land, but it is fed and watered by God's almighty hand; he sends the snow in winter, the warmth to swell the grain, the breezes and the sunshine, and soft refreshing rain. Refrain: All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above; then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord for all his love. 2 He only is the maker of all things near and far; he paints the wayside flower, he lights the evening star. The winds and waves obey him; by him the birds are fed; much more to us, his children, he gives our daily bread. [Refrain] 3 We thank thee, then, O Father, for all things bright and good, the seed-time and the harvest, our life, our health, our food. Accept the gifts we offer for all thy love imparts, and, what thou most desirest, our humble, thankful hearts. [Refrain] Topics: Rogation Days; Harvest Thanksgiving Used With Tune: WIR PFLÜGEN

What Wondrous Love Is This

Meter: Appears in 252 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 107 First Line: What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul Lyrics: 1 What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul! What wondrous love is this, O my soul! What wondrous love is this that caused the Lord of bliss to bear the dreadful curse for my soul, for my soul, to bear the dreadful curse for my soul! 2 When I was sinking down, sinking down, sinking down, when I was sinking down, sinking down, when I was sinking down beneath God's righteous frown, Christ laid aside his crown for my soul, for my soul, Christ laid aside his crown for my soul. 3 To God and to the Lamb I will sing, I will sing; to God and to the Lamb I will sing; to God and to the Lamb, who is the great I AM while millions join the theme, I will sing, I will sing, while millions join the theme, I will sing. 4 And when from death I'm free, I'll sing on, I'll sing on, and when from death I'm free, I'll sing on. And when from death I'm free I'll sing and joyful be, and through eternity I'll sing on, I'll sing on, and through eternity I'll sing on. Topics: Thanksgiving; Adoration; Forgiveness; Jesus, the Lamb; Lent (season); Salvation/Redemption Used With Tune: WONDROUS LOVE Text Sources: General Selection of the Newest and Most Admired Hymns and Spiritual Songs Now in Use, 1811, alt.


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