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Hymnal, Number:chss1801

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Come, let us lift our voices high

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XXVIII (1801) Lyrics: 1 [Come, let us lift our voices high, High as our joys arise, And join the songs above the sky, Where pleasure never dies. 2 Jesus, the God that fought and bled, And conquer'd when he fell; That rose, and at his chariot wheels Dragged all the pow'rs of hell.] 3 [Jesus, our God, invites us here To this triumphal feast, And brings immortal blessings down For each redeemed guest.] 4 The Lord how glorious is his face How kind his smiles appear! And oh! what melting words he says To ev'ry humble ear. 5 "For you, the children of my love, It was for you I dy'd; Behold my hands, behold my feet, And look into my side. 6 These are the wounds for you I bore, The tokens of my pains, When I came down to free your souls From misery and chains. 7 [Justice unsheath'd its fi'ry sword, And plung'd it in my heart; Infinite pangs for you I bore, And most tormenting smart. 8 When hell, and all its spiteful pow'rs, Stood dreadful in my way, To rescue those dear lives of yours I gave my own away. 9 But, while I bleed, and groan'd, and dy'd, I ruin'd Satan's throne. High on my cross I hung, and spy'd The monster tumbling down. 10 Now you must triumph at my feast, And taste my flesh, my blood, And live eternal ages blest, For 'tis immortal food." 11 Victorious God! what can we pay For favours so divine? We would devote our hearts away, To be forever thine.] 12 We give thee, Lord, our highest praise, The tribute of our tongues; But themes so infinite as these, Exceed our noblest songs. Languages: English

Come ye that know the Lord indeed

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XXIX (1801) Lyrics: 1 Come ye that know the Lord indeed, Who are from sin and bondage freed, Submit to all the ways of God, And walk the narrow, happy road. 2 Great tribulation you shall meet; But soon shall walk the golden street; Tho' hell may rage and vent her spite, Yet Christ will save his heart's delight. 3 The happy day will soon appear, When Gabriel's trumpet you shall hear, Sound thro' the earth, and down to hell, To call the nations, great and small. 4 Behold the righteous marching home— And all the angels bid them come; Whilst Christ the judge thy joy proclaims "Here come my saints, I own their names. 5 "Ye everlasting doors fly wide, "Make room for to receive my bride, "Ye bells in Heaven sound aloud, "Here comes the purchase of my blood. 6 In grandeur see the royal Line, In glittering robes the sun outshine. See saints and angels join in one, And march, in splendor, to the throne! 7 They stand and wonder and look on— They join in one eternal song, The great Redeemer to admire— While raptures set their souls on fire. Languages: English

How lost was my condition

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #III (1801) Lyrics: 1 How lost was my condition, Till Jesus made me whole; There is but one physician Can cure a sin sick soul: Next door to death he found me, And pluck'd me from the grave; To tell to all around me: His wond'rous power to save! 2 Of men great skill possessing, I thought a cure to gain, But that prov'd more distressing, And added to my pain: Some said that nothing ail'd me; Some gave me up for lost Thus every refuge fail'd me, And all my hopes were cross'd. 3 At length this great physician, How matchless in his power, Accepted my petition, And undertook my cure, First gave me sight to view him, For sin my sight had seal'd, Then bid me look unto him, I look'd and I was heal'd. 4 A bleeding, dying Jesus, Seen by an eye of Faith At once from sin it frees us, And saves our souls from death! Come then to this physician, His help he'll freely give He makes no hard condition, 'Tis, only look and live. Languages: English

Curst be the man, forever curst

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XXX (1801) Lyrics: 1 Curst be the man forever curst, Who doth his God forsake— "Death and damnation is but just "Without relief, and infinite." 2 Thus Sinai roars, and round the earth Thunder and fire, and vengeance flings; But, Jesus, thy dear gasping breath, And Calvary say gentler things. 3 Pardon, and grace, and boundless love Streaming along a Saviour's blood, And life and joys, and crowns above, Dear purchase of a bleeding God. 4 Hark— how he prays! the charming sound Dwells on his dying lips, "forgive;" And ev'ry groan and gaping wound Cries, "Father, let the rebels live!" 5 Go you that rest upon the law, And toil, and seek salvation there, Look to the flames that Moses saw, And shrink, and tremble, and despair. 6 But I'll retire beneath the cross, Saviour, at thy dear feet I'll lie, And the keen sword that Justice draws Flaming and red shall pass me by. Languages: English

Now begins the Heav'nly theme

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XXXI (1801) Lyrics: 1 Now begins the Heav'nly theme, Sing aloud in Jesus's name; Ye who Jesus's goodness prove, Triumph in redeeming love. 2 Ye who see the Father's grace Beaming in the Saviour's face, While to Canaan on ye move Bless and praise redeeming love. 3 Mourning souls, dry up your tears, Banish all your guilty fears, See your guilt and curse remove, Cancel'd by redeeming love. 4 Yes, alas, who long have been Willing slaves of death and sin, Now from bliss no longer rove, Stop and taste redeeming love. 5 Welcome all by sin opprest, Welcome to a sacred rest; Nothing brought him from above, Nothing but redeeming love. 6 He subdu'd th' infernal pow'rs His tremendous foe and ours, To their cursed Empire drove, Mighty in redeeming love. 7 Hither then your music bring, Strike aloud each joyful string; Mortals join the hosts above; Join to praise redeeming love. Languages: English

How long shall Death the Tyrant reign

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XXXII (1801) Lyrics: 1 How long shall Death the Tyrant reign And triumph o'er the just, While the rich blood of martyrs slain Lies mingled with the dust. 2 When will the tedious night be gone? When will our Lord appear; Our fond desires would pray him down, Our love embrace him here. 3 Let faith arise and climb the hills, And from afar descry How distant are his chariot wheels, And tell how fast they fly. 4 Lo! I behold the scattering shades, The dawn of Heav'n appears! The sweet immortal morning spreads Its blushes round the spheres, 5 I see the Lord of Glory come, And flaming guards around; The Skies divide to make him room, The trumpet shakes the ground. 6 I hear the voice— "ye dead arise," And straight the graves obey, And waking Saints with joyful eyes Salute the expected day. 7 They leave the ground, and on the wing Rais'd to the middle air, In shining garments meet their King, And lo adore him there. 8 O may my humble spirit stand Amongst them clothed in white: The meanest place at thy right hand Is infinite delight. 9 How will our joy and wonder rise, When our returning King, Shall bear us homeward thro' the skies On love's triumphant wing! Languages: English

The great tremendous day's approaching

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XXXIII (1801) Lyrics: 1 The great tremendous day's approaching, That awful scene is drawing nigh; Was long foretold by ancient Prophets, Decreed from all eternity. 2 But O my soul reflect and wonder, That awful scene is drawing near, When you shall see that great transaction, When Christ in Judgment shall appear! 3 See, nature stand all in amazement, To hear the last loud trumpet sound, "Arise ye dead and come to judgment, "Ye nations of the world around:" 4 Loud thunder rumbling thro' the concave, Bright forked lightning parts the skies, The Heav'ns a shaking the earth a quaking: The gloomy sight attracts mine eyes. 5 The orbit lamps all veil'd in sackcloth, No more their shining circuits run; The wheel of time stopped in a moment, Eternal things are now begun: 6 Huge mossy rocks and tow'ring mountains Over their tumbling bases roar, The raging ocean all in commotion, Is hov'ring round her frighted shore. 7 Green turfy graveyards and tombs of marble Give up their dead, both small and great; See the whole world, both Saint and Sinner Are coming to the judgment seat: 8 See Jesus on the throne of Justice Come thundering down the parted sky, With countless armies of shining Angels, With Hallelujahs shouts for joy. 9 Bright shining streams from his awful presence, His face ten thousand Suns outshines; Behold him coming in power and glory To meet him all his Saints combine. 10 "Go forth ye Heralds with speed like lightning, "Call in your Saints from distant land, "Those that my blood from Hell has ransom'd, "Whose names in life's fair book do stand. 11 "O come ye blessed of my father, "The purchase of my dying love, "Receive the crowns of life and glory, "Which are laid up for you above. 12 "For your dear souls which have continued "With me, and my temptations bore, "I have provided for you a kingdom, "To reign with me for evermore." 13 There's flowing fountains of living water, No sickness, pain nor death to fear; No sorrow, sighing, no tears nor weeping Shall ever have admittance there. 14 But how will sinners stand and tremble, When Justice calls them to the bar; Those that reject his offer'd mercy, Their everlasting doom to hear? 15 See justice now with indignation, Calling aloud for sinner's blood, Those that have slighted offer'd mercy, And crucify'd the Son of God. 16 "Depart from me ye cursed sinners, "My face you never more shall see, "Be banish'd from my peaceful presence, "To endless woe and misery. 17 Each guilty soul then struck with horror And anguish, throbbing in their breast; For ever doom'd to endless sorrow, And never more to hope for rest. 18 Come sinners here's a faithful warning, Return to Jesus whilst you may, For he is ready to receive you, Or else you must depart away. Languages: English

Awake my heart, arise my tongue

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XXXIV (1801) Lyrics: 1 Awake my heart, arise my tongue, Prepare a tuneful voice, In God, the life of all my joys, Aloud will I rejoice. 2 'Tis he adorn'd my naked soul, And made salvation mine; Upon a poor, polluted worm, He makes his graces shine. 3 And lest the shadow of a spot, Should on my soul be found, He took the robe the Saviour wrought, And cast it all around. 4 How far that Heav'nly robe exceeds, What earthly princes wear! These ornaments, how bright they shine! How white the garments are! 5 The spirit wrought my faith and love, And hope, and every grace; But Jesus spent his life to work, The robe of righteousness. 6 Strangely my soul art thou array'd By the great, sacred Three! In sweetest harmony of praise, Let all my pow'rs agree. Languages: English

Come all ye poor sinners that from Adam came

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XXXV (1801) Lyrics: 1 Come all ye poor sinners that from Adam came, Ye poor and ye blind, and ye halt, and ye lame, Close in with the gospel, upon its own terms, Or you'll burn forever, like poor, mortal worms. 2 When the Lord shall descend, with a shout, from above, And call home his saints to bless them with his love, And you not renew'd in your souls by his grace, Away you must turn with a sorrowful face. 3 For if you deny Christ, he will deny you You'll be found on his left hand with the wicked crew In horror and in torment forever you'll lie; In vain then for mercy, in vain you must cry. 4 You've read of the rich man and beggar also; The beggar he died and to Jesus did go; The rich man he died, and to his sad surprise, Awak'd in Hell, and he lift up his eyes; 5 Seeing Abra'm afar off in the mansions above, And Laz'rus in his bosom in raptures of love, He cry'd, "father Abra'm, send to my relief, "For I am tormented with pain and with grief." 6 He said, "Son remember when you liv'd so bold, "Dress'd in your fine linen, your purple and gold, "Whilst Laz'rus was laid at your gate full of grief, "You had not compassion to give him relief. 7 "Besides there's a gulph fix't betwixt us you see, "So those that would pass from hence can't come to thee; "But there you must lie, and lament your sad state, For now you are sending your cries up too late." 8 He cried "father Abra'm, I pray you provide, "Send one from the dead, I've five brethren beside, "They hearing from me and of my wretched state, "Perhaps they'll repend now, before 'tis too late. 9 "They have a rich gospel that spreads far and wide; "They've Moses, the prophets, and apostles beside, "If they'll not adhere unto them and repent, "They will not believe though one from the dead went." 10 Come, poor Zion mourners, O don't you despair, But cry to your Jesus, he'll answer you pray'r; He'll hear your complaints, and ease all your grief; He'll pardon your sins, and will give you relief. 11 And when you shall come to lay your bodies down, You'll fly to the regions where you'll wear a crown, The smiles that will come from sweet Jesus's face Will make you adore and admire his free grace. Languages: English

Oh! how I have long'd for the coming of God

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XXXVI (1801) Lyrics: 1 Oh! how I have long'd for the coming of God— And sought him, by praying and searching his word. With watching and fasting my soul was oppress'd, Nor would I give over 'till Jesus had bless'd. 2 The news of his mercy at length I did hear, According to promise he answer'd my prayer— And glory is open'd in floods, on my soul! Salvation from Zion's beginning to roll. 3 The news of his mercy is spreading abroad, And sinners come crying and weeping to God; Their mourning and praying is heard very loud, And many's found favour in Jesus's blood. 4 Here's more, my dear Saviour, that falls at thy feet, Opprest by a burthen enormously great. Oh! raise me, my Jesus, to tell of thy love, And shout hallelujah with angels above. 5 I'll sing and I'll shout, and I'll shout and I'll sing, O God make the nations in praises to ring. With loud acclamations of Jesus's love, And carry us all to the city above. 6 We'll wait for his chariot, it seems to draw near, O come, my dear Saviour, let glory appear, We long to be singing and shouting above, With angels, o'erwhelm'd in Jesus's love. Languages: English


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