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Thomas Scott

1705 - 1775 Hymnal Number: 182 Author of "Lo the rock is rolled away" in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected. (14th stereotype ed.) Thomas Scott was born at Norwich, and was the son of a Dissenting minister. After his education he began his ministerial life at Wartmell, in Norfolk, adding also the labours of school-teaching. Subsequently he changed his pastoral relations several times, spending the last years of his life at Hupton, in Norfolk, where he died in 1776. He was the author of some prose works, several poems, and a few hymns. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872 ============================ Scott, Thomas, son of Thomas Scott, Independent Minister at Norwich, brother of Elizabeth Scott, and nephew of Dr. Daniel Scott, was born at Norwich, 1705. As a young man he kept a school at Wortwell, and preached once a month at Harleston, Norfolk. Then, after a short ministry at Lowestoft, he removed in 1734 to Ipswich as co-pastor with Mr. Baxter of the Presbyterian congregation meeting in St. Nicholas Street Chapel. On the death of his senior in 1740 he became sole pastor. In 1774 he retired to Hapton, and died there in 1775. He was the author of various poetical works, including:— (1) The Table of Cebes; or, the Picture of Human Life, in English Verse, with Notes, 1754; (2) The Book of Job, in English Verse; translated from the original Hebrew, with Remarks, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory, 1771; 2nd ed. 1773; (3) Lyric Poems, Devotional and Moral. By Thomas Scott, London, James Buckland, 1773. To Dr. Enfield's Hymns for Public Worship, Warrington, 1772, he contributed "All-knowing God, 'tis Thine to know" (p. 43, ii.); "Angels! roll the rock away" (p. 69, i.); "As various as the moon " (p. 85, ii.); and the following:— 1. Absurd and vain attempt to bind. Persecution. 2. Behold a wretch in woe. Mercy. 3. Imposture shrinks from light. Private Judgment, its Rights and Duties. 4. Mark, when tempestuous winds arise. Meekness. 5. O come all ye sons of Adam and raise. Universal Praise to God. 6. Th' uplifted eye and bended knee. Devotion vain without Virtue. 7. Was pride,alas, e'er made for man? Humility. 8. Why do I thus perplex? Worldly Anxiety reproved. In his Preface to his Lyric Poems, 1773, he said that the object of his work was:— "To form a kind of little poetical system of piety and morals. The work opens with natural religion. Thence it proceeds to the mission of Jesus Christ, his sufferings, his exaltation, and the propagation of his doctrine. Next is the call to repentance, the nature and blessedness of a Christian life, and the entrance into it. These topics are succeeded by the various branches of devotion: after which are ranked the moral duties, personal and social, the happy end of a sincere Christian, and the coming of Jesus Christ to finish his mediatorial kingdom by the general judgment. The whole is closed with a description of the illustrious times, when by means of the everlasting gospel, the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." Of Scott's better known hymns this volume contained most of those named above, and:— 9. Hasten, sinner, to be wise. p. 493, ii. 10. Who, gracious Father, can complain? The Divine Dispensation In the Collection of Hymns and Psalms, &c, 1795, by Kippis, Rees, and others, several of the above were repeated, and the following were new:— 11. If high or low our station be. Justice. 12. Happy the meek whose gentle breast. Meekness. Doctrinally Scott might be described as an evangelical Arian. Hymns of his appear in most of the old Presbyterian collections at the close of the last century, and in the early Unitarian collections. Several are still in common use in G. Britain and America. [Rev. Valentine D. Davis, B.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Mason

1645 - 1694 Hymnal Number: 104 Author of "Now from the altar of my heart [our hearts]" in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected. (14th stereotype ed.) Mason, John. The known facts of his life are scanty. He was the son of a Dissenting Minister, and the grandfather of John Mason, the author of A Treatise on Self-Knowledge. He was educated at Strixton School, Northants, and Clare Hall, Cambridge. After taking his M.A., he became Curate of Isham; and in 1668, Vicar of Stantonbury, Bucks. A little more than five years afterwards he was appointed Rector of Water-Stratford. Here he composed the volume containing The Songs of Praise, his paraphrase of The Song of Solomon, and the Poem on Dives and Lazarus, with which Shepherd's Penitential Cries was afterwards bound up. This volume passed through twenty editions. Besides the Songs of Praise, it contains six Penitential Cries by Mason, and it is this portion of his work which harmonizes with the compositions of Shepherd. Probably his hymns were used in public worship, and if so, they are among the earliest hymns so used in the Church of England. Some of his hymns are often found in the early Hymn Collections of the 18th century. The most notable work besides this volume is Select Remains of the Rev, John Mason, a collection of sententious and practical sayings and Christian letters, published by his grandson, and much eulogized by Dr. Watts. His friend, Shepherd, who was at Water-Stratford at the remarkable period to which reference is made below, published two of Mason's Sermons, with a preface of his own. Mason was a man of true piety and humility; known for eminent prayerfulness; faithful, experimental, effectual preaching; "a light in the pulpit, and a pattern out of it." His friendship with Baxter, and Shepherd, the Nonconformist Minister of Braintree, probably indicates his sympathies and theological position. Baxter calls him "the glory of the Church of England," and says :— "The frame of his spirit was so heavenly, his deportment so humble and obliging, his discourse of spiritual things so weighty, with such apt words and delightful air, that it charmed all that had any spiritual relish.” The close of his life was sensational enough. One night, about a month before his death, he had a vision of the Lord Jesus, wearing on His head a glorious crown, and with a look of unutterable majesty in His face. Of this vision he spoke; and preached a Sermon called The Midnight Cry, in which he proclaimed the near approach of Christ's Second Advent. A report spread that this Advent would take place at Water-Stratford itself, and crowds gathered there from the surrounding villages. Furniture and provisions were brought in, and every corner of the house and village occupied. Most extraordinary scenes occurred, singing and leaping and dancing. The excitement had scarcely died out when the old man passed away (1694), still testifying that he had seen the Lord, and that it was time for the nation to tremble, and for Christians to trim their lamps. His last words were, “I am full of the loving kindness of the Lord." [Rev. H. Leigh Bennett, M.A.] The full titles of his Songs of Praise, and the additions thereto, are:— (1) Spiritual Songs; or, Songs of Praise to Almighty God upon several occasions, 1683. (2) The Song of Songs which is Solomon's first Turned, then Paraphrased in English Verse. Published with the former. (3) Dives and Lazarus, incorporated with the former 1685. (4) Penitential Cries, Begun by the Author of the Songs of Praise, And carried on by another Hand. Licensed and Entered, Sept. 13, 1693. This forms the concluding part of all editions of the Songs of Praise after 1693. The complete work was reprinted by D. Sedgwick in 1859. This reprint was accompanied by a short Memoir. In this reprint Mason's Penitential Cries and Ps. 86 are given under Songs of Praise, pp. 49-61, those under Penitential Cries being all by Shepherd (q.v.). Mason's Life, by John Dunton, was published in 1694, and included some miscellaneous poems; and another, by Henry Maurice, in 1695, in which are two hymns not found elsewhere. We may add that Mason published a Catechism, with some Verses for Children. Of this, however, no copy is known to exist. Mason's Songs are commonly presented in modern hymnbooks in the form of centos, which are sometimes compiled from a single Song, and in other instances from several Songs. Many of these are annotated under their respective first lines. The rest include:— 1. Blest be my God that I was born. Praise for the Gospel. 2. Lord, for the mercies of the night. Morning. 3. Lord of my life, Length of my days. Praise for Deliverance from Immediate danger of Death. 4. My God, a God of pardon is. Praise for Pardon of Sin. 5. My God, my only Help and Hope. Praise for Providence. 6. My God, my reconciled God. Praise for Peace of Conscience. 7. My God was with me all this night. Morning. 8. Thou wast, 0 God; and Thou wast blest. Praise for Creation. 9. Thousands of thousands stand around. Praise. A cento from Songs i. and ii. In Griffith, Farran & Co.'s Ancient and Modern Library, No. 12, Giles Fletcher's Christ's Victory and Triumph, &c, 1888, p. 208 (edited by W. T. Brooke), a short hymn by Mason is given from Multum in Parvo: or the Jubilee of Jubilees, 1732, beginning "High praises meet and dwell within." It is an indifferent example of Mason's powers as a writer of sacred verse. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ==================== Mason, J., p. 716, ii. Mason's Midnight Cry, stated on p. 717, i. as having been preached in 1694, was delivered in 1691. The 1st ed. of this sermon is:— “The Midnight Cry. A Sermon Preached On the Parable of the Ten Virgins . . . . By J. M., M.A., Rector of W. in the County of B., London: Nathanael Ranew . . 1691. This edition has no hymns. To the 4th ed. in 1692, published by the same Nathanael Ranew, there was added:— The Fourth Edition, with the Addition of two Hymns for the Coming of Christ. By the same Author. The first of these hymns begins:— "The evening of the Day Portends a dismal night," and is in 12 stanzas of 8 lines. The second hymn is:— "Come, come, my dearest, dearest Lord, Make haste and come away." This is in 14 stanzas of 4 lines. Of the first and fifth eds. there are copies in the Brit. Museum, and of the first in the Julian Collection of the Church House, London. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Robert Robinson

1735 - 1790 Hymnal Number: S104 Author of "O thou fount of every blessing" in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected. (14th stereotype ed.) Robert Robinson was born at Swaffham, Norfolk, in 1735. In 1749, he was apprenticed to a hairdresser, in Crutched Friars, London. Hearing a discourse preached by Whitefield on "The Wrath to Come," in 1752, he was deeply impressed, and after a period of much disquietude, he gave himself to a religious life. His own peculiar account of this change of life is as follows:--"Robertus Michaelis Marineque Robinson filius. Natus Swaffhami, comitatu Norfolciae, Saturni die Sept. 27, 1735. Renatus Sabbati die, Maii 24, 1752, per predicationem potentem Georgii Whitefield. Et gustatis doloribus renovationis duos annos mensesque septem, absolutionem plenam gratuitamque, per sanguinem pretiosum i secula seculorum. Amen." He soon after began to preach, and ministered for some time in connection with the Calvinistic Methodists. He subsequently joined the Independents, but after a short period preferred the Baptist connection. In 1761, he became pastor of a Baptist congregation at Cambridge. About the year 1780, he began to incline towards Unitarianism, and at length his people deemed it essential to procure his resignation. While arrangements for this purpose were in progress he died suddenly at Bingham, in June 1790. He wrote and published a good many works of ability. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ============================= Robinson, Robert, the author of "Come, Thou fount of every blessing," and "Mighty God, while angels bless Thee," was born at Swaffham, in Norfolk, on Sept. 27, 1735 (usually misgiven, spite of his own authority, as Jan. 8), of lowly parentage. Whilst in his eighth year the family migrated to Scarning, in the same county. He lost his father a few years after this removal. His widowed mother was left in sore straits. The universal testimony is that she was a godly woman, and far above her circumstances. Her ambition was to see her son a clergyman of the Church of England, but poverty forbade, and the boy (in his 15th year) was indentured in 1749 to a barber and hairdresser in London. It was an uncongenial position for a bookish and thoughtful lad. His master found him more given to reading than to his profession. Still he appears to have nearly completed his apprenticeship when he was released from his indentures. In 1752 came an epoch-marking event. Out on a frolic one Sunday with like-minded companions, he joined with them in sportively rendering a fortune-telling old woman drunk and incapable, that they might hear and laugh at her predictions concerning them. The poor creature told Robinson that he would live to see his children and grandchildren. This set him a-thinking, and he resolved more than ever to "give himself to reading”. Coincidently he went to hear George Whitefield. The text was St. Matthew iii. 7, and the great evangelist's searching sermon on "the wrath to come" haunted him blessedly. He wrote to the preacher six years later penitently and pathetically. For well nigh three years he walked in darkness and fear, but in his 20th year found "peace by believing." Hidden away on a blank leaf of one of his books is the following record of his spiritual experience, the Latin doubtless having been used to hold it modestly private:— "Robertus, Michaelis Mariseque Robinson filius. Natus Swaffhami, comitatu Norfolciae, Saturni die Sept. 27, 1735. Renatus Sabbati die, Maii 24,1752, per predicationem potentem Georgii Whitefield. Et gustatis doloribus renovationis duos annosque septem absolutionem plenam gratuitamque, per sanguinem pretiosum Jesu Christi, inveni (Tuesday, December 10, 1755) cui sit honor et gloria in secula seculorum. Amen." Robinson remained in London until 1758, attending assiduously on the ministry of Gill, Wesley, and other evangelical preachers. Early in this year he was invited as a Calvinistic Methodist to the oversight of a chapel at Mildenhall, Norfolk. Thence he removed within the year to Norwich, where he was settled over an Independent congregation. In 1759, having been invited by a Baptist Church at Cambridge (afterwards made historically famous by Robert Hall, John Foster, and others) he accepted the call, and preached his first sermon there on Jan. 8, 1759, having been previously baptized by immersion. The "call" was simply "to supply the pulpit," but he soon won such regard and popularity that the congregation again and again requested him to accept the full pastoral charge. This he acceded to in 1761, alter persuading the people to "open communion." In 1770 he commenced his abundant authorship by publishing a translation from Saurin's sermons, afterwards completed. In 1774 appeared his masculine and unanswerable Arcana, or the Principles of the Late Petitioners to Parliament for Relief in the matter of Subscription. In 1776 was published A Plea for the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ in a Pastoral Letter to a Congregation of Protestant Dissenters at Cambridge. Dignitaries and divines of the Church of England united with Nonconformists in lauding this exceptionally able, scholarly, and pungently written book. In 1777 followed his History and Mystery of Good Friday. The former work brought him urgent invitations to enter the ministry of the Church of England, but he never faltered in his Nonconformity. In 1781 he was asked by the Baptists of London to prepare a history of their branch of the Christian Church. This resulted, in 1790, in his History of Baptism and Baptists, and in 1792, in his Ecclesiastical Researches. Other theological works are included in the several collective editions of his writings. He was prematurely worn out. He retired in 1790 to Birmingham, where he was somehow brought into contact with Dr. Priestley, and Unitarians have made much of this, on exceedingly slender grounds. He died June 9, 1790. His Life has been fully written by Dyer and by William Robinson respectively, both with a bias against orthodoxy. His three changes of ecclesiastical relationship show that he was somewhat unstable and impulsive. His hymns are terse yet melodious, evangelical but not sentimental, and on the whole well wrought. His prose has all…that vehement and enthusiastic glow of passion that belongs to the orator. (Cf. Dyer and Robinson as above, and Gadsby's Memoirs of Hymn-Writers(3rd ed., 1861); Belcher's Historical Sketches of Hymns; Millers Singers and Songs of the Church; Flower's Robinson's Miscellaneous Works; Annual Review, 1805, p. 464; Eclectic Review, Sept. 1861. [Rev. A. B. Grosart, D.D., LL.D.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

W. Shrubsole

1759 - 1829 Person Name: William Shrubsole Hymnal Number: 51 Author of "Arm of the Lord, awake, awake, put on thy strength" in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected. (14th stereotype ed.) William Shrubsole was born in Sheerness, Kent, in 1759. His first occupation was as a shipwright in Sheerness Dockyard, but he was promoted, and afterwards removed to London, where he at length held the position of Secretary to the Committee of the Treasury in the Bank of England. He died at Highbury, in 1829. Mr. Shrubsole was the author of several hymns, and some articles in the religious magazines of his day. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A. 1872. ============================= Shrubsole, William, eldest son of William Shrubsole, a master mastmaker in the dockyard at Sheerness, Kent, and a Lay Preacher, was born at Sheerness, Nov. 21, 1759. In his earlier years he was engaged as a shipwright in the dockyard, and then as a clerk. In 1765 he removed to London, and entered the Bank of England as a clerk. He subsequently became the Secretary to the Committee of the Treasury. He died at Highbury, Aug. 23, 1829. Mr. Shrubsole was for some time a communicant at St. Anne's, Blackfriars, during the incumbency of the Rev. W.Goode; but during the last twenty years of his life he was a member with the Congregationalists, and attended the Hoxton Academy Chapel. He interested himself in religious societies, and especially the London Missionary Society (of which he became a director and one of the secretaries), the Bible Society, and the Religious Tract Society. He contributed hymns to the Evangelical Magazine, the Christian Magazine, the Theological Miscellany, the Christian Observer and the Youths' Magazine, at various dates, from 1775 to 1813. To these works we have traced nearly twenty of his hymns. A Memoir of Shrubsole was contributed by his daughter to Dr. Morison's Fathers and Founders of the London Missionary Society, 2 vols., London, Fisher, Sons & Co., 1844. Seven of his hymns are also given, together with a portrait, in the same work. His hymns in common use include:— 1. Arm of the Lord, awake, awake. Put on Thy strength, the nations shake. Missions. This appeared in Missionary Hymns, 1795; and in Morison's Fathers and Founders, &c, 1844, vol. i. p. 451, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines. Dr. Rogers in his Lyra Britannica, 1867, attributes this hymn to Shrubsole's father, and dates it 1780. Against this statement we can only put the fact that it is claimed in Morison for the son. Original text, Lyra Britanica, 1867, p. 502. 2. Bright as the sun's meridian blaze . Missions. Written Aug. 10, 1795, for the first meeting of the London Missionary Society. It was printed in the Evangelical Magazine, Sept., 1795, headed “On the intended Mission," and signed "Junior." It is also in Morison, 1844, i. p. 449, together with the note that the hymn "was duly acknowledged by Mr. Shrubsole in his lifetime, and the original manuscript, with numerous corrections, is in possession of his family, in his own autograph," and that it bears date "August 10, 1795." Original text Lyra Britanica, 1867, p. 504. 3. In all the paths my feet pursue. Looking unto Jesus. Appeared in the Evangelical Magazine, 1794; in Morison, i., 1844, p. 454; and Lyra Britanica, 1867, p. 503. 4. Shall science distant lands explore? Missions. Published in the Evangelical Magazine, 1795; and again in Morison, 1844, i. p. 452. 5. When streaming from the Eastern skies . Daily Duties; or, Morning. Published in the Christian Observer, Aug., 1813, in 8 stanzas of 8 lines, headed "Daily Duties, Dependence and Enjoyment," and signed Probus. Also in Morison, 1844, i. p. 453; and Lyra Brittanica, 1867, p. 505. The well-known cento, "As every day Thy mercy spares," is from this hymn, and begins with st. iii. 6. Ye saints, your grateful praises bring

Robert Sandemann

Hymnal Number: P13 Author of "Awake, O Zion's daughter, rise" in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected. (14th stereotype ed.)

John Telemachus Johnson

1788 - 1856 Person Name: J. T. Johnson Editor of "" in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected. (14th stereotype ed.) Johnson, John Telemachus; Disciples of Christ preacher; attended Transylvania College; admitted to the bar 1809; member of Ky. House; member of the U.S. House; judge of Court of Appeals; minister; editor of Christian messenger; instrumental in establishing old Bacon College, Georgetown, Ky.; b. 10/5/1788 at Great Crossings, Scott Co., Ky.; d. 12/17/1856 at Lexington, Mo. LOC Name Authority File


Hymnal Number: S27 Author of "How happy is the Christian's state [mind]" in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected. (14th stereotype ed.)

Josiah Hopkins

1786 - 1862 Person Name: Josiah Hopkins Hymnal Number: 15 Author of "O turn ye [you], O turn ye [you], for why will ye [you] die" in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected. (14th stereotype ed.) Hopkins, Josiah , D.D., was born at Pittsford, Vermont, April 13, 1786. From 1809 to 1830 he was pastor of a Congregational Church, at New Haven, Vermont; and from 1830 to 1848 of the First Presbyterian Church, Auburn, New York. He died at Geneva, New York, July 27, 1862. He was the editor of Conference Hymns , Auburn, 1846, and contributed hymns to the Christian Lyre , N. Y., 1830. From the latter work his hymns in common use are taken:— 1. 0 turn ye, 0 turn ye, for why will ye die. Expostulation. 2. Why sleep we, my brethren. Expostulation. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

John Fellows

? - 1785 Hymnal Number: 28 Author of "The food on which thy children live" in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected. (14th stereotype ed.) Fellows, John. Date of birth unknown; d. 1785. He was the author of the following:— (1) Grace Triumphant, a Sacred Poem in nine books, 1770; (2) Bromsgrove Elegy, in blank verse, on the Death of Rev. G. Whitefield, 1771; (3) An Elegy on the Death of Dr. Gill, 1771; (4) Hymns on Believers' Baptism, Birmingham, 1773; (5) The Apostle Paul's Defence before Felix, in verse, 1775; (6) Hymns in a great variety of Metres, on the Perfection of the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, 1776; (7) The History of the Holy Bible, attempted in easy verse, 4 vols., 1777; (8) Six Instructive Views of Believers' Baptism, a tract published both separately and as an Introduction to the 2nd edition of his “Hymns on Believers' Baptism" 1777; (9) A Fair and Impartial Enquiry into the Rise, &c., of the Church of Rome, 1779; and also (10) "A Protestant Catechism." Considering how numerous were the writings of J. Fellows, it is remarkable how little is known of him. It is stated by Dr. Joseph Belcher, in Historical Sketches of Hymns (Philadelphia, 1859), that he was a poor shoemaker, a member of the Baptist denomination, and that he lived in Birmingham. The evidence for this is tolerably clear. That Fellows was a Baptist and not a Methodist, as Watt & Allibone say, is clear from his baptismal hymns. That be lived in or near Birmingham is likely from the fact that most of his books date from Birmingham, and are said to be printed for the author, though sold by G. Keith, Gracecburch Street, London. Also, to the 2nd edition of his Hymns on Believers' Baptism (1777) is prefixed a note of commendation, signed by eight Baptist ministers, who say they are personally acquainted with the author; and the first three names are those of the Baptist ministers at Birmingham, Coventry and Bromsgrove. From the records of the Baptist church formerly in Cannon Street, Birmingham, it appears that a John Fellows joined it early in 1780, and continued a member till his death on July 30, 1785. But one of J. Fellows's earlier pieces is entitled a Bromsgrove Elegy. Combining these facts we infer that Fellows first lived at Bromsgrove, and then, removing to Birmingham, joined the church in Cannon Street. His hymns on Baptism are 55 in number. 6 are in Rippon's Selection, 1787. Some of his hymns are in all Baptist hymn-books, from Rippon to modern collections. These include the disputed "Humble souls who seek salvation", the hymn on behalf of children, "Great God, now condescend"; and others, all of which are annotated under their respective first lines. In addition the following are in limited use:— 1. Dear Lord, and will Thy pardoning love Embrace, &c. Adult Baptism. No. 28 of his Hymns on Believers' Baptism, 1773, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines, and headed "The Believer constrained by the love of Christ to fol¬low Him in His Ordinance." In Rippon's Selection, 1787, it was reduced to 4 stanzas: and in the Baptist Hymnal, 1879, to 6, stanza vi. being omitted. It is also sometimes given as "0 Lord, and will Thy pardoning love, &c." 2. Descend, Celestial Dove. Invocation of the Holy Spirit at Holy Baptism. No. 55 of his Hymns on Believers' Baptism, 1773, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines. In Rippon's Selection, 1787, these were rearranged in 4 stanzas, and again in the American Baptist Hymn & Tune Book, 1871, to 3 stanzas. 3. Go, teach the nations and baptize. Holy Baptism. No. 454, in Rippon's Selection, 1787, in 3 stanzas of 3 lines. It is given in a few American collections. 4. Great God, we in Thy courts appear. Holy Baptism. No. 43 in his Hymns on Believers' Baptism, 1773, and Rippon's Selection, 1787, No. 452, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. It sometimes begins with stanza iii., "In Thy assembly here we stand." 5. Jesus, Mighty King of [in] Zion. Holy Baptism; Christ the Guide. No. 29 of his Hymns on Believers' Baptism, 1773, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines and headed, "Believers buried with Christ in Baptism." Rippon, 1787, reduced it to 3 stanzas, and these have been repeated in later collections as the American Baptist Hymn & Tune Book, 1871, &c. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Edmund Jones

1722 - 1765 Hymnal Number: S136 Author of "Come, humble sinner, in whose breast" in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected. (14th stereotype ed.) Jones, Edmund, son of the Rev. Philip Jones, Cheltenham, was born in 1722, and attended for a time the Baptist College at Bristol. At the age of 19 he began to preach for the Baptist Congregation at Exeter, and two years afterwards he became its pastor. In 1760 he published a volume of Sacred Poems. After a very-useful ministry he died April 15, 1765. From an old manuscript record of the Exeter Baptist Church, it appears that it was under his ministry in the year 1759, that singing was first introduced into that Church as a part of worship. As a hymn-writer he is known chiefly through:— Come, humble sinner, in whose breast. This hymn appeared in Rippon's Baptist Selection, 1181, No. 355, in 1 stanza of 4 lines, and headed, "The successful Resolve—'I will go in unto the King,' Esther iv. 16." It has undergone several changes, including:— 1. "Come, sinner, in whose guilty breast." In the Methodist Free Church Sunday School Hymn Book, 1860. 2. “Come, trembling sinner, in whose breast." This is in a great number of American hymn-books. 3. “Come, weary sinner, in whose breast." Also in American use. Miller, in his Singers & Songs of the Church, 1869, p. 333, attributes this hymn to a Welsh Baptist hymn-writer of Trevecca, and of the same name. Rippon, however, says in the first edition of his Selection that Edmund Jones, the author of No. 333, was pastor of the Baptist Church at Exon, Devon. This decides the matter. [Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.] --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ================ Jones, Edmund, p. 605, ii. In The Church Book, by L. W. Bacon, N. Y., 1883, No. 279 begins with stanzas ii. of Jones's hymn, "Come, humble sinner, &c," and begins:—"I'll go to Jesus, though my sin." Also note that in that article the words “author of No. 333," should read "author of No. 355." --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)


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