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Scripture:Psalm 50:1-6

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Deus Deorum

Author: W. W. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 50 First Line: The mighty God Lyrics: 1 The mighty God, th'Eternal hath thus spoke, And all the world he will call and provoke. E'en from the East, and so forth to the West. 2 From toward Sion, which place he liketh best: God will appeare in beauty most excellent Our God will come before long time be spent. 3 Devouring fire shall go before his face: A great tempest shall round about him trace. 4 Then shall he call the earth and heavens bright, To judge his folk with equity and right. 5 Saying to to, and now my saints assemble: My pact they keep, their gifts do not dissemble. 6 The heavens shall declare his righteousnesse, For God is Judge of all things more and lesse, 7 Heare my people, for I will now reveale: List Israel, I will thee nought conceale: Thy God, thy God am I and will not blame thee, 8 For giving not all manner offrings to me. 9 I have no need to take of thee at all, Goats of thy fold, or Calfe out of thy stall: 10 For all the beasts are mine within the woods: On thousand hills cattell are mine own goods. 11 I know for mine all birds that are on mountaines: All beasts are mine, which haunt the fields and fountaines. 12 Hungry if I were, I would not thee it tell: For all is mine that in the world doth dwell. 13 Eat I the flesh of great Bulls or Bullocks? Or drink the blood of Goats, and of the flocks? 14 Offer to God praise and hearty thanksgiving: And pay thy vowes unto God ever-living. 15 Call upon me, when troubled thou shalt be: Then will I help, and thou shalt honoru me. 16 To the wicked, thus saith th'Eternal God: Why dost thou preach my lawes and hests abroad? 17 Seeing thou hast them with thy mouth abused, And hat'st to be by discipline reformed. My words, I say, thou dost reject and hate, 18 If that thou see a thiefe as with thy mate, Thou run'st with him, and so your prey do seek: And art all one with bawds amd riffoams ele. 19 Thou giv'st thy selfe to back bites and to slander: And how thy tongue deceives, it is a wonder. 20 Thou sittest musing, thy brother how to blame: And how to put thy mother's sonne to shame. 21 These things thou didst and whilst I held my tongue, Thou didst me judge, because I staid so long, Like to thy selfe: yet though I kept long silence, Once shalt thou feel of thy wrongs just recompence. 22 Consider this, ye that forget the Lord: And feare not when he threatneth with his word: Lest without help I spoile you as a prey: 23 But he that thanks offer'th, praiseth me aye, Saith the Lord God, and he that walketh this trace, I will him teach God's saving health to imbrace. Used With Tune: [The mighty God]
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Deus Deorum

Author: J. H. Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 50 First Line: The God of gods, the Lord Lyrics: 1 The God of gods, the Lord, hath cal'd the earth by name: From whence the Sun doth rise, unto the setting of the same. 2 From Sion his faire place, his glory bright and cleare, The perfect beauty of his grace, from thence it did appeare, 3 Our God shall come in haste, to speake he shall not doubt: Before him shall the fire wast, and tempest round about. 4 The heavens from on high, the earth below likewise He will call forth, to judge and trie, his fok he doth devise. 5 Bring forth my Saints, saith he, my faithfull flock most deare: Which are in band and league with me, my law to love and feare. 6 And when these thins are tride, the heavens shall record, That God is just and all must bide the judgement of the Lord. 7 My people O give heed, Israel to thee I cry: I am thy God, thy help at need, thou canst it not deny. 8 I do not say to thee, thy sacrifice is slack: Thou offer'\est daily unto me much more than I do lack. 9 Think'st thou that I do need thy cattel young or old? Or els so much delight to feed on Goats out of thy fold? 10 Nay, all the beasts are mine, in woods that eat their fills: And thousand more of neat and kine that run wild on the hills: The second Part: 11 The birds that build on hie, in hils and out of sight: And beasts that in the fields do lie, are subject to my might. 12 Then though I hungered sore, what need I ought of thine? Sitj that the earth with her great store. and all therein is mine? 13 To Buls flesh have I mind. to eat it dost thou think? Or such a sweetnesse do I find the blood of Goats to drink? 14 Give to the Lord his praise, with thanks to him apply: And see thou pay thy vowes alwaoes unto the God most hie. 15 Then seek and call to me, when ought would work thee blame; And I will sure deliver thee, that thou maist praise my Name. 16 But to the wicked traine, which talk of God each day: And yet their works are foule and vaine, to them the Lord will say> 17 With what face darest thou my word once speak or name? Why do thy talk my law allow? thy deeds deny the same/ 18 Whereas for to amend thy life thou art so slack: My word, the which thou dost pretend, is cast behind thy back, The third Part. 19 When thou a thief dost see, by theft to live in wealth: With him thou runst and dost agree likewise to thrive by stealth. 20 When thou dost them behold. that wives and maids defile: Thou lik'st it well, and waxest bold, to use that life most vile. 21 Thy lips thou dost apply, to slander and defame: Thy tongue is taught to craft and lie, and still doth use the same. 22 Thou studiest to revile thy friends to thee most neare: With slander thou wouldst needs defile thy mothers sonne most deare. 23 Hereat while I do wink, as though I did not see: Thou goest on still, and so dost think that I am like to thee. 24 But sure I will not let to strike when I begin: Thy faults in order I will set, And open all thy sin. 25 Mark this I you require, that have not God in mind: Lest when I plague you in mine ire, your help be far to find, 26 He that doth give to me the sacrifice of praise, Doth please me well and he shall see to walk in godly waies.

Al que sigue buen caminon (To the upright I will show)

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 50 Topics: 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time A; 10º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario A Used With Tune: [Al que sigue buen camino]

Psalm 50

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 50 First Line: The mighty one, God the LORD Refrain First Line: To the upright I will show Used With Tune: [The mighty one, God the Lord]
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The mighty God, the Lord, doth speak

Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 50 Lyrics: 1 The mighty God, the Lord, doth speak, and to earth doth call, even from the rising of the sun to where he hath his fall. 2 From out of Zion, his own hill, where beauty dwells enshrined, God in his glorious majesty and mighty power hath shined. 3 Our God assuredly shall come, keep silence shall not he; before him fire shall waste, great storms shall round about him be. 4 He to the heavens above shall call, and to the earth below, that of his people he to all his judgment just may show. 5 Let all my saints together now unto me gathered be, those that by sacrifice have made a covenant with me. 6 And then the heavens shall declare his righteousness abroad; because the Lord himself doth come; none else is judge but God. 7 Hear, O my people, I will speak, and I will testify against thee, O mine Israel; God, even thy God, am I. 8 Not for thy sacrifices I reprove thee ever will, nor for burnt-offerings, which have been before me offered still. 9 I’ll take no bullock nor he-goats from house nor folds of thine: 10 beasts of the forest, cattle all on thousand hills, are mine. 11 The fowls are all to me well known that mountains high do yield; and I do challenge as mine own the wild beasts of the field. 12 If I were hungry, I would not to thee for need complain; for earth, with all its fulness, doth to me of right pertain. 13 That I to eat the flesh of bulls take pleasure dost thou think? Or that I need, to quench my thirst, the blood of goats to drink? 14 Nay, rather unto me, thy God, thanksgiving offer thou; to the Most High perform thy word, and fully pay thy vow: 15 and in the day of thy distress do thou unto my cry; I will deliver thee, and thou my name shalt glorify. 16 But to the wicked man God saith, How is it thou dost dare my covenant in thy mouth to take, my statutes to declare? 17 And yet all good instruction thou perversely hated hast, likewise my words behind thy back thou in contempt dost cast. 18 When thou a thief didst see, with him thou didst consent to sin, and with the vile adulterers thou hast partaker been. 19 Thy mouth to evil thou dost give, thy tongue deceit doth frame. 20 Thou sitt’st, and ‘gainst thy brother speak’st, thy mother’s son to shame. 21 These things thou wickedly hast done, and I have silent been; thou thought’st that I was like thyself, and did approve thy sin: but I will sharply thee reprove, and set before thine eyes, arrayed in order, thy misdeeds and thine iniquities. 22 Consider this, and be afraid, ye that forget the Lord, lest I in pieces tear you all, when none can help afford. 23 He truly doth me glorify who offers to me praise; and him I'll God's salvation show that orders right his ways. Used With Tune: COLCHESTER
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The mighty God, the Lord

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 50 Lyrics: 1 The mighty God, the Lord, speaks, and to earth doth call even from the rising of the sun to where he hath his fall. 2 From out of Zion hill, where beauty dwells enshrined, God in his glorious majesty and mighty power hath shined. 3 Our God shall surely come, keep silence shall not he: before him fire shall waste, great storms shall round about him be. 4 Unto the heavens above he shall send forth his call, and likewise to the earth, that he may judge his people all. 5 Together let my saints unto me gathered be, those that by sacrifice have made a covenant with me. 6 And then the heavens shall his righteousness declare: because the Lord himself is he by whom men judged are. 7 My people Israel, hear: speak will I from on high; against thee I will testify; God, even thy God, am I. 8 I for thy sacrifice no blame will on thee lay: nor for burnt-offerings, which to me thou offeredst every day. 9 I’ll take no calf nor goats from house or fold of thine: 10 beasts of the forest, cattle all on thousand hills, are mine. 11 The fowls on mountains high are all to me well known; wild beasts which in the fields do lie, even they are all mine own. 12 Then, if I hungry were, I would not tell it thee; because the world, and fulness all thereof, belongs to me. 13 Will I eat flesh of bulls? Or goats’ blood drink will I? 14 Thanks offer thou to God, and pay thy vows to the Most High. 15 And call upon me when in trouble thou shalt be; I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glory give to me. 16 But to the wicked man God saith, Why dost thou dare my covenant in thy mouth to take, my statutes to declare? 17 Yet thou instruction wise perversely hated hast, likewise my words behind thy back thou in contempt dost cast. 18 Thou didst to him consent, when thou a thief hast seen; and with the vile adulterers thou hast partaker been. 19 Thou giv’st thy mouth to ill, thy tongue deceit doth frame; 20 thou sitt’st, and ‘gainst thy brother speak’st; thy mother’s son dost shame. 21 Because I silence kept, while thou these things hast wrought; that I was altogether like thyself hath been thy thought: Yet I will thee reprove, and set before thine eyes, arrayed in order, thy misdeeds, and thine iniquities. 22 Now, ye that God forget, consider this with care; lest I, when there is none to save, do you in pieces tear. 23 He doth me glorify who offers to me praise; and him I'll God’s salvation show that orders right his ways. Used With Tune: HAMPTON
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When Morning Gilds the Skies

Author: Edward Caswall, 1814-1878 Meter: Appears in 702 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 50:1 Lyrics: 1 When morning gilds the skies, my heart awaking cries, may Jesus Christ be praised! Alike at work and prayer to Jesus I repair, may Jesus Christ be praised! 2 Does sadness fill my mind? A solace here I find, may Jesus Christ be praised! Or fades my earthly bliss? My comfort still is this, may Jesus Christ be praised! 3 The night becomes as day, when from the heart we say, may Jesus Christ be praised! The powers of darkness fear when this sweet chant they hear, may Jesus Christ be praised! 4 Be this, while life is mine, my canticle divine, may Jesus Christ be praised! Be this th'eternal song through all the ages long, may Jesus Christ be praised! Topics: Adoration Used With Tune: LAUDES DOMINI Text Sources: Katholisches Gesangbuch, 1828
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The God of Abraham Praise

Author: David ben Judah Dayyan, fl. 1400; Thomas Olivers, 1725-1799 Meter: D Appears in 455 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 50:2 Lyrics: 1 The God of Abraham praise, Who reigns enthroned above; Ancient of everlasting days, And God of love; To him uplift your voice, At whose supreme command From earth we rise, and seek the joys At his right hand. 2 He by himself has sworn: I on his oath depend; I shall, on eagles' wings upborne, To heav'n ascend: I shall behold God's face, I shall his power adore, And sing the wonders of his grace For evermore. 3 There dwells the Lord, our King, The Lord, our Righteousness, Triumphant o'er the world and sin, The Prince of Peace; On Zion's sacred height His kingdom he maintains, And, glorious with the saints in light, For ever reigns. 4 The God who reigns on high The great archangels sing, And "Holy, Holy, Holy," cry, "Almighty King! Who was, and is, the same, For all eternity, Immortal Father, great I AM, All glory be." Topics: Lent 3,Year C; Ordinary Time 32, Year C; Lenten Season; Funeral; Gathering; Grace; Heaven; Kingdom; Praise; Saints; Trust Used With Tune: LEONI
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His Way with Thee

Author: C. S. N. Appears in 233 hymnals Scripture: Psalms 1-150 First Line: Would you live for Jesus, and be always pure and good Refrain First Line: His power can make you what you ought to be Used With Tune: [Would you live for Jesus, and be always pure and good]
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What a Gathering That Will Be!

Author: J. H. K. Appears in 166 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 50:5 First Line: At the sounding of the trumpet, when the saints are gathered home Refrain First Line: What a gath'ring, gath'ring Used With Tune: [At the sounding of the trumpet, when the saints are gathered home]


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